I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 243 He regrets it!

in the room.

There is no other sound.

Zhang Sheng is telling his story.

The circles under his eyes gradually turned red.

It seemed as if he had gone through vicissitudes of life and wind and rain, and as if a heavy burden was pressing hard on him, making him unable to breathe.

Bi Feiyu was stunned.

Even though he knew that Zhang Sheng was "giving a speech," he couldn't tell which of Zhang Sheng's things were fabricated to sensationalize and which of them were reality.

He just felt out of breath.

Elaine was stunned.

She looked at Zhang Sheng.

She couldn't help but cover her mouth.

Zhang Sheng's voice was deep, dry, and choked. Elaine couldn't describe how she felt at this moment...

She only felt that she saw a soul struggling in pain, beaten to pieces by life, and then compromised over and over again before finally giving up on his dream!

At this moment, Elaine felt that he was similar to her, and she felt the same feeling. She felt that she was struck hard deep in her heart, and she was so uncomfortable that she could not speak.

She even wanted to stand up and give Zhang Sheng a hug.

"I once hated myself for being immersed in capital, but life did not give me a second path. It kept joking with me, joking over and over again..."

"But the dream has not been put on hold because of life. It gradually begins to become hotter in my eyes..."

"I have been persevering, and this perseverance has allowed me to meet many, many like-minded friends..."

"Along the way, I have also seen many excellent works that should have shined, but were buried in the whirlpool of capital!"

"They were suppressed, ignored, and thrown aside like garbage..."

"I was suddenly very angry and felt that the world should not be like this. The anger made me and my friends build a website for the [Southern California International Film Awards]. The anger made me bet everything and made a website in Brazil. Southern California International Film Awards], I just want to give some encouragement to these young directors!"

"Because I have no professional vision and have never received professional art training, many of the shortlisted movies I selected are bad. Here, I want to say to you, I'm sorry, Mr. Avery Tashi , many movies pollute your eyes, but this is not my original intention..."


Avery Tashi looked at Zhang Sheng.

this moment……

He trembled in his heart.

Then, I felt an unprecedented sense of guilt.

He never thought that the [Southern California International Film Awards] would have such a history.

He also once questioned that after being in this complicated circle for so many years, he had a certain way of looking at people.


From Zhang Sheng, he could only feel the simplest sincerity, a fiery heart, and the invisible but seemingly luminous soul!

He saw Zhang Sheng bowing to him and sincerely apologizing.

He quickly lowered his head and helped Zhang Sheng.

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, I also want to apologize. I just said something..."

"Mr. Avery Tashi, I never dreamed that you would appear at the [Southern California International Film Awards]. Really... I was surprised, but at the same time, I was very excited! I once felt that I was I'm dreaming... Your appearance has given an unspeakable weight to the [Southern California International Film Awards] that everyone despises and looks down upon. At the same time, it has also made this award known to more people. It has begun Becoming authoritative has allowed many directors to stand up and speak loudly about this award..."


Avery Tashi's throat seemed to be blocked by something.

He couldn't say anything.

He just patted Zhang Sheng on the shoulder.

At this moment, he had the same admiration for Zhang Sheng as Elaine, and at the same time he also had a bit of respect...

"So, today, I am honored to see you. I feel like I have opened a door..."

Before Zhang Sheng finished speaking, he heard an untimely sob.

Elaine sat next to him, lowering his head and wiping tears.

Zhang Sheng's words were extremely damaging to the little girl. As she listened, she couldn't control her emotions.

not far away……

Of course Bi Feiyu didn't cry, he just looked at Zhang Sheng.

But the emotions are more complicated.

He could no longer tell the difference between true and false.

I just felt uncomfortable, but I also had the urge to follow Zhang Sheng all the way and help Zhang Sheng realize his dream.

This impulse was once hard to restrain!

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, you are really admirable. I feel a spirit..." Avery Tashi finally held Zhang Sheng's hand.

"Mr. Avery Tashi, let me say it again, I am honored to meet you. At the same time, I sincerely extend an invitation to you. I hope you can participate in this year's [Southern California International Film Awards]. Serve as a judge. If possible, I hope you can serve as the chairman of this award. Although it has many shortcomings, it is a toddler who will eventually stand up step by step and run farther! It will be a very authoritative, artistic, and at the same time not inferior to the three major film festivals!"

"It will!" Avery Tashi was deeply infected by Zhang Sheng's sincerity, and he nodded.

