I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 278 The smoke rises! (Third update! Make up for yesterday!)


Ah K took a walk around [Qiangsheng Mall].

When he saw the crowded [Qiangsheng Mall], his emotions were infected and he became a little excited.


He followed Zhang Sheng back to [NC Entertainment], and the two of them stood in front of the computer in the office together.

He had a premonition that Mozi's "Ecstasy" would be released soon.

The popularity on the Internet is terrifying...

Just an hour ago!

Mozi and a promotional poster for his new song "Ecstasy" have appeared on the most conspicuous interfaces of mainstream music players such as Qgou Music, Kuxiu Music, and Qianqianjingting.

half an hour ago.

Zhang Fucheng Zhang Tianwang, Iron Lung Music Master Li Zongyou, Soprano Queen Xu Yanlin...

Music seniors with great reputations and countless fans have expressed their encouragement to Mozi and their expectations for the new song "Ecstasy" on their social media.

Twenty minutes ago…

Ah K saw the single "Ecstasy" and Mozi, and officially reached the top of the Weibo hot search list, the top topic list, and the top five social entertainment news list...

Ten minutes ago…

This data has been refreshed again. News about the singer "Mozi" occupied the top three positions on Weibo's entertainment topic list, and the popularity was so high that it even lasted for a week! 【Yaohua】Finally won! 】The news was suppressed.

For a moment, Ah K felt the terror of the heavy pressure of [Starlight Future] capital.


This sense of terror, instead of making him depressed and discouraged, actually made him more and more excited, and even made him feel inexplicably bloodthirsty.

It seems that there is a feeling in my bones that a beast is about to be released?

Like a hunter, waiting for the prey to appear!


Xu Shengnan looked at the time on the wall and walked over little by little.

The ticking sound seemed to hit his heart.

[Starlight Future] tilted almost all its resources towards Mozi.

Mozi was very excited, and every once in a while, he would report to her the popularity of "Ecstasy"...

With the collision of countless resources, the warm-up of "Ecstasy" has surpassed the popularity of any song in the past, and has even broken records.

Naturally, Xu Shengnan couldn't be excited.

But still counting the time silently...

In order to make "Ecstasy" a success, she even invited "Wang Zelin", a highly respected master in the entertainment industry from Taiwan.

Master Wang personally came to their company, and then helped them set up a "Feng Shui array" in their office, and told them the time to gather wealth and energy.

Even this time is accurate to every minute and every second.

This is a battle that cannot be lost!

Moreover, giving and receiving are not directly proportional at all!

It's natural to win. Mozi's influence, connections, resources, celebrity status, and number of fans in this circle all crush Ah K.

Even Mozi's "Ecstasy" crushed Ah K's "Running", which is not something to be happy about.

On the other hand, if you lose, the consequences will be disastrous!

Everything they have done today will be in vain. Not only will it be in vain, but the foam will become a step, allowing Ah K to step on him, making it the most exciting battle in his career!

Because giving and receiving are not directly proportional, she chose to let Mozi postpone it until the popularity of [Yaohua] was over...


Mozi's persistence caused her to struggle for a period of time. During this struggle, she finally chose to fight Mozi again!

Just like when she signed up for Mozi among countless people and chose to accompany him, step by step towards the path of "King of Heaven".

"Sister Katsunan, is it time?"


"Then publish a notice to the whole network?"


The time finally stopped at 4:30, and Xu Shengnan no longer thought about the issues of victory or defeat, gains and losses.

She took out her mobile phone, made a call, then logged into Mozi's personal Weibo, and then posted the copy she had already written on Weibo.

After publishing, she calmly watched the number of clicks on the copy skyrocket, and the number of comments gradually increased from dozens to hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands...

She browsed Weibo.

I saw that singers who were close friends with [Starlight Future] in the circle immediately reposted the Weibo copy of "Mozi", and then all sent congratulations.

She saw that several Weibo Vs with extremely high fan followings began to write copywriting stories about how much [Mozi] had put in for this song.

In these copywriting, she saw [Nangong Nan]'s wandering experience while playing "Mozi" and the song "Ecstasy".

[Nangong Nan]'s copywriting is so well written that even Xu Shengnan felt a little queasy after reading it. It's obviously been carefully crafted!

After reading it, she was very satisfied!

On these two Weibos, she had been communicating with [Nangong Nan] during this period, chatting with them intentionally or unintentionally. During the chat, she learned that the owner behind [Nangong Nan] was an office worker and liked to watch movies and Listening to music, I am also one of Mozi’s fans...

Of course, Xu Shengnan couldn't let him help "Mozi" for free. She directly transferred nearly 40,000 yuan to their accounts in advance and bought the "carefully crafted" copywriting.

Xu Shengnan closed his eyes.

She recalled it carefully, and finally couldn't think of any mistakes. Then she opened her eyes and nodded with satisfaction. She had used all the available resources and had no regrets!

Even a lion fighting a rabbit requires all his strength, what's more, Zhang Sheng is not a rabbit!

"Sister Shengnan, ten minutes!"

