I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 286 Their Roar (Part 1)


Feeling flushed.

Ah K straightened his clothes and walked to the stage with excitement.

The Yanjing Suburban Stadium is very old, with moss growing on the corners, some cracks on the edges of the stage, and a few mottled paint on the walls that are cracked and peeling.

I heard that this place will be demolished and built for commercial housing next month.

So, it's cheap to rent, just like the concert and the singer.


In the face of countless fans flocking in, the security personnel arranged by [NC Entertainment] were obviously not enough. Xu Bowen, who came to work part-time at the door, had to hold the phone and yell again, calling all his former security friends over in order to maintain the scene. In order to maintain order, there are also some medical staff waiting nearby to deal with emergencies throughout the concert...

Although this concert is simple, it has everything including [Safety Channel], [Media Channel], [Medical Team], and [Fire Extinguishing Equipment].

More and more movie fans walked into the venue with tickets, sat down, surrounded the stage and looked towards the stage in front.

The lights in the center of the stage were very dim, so I could only vaguely look at this figure. After the concert started at almost the same time, the stage lights turned on slightly.

In the stadium, the hustle and bustle, mixed with excited screams, made the entire venue look like a vegetable market...

Then, Ah K walked out.

Ah K has not been fully packaged, nor has his hair style been designed, or even the clothes he wears are the same song he once sang under the overpass.

The accompaniment sounded.

That's the melody of "In the Rain"!

The noise in the entire venue was slightly quieter. The fans who were stopped by the security guards could only silently hold up the sign "Go Ah K" and wait at the door, looking at the monitors set up outside. The monitors were broadcasting live. Live scene of the concert.


The sunset faded.

There are no stars in the sky.

A strong sense of darkness flashed across the earth, especially in the suburbs of Yanjing, where the street lights seemed so dim.

On the stage filled with middle-aged people in the entire stadium, Ah K held a microphone and listened to waves of melodies.

When the excitement and emotion dissipated, when he was in the center of the stage and looked at by pairs of eyes, he inevitably felt a sense of tension in his heart.

Then, "no singing skills", "no skills", "nothing but feelings".

Comments suddenly flashed through his mind. Everyone knew that the other party had hired trolls to hack these comments, but he was still affected.

a singer...

Album sales are one thing, and the ability to control the stage is another.

He, facing so many people, can he control himself?

Countless thoughts and emotions once again impacted his senses, and he even briefly thought about withdrawing.

But obviously, the prelude to "In the Rain" could not give him a chance to self-doubt.

The prelude is over.

He held the microphone and sang. When he discovered that he was not so nervous when singing songs, especially songs he had written.

The silence below and the swaying banner made him feel an inexplicable sense of encouragement and strength.

He suddenly no longer thought about whether he could control the venue or how his concert would go. At this moment, he just wanted to stand on the stage and sing, singing this song with the most angry and excited emotions. "In the Rain", sing it!

His wandering life, his self-doubt in the darkness, his desperate look at the overpass as he couldn't hold on any longer, gritted his teeth again and again, feeling that he should persevere one more time.


He doesn’t have any special talent, and his vocal range isn’t even that wide. Some people in the music department of [Starlight Future] once commented that his upper limit is not high. At most, he will bloom like an epiphyllum, but will wither quickly.

He was questioned and judged time and time again, but he held on time and time again, gritting his teeth and desperately trying to give himself a chance to climb higher.

Naturally, he is also very eager for other people's recognition. At the same time, he is also proving himself!

In the second half of "In the Rain", his voice became increasingly hoarse, with a story-like voice that fascinated countless audiences. His roar, in particular, made some people burst into tears.

Documentary director Li Zhonghe carried a camera and shuttled among the crowd, trying his best to capture every detail of this concert.

He is live broadcasting and is also filming documentary material.

This is a continuation of the documentary "Graduation Years". Once upon a time, the singer who sang songs that no one cared about under the bridge, at this moment, the number of singles released on the Internet officially beat [Mozi] who was at the height of their popularity, and he stood on the stage, for the nearly two thousand live fans. Sing……

Those roars made Li Zhonghe turn his head subconsciously, forgetting to capture the excited faces of the audience with the camera!

He sang at the top of his lungs, but it was also mind-numbing, even more shocking than what he sang on the album...

Li Zhonghe stared, and he vaguely felt that Ah K seemed to be announcing something to the whole world.