After seeing Avery Tashi nod, Zhang Sheng smiled, then looked at Bi Feiyu: "Director Bi!"


Bi Feiyu watched Zhang Sheng calling him coldly, was startled, and then walked over.

"Director Bi, haven't you been unable to find an art director for our "Seven Days to Die"?"

Bi Feiyu was shocked, and then in disbelief. Then after seeing Zhang Sheng's expression, he nodded quickly, with only surprise in his heart.

"Mr. Avery Tashi..." Zhang Sheng looked at Avery Tashi, who was immersed in emotion, and his face became sincere again.



Crowds of people.

Surrounded by the media, Tom once lost himself.


After the heat subsided, Tom began to feel anxious again.

He tried to call Avery Tashi. He hoped to ask Avery Tashi out and then take a photo with Avery Tashi in front of all the media.

That can solidify his position in the film industry, and after returning to China, he can reach a higher level.


Avery Tashi never answered any of his calls.

In fact, after arriving in Berlin, Avery Tashi found that he had not become a judge of the [Berlin International Film Festival], and Avery Tashi never paid attention to him again.

The huge sense of gap made him overwhelmed.

In front of Dasli Trat Hotel.

He kept watch.

I stayed there from noon until the afternoon, three hours before the closing ceremony of the [Berlin International Film Festival] was about to begin.

During this period, he told the doorman that he was a friend of Avery Tashi and hoped that the doorman would let him into the room.

But the guard ignored him. The status he was once proud of seemed worthless after being separated from the media's pursuit.

He is still waiting.

He did not give up the opportunity to meet Avery Tashi.

The media he brought along also followed him and kept watch...

However, these media from China changed from their initial enthusiasm to gradually becoming stunned and then becoming impatient after learning the truth.

The stars who attended Berlin also gradually became indifferent to Tom.

turn out to be……

Tom was never a judge at the [Berlin International Film Festival], not even a public judge.

He is just a clown who is praised and craves heat more than anyone else.

Tom still persists!

Persevere until the sunset is about to set...

He finally saw Avery Tashi coming out.

He adjusted his clothes, asked the already impatient media to focus on the camera, and then he walked over with a smile on his face.

"Hello, Mr. Avery Tashi!"

When he just finished saying this, he saw Zhang Sheng next to Avery Tashi.

Zhang Sheng and Avery Tashi were walking side by side and seemed to be chatting, and they seemed very familiar to each other.

His expression changed, and his smile began to stiffen, but he still held on.

Avery Tashi glanced at him and just nodded without even speaking.

There was no enthusiasm like that night in the Brazilian hotel.

His expression changed, but thinking that he was under the camera, he gritted his teeth and showed a brighter smile: "Mr. Avery Tashi, shall we go to the Berlin venue together? I have prepared the car!"

Tom almost stood in front of Avery Tashi.

He maintained a self-righteous sense of gentleman, but in Zhang Sheng's eyes, he was extremely abrupt and even very rude.

Avery Tashi frowned: "Sorry, no need!"

After saying this, he took a detour and turned around to leave.

Followed by Bi Feiyu.

Bi Feiyu looked at Tom as if he were a clown.

Tom's face was hot, and he finally gritted his teeth and chased after him: "Mr. Avery Tashi, I want to talk to you about the movies in Berlin these days. I think some movies can be a little more profound, and I have some opinions... "

Tom was stopped by the security guard next to Avery Tashi.

He stayed where he was.

Avery Tashi has absolutely no interest in his concept of "movie".

It shouldn't be like this!

When they were in Brazil, they obviously had a good chat, obviously...

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, don't invite people who don't understand movies to pretend to be judges in the future. In the eyes of professionals, it will be a joke and it will lower the artistry of our [Southern California International Film Awards]. I know you I want to encourage some directors in this way, but art is art and blasphemy is not allowed."

"Well, I know, we won't invite him this year. We have terminated the contract."

A gust of wind blew.


Tom heard these words in the wind.

This sentence is said in English.

Zhang Sheng didn't even look at him. He just walked side by side with Avery Tashi and continued chatting about other topics.

Tom's expression changed greatly.

this moment……

He found himself abandoned.

He watched helplessly as Zhang Sheng and Avery Tashi got into the car.

He saw the media surrounding Bi Feiyu.


He stood there.

Like a fool.

Zhang Sheng!


Zhang Sheng doesn't seem to need him now!

He caught up with Avery Tashi...

this moment!

Tom lowered his head.

He began to regret it!

(Guaranteed two updates today)

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