I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 259 A shocking story!


Smartphones have gradually entered the public eye.

There was Apple before, Nokia was still not eliminated, Samsung was behind, and Sony was in its early days...

10 years……

Smartphone brands with independent operating systems and independent running spaces are popping up like mushrooms after a rain.


"Actually, I have been a technology fan since I was a child."

"I have always been interested in video games, mobile phones, and computers."

"When I was in elementary school, I often secretly played with my father's Nokia mobile phone, masturbating and stacking cubes in bed, and played it in the middle of the night. That's when I became myopic..."

"Later, when I was in junior high school, I dreamed of having my own mobile phone. Even during recess, I would draw a mobile phone on my notebook, and then imagine how I would show off after I got the mobile phone, haha..."

"High school studies are very busy, and the family situation has changed dramatically, so this kind of thinking has been suppressed a little..."

"Sister Bingbing, to tell you the truth, the first mobile phone in my life was given to me when I was working for a mobile company to run business. I have been using it until now..."


Shen Bingbing led the camera crew and followed Zhang Sheng into the office.

The originally empty office was now filled with all kinds of books.

The most eye-catching line is a book called "Ten Years of Yaohua History", which is placed on the bookshelf in front of Zhang Sheng's computer desk. No matter how you turn the camera, you can't get around it.

A little round the corner...

Then I saw an advertisement appearing in Zhang Sheng’s hand. The advertisement was for the “pre-order” of [Hua X1] which is about to be launched...

Zhang Sheng held the advertising flyer over and over again while recalling his desire for a mobile phone, and once he started talking, he couldn't stop talking.

Especially in the documentary "A Day in the Life of Zhang Sheng", Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses and introduced a lot of how he got the mobile phone, and how excited he was on the day he got the mobile phone.

"Classmate Zhang Sheng, can you briefly talk about your entrepreneurial experience during difficult times?"

Interviews inevitably lead to an awkward situation.

Interviewees often talk about things that have nothing to do with the subject of the interview.

Therefore, as a reporter and the only one who can control the scene now, Shen Bingbing's responsibility is to bring the theme back.

Today’s themes are [Inspirational], [Struggle], and [Persistence in Desperate Times], not [Hobbies], [Technology], and [Mobile Phones].

"I have actually been talking about my entrepreneurial experience, Sister Bingbing. Every time I get up from a desperate situation, there is a specific node... the new mobile phone is a node for me!"

"For many people, a mobile phone is within easy reach, but for me a few months ago, it was equivalent to a new turning point in my destiny..."


Shen Bingbing nodded seriously while listening.

In the camera, Zhang Sheng was sitting, finally no longer focusing on introducing his desire for a "mobile phone", but began to talk about his entrepreneurial experience in a low and hoarse tone.

Shen Bingbing subconsciously sat up straight and looked at Zhang Sheng.

When Zhang Sheng finally started to tell his story, his whole demeanor changed.

Under the lens.

He looks vicissitudes of life, precocious, and his eyes reveal nostalgia...

He lowered his voice, and his Mandarin suddenly became very standard, almost at the level of ordinary radio anchors and mobile users.

Shen Bingbing was shocked for a while!

But the shock didn't last long, and he was attracted by the content of Zhang Sheng's story.

The afternoon sun shines through the window and shines on Zhang Sheng's face.

The wind was blowing gently by the window.

Zhang Sheng talked about the sudden change in his senior year of high school!

It was a suffocating story in a desperate situation.

Parents jump off a building, relatives trick you into inheriting family property, your studies plummet...

Zhang Sheng's ability to render emotions is amazing. A simple story, but told in an immersive way.

For the first time, Shen Bingbing felt that "sounds actually have images"!

As a host and a qualified host, Shen Bingbing is confident that she has a strong ability to control her emotions.

Moreover, she had actually seen Zhang Sheng's experience many times. Even before she came in, she felt that she was already immune.


Listen, listen.

Suddenly, my throat felt dry, my whole heart felt like it had been hit hard, and I was suffocated by pain.

Immediately afterwards, my nose felt sore, and I felt like something was about to come out of my eyes.

She continued to endure it.

Hold the microphone and interview.

Zhang Sheng seems to have gone astray again...

She wanted Zhang Sheng to tell a "brief" "entrepreneurship" story, not his behind-the-scenes story.

But now, it's getting more and more off topic.

However, Shen Bingbing found that she could not speak at all and asked Zhang Sheng to stop talking.

It was a very contradictory feeling. I once hoped that Zhang Sheng would stop telling it, but at the same time I was eager to hear this story.

Zhang Sheng's voice easily touched the softest part of Shen Bingbing's body...

Not only Shen Bingbing, but also everyone present in the office.

Li Zhonghe, the documentary director who shot "A Day in the Life of Zhang Sheng", covered his mouth, his eye circles were already red, and tears kept flowing out.