When he reached the second half of the song, Ah K's veins popped out and he almost squatted down from the roar. The sound that irritated the eardrums hit the entire venue like a wave.

There were more and more fans singing the chorus. They stared at the not-so-dazzling figure on the stage. Some took a deep breath, some couldn't help but stand up, and some waved their fists...

Neatly, as if every fan is venting their emotions...

These emotions were intertwined, and for a time even Li Zhonghe was infected and hummed along!

"The stage effect explodes!"

He couldn't help but murmur to himself...

After Ah K finished singing, he suddenly felt empty deep in his heart, and a sense of longing rose again.

At this moment, from the depths of darkness, a young man wearing a suit and black-rimmed glasses walked out.


[Modu Century Superstar Concert] is also going on.

The concert with tens of thousands of people was naturally shocking. The traffic in the entire Magic City Square was paralyzed for a time. The traffic police were overwhelmed, but they still diligently maintained order.

Zhang Fucheng came on stage and sang his famous song "Love You BC", which set the entire venue on fire. The influence of this king who dominated the music scene in the 1980s and is still standing today is evident.

Xu Shengnan was in front of the computer, watching the concert. After watching it for a while, he cut off the screen.

She was not surprised by Zhang Tianwang's amazing influence.

After the screen was cut off, she searched for [Ah K]'s concert on the Internet, but could not find it. Finally, she saw a link on [NC Entertainment]'s personal Weibo, and then she clicked on it.

It was a simple video website called [Jitu]!

The movies on this video website are also very simple, such as "That Summer", the documentary "Graduation Years", "The Dog Over the Mountain", and then some Berlin movies...

Obviously, this is a newly established video website...

The homepage of the website is playing [Ah K’s concert].

However, the homepage is not Ah K, but Zhang Sheng comes out...

"Thank you, Ah K, for bringing us such a shocking and inspiring opening song, and also thank you to the audiences who have traveled thousands of miles to come to our concert..."

"On behalf of [NC Entertainment], together with Ah K, I bow to you all! We have no way to thank you. We can only repay you with a song..."

"Next, we let Ah K take a short break and prepare for the next wave of singing emotions. At the same time, we also asked our "middle-aged rocker" Mr. Deng Rong and his guitar wife to bring us a song " "Broken!"

"Mr. Deng Rong, after so many years of silence and wandering, the road you have walked will become the scenery in your memories. What you once burdened has become your gift. The suffering you have suffered will illuminate your future. road……"

"A sword is hidden in the scabbard. No one knows whether the sword is shiny or rusty..."

"But, it doesn't matter, just show your sword!"

"This is your stage alone. There are more than two thousand fans under the stage. Outside the stage, there are countless pairs of eyes staring at you. On the Internet, there are even rock lovers..."

"Show them all your strength!"


Xu Shengnan was rarely shocked in his life.


Zhang Sheng's appearance made Xu Shengnan's eyes widen.

She watched Zhang Sheng pat a middle-aged man on the shoulder, and said this without any hesitation!

Zhang Sheng's Mandarin is very standard, as standard as any telecom customer service, or even as good as a TV host.

However, the emotion contained in each of his words is amazing. Across the screen, Xu Shengnan can feel a sense of blood boiling, as if every word can touch people's souls.

She couldn't help but begin to wonder what Zhang Sheng had been doing before!

Zhang Sheng’s voice effect is obvious...

The middle-aged man named Deng Rong was holding the guitar and his whole body was shaking. This was not because he was afraid of the stage, but because he was excited!

Across the screen, Xu Shengnan felt that the middle-aged man's emotions were aroused to the extreme...

He held the guitar and sang the song "Broken". This is a very early rock music from Cui Yonghao, one of the earliest rock musicians in China!

After a lapse of Chinese New Year...

When Xu Shengnan heard the song again, her eyes froze.

This wandering singer is full of emotions, longing for the future and life, and sings very far away...

"Broken" was born out of Cui Yonghao, but it was sung by Deng Rong in a different way. This wandering singer's singing skills are really strong!

Xu Shengnan listened. The more he listened, the more serious his expression became!

Did Zhang Sheng pick up another treasure?

At this moment, an idea flashed through Xu Shengnan, and then she shook her head violently, feeling some inexplicable regret in her heart.

A good singer!

We need good songs!

There are many people who sing well in this world, but there are very few truly top songs like "Run"!

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