I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 228 The darkness before dawn

Lin Guodong returned to China.

The first thing I did when I returned home was to rush to the hospital.

In the hospital, he met Gu Jiangyan.

Gu Jiangyan was lying down.

Lin Guodong looked at Gu Jiangyan silently.

“How is India doing?”

Faced with Gu Jiangyan's concern, Lin Guodong did not answer, but looked at her silently for a long time, with his mouth trembling slightly: "I have made you feel wronged..."

"This is my duty. There is nothing wrong with me. It's just that I may become disabled."

Gu Jiangyan answered calmly and showed a relieved smile.

It seems that he has accepted the reality.


The more calm Gu Jiangyan became, the more Lin Guodong felt like his heart was being cut by a knife.

He looked at Gu Jiangyan.

As a husband.

He was derelict in his duties.

these years……

Gu Jiangyan has always been supporting this family.

"It won't be disabled, I will hire the best doctor..." Lin Guodong said these words.

"Physical disability is not a real disability, psychological disability is a disability..." Gu Jiangyan stood up, looked out the window and smiled.

"Actually, you don't have to do this business. I've made a lot of money over the years, and you can live a very relaxed life..."

"Some things cannot be measured by money."

Gu Jiangyan looked at Lin Guodong levelly.

It's like going back to the time when I met Lin Guodong more than 20 years ago.

Still insisting on his own things.

Outside the ward.

There was a knock on the door.

Lin Guodong sighed and opened the door.

The driver looked anxious, glanced at the hospital bed, and hesitated for a moment.

"What's wrong?"

"The company called. I hope Mr. Lin will come and have a meeting..."

"I'm not going today."

"Ah, but this..."

"I won't go, I will spend time with my family..."

Lin Guodong finally closed the door.

After hearing the sound, Gu Jiangyan looked at Lin Guodong: "Is there a business problem in India?"

Lin Guodong looked at his wife's concerned eyes, and after a long while, he finally smiled bitterly: "It's not that there is a problem, but that the business in India may be all shut down starting tomorrow..."

"What about the factory in India?"

"close the door."

"Yes or no……"

"Haha..." Lin Guodong suddenly laughed, and his smile was ugly: "When we went to build the factory there, we thought it was another overseas expansion. But after we completed the factory and started to make profits, the factory there started to make profits. Suddenly I have to investigate this and that..."

"Where's the core technology?"

"No! All the hundreds of millions of dollars invested in the past few years have been wasted..."

Lin Guodong laughed.

I vaguely returned to that year, standing on the TV tower in Yangcheng, overlooking all the living beings below.

shopping mall……

Sometimes it is not a competition between companies.

"You go to the company first. At this stage, the company is probably in chaos and you need to take charge..." Gu Jiangyan looked at Lin Guodong.

"I'm not going anywhere today."

"This isn't like you..."

"It doesn't look like it. Do you want to eat an apple? I'll peel one for you."




It is the pride of Yangcheng.

It is not a listed company.

But in recent years, the tax revenue and influence it has brought to Yangcheng are greater than many enterprises in Yangcheng.

【Science and technology are primary productive forces】.

There is such a sign hanging in the most conspicuous place of the [Yaohua] building.

When Xu Bowen came to Yaohua, he instinctively felt a sense of awe.

Especially when I saw the security guard at the door wearing neat security uniforms and carrying a "soldier" aura in every word and deed, the feeling of awe became even stronger.

The security guard here earns a monthly salary of nearly 4,000 yuan. In addition to helping with social security and provident fund payments, there are also various holiday benefits.

Of course, there are requirements, basically a high school degree, or veterans are preferred.

These are the contents of the chats between colleagues when they were in Yanjing Community.

that time……

Colleagues are excited.

Xu Bowen tightened the bag in his hand. The security guard saluted him, and he responded subconsciously.

Then, he followed Zhang Sheng up the steps.

When I walked to the door of the building, I suddenly became nervous.

They want to discuss cooperation with big companies like [Yaohua]...

In addition to his own brand, the mobile phones he assembles by himself will also have the "Yaohua" logo on them.

This is something Xu Bowen never dared to dream about.

They walked into the door, Zhang Sheng chatted with the girl at the front desk, and when waiting for the announcement, he saw Zhang Sheng took out an agreement.

The girl at the front desk looked at the agreement and was a little surprised, then asked them to sit down, asked someone to bring them tea and water, and walked into the elevator.

About ten minutes later.

"Sorry for the long wait, Mr. Sun is in a meeting..."

"How long will the meeting be?"

"I don't know, but it may take a long time to open this time. Mr. Yang from our subsidiary [Huaxing] Brand is also waiting inside..."


"Mr. Zhang, we have a lounge here. If you are tired after walking a long way, you can go to the lounge. This is my VIP card. You can take a... voucher and rest in our lounge. We provide free breakfast. Lunch, dinner…”

"OK, thanks."

Xu Bowen looked at the smile of the girl at the front desk and was shocked by the service attitude of [Yaohua] Group.

Then, he followed Zhang Sheng towards the lounge.

Looking at massage chairs and branded sofas...

He couldn't help but touch it with his hand, and was pleasantly surprised: "Mr. Zhang, these are high-end genuine leather products that cost tens of thousands!"


Zhang Sheng looked at Xu Bowen, who had never seen the world, and smiled.

He sat on the massage chair but looked at the hall.

in the hall.

Several reporters rushed in.

In the end, the security guard kicked him out again, but the reporter did not leave after being driven away. Instead, he continued to squat at the door and take photos.

[Yaohua] Something must have happened!

After Lin Guodong talked about some things in India a few days ago, Zhang Sheng roughly guessed that [Yaohua] suffered heavy losses in India.

It is estimated that all business in India will be cut off.

The reporter here just left...

Another group of foreigners came over there.

After seeing these foreigners, Zhang Sheng subconsciously walked out of the lounge.

The lobby is lively.

These foreigners seemed very excited and Zhang Sheng understood English.

Not only is India investigating [Yaohua], but the European Union has launched an anti-dumping investigation into [Yaohua] routers.

Zhang Sheng saw Yu Dong, the vice president of Yaohua, receiving this group of foreigners and inviting them upstairs.

Time passed little by little.

Xu Bowen and Zhang Sheng waited until evening.


There are more and more reporters at the door.

Vice President Yu Dong did not come down. What came down was a middle-aged man in his forties. The middle-aged man faced the reporter and kept explaining something.

[Yaohua] The total revenue in 2009 was 102.9 billion, most of which were 2B business, and the overseas market accounted for nearly 60%...

In the past few days, especially during the Chinese New Year, India and the EU have been having troubles one after another...

Bad news comes one after another...

It would be too much to say that life and death are at stake, but the current situation can be described as being on the edge of a cliff.

"Mr. Zhang, do we have to wait any longer?"

"Finish your meal first and wait later!"





Gu Jiangyan fell asleep.

Lin Guodong finally left the hospital and got on the bus to Yangcheng.

"Mr. Lin, many companies in Europe want to terminate their cooperative relationships with me..."

"Mr. Lin, the EU is already investigating our company's dumping behavior and ordered us to restore the original price..."

"Mr. Lin, India will block our 4G deployment in China..."


Lin Guodong made phone calls one after another.

His expression became more and more serious.

He leaned back in his chair and rubbed his head.

Having experienced strong winds and waves, he felt an unprecedented sense of powerlessness this time.

He has always believed that [technology is the primary productive force].

As long as there are good products and advanced products, then there is no need to worry about not having a good market...


When a company gradually becomes known to many people and is about to enter the Fortune 500 track, countless overseas institutions will start to be alert.

Along the way.

Lin Guodong has been thinking.

He thought of the financial crisis the year before last, the financial tsunami in Japan many years ago, and Japan's semiconductors...

History is always surprisingly similar...

Will [Yaohua] also encounter the same thing?

he asked himself.

But nothing came of it.

Three o'clock in the morning.

He finally arrived at Yangcheng.

This time, there are still countless reporters surrounding the entrance of [Yaohua].

The light illuminated the doorway like daylight.

He got out of the car...

A dense crowd of reporters surrounded him like a group of ants seeing food.

He faced reporters and said a lot of words to stabilize people's hearts.

After saying that, he walked into the hall.

Vice President Yu Dong had been waiting at the door for a long time. When he saw him, he hurried over as if he saw his backbone.

He listened to Yudong reporting on his work.

The EU is temporarily stable, but the anti-dumping investigation process is very irritating. No one knows whether this time will be one month, half a year, or even a year...

The initiative is completely in their hands.

The EU can consume and find alternatives, but [Yaohua] cannot afford to wait.

Their [Yaohua] industry has just been upgraded and has encountered such a heavy blow, which is bound to cause a series of negative backlash.

Like dominoes, no one knows how horrific the final impact will be.

When he was about to go upstairs, he saw a familiar figure standing in the corner...

He was stunned for a moment, and then walked towards that figure under everyone's surprise.

"Xiao Zhang, let's go up together."


"Nothing inconvenient."


The elevator was packed with people.

Everyone looked at Lin Guodong leading a young man...

Doubt, curiosity, confusion, surprise, all kinds of emotions flashed through their eyes at this moment.

Some people even suspected that this young man was Lin Guodong's illegitimate son!

After getting out of the elevator...

Lin Guodong led Zhang Sheng towards the conference room.

"Mr. Lin, he..." Vice President Yu Dong hesitated.

"Let him listen nearby and be out of the way."


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