I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 190 The Rise of the Tide (7,000 monthly tickets for additional updates)

Does the director know that the movie he is making is a bad movie?

Some directors know!

I even knew from the beginning that the movie I was making was bad, but I had to keep making it.


Because of capital!

Because capital allows you to shoot like this!

There are too many people pointing fingers, and many times the director becomes the executor of capital.


There are also directors who don’t know.

Not only does he not know, but when someone questions his movie, he will get angry, he will refute, he will even feel insulted, and even think that these people want to kill his whole family!

When the box office is poor, they will not even suspect that it is their own problem, but will attribute the problem to the audience...

The movies I made are too good, it’s your audience’s problem!

The audience is so rubbish!

Now you trash can't understand my movies, but in five years or ten years, you will understand, and you will kneel down to me and worship me as a god!

Chen Bin.

Belongs to the latter.

"Paging 1988" is Chen Bin's painstaking work.

He prepared for this film for two years and shot it for a year. After filming, he admired it himself and edited it again using stream of consciousness and felt that he had made a masterpiece.


Through his good friend Gao Hui's relationship, he allowed "Paging 1988" to be released in cinemas.

After its release, it received a dismal box office performance and received numerous criticisms!

The audience said they couldn’t understand and called for refunds...

The flood of doubts did not make him realize that there was something wrong with his movie, nor did it even make him despair. Instead, it made him more frustrated and courageous!

All he felt was anger and a little bit of loneliness.

Artists are always angry and lonely.

He thinks so!

Then, the movie "Paging 1988" was nominated for the Golden Horse Award, and then failed...

The criticism from the outside world is getting louder and louder, and some people even suspect that he used the back door.

In fact, he did go through the back door, but it still couldn't stop the anger deep in his heart, but he suppressed it.

Assistant director and starring Gao Hui also had the same sentiment as him. Both of them felt that their talents were not appreciated by Bole. The greater the criticism from the outside world, the lonelier he felt!

Since China does not agree with me, then I will invest overseas!

In this world, there are always people who agree with them!

All early artists have encountered such a stage!


Hard work, God will not let you down!

They met the [Southern California International Film Awards]!

They feel like they have met a soulmate!

Not only did my confidant praise them for the good work of their film, but they not only chatted with them about a lot of core content, but also praised their "stream of consciousness" and even re-edited the film with them to make this "stream of consciousness" more thorough!

That kind of affirmation from overseas makes them feel extremely professional!

They even think that the judge on the other side of the computer is definitely a professional judge at Cannes, Berlin, or even Oscar level!

The feeling of being appreciated and valued is simply unparalleled!

but now……

Some people questioned that they used the back door, and some questioned that this so-called [Southern California International Film Awards] is a Pheasant Award!

That anger! The artist's long-suppressed anger was completely detonated at this moment!


"calm down!"

"Why are you calm? I think I did everything right!"

"You are a director, a director, you should have the image of a director..."

"I've been putting up with them for a long time, and I really want to slap them!"

"Yes! I wanted to whip them too! It's a pity that I wasn't there on the spot, otherwise I would have whipped them harder than you. What the hell!"


outside the company.

Reporters linger.

The company's public relations department immediately wanted to suppress the news that Chen Bin beat the reporter.

However, no matter how hard I suppress it, I can't suppress it. The more I suppress it, the harder the news spreads, and there are all kinds of news.

In the office.

Gao Yuan, the director of "Thunder", looked at his apprentice who refused to admit his mistakes, and his nephew Gao Hui who was not far away.

He has a headache.

"Paging 1988" is a bad movie.

The [Southern California International Film Awards] is basically a pheasant film award. According to Gao Yuan’s various understandings, this film award is just a trap for money.

Moreover, it is very likely that [Starlight Future] created it as a self-promoting gimmick!

A bad movie meets a money-stealing pheasant award...

The two make a great combination!

But some people are like this, never look back until they hit the wall.

"Uncle! I know you have always thought that we are just a small group, and we have been growing up under your protection. However, you cannot protect us all our lives. There are some roads that we have to walk on our own!"

In the office.

Gao Hui looked at his uncle Gao Yuan, who had an ugly face. He took a deep breath and said these words.

When Gao Yuan heard that Gao Hui could say these words, he was quite surprised. His useless nephew seemed to have grown up a bit.

"Gao Yuan, Chen Bin, do you know that by doing this, you are just making a wedding dress for someone else? I have investigated the so-called [Southern California International Film Festival], and it is just a pheasant award..."

"Uncle! Why in this world would someone work so hard to hold a Pheasant Award? Moreover, even if this award is a Pheasant Award, what does it matter? He is so popular now, many people have seen this award, and he is a finalist Among the nomination awards, there is also a film "Graduation Years" that has been very popular recently. Uncle, have you seen it? I dare say that this documentary is definitely a high-level documentary that can resonate with many people at the bottom!"