He looked at Zhang Sheng and listened to Zhang Sheng's story. He never thought that Mr. Zhang's period was so difficult!

For a moment, he wished he could travel back to the time when Zhang Sheng was down and out, and take out all the money to help Zhang Sheng tide over the difficulties.

It was a feeling of watching helplessly but unable to do anything.

The CCTV staff were a little better, but everyone remained motionless, even afraid that their breathing would disturb Zhang Sheng's storytelling, which became the last straw for Zhang Sheng.

"It is inevitable for people to despair, but I finally survived!"

Time passed little by little.

Shen Bingbing felt that she had finally suppressed her emotions and was not "infected" by Zhang Sheng's words, so she broke her guard!

This is the standard a journalist should have.

calm down!

No matter what happens, stay calm.

She reminded, repeatedly.


After Zhang Sheng said the three words "live", she finally couldn't control her emotions.

"Feel sorry……"


"Somewhat out of character..."

When the emotions could no longer be suppressed, the tears began to flow down like crazy. I wiped them with a napkin for a long time, but they couldn't be wiped dry.



fell into a brief stagnation.

Whether it was the filming of the "One Day in the Life of Zhang Sheng" documentary or the CCTV filming, they all stopped.

Zhang Sheng turned his head and looked out the window.

That gust of wind is very warm, so warm that it makes people want to stretch themselves.

Spring in March...

What a wonderful day.

A long time ago, Zhang Sheng was telling stories in a hall of five hundred people.

It also tells a story similar to entrepreneurship.

At that time, most stories were made up.

He spoke heartily, and the ups and downs of his voice surrounded the entire hall. There was silence below. He was the protagonist of the whole world!


He rarely told these stories.

It’s not that there’s no chance, it’s that there’s no need to talk about it anymore.


He is still telling stories, telling his own stories.

What he said was really not perfect, and he felt that he had not exerted 50% of his former power!


There is a real difference in the emotional impact of fabricated stories and stories experienced in a real sense.

Moreover, it is obvious that the nerves of these audience members in the office are very fragile. They are so fragile that Zhang Sheng cannot finish telling the story, and they break through the defense.

This depressing feeling lasted for nearly ten minutes before it eased slightly.

Shen Bingbing's delicate makeup was a little smudged, but it didn't make her look bad. On the contrary, it made me look even more beautiful.

She went to the bathroom.

When I came back, I was finally fine.

"Do you want to continue?"

"Go on, classmate Zhang, let's just talk about it briefly."


"Classmate Zhang, what I mean to say briefly is that many clips may not be broadcast by our CCTV. After all, the introduction is only thirty seconds to one minute, and a lot of things have to be cut..."


Shen Bingbing realized how terrifying Zhang Sheng was.

Therefore, Zhang Sheng was repeatedly reminded not to tell those sensational stories again.

Zhang Sheng nodded.


He began to tell his entrepreneurial story "simply".


The behind-the-scenes interview, which was originally planned to be completed in ten minutes, lasted from three o'clock to five o'clock.

That's a simple entrepreneurial story.


The ups and downs of the plot once again made Shen Bingbing immersed in the story, making her uncontrollably excited and her heart beating.

The sun sets.

A group of them walked out of the office.

At this moment, a thirty-year-old young man walked through the door.

He came in panting, holding several mobile phone boxes.

"boss Zhang……"

"Is it finally here? Great, the phone is finally here!"

Shen Bingbing was still immersed in the story.

But he saw Zhang Sheng walking toward the door like an excited child getting a gift.

The scene was caught on camera.

Then, I took a photo of a pure white mobile phone with an artistic feel!

That mobile phone is called [Hua X1] mobile phone, and it is the latest model of [Yaohua].

"Mr. Xu, does this phone have an independent operating system and independent running space?"


"How many pixels?"

"Four million pixels on the rear, 250,000 pixels on the front..."

"[Hua X1] really did not disappoint me. Is it a full touch screen?"

"Yes, except for the HOME button and the surrounding volume lock screen button, it is purely touch screen and has the latest built-in battery. Mr. Zhang... it has all the data in the parameter poster you got before!"

"Okay, okay! Sorry, Sister Bingbing, um, can you stop the filming for a while? I have something to do."


"Sorry, because it is an internal beta test, this phone cannot be shown in the camera for the time being. This part can be edited, right?"

"It's possible, but..."


Amid Shen Bingbing's astonishment, Zhang Sheng walked into the office minding his own business.

Shen Bingbing was left with a confused look on her face.


It seems that he has become a different person again.

It seems that he is completely different from the vicissitudes of life, precocious, tearful and inspirational young man before!

This phone…

Is it really that good?

Four megapixels?

She thought of the three million pixels of her iPhone 3...

He suddenly fell into deep thought.

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