I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 218 The Road to Rise (1)

January 21st.

There are still five days until New Year's Eve.

Five days later.

"Wing Chun" is released.

Cui Hao was angry.

The movie "Racing" that made me angry at [Starlight Future] is like a ghost, haunting me.

"Wing Chun" was on the variety show "Daily Big Shot", and "Racing" was on the variety show "Our Movie"...

"Wing Chun" exposed the love affair of international superstar Zhen Jinfu, and "Racing" exposed the lead actor Bao Xiaomeng chatting with a certain actress late at night about the script of Moonlight, and aroused a lot of speculation about the actress.


As a film artist, anger is not a bad thing.

He can inspire the greatest fighting spirit in people's hearts, making them want to push Ning Yongqiang, the director of "Racing", to the bottom of the quagmire.

"This is [Starlight Future]'s desperate move!"

"The more popular it is, the more it means that they have exhausted all their cards. They cannot lose this battle again!"

last year.

[Starlight Future] has been overwhelmed by [Shengshi Entertainment] for almost a whole year.

In the second half of last year, [Starlight Future] collapsed internally, artists fled, shareholders withdrew their shares, and the stock plummeted.

Although the emergence of singer Ah K seems to have caused the stock price of [Starlight Future] to rise a bit, there is a limit after all...

[Starlight Future] urgently needs a hit movie to truly save the box office decline first.

What is a blockbuster movie?

For a movie like this now.

It's not a box office of 20 million, it's not a box office of 50 million, it's not even a box office of just over 100 million...

He must break 200 million!

In the office.

Li Yanhong looked at the growing popularity of "Racing" and the increasingly extreme comments made by director Ning Yongqiang on the Internet.

It once suppressed the popularity of their "Wing Chun".


The more this happened, the calmer Li Yanhong became, and the more aware she was of [Starlight Future]'s determination to fight to the death!

[Starlight Future] is severely weakened. In order to win the box office of the New Year's Eve premiere, it has begun to use all its cards...

He is strong!

Let him be strong.

"How about resources?"

"The resources are sufficient, and I have the confidence to spend it with them. Among the major theater chains, our film schedule is nearly one-fifth more than that of "Racing"!"


Cui Hao handed each piece of data to Li Yanhong.

After Li Yanhong read it, she nodded seriously. After briefly thinking about the possible changes that might occur next, she smiled.

She looked at Cui Hao.

She has always seen Cui Hao's hardships along the way.

He has talent!

Capital help!

He also has representative works and is famous in the film circle.

Now, there is only one opportunity left. As long as he takes this step and gets 200 million box office with "Wing Chun", he will be able to stand at the top of the sixth generation of directors.

Seventh year in the industry!

The total box office is close to 600 million!

Almost 100 million per year!

This impressive data is dazzling to any new director!

"Sister, this time, the right time, the right place, the right people, and the right people are all on our side!" Cui Hao looked at the Internet, and [Starlight Future] was almost desperate to pull resources for "Racing", and he was no longer angry in his heart.

There was only blazing fire in his eyes.

"How's it going with Director Deng?"

"I have already prepared the apprenticeship banquet. Teacher Deng is very satisfied. Tomorrow, at 3:18, it is an auspicious time to become my apprentice!"


Li Yanhong nodded.

Looking at the cousin who left after finishing speaking.

My heart is filled with appreciation.

Along the way, she has gradually become an agent with the right to speak in [Shengshi Entertainment] from the lowest level of talent scout.

Although she is extremely capable, if she wants to reach a higher level, she will definitely need more strength and heavier capital!

The higher Cui Hao climbs and the higher her status in the Chinese director circle, the more stable she becomes!

Ten minutes after Cui Hao left, she took out her mobile phone and called Zhang Panpan.

On the phone...

She told Zhang Panpan that at the Berlin International Film Festival in February, there were quotas for red carpet actresses, and if she was willing to go, one would be reserved for her.

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Panpan seemed a little shocked, and then started to get excited.

Then she briefly expressed concern about Zhang Panpan's situation in a calm tone.

Of course, it's not very deliberate, it's just an ordinary, simple greeting.

She felt the other person's confusion.

Then, Li Yanhong hung up the phone.

In fact, after signing Zhang Panpan, she has always been very optimistic about Zhang Panpan.

She feels that she is a very malleable and good young person with fire potential.


His personality is full of extremes, his mind is full of success in one step, and he is even self-righteous in his bones...

She doesn't like this kind of personality.

So, it needs training!

Even a knife needs a whetstone to sharpen it!

She must endure hardship!

She must also know what the cruel reality is, and what she owns and is proud of is worthless in this circle.

She had to be pushed to the bottom, stepped on by everyone, and then her fantasies were shattered one by one, and she felt disappointment and even the deepest pain...