Gao Yuan looked at Gao Hui.

But he didn't say anything.

My nephew seems to have grown up a bit.

What he said started to come out one after another.

"Furthermore, you said they cheated money. Your "Thunder" is richer than ours. Why didn't they cheat you? Wedding dress, uncle, I understand that all this is a wedding dress. I also know that it may be [ The smoke bomb released by Starlight Future], but [Shengshi Entertainment] and [Starlight Future] are mortal enemies. You and I, and Chen Bin, we are not mortal enemies! We are just taking some things that belong to us in this farce. It’s just our own thing! We used the least cost to let "Paging 1988" be exposed again, and we have the opportunity to prove ourselves, why not do it?"

Gao Hui stared at Gao Yuan.

He said a lot in one breath.

Gao Yuan was calm on the surface, listening carefully to every word Gao Hui said, but he was shocked in his heart, as if he was meeting Gao Hui for the first time, and looked at Gao Hui again.

After a while, he spoke.

"Did you figure this out, or did someone teach you?"

"I want to pass it! [Shengshi Entertainment] has tossed [Starlight Future] so miserably before, but [Starlight Future] is still alive, and recently the stock has started to rise higher and higher. Doesn't this prove something? Proves [Starlight Future] If there is a chance of counterattack in the future, we have one more choice, one more retreat!" Gao Hui sat on a chair and followed Gao Yuan in talking.

Gao Yuan nodded.

He originally thought Gao Hui was a brainless person, but he didn't expect that he actually had something.

Then, he thought about "Thunder", which he had lost, and then looked at Gao Hui, his eyes getting sharper: "Gao Hui, tell me honestly, after "Thunder" was lost, suddenly appeared With such a large number of rhythms, is [Starlight Future] causing trouble in the middle, or do you also have a share..."

"Uncle, I just pushed the boat along. We young people need a chance to rise to the top! "Thunder" has earned everything it deserves, including box office, word-of-mouth, domestic awards, and influence... "

In the office.

Gao Hui looked at Gao Yuan closely.

this moment……

He no longer concealed the blazing ambition in his eyes.

"It doesn't matter whether the [Southern California International Film Awards] is a Pheasant Award or not. It doesn't matter who organizes it. What matters is that blockbusters like "Thunder" were rejected for the award. Our "Paging 1988" won it. It’s time for the nomination! Moreover, we got the export nomination from the Ministry of Commerce and got it stamped!”

Gao Hui's voice was resounding.

Gao Yuan listened.

After a while, a smile appeared on his serious face.

He nodded to Gao Hui!

"go on……"

"Chen Bin's fight made the news, and then we raised the public opinion of "Paging 1988" again! Uncle, you have seen the new edited version of the movie "Paging 1988", do you agree with it?"

"You want to introduce it overseas and then re-screen it?"

"Yes! Our movie was edited so well over there. I'm not willing to let this movie die like this! Moreover, by introducing it again, we can reap the dividends from overseas movies..."

Gao Hui said these words seriously.

Gao Yuan nodded as he listened, and after a moment, he looked at Gao Hui: "Who taught you these?"

"I thought of it myself!"

"Did you really think of the interconnected skills? Look into my eyes and tell me who it is. There is nothing to hide."

"That's what I thought of!"

Gao Hui did not look directly at Gao Yuan, but glanced elsewhere...


A shrouded net is gradually tightening.

Everything is available on the Internet...

Everyone was cheering and celebrating the popularity of "Graduation Years" on the Internet.

But Chen Mengting was not as happy as she imagined.

Li Zhonghe is the director.

He is the biggest contributor, so he is naturally excited.

The rest of the people are all participants, and they are all enjoying the joy of success with great interest, which is normal.

And she...

She seems to have little to contribute to the documentary.

It would be impossible to attract investment without Zhang Sheng’s help...

Looking for recommendations on video websites, this is the best place to go...

There is no seal from the Ministry of Commerce, there is no [Southern California International Film Awards] rejecting "Thunder" and then suddenly becoming a hot search, indirectly making the news that "Graduation Years" was shortlisted, it seems that this Even the documentary failed to become popular...

The whole network...

She seems to be the most dispensable one.


All her efforts were ridiculously useless.

The feeling of loneliness after the hustle and bustle made her gradually become sensitive inside.

She works hard!

But what's the use? As long as Zhang Sheng is willing, anyone can replace him.

There are more and more excellent people in the market.

And her abilities are obviously no longer matched.

this moment……

She began to think deeply about her own worth.

But no matter how she thought about it, she found that she was the most worthless person in the team.

Just at this time……

In her computer mailbox, she received a reply from a job application mailbox that had been posted for a long time.

She looked at the reply...

After hesitating for a long time...

She finally called Zhang Sheng.

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang, I... want to talk to you..."

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