
Blooming flowers.

Avery Tashi admired Bi Feiyu very much and took Bi Feiyu to meet many of his friends.

So, in these short days, Bi Feiyu got to know many people.

There are film critics, international stars, and many big directors and producers in the film industry.

Standing next to Avery Tashi, he once felt that he was "a fox pretending to be a tiger".

He received numerous accolades!

Regarding the exquisiteness and stunning shooting angles of the movie "The Dog Over the Mountain", I praised him for stepping into a new field and praised the film's strong artistry...

This kind of praise once made him feel lost. It once made him feel that he was also a famous director in the world. Then, he was immersed in it, wandering around and enjoying it.

But soon.

He recognized the reality.

One day, he came to the exhibition stage in Berlin alone, but not many people paid attention to him. The few people who knew him well did not smile as enthusiastically as Avery Tashi did before.

This is a true portrayal of "the fox pretends to be the tiger's power".

Without the tiger around, the fox...

what is it then?


In the eyes of many people, he is just a lucky guy who was lucky enough to be favored by Avery Tashi.

These days……

He watched some directors pass before his eyes, and also watched the subsequent experiences of the previous [Berlin International Film Festival] award-winning directors...

Many people have briefly shined, but few directors can truly reach the top step by step, produce classics, and be praised by countless people.

He suddenly understood something again.

In this circle, there are many short-lived directors.

You can stand at the pinnacle of everyone's attention today, and tomorrow, you will become an ordinary person who is sighing and finally disappearing from everyone.

Others can bring you scenery and acclaim, but they can also make this scenery and acclaim gradually disappear...

All you rely on is your own talent and...


Keep learning!

Keep making progress!

Not only can we gain a foothold in the art of the times, but we can also dance in the business field.

But business and art!

Many times it's the opposite.

He seemed to have chosen the most difficult path.

Berlin is very cold in February.

Bi Feiyu was wearing a thick sweater and stood in the aisle outside the airport, waiting.

He is very excited!

He read the script of the movie "Seven Days to Die".

He had already outlined countless shooting techniques in his mind, and he couldn't wait to chat with Zhang Sheng about his opinions.

at the same time……

He felt another surge of energy in his heart.

Yesterday, he received another call from [Starlight Future].

Sister Xu told him that if he was willing to sign the contract, he could enjoy the same treatment as Ke Zhanyi, and she would have a movie in hand.

The conditions are very attractive.

For him, an ordinary director who had just graduated from college and was just emerging, it was absolutely pie in the sky.

But he still refused.

After refusing, he heard Xu Shengnan talking to him a lot about "reality" and even told her straightforwardly that "The Dog Over the Mountain" had [Starlight Future] behind it to promote and hype...

After hearing this, he accepted the reality.

"The Dog Beyond the Mountain" was once shown in China, but no one paid attention to it. After a few days, I finally couldn't hold it anymore and lost millions...

What else is he unclear about?

He agrees with what Xu Shengnan and Sister Xu told him, "The Dog Over the Mountain" is indeed driven by the power of capital.

However, he was not willing to let the word "capital" be used on him and completely denied it!

Sometimes people need to prove themselves!

A gust of cold wind blew Bi Feiyu back to reality.

He saw the plane in the distance stop. Not long after, Zhang Sheng came out from the aisle with a French girl.

That's Elaine!

Bi Feiyu and Elaine talked on the phone...

But he never thought that Elaine, who had an ordinary voice on the phone, could actually look so good-looking in real life!

After a brief moment of confusion, he hurriedly followed him.

"Mr. Zhang, here, I've prepared the taxi and booked the hotel!"



There are many Chinese girls in Berlin.

In the cold weather, they still dress very thinly, revealing as much as they can, and as sexy as they can.

Even when they see you taking photos, they are more than willing to reveal some more private skin for you to take as many photos as you want!

There were not many people in the screening hall of "The Dog Over the Mountain".

Even with Avery Tashi's strong recommendation, there are still very few media and fans who came to watch this movie.

Bi Feiyu......

Just a little-known Chinese director.

In Berlin, his influence is not as good as Gao Yuan, the director of "Thunder", and not as influential as Sangji, the director of "Tuya".

Screening box office...

"The Dog Over the Mountain" was considered a loss.

Elaine did not meet Avery Tashi.

The awards ceremony of the [Berlin International Film Festival] is getting closer and closer. As one of the judges, Avery Tashi is naturally very busy.

They have to review the film again and again, then cross-vote, hold meetings to confirm, and review the film again...

During this period, he was not allowed to meet with any director or any non-staff personnel.

Elaine felt very sorry.

But this regret did not last long.

Zhang Sheng took her to watch a movie.

At the [Berlin International Film Festival], he took her to see all the movies shown, no matter they were good or bad.