"We have a cool show of music! It has already reached the top ten on the charts!"

"We are on Cool Show Music, and the number of hits has exceeded 10,000, and the number of first-time views by users has exceeded 3,000..."

"Qgou Music's clicks have exceeded 20,000, and the number of first-time views by users has exceeded 10,000! The ranking has reached ninth place, the hot song list has reached fifteenth place, and my personal singer ranking has reached the top No. 8! The number of user comments on the song has exceeded a thousand!”


Mozi's voice was very excited, with a bit of vibrato.

That was a milestone in his career and a milestone in his online music data.

He stared at Lin Zhibai, who topped the rankings in Q Gou Music, and his rising ranking!


He will reach the top!

He opened the Sodu music rankings and saw that "Ecstasy" had reached the top five. After refreshing it again, he reached the top four...

He stared at the download lists of major software...

one thousand!

two thousand!

Three thousand...

He heard Xu Shengnan's phone ringing.

After Xu Shengnan answered the phone, he left the office. When he came back, the expression on Xu Shengnan's face was slightly relaxed.

"TV advertisements have been put into advertising channels for ring tones downloads... In ten minutes, the number of ring tones downloaded is good, and it has exceeded 20,000!"

"How much?" When Mozi heard this sentence, he asked again excitedly.

"Twenty thousand! It's a record. I will arrange for the media to spread this data to increase the popularity of "Ecstasy". This is already the single sales volume of the King's work. It's a good start, but don't get too carried away. Stay calm! Things are not in the end, there will always be changes..." After Xu Shengnan felt relaxed briefly, his expression became serious again, and he looked at Mozi and warned.

"I know!" Mozi nodded quickly.

But the excitement on his face could not be concealed at all. He constantly updated his various data and news on Weibo.

"There will be an exclusive interview later. Please prepare. It's from [Panda Media]..."

"Huh? Is that the tepid media?"

"Yes, they made an appointment with me a few months ago..."

"Sister Katsunan, I don't want to go. That media won't give us much exposure...and it almost depends on us to survive now!"

"Go over now, immediately, immediately!"


When she saw Xu Shengnan's face darkening, Mozi finally nodded helplessly, left the office, and walked to the dressing room nearby.

The staff is already ready.

After Xu Shengnan waited for Mozi to leave, he sat in front of the computer and looked at various data silently.

The data performance of "Ecstasy" is very good, and the current trend is to break various Chinese single records!

She nodded, feeling satisfied, but still did not let down her guard.

She clicked on Ah K’s Weibo!

"Run" is also released!

At this time, a private message from [Nangong Nan] appeared on his Weibo.

"Hello, Ms. Xu... "Running" just contacted me. They want to give me 80,000 yuan to delete Weibo. I don't know what to do..."


[Starlight Future] The resources invested in Mozi this time are simply unprecedented and comparable to the "King of Heaven"!

By comparison……

"Run" has very few resources.

[NC Entertainment] has just been established. It cannot be recommended on the front page of major music software, let alone some well-known media and big V recommendations.

In the end, only relying on the popularity accumulated by Ah K's "In the Rain", "Running" broke into the top 50 on the hot list...

Ah K followed Zhang Sheng to the corner of [NC Entertainment].

He saw a boy and a girl typing.

"Mr. Zhang, is it okay to chat like this?"


"Mr. Zhang, what should we do next?"

"You said that the money has already been received and you can't refuse, so you have to send another copy of Ah K's copy..."


"Also, you guys have a quarrel on the Internet..."

"Why the noise?"

"You have quarreled so many times, why don't you still quarrel? Are you arguing about Ah K or Mozi, who is the real representative of wandering singers!"


No one would have thought that this Weibo celebrity [Cao Lv Chong] and [Nangong Nan], who had criticized Zhang Sheng together, would actually be part of [NC Entertainment].

Unexpectedly, two account owners who are equally powerful are actually sitting on the sidelines at this moment, discussing how to make the quarrel more serious and eye-catching.

Unexpectedly, Ah K and Zhang Sheng joined the "quarrel" discussion...

Half an hour later, the two walked out.

Zhang Sheng's phone rang.

"Have the installed music of "Run" been installed on 3,000 units?"

"Count it as downloads?"

"Okay! Just count the downloads..."

After Zhang Sheng finished the call, he nodded and then made another call.

"Sister Bingbing, hello, I am Zhang Sheng..."

"Sister Bingbing, when will your live online interview with Mr. Lin start?"

"Ah, Sister Bingbing, of course I have information channels. A few days ago, Mr. Lin and I were watching the night view on the balcony. I am not an outsider..."

"Well, Sister Bingbing, can you set the ringtone of your [Hua X1] to "Running"?"

"Nothing. I know you are not allowed to answer the phone during the live broadcast, but isn't this an interview with Mr. Lin? The purpose is to discuss the future of the communications industry. It is reasonable to answer the phone, right?"


(Third update, making up for yesterday, sweat...Thank you everyone for not giving up on me when I asked for leave. Subscriptions and all aspects of data are still rising steadily...Bow, thank you, I will work harder tomorrow!)

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