I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 288 The light of fireflies lighting up the night sky! (Third update! Additional update for 5

There is no rehearsal for this [Little People’s Concert].

Except for the sound equipment, everything was very ordinary. Not to mention it was comparable to the [Magic City Century Superstar Concert], even a concert by an ordinary singer could not compare.

It's cheap!

The stage is so cheap that it is shockingly cheap. After this concert is held, the stadium will be completely demolished and then turned into a set of commercial housing in the tide of the times.

It’s so cheap that a ticket only costs 20 yuan, and when I buy a mobile phone, the shopkeeper almost sells it half and half gives it away...

It was so cheap that the singers were all unknown before they came on stage. Even after they came on stage, most people's calves were trembling, and some people's singing was subpar.

It was ridiculed, it was questioned, it was like a joke, but it was finally held, and there was an audience, and the audience was growing...

Ah K breathed a long sigh of relief and remained in excellent spirits.

He heard some homeless singers who were invited backstage constantly apologizing. Not only were their singing performances worse than those under the bridge, but they even had many performance accidents. They felt that they had ruined the concert. .

They felt guilty and uneasy, and if it hadn't been for repeated encouragement from the staff, they would have even wanted to kneel backstage, as if they were condemning themselves for their heinous crimes.

This is the first time they have been invited to the stage in such a long time, and it is the stage with such a large audience!

And instead of making the stage more lively, they lowered the level of the entire stage and made the entire stage simpler, like a street stall.

That kind of emotional self-blame is uncontrollable!

Ah K did not go on stage immediately, but looked at them. Their humble appearance made Ah K tremble deep in his heart...

Then, Ah K looked at the bursts of darkness in front of the stage. Zhang Sheng was still talking.

He believed that Zhang Sheng would not care about these things, and he also believed that in this concert, no one would care about these things.

He took a deep breath: "Let's go!"


"Let's walk together and go on stage together. Can you sing my song "Run"?"

"This, I can sing! I can sing!"

"Okay, let's go on stage with our guitars on our backs..."

"This...we never said before that we would be on stage together in the end!"

"The rules are set by us. We can go on stage whenever we want. Mr. Zhang has set up such a stage for us. In addition to giving us the opportunity to show ourselves, he also hopes that we can express the emotions deep in our hearts. Shout out!"

Ah K looked at everyone. He didn't know whether he had been with Zhang Sheng for a long time or what was going on. In some aspects, he began to look like Zhang Sheng.

"Come on, follow me and come on stage! Let all the audience hear our roar. Don't worry about not singing well or breaking the note. "Run" itself is a cathartic song!"

Zhang Sheng’s voice inspires everyone...

After a brief silence, the wandering singers nodded subconsciously and then put their guitars on their backs one by one.

Ah K clenched his fists, and then led a group of people onto the stage.

He originally thought the stage would be dark, but when he stood on the stage, he found that the entire stage was lit up with star lights...

Beside the stage, the staff took out their mobile phones one by one and illuminated the stage with their dim light!

On the stage, he saw Zhang Sheng holding the microphone, stretching his arms, shaking his arms in the air, and shaking the light on his mobile phone.

Ah K's whole body was trembling, and a surge of emotion made his eyes moist again. He nodded to Zhang Sheng.

"Let us use our own little light to illuminate this small world!"

"Here, we only have dreams, only dream chasers, and only ourselves who persist in facing difficulties but still don't give up!"

"Here, no one can defeat us, no darkness can cover up our light, and no cold can make us shiver..."

"A single spark can start a prairie fire!"

"bring it on!"

Zhang Sheng’s voice pierced the night sky.


Below the stage...

One by one, the weak light of fireflies lit up one after another.

They dispel the darkness, illuminate the stage, and illuminate the world...

After Zhang Sheng finished speaking to the distance, he looked at Ah K and the wandering singers who came out!

"This is your stage!"

"On this stage, each of you is the protagonist of the stage, no matter how many times you have fallen, no matter whether you have ever accepted your fate..."

"Come on, let's sing your story again, and let your lives shine brighter again!"

Zhang Sheng’s words are full of power that makes people’s blood boil!

Behind Ah K, Deng Rong and a group of wandering singers were inspired and trembled with excitement!

As Zhang Sheng's hand waved slightly, the high-pitched prelude of "Running" rang out instantly!

They hugged the guitar tightly in unison.

Ah K took a step forward, and after the prelude ended, he held the microphone tightly!

