I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 235 Our new era! (Third update!)


In a rental house.

Jiang Xiaoyou and Ke Zhanyi were eating and looking at the contract.

The agreement offered by [Starlight Future] is very generous.

Five years!

The right to direct a multi-million-dollar movie every year, and enjoy part of the movie's share...

Within five years, one year, I was one of the assistant directors of the Spring Festival Gala...

The film’s priority in the company is A…

Company resource sharing...

Every word in the contract made Ke Zhanyi excited!

After signing this contract, Ke Zhanyi understood that he should be [Starlight Future], in the true sense, a cutting-edge director who can speak!

The phone rang.

The phone call was from Xu Shengnan.

Xu Shengnan told Ke Zhanyi that Zhang Sheng’s contract with [Starlight Future] was terminated.

Ke Zhanyi was stunned for a moment, and then his smile gradually disappeared.

"Mr. Zhang didn't sign [Starlight Future]?"

"Yes, with Mr. Zhang's character, it is impossible to work for others..."

"What do you think?"

"I have no idea."

Ke Zhanyi put down his bowls and chopsticks, walked out of the balcony, and quietly looked at the tall buildings in the distance.

He lives a very difficult life in this city...

He knew very well what capital was, and he knew very well that the chips he had on hand were too small.

Too small to really affect the outcome.

He took out his cell phone.

At this moment, he didn't dare to call Zhang Sheng's number.

He admitted that he was not firm enough, but in a sense, Zhang Sheng was right to tell him.

In the past few months, he has never been an employee under Zhang Sheng. He has only cooperated with Zhang Sheng. He himself is still an employee of [Starlight Future]...

Zhang Sheng brought him success and helped him step by step. When he was most confused, he told him what to do!


The biggest factor that really determines the popularity of "That Summer" is the resources of [Starlight Future], and also luck...

Who would have thought that the Ministry of Education would suddenly cut off the stills of "That Summer"?

He finally dialed Zhang Sheng's phone number.

"boss Zhang……"

"Director Ke."

"Mr. Zhang, let's talk."

"Where are you?"

"I'm at home……"

"Just in time, I'm downstairs at your house..."




it's very windy.

Ke Zhanyi sat opposite Zhang Sheng.

It was obviously his own home, his own territory, but at this moment, he found that he did not dare to face Zhang Sheng.


"not yet."

Sometimes in life we ​​face many choices.

Ke Zhanyi is now standing on the edge of choice...

On one side is Kangzhuang Avenue, on the other side is Yangchang Trail.

If you want to use a metaphor, it should indeed be like this.

"Can I see the contract?"


Ke Zhanyi handed the contract to Zhang Sheng, but still didn't dare to look at Zhang Sheng's expression.

He felt guilty in his heart.

Yesterday, when Zhang Sheng took him into [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant], he realized what Zhang Sheng was going to do...

He regards him as one of his own, and even wants to help him attract investment and make movies...

That's sincerity.

If it hadn't been for [Starlight Future]'s phone call and Zheng Chengwu's heartfelt expression, he wouldn't have refused this sincerity.


Walking by little by little.

"They don't want to film your movie "Seven Days to Die"?"

"Mr. Zhang, actually, I don't have a strong will to make this movie project. I have made too many low-cost movies, so I..."

Halfway through Ke Zhanyi's words, he finally had no confidence to continue.

He wants to make a big movie worth tens of millions of dollars!

Only with tens of millions of movies can one stand out among the six generations of directors!

Only then can we truly gain a foothold in this film industry!


Zhang Sheng nodded, he knew exactly what Ke Zhanyi meant.

He didn't speak anymore, but read Ke Zhanyi's contract carefully.

As time passed, the wind outside the balcony became stronger and stronger.

His girlfriend Jiang Xiaoyou brought out some fruit and put it on the table, then returned to the house.

"Mr. Zhang, I..."

"There is no problem with this agreement, just sign it!" After Zhang Sheng read it, he looked at Ke Zhanyi and laughed.

"Mr. Zhang, I... you have helped me a lot these days. I actually remember it..."

"I also got a lot of benefits from "That Summer". I came here this time because I was worried that you would feel guilty and uneasy because of some things. People are sometimes affected by some emotions and act out of impulse. In addition, I I'm also worried that there are traps in the [Starlight Future] contract... In this industry, contracts are full of traps. If you step on them, your whole life may be ruined!" Zhang Sheng looked at Ke Zhanyi with a smile.

Ke Zhanyi's expression was complicated: "Mr. Zhang, I heard about your [NC Studio]..."

"In this life, people will always meet some people and face various choices. The chips [Starlight Future] offered me did not meet my expectations, so I can only terminate the contract!"

"Then the next few resources..." Ke Zhanyi's face flushed, as if he was angry that [Starlight Future] was unfair to Zhang Sheng.

"There's nothing I can use for strength..." Zhang Sheng laughed.

"Mr. Zhang, I haven't signed [Starlight Future] yet. I'll go talk to [Starlight Future] again. I have weight now!"

"No need, Director Ke, all the feasts in the world must come to an end... You still have to walk your own path after all..." Zhang Sheng took a bite of fruit and looked towards the distance of the balcony with an exceptionally deep look.

"Mr. Zhang...I'm sorry!" Ke Zhanyi lowered his head.

"Director Ke, you have not sorry to anyone. Without your help and dedicated publicity, the companies I cooperate with cannot make so much money, and I have no way to profit from it. Without you, I went to Brazil with you, [Southern California] The International Film Awards will not be so successful. At the same time, I also feel very sorry for you. I used you to carry out a series of hypes. I hope these hypes will not cause you trouble..." Zhang Sheng's voice was very sincere.

