I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 297 The Eve of the Premiere

A lot of content needs to be reviewed and approved for the premiere of a Chinese film.

For example, scripts, posters, movie release plans, scheduling, rectification, contact distribution, theater arrangement...

After a series of procedures, "Seven Days to Die" couldn't even review the script.


Overseas movie premieres are not that cumbersome.

As long as it is confirmed that there are no principle issues in the film, nor is it deliberately belittling or promoting anything, and a symbolic change is made, the superiors will turn a blind eye and give it the go-ahead.


The most powerful marketing tool in the world is gimmicks.

A long time ago, someone once said that curiosity killed the cat.

Horror film……

It is the kind of film that is not considered popular among the general public, but has countless curious fans who want to see it!

these years……

There are no real horror movies in China.

Basically, they were all shots that created all kinds of suspense and horror in the past. In the end, they suddenly told people that these were all a dream, just a fantasy before death, or taking sleeping pills.

Since a Japanese horror film called "The Curse" became popular all over the world in 2004, Japanese and Korean horror films seem to have gradually declined...

They created a good atmosphere, but the routines became increasingly monotonous. Some horror film directors were exploring new models, but after exploring for a long time, they still failed to discover new models.

Although horror movies don’t necessarily lead to losses, as long as they can be made, they can still make some money, but "The Curse" is really like a milestone in global horror movies. Later generations tried hard to catch up, but found that no matter how they made it, they couldn't make it. It couldn't catch up, and it couldn't produce new ideas. In the end, many people gave up.

Ke Zhanyi feels that horror movies are thankless.

Is it not good to make other commercial films if the film is well-produced and cannot be released in China?

Therefore, Ke Zhanyi finally gave up on "Seven Days to Die".

"But... the promotion of "Seven Days to Die" is really fierce! How could he think of promoting it in this way?"

Some time ago, Ke Zhanyi really thought something big had happened to Zhang Sheng.

However, when he actually saw the news that someone died after watching the movie "7 Days to Die", Ke Zhanyi realized that this was just a hype.

It is clear……

The hype was a huge success!

The premiere date of "Future SWAT" is April 25th.

Until the day before the premiere...

Weibo's hot searches were then highlighted by "Future SWAT" with news such as "China's first true science fiction film", "Chinese science fiction film's first year", "Xie Tianwang was seriously injured for the film and his hand bones were broken". Replacement!

The morning of April 25th.

Ke Zhanyi heard a piece of news.

That's why the movie "Those Flowers", which was supposed to be released in late April, was suddenly withdrawn.

The withdrawal is a good thing for "Future Police", as it frees up a lot of film slots for "Future Police".

The popularity of science fiction films brought by "Avatar" has made Chinese science fiction fans extremely excited. Coupled with the patriotic gimmick of "Chinese local science fiction film", it is also paired with three-dimensional superstars Xie Tianwang, Xu Diding, and popular traffic Xiaosheng Lu Zihan and other famous names immediately sold out the pre-sale tickets!

The company team's predicted box office for the premiere of "Future Police" has reached an astonishing 20 million!

This made Ke Zhanyi breathe a sigh of relief and gave him a little more confidence!

Although "Future SWAT" is not as awesome as advertised, judging from the pre-sale ticket box office, this movie is definitely profitable!

Even this is his landmark work!

Eight O'clock.

Ke Zhanyi walked into the cinema with excitement.

It's like entering a new stage in your career!



When the [Southern California International Film Awards] came to an end, there were fewer tourists from China, but it was much more lively than before.

Through this Academy Award, countless people have become aware of Rocinha, a slum in Brazil. There are also countless directors carrying cameras and filming documentaries in Brazilian slums.

The [Southern California International Film Awards] introduced Rocinha to many filmmakers around the world. Inevitably, many documentary directors were keenly aware that Rocinha could show the so-called "class gap" and "time". "The traces of poverty", "There is only a mountain between the rich and the poor", "Problems left over from history", "Problems with the government system"...

They told Leo John with great interest that this was an art, a human art.

Leo John nodded with a smile on his face.

As a former gang manager who worked in a chaotic place to unify an area, he naturally doesn't understand what art is.

But he is a very open leader. The Rocinha slum is considered a family scandal, but as long as it can generate income for the people below him, even if he takes pictures of his underwear in the villa, it doesn't matter to him...


Centered on the [Southern California International Film Awards]...

As long as a director comes over, there will be a group of young adults with smiles on their faces, standing next to them, responsible for ensