I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 231 Getting started!

The fifth day of the Lunar New Year.

Xu Bowen and Zhang Sheng left [Yaohua].

Xu Bowen's legs were weak.

They chatted all day.

Throughout the whole day...

Xu Bowen listened to Zhang Sheng and Yang Hongwei chatting.

They chatted very intensely, but mostly Yang Hongwei was in fierce opposition, while Zhang Sheng was retreating step by step...

When signing a contract, the disputes became even more intense, ranging from a single part to the sales date and ruling standards of a mobile phone.

Every request Zhang Sheng made seemed to be refuted. Zhang Sheng was forced into a corner and seemed to be compromising and giving in.

Xu Bowen felt complicated...

When he left [Yaohua], he felt that the two of them were losers.

"If we were strong and confident, it would be easier to talk..." Xu Bowen looked at the night and sighed.

"I've got what I want." Zhang Sheng hailed a car. When he got into the car, he was smiling and didn't feel depressed at all after failure.


"Someone once said: In a room full of people, if you want to open a window, no one will agree, but if you want to lift the roof, others will agree with you to open a window... This principle is very superficial, but it is very practical. , the more you chat with those in power, the more you will expose your ambitions and appetites, the more greedy you are, the better..." Zhang Sheng said to Xu Bowen.

Xu Bowen was stunned for a moment, then fell into deep thought.

"The superiors are not afraid of the ambitions of their subordinates. The more the superiors want to expand their territory, the more they appreciate the ambitious subordinates..."

"But, what if someone who is too ambitious cannot be controlled?"

"If you are worried about the people in charge of these matters, there is no need for you to contact them."


Outside the car window.


inside the car.

The driver played the music "Midsummer" sung by Ah K for the movie "That Summer".

The driver was immersed in the music and hummed along.

Xu Bowen looked out the window.

I feel like I have stepped into a magical realm, but in this realm, I am so stupid and vaguely discouraged.

He knew that he would never be like Lin Guodong or Zhang Sheng in this life...

"Mr. Zhang, what should I do?"

"Continue to make and sell mobile phones, and in the process, build your own team. Of course, if you want to really make a lot of money and stand at the top of a field, you must learn, and you must never stop learning..."


"Just stay in Yangcheng. I will ask Mr. Lin to give you an independent dormitory and a studio. Every Saturday, when [Yaohua] has internal meetings, you have to go and listen..."

"Can I get in?"

"The contract has been signed. Except for the most confidential places in [Yaohua], you can go wherever you want, and they still care about your food!"


"Every Monday, my mailbox will have your work skills and schedule for the coming week. Of course, I will also see the sales of mobile phones and the status of your connection with [Yaohua]..."



The sixth day of the lunar month!

The Spring Festival is in full swing.

In the Chinese film industry, many people are eyeing the Spring Festival release.

Countless insiders are predicting who will be the final winner of the two movies "Wing Chun" and "Racing"...

[Starlight Future] and [Shengshi Entertainment] were almost beaten into pig brains!

He fights for resources, he fights for popularity, he fights for box office...

[Shengshi Entertainment] and [Starlight Future] worked almost everything to the extreme, using all available commercial promotion techniques!

One wants to completely crush the other, devour the other, and officially reach the top of the China Entertainment Company, while the other is in trouble, struggling to survive, and wants to rise again.

This war without gunpowder pervades the entire film industry.

Many people and artists have stood up for these two movies, and many film critics have even publicly discussed and debated who won and who lost between the two movies.

Among them, the two film critics "Cromecium" and "Nangong Nan" were particularly quarrelsome on the Internet.

The premiere of these two movies just ended...

The quarrel begins!

I don’t know if it was due to the previous battery car fire incident or some other reason, but these two media people seemed to be particularly reluctant to deal with it. One of them chose "Wing Chun" and the other chose "Racing".

From the actors, the lineup, the quality of the movie, and the influence in the future, both of them seemed to be criticizing each other's movies from professional angles...

Netizens who support the two are also divided into two factions!

There was so much quarrel online that one almost had to greet each other's 18th generation ancestors, and the popularity was as high as the Spring Festival Gala news!

During this quarrel, the two accounts [Nangong Nan] and [Cao Lv Chong] actually gained close to 70,000 to 80,000 followers, and their fan activity once ranked among the top ten in the Weibo user list...

Amid this commotion, the two movies "Wing Chun" and "Racing" naturally soared at the box office.

The premiere box office both exceeded 10 million!

After the premiere, the popularity has remained high. Although it has declined slightly, it is still in the tens of millions!

The daily box office champion during the Spring Festival is "Wing Chun" today, and "Racing" tomorrow...

In this noisy and eye-catching movie war, it seems that both sides are victors!


No one could have imagined it.

Two movies that are so popular and have such fierce box office sales are not dark horses in the 2010 Spring Festival!

"That Midsummer" came out!

It premiered without being noticed, not taken seriously, and even ridiculed for a time...

Its opening box office was four million!

Didn't make any waves.

The resources of the film industry are controlled by "Wing Chun" and "Racing".

It's not unknown on the Internet, but it's been suppressed to near obscurity.

However, its box office is increasing day by day.

It sold well at the box office in remote areas. Although the attendance rate dropped a bit with the release, the decline range was within the optimal range.

After the lively "activity period" of the battery car, it ushered in the most difficult premiere ticket period. After the hustle and bustle, it is bound to be immersed.

It began to inevitably slide quite a bit.

However, its movie tickets are still selling very well. It is not as good as "Racing" and "Wing Chun", but it is behind!

It holds up!

Then, it lasted until the reform of the education sector and reached its peak of popularity.

On New Year's Day, "That Summer" had a box office of 8 million!

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, "That Summer" had a box office of 7 million!

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, "That Summer" had a box office of 7.5 million...

On the fourth day of the lunar month, 7.3 million!

On the fifth day of the lunar month, 6.9 million!

Each box office data is unbelievable, yet reasonable!

It actually became the biggest dark horse during the Spring Festival!

Ke Zhanyi, the once blockbuster youth-themed movie, has been quiet for a few years. This time, it once again entered the Spring Festival with "That Summer" and entered the top three in the box office list!

January 20th falls from the 25th day of the twelfth lunar month to the thirtieth day of the twelfth lunar month, which is the fifth day of the Lunar New Year.

During its ten-day release period, its total box office revenue reached an astonishing 63 million!

A budget of four million!

Ten-day total box office of 63 million!

A nearly perfect answer!

In the entire Chinese film industry, although it is not a stormy sea, it is still turbulent!

The movie is a hit!

Immediately afterwards, Ah K's song "Midsummer" also became popular!

Riding on the popularity of the movie, it entered the top ten list of Qgou Music, and the ringtone download list broke into the top twenty in January!


The sixth day of the lunar month.

Li Yanhong stayed in the office.

She stayed there all day without seeing anyone!

The desk is messy.

Groups of data are arranged messily.

Li Yanhong's face turned pale.

That bad movie called "Paging 1988" is still in theaters, taking up the resources of "Wing Chun".

The box office wasn't great.

The daily box office is only 3 million, and I don’t know how much of it is water.

The ratio of resources and movie box office output are really not directly proportional!

Its attendance rate is actually not high. On the days of the premiere, the attendance rate was only 60%!

Based on comprehensive analysis, this "Paging 1988" is a movie with no future.

However, the daily box office is 3 million, and the film schedule ratio makes this movie very healthy and safe. In the short term, it will not be released at all!

It's a shit stirrer!

In this battle for the movie box office, the lower limit of "Wing Chun" has been lowered!

Yesterday, the box office of Cui Hao's "Wing Chun" dropped to 9 million!

The box office of "Racing" dropped even more, falling by 8.3 million!

"Fist of Everlasting Spring" is still the daily box office champion, and has been the daily box office champion for two consecutive days!


This is not what Li Yanhong wants.

This is just a relatively satisfactory answer, but it is not perfect!

What she needs is to be crushed!

With at least several million in box office success, Cui Hao became the number one director in the Spring Festival of 2010, and then became a disciple of Mr. Deng, and then gradually became the number one director of the sixth generation!

This is the road she paved for Cui Hao!

It is also the most stable path.


"Racing" is still chasing after it. With hundreds of thousands of box office, it is easy to counterattack...

A narrow victory is not as impactful as a direct crush!


[Starlight Future] has begun to come back to life!

Thanks to [racing] and thanks to the box office of [that summer]...

The stocks that had sunk to the bottom actually began to rebound and become better and better day by day.

A collision between director and director!

Although Cui Hao didn't win much, he won after all.


In a product collision between companies, they [Shengshi Entertainment] should have lost.

What a total loss!

[Starlight Future] Not only is he alive, but he may live a better life!

It's quiet at night.

Li Yanhong closed her eyes.

At this moment, she received a call.

The call was from Gao Yuan.

"Yanhong, our "Paging 1988" is going to hold a small celebration banquet at the Fujing Hotel tomorrow. This time, thanks to your help, our "Paging 1988" can be released. This time it takes up We have a lot of resources for "Wing Chun". I am grateful but somewhat embarrassed. I wonder if I can reward you tomorrow. I hope Gao Hui can be here to toast you with a glass of wine..."

On the other end of the phone.

Gao Yuan's voice was sincere.

Outside the phone, Li Yanhong's face was cold.

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