Then, all hopes were dashed one by one!

The increasing pressure, contempt, and desires from within the circle made her feel desperate!

She had no way to ask for help, and then, she was left alone, and she was left alone!

If she can't hold on, she can pay a high penalty and leave, which is also an income for the company.

If she can't hold on, she can compromise, she can trade her body for resources, and then get up step by step...

She held on, unwilling to take these two steps, she just endured the pain...


Li Yanhong will take action appropriately, and then pull her out of the abyss!

This is the most primitive method of controlling animals. You can also try it when controlling people!

After making the phone call and finishing other arrangements, Li Yanhong looked at the box office data of "That Summer".

When the paper was spread out little by little, and she saw the box office data of four million on the opening day, she was not surprised at all!

There is no problem with the movie "That Summer" making a small profit...

Ke Zhanyi is a talented director. In fact, she has wanted to recruit him for a long time.

Unfortunately, during that time, all her energy and resources were invested in Cui Hao, which ultimately allowed [Starlight Future] to take advantage.


It doesn't matter...

[Starlight Future] Now is the end of the war!

only need to!

One more blow!


Ke Zhanyi suffered from insomnia again.

Looking at the box office data, I can't sleep.

Four million box office.

It's much worse than the box office debut of "Youth in Time" which exceeded 10 million.


Within reason.

"Youth in Time" has capital support, coupled with the market vacancy, the competition itself is not so fierce...

Breaking ten million!

It's not an accident, I can only say it's a surprise.

Same reason.

The four million in "That Summer" is actually reasonable.

January 21st.

After the premiere of "That Summer", Ke Zhanyi continued to follow Ah K and others to promote the film across the country.

[Starlight Future] has limited resources, and basically all its efforts are devoted to the competition in "Racing" and "Wing Chun", which means that the variety shows and media channels on "That Summer" are destined to be extremely limited.

Moreover, all the 200,000 yuan in promotional expenses were given to Zhang Sheng. In theory, [Starlight Future] no longer has any promotional responsibilities.


Ke Zhanyi saw the reputation of "That Summer".

Among Douban literary movies, 320 people rated it: 8.5 points.

This score is naturally far from a "masterpiece", but it is a very excellent data.

However, there are still not many viewers who know about this movie.

"On New Year's Eve, "Wing Chun" and "Racing" compete in the arena. We try our best to ensure that "That Summer" does not occupy the filming resources, but if we want to expand further, we may not necessarily have it!"

"We all see what you do, and the leaders also see it. This movie is very good, and you are also very good. We all recognize you very much. When this movie is over, when we win this battle , we will give you more resources..."

"But now, I can only say sorry to you. I have wronged you, Director Ke!"

Ke Zhanyi received a call from Xu Shengnan.

On the phone, Xu Shengnan's voice was apologetic, and he affirmed "That Summer" and the efforts of their team.


There are always high and low priorities for the entire company.

"That Midsummer" is not considered abandoned, but it is also a choice.

After Ke Zhanyi answered the phone, although he understood, his emotions were still full of disappointment and great unwillingness.

That emotion is getting stronger and stronger!

Of course, this is not the darkness before dawn.

They have light, but that light is not that shining. It is always looming, unable to bloom, let alone dazzling!

Ke Zhanyi calmed down his mood.

Continue to participate in the promotion work of "That Summer".


January 22nd.

The box office results for "That Summer" were released on the second day.

The box office did not drop on the second day, but rose to 4.13 million.

It also seems to be unwilling and has a strong desire to survive!

A set of data appeared in Zhang Sheng's hands.

The national average attendance rate of "That Summer" was 75%!

This is an amazing attendance!

Zhang Sheng looked at this data...

Nod with satisfaction.

He had a phone call with Ke Zhanyi.

On the phone, Ke Zhanyi was also very happy.

However, my throat was a little hoarse, as if I had a cold.

He ran from the cold in the north to the warmth in the south...

Due to the huge temperature difference and the exhaustion from the past few days, I finally caught a cold.

After hanging up the phone with Ke Zhanyi...

Zhang Sheng took out a piece of information and carefully analyzed which office building and which floor were suitable.

【NC Studio】.

It will be upgraded to NC Entertainment soon, and the business license has just been replaced.

Just at this time……

The phone rang.

The phone rang from Bi Feiyu!

"Mr. Zhang! I sent a copy of overseas box office data to your email!"

"Is there a box office overseas?"

"Yes! I was also shocked. I originally thought that in France, we were just paying for publicity and creating a gimmick. Unexpectedly, there were actually a few fans watching! Elaine, the owner of Selu Cinema, even called us specially The phone call said she would wait until the last audience member watched before she closed down!"


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