Off stage!

Li Zhonghe felt like the fur all over his body was exploding.

Explosive emotions kept rising and falling in the chest, and goosebumps appeared all over the body, one after another, and they couldn't go away no matter what! It was an emotion he had never experienced before.

The mobile phone lights were swaying, and the audience stood up one by one...

Thousands of people sang the song "Running" together and cheered...

Some people kept waving their arms, as if they wanted to release all the emotions in their bodies...

After he was temporarily absent-minded, he immediately started a new round of filming with the camera!

Damn it, maybe this [little guy’s concert] will be turned into a god-level concert by Zhang Sheng...

After this idea arose, he directed the already sluggish photography crew, who hurriedly woke up from a dream and went to take pictures.

At this moment, he regretted it!

The camera he brought with him was not enough, and he could not show the most exciting part of this venue with two thousand people!

He carried the camera like crazy and ran to the top!

After running to the limit, after falling, after bumping his feet, he still doesn't care!

He finally ran to the highest place of the entire concert and captured the most shocking part.

Looking down from above, in the dark night sky, dots of light shine like stars, and are as gorgeous as the Milky Way!

His hands were trembling, it was an unparalleled visual experience, much more exciting than any special effects, stage lighting, or big stage...

Especially when Ah K sang to the climax of "Running", almost everyone in the entire venue was singing, and the neat voices were mixed with men and women, old and young...

Not only the audience, but also the staff, and the reporters invited by [NC Entertainment]...

Even the reporters who were not invited and were originally sent by other companies to watch the joke sang excitedly...


"Our [Jitu] server crashed!"

"Get a new server, add more!"

"We... didn't expect so many people to come in. The data has reached the limit that the server can bear. We didn't have any plan before. We can't control the data transmitted from the scene!"

"Damn it, this live broadcast can't be broadcast?"

"It can't be broadcast anymore, I'm sorry, Sister Zhou!"

"Don't say sorry to me. You have to say sorry to Mr. Zhang. With all the traffic, this is a great opportunity to promote our [Jitu] video..."


"never mind!"

In a rental house.

Computers and servers are piled up one after another.

Zhou Wen was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, staring at the 404 on the [Jitu Video] web interface while talking to the technical department!

The technicians were sweating profusely while repairing it, but the conclusion they reached was very pessimistic.

Zhou Wen became increasingly anxious.

From the previous transmission, she could no longer see the last part of the concert, but the phone call from the front told her that the concert was very effective!

Some people even couldn't bear the excitement of the explosion and fainted on the spot...

Zhou Wen was both looking forward to and nervous about the scene. She never dreamed that the traffic of this concert would be so terrifying!

"Can you calculate how many people are coming in?"

"More than 100,000!"

"How many?"

"More than 100,000!"

After hearing the news, she finally sat on the chair and stared at the screen with reluctance in her mind.

Their [Jitu Video] was just launched some time ago. It has been tepid when it was launched. Now it has finally received traffic, but it can't sustain the traffic...

No one would be willing to accept this, right?

After about a few minutes, the Q dog on her computer rang.

In QGouli, short videos came from the front...

She immediately clicked on the short video.

The moment she clicked on it, she heard an overwhelming scream. Everyone at the concert seemed to be waving their arms like crazy!


"Sing one more song!"

"Don't end it, please, sing one more song!"

"One more song!"

"One more song!"

In the last few seconds of the short video, she heard the audience yelling at the stage in the distance, and she went even crazier!


[Jitu Video] I am completely paralyzed.

Xu Shengnan called some reporters at the scene.

But I called for a long time but no one picked up!

She looked at the major music platforms.

On major music platforms, "Run" once again surpassed "Ecstasy", and with astonishing data, it reached another peak, reaching a point where "Ecstasy" could no longer catch up.

She saw Ah K's singer ranking rushing from the top five to the second place, and she was about to pull Mozi down...


She saw the hot searches on Weibo, and there were a few more live videos on the hot searches!

Her phone rang.

"Sister wins over men!"

"How was the scene?"

"The scene was shocking. Zhang Sheng is so scary. He heated up the entire scene. My blood is boiling right now. Let me tell you when I come back. My phone is almost out of battery due to being photographed..."


(What happened? Yesterday, the number of monthly tickets increased by nearly 2,000, which directly made our monthly tickets exceed 10,000!)

(Anyway... I'm very excited! The third update is coming today, keep asking for votes!)

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