However, except for the movie "The Dog Over the Mountain", they had to buy their own tickets for the rest of the movies.

She is a "film dealer", but she is only a film dealer in name. She cannot pass the film dealer review process of the [Berlin International Film Festival] at all.

Watch a movie...

Often, the movies that she was more immersed in and very satisfying to watch were all bought by those blockbusters.

And the rest of the films on display…

Although it is not something that film companies are scrambling to grab the copyright for, the producers and directors do not like their so-called "Salu", and it is impossible to exclusively authorize them to play it.

This was exactly what she thought.

But Zhang Sheng did not feel this sense of loss.

Elaine discovered that while everyone was seriously watching movies, Zhang Sheng never watched movies.

He walked into the screening hall, and after walking in, his eyes never rested, as if like X-rays, scanning everyone in the screening hall.

He stays with some people longer and with some people shorter.

After walking out of the cinema, he would stare at the "credits list" on the movie poster for a long time.

When looking at the poster, Zhang Sheng was as motionless as a sculpture...

Elaine even suspected that if she walked over and kicked Zhang Sheng, Zhang Sheng would not react at all.

This state of affairs lasted for several days.

Elaine still hasn’t “bought” the ideal movie.

The [Berlin International Film Festival] awards ceremony is getting closer.

After the award ceremony is over...

The difficulty of "copyrighting" some ideal movies will only be higher!

However, the only thing Elaine is looking forward to is that Zhang Sheng's decoration team has arrived at the [Seroux] cinema in France.

They are refurbishing [Sailu] according to the drawings, and will send photos every day so that Elaine can see the renovation process of [Sailu].

That's its new life...

It’s the morning of February 10th.

Elaine wakes up from her dream.

She walked downstairs and wandered around the screening area as usual.

She has watched all the movies that should be watched, leaving some movies that no one cares about. After all, no one watched them.

She did not see Zhang Sheng.

When I called Zhang Sheng, it showed that the phone was shutting down. I went to Zhang Sheng's room to look for Zhang Sheng, but found that the room was empty.

He seems to be gone?

Finally, she saw Zhang Sheng in the cafe below the hotel.


Zhang Sheng was chatting with a young Brazilian man in a suit and tie...


"Mr. Zhang, I should be a successful person now. When I go out, I am picked up by a luxury car. When I come to Berlin, I fly first class. Wherever I go, there are many reporters surrounding me... I am a public figure. …”

"Well, you are indeed quite successful now."

"Mr. Zhang, since I am so successful, why did you cancel the endorsement contract with [Oubang Group]? I can bring greater benefits to [Oubang Group]!"

"We have terminated the contract."

"We have terminated the contract. It just means that I no longer work under you. It does not mean that we cannot cooperate in the name of equality..."

"Dawa, have you studied since you left?" Zhang Sheng did not answer Tom's question, but looked at him and asked.

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, my name is Tom!" Tom stared at Zhang Sheng, with a smile on his face that turned a little angry.

"The name is just a code name. I want to know, after you terminated the contract, did you still keep studying?"

"Mr. Zhang Sheng! I know the truth about this world. The so-called art and the so-called talent are actually not important. What is important is what kind of person capital wants you to be..."

"You stopped studying?"

"What's the use of learning all that film knowledge? When I received endorsements, no one ever asked me to evaluate a movie. Even if I was invited by Avery Tashi to come to Berlin this time, no one asked me about the movie. No matter what, the essence of this world is packaging. Many people only believe in the "packaged" people they see. As long as I am with Avery Tashi, I will be Avery Tashi's friend! "

"Have you met Avery Tashi?"

"He is very busy, so naturally I can't see him..."

"Why were you invited to Berlin? To be a judge? Berlin invited you to be one of the judges?"

"None of this is important, Mr. Zhang Sheng. I just want to tell you that I am very important now. If you don't cooperate with me, you will regret it. Moreover, it is impossible for you to find someone more suitable than me to replace me." !" Tom suddenly became angry.

Zhang Sheng's eyes made him very uncomfortable, as if they could see his past poverty, backwardness, past weakness and even cowardice.

Facing Tom's anger, Zhang Sheng just watched silently.

Seeing Zhang Sheng's expression, Tom's anger rose again: "Zhang Sheng, you will regret it! I came here this time not to pray for you, nor to think that I am not good, but to tell you that I walked out A path of my own, I have never been a puppet arranged by you!"

Tom was angry.

Originally elegant, the gentleman's face was even a little ugly.

Seeing Zhang Sheng seemed to let him see his former self.

Zhang Sheng drank a cup of tea.

There was absolutely no reaction to Tom's anger.

Tom became more and more angry, but after looking at Zhang Sheng's appearance, he couldn't say anything and finally left the coffee shop without saying a word.

(There may only be two updates today)

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