Ke Zhanyi's heart trembled, his emotions were not what he wanted to say. He wanted to say a lot, but he couldn't say it for a long time.


At this moment, I really want to say something to Zhang Sheng.

He doesn't sign anymore.

But after seeing the contract, his heart slowly sank.

People's hearts!

It's so complicated, isn't it?

"Mr. Zhang, I..."

"Just because I terminated my contract with [Starlight Future] does not mean that we will be enemies in the future. The world is not just black and white. Even if I open an entertainment company, we will still have opportunities to cooperate..."

"Mr. Zhang, do you really want to take this path?"


Zhang Sheng stood up.


But he didn't answer Ke Zhanyi's words.

Ke Zhanyi lowered his head and looked at the agreement.

Before Zhang Sheng came.

Many thoughts surged through Ke Zhanyi's mind.

Some are to convince myself, and some are to convince Zhang Sheng...

But when Zhang Sheng came, he found that all these things were meaningless.

Everyone has their own way to go.

"Director Ke, are you not filming "Seven Days to Die"?"

"No more filming. The company has an Oriental fantasy blockbuster for me to film..."

"Oh, then I'll find someone to revise the script. In fact, I wanted to talk to you today to refine the project and the script."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang..."


Zhang Sheng stood up.

Left the balcony.

Ke Zhanyi followed.

He sent Zhang Sheng to the door, and then silently watched Zhang Sheng walk downstairs.

When Zhang Sheng could no longer see him, he returned to the hall and sat back on the chair.

His girlfriend Jiang Xiaoyou sat beside him.

He was briefly confused.

But in the end, after thinking about it for a long time, I felt that I never owed Zhang Sheng, and Zhang Sheng never owed him. Both parties were originally equal partners.

Moreover, he never said that he would join Zhang Sheng's [NC Entertainment].

Zhang Sheng, if you don’t sign a contract with [Starlight Future], this is your business. He has already told Zhang Sheng that he is willing to follow Zhang Sheng to negotiate the share issue with [Starlight Future], but Zhang Sheng does not accept it.

As a collaborator, he asked himself that he had done everything in place.

As a friend, he felt that there was nothing he could fault.

Moreover, didn’t Zhang Sheng say that?

In the future, we are no longer enemies, and there will still be opportunities for cooperation.

After a brief period of confusion, the burden in his heart began to become less and less, and finally disappeared.

Then, get excited.

He picked up his cell phone and called Zheng Chengwu.

"Mr. Zheng, I sign this contract with you!"

The evening of the eighth day of the lunar month.

He returned to [Starlight Future].

He saw that everything belonging to [NC Studio] had been moved away.

The whole floor felt a little empty.

He also heard the news.

From now on, we will no longer publicize a series of news related to Ah K.

But they will not suppress sales or sudden news.

After all, they can still make some money with "In the Rain"...

Of course, Ah K will not be invited to the concert at the beginning of the year.

Ah K and [Starlight Future] officially terminated their cooperative relationship...

At this moment, he felt uncomfortable.


When he got information about a science fiction film called "Future SWAT"...

Surprise flashed in his eyes!

This movie has an investment of 15 million, and the starring cast includes the popular Sanqi Tianwang Xie Tianwang. It is one of the few science fiction movies in the history of Chinese movies!



Zhang Sheng took Ah K, Shen Xiaoxi, "Graduation Years" documentary director Li Zhonghe and others into an empty office building.

Hanging on the wall of the office building are the words [NC Entertainment].

Ah K looked at the empty tables and chairs, and he felt excited!

But he does not regret leaving [Starlight Future].

He and [Starlight Future] only had a cooperative relationship. The contract was terminated and countless resources were lost...


What does it matter?

He has talent!

He firmly believes that he can rely on his works to speak for himself!

At the same time, he believed in Zhang Sheng even more...

Zhang Sheng's previous situation was like hell to anyone!

However, he can crawl out of hell, he can make a comeback in desperate situations!

Then this world...

What else can't he do?

Li Zhonghe was very excited. They finally stepped out of school and were about to embark on their own journey!

His grassroots team finally became a regular army!

far away…

Zhang Sheng's figure exudes brilliance under the sunset.

They saw Zhang Sheng push up his glasses!

"This is our new company!"

"It's also our new starting point!"

"Thank you all for coming with me, and at the same time..."

"Sorry! I'll take a call!"

They saw Zhang Sheng standing on the high platform.

They saw Zhang Sheng saying some passionate words.


They heard Zhang Sheng's cell phone ringing.

Zhang Sheng answered the phone.

A French message came over the phone!

Zhang Sheng didn't understand much French, and vaguely felt that the voice sounded very nice.

Then, the other party switched to English.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang Sheng, I am Elaine from France. I am the owner of the French Serou Cinema. Previously, one of your movies, "That Summer", was played here..."


"I hope that we can invite the movie "The Dog Over the Mountain" to come to our place again. To show my sincerity, I have come to China. I hope to sign a long-term strategic agreement with you! "


Zhang Sheng was silent.

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, our Sailu Cinema can survive and it will not close down! As long as I am here, it can survive!"

Zhang Sheng finished answering the phone.

Before he could turn his head, he saw the phone ringing again.

The call was from Bi Feiyu.

"boss Zhang!"

"Director Bi, what's wrong?"

"I was in Berlin and heard the news about Ke Zhanyi's departure. I also received a call from [Starlight Future]..."

"Well, what do you think about it?"

"Let me shoot "Seven Days to Die"! I met some people in Berlin and they recognized me very much. I want to bring them to our team. We are not without any resources!"


(The third update is delivered. It does not count as an additional update. It counts as a make-up for yesterday’s update and will be updated tomorrow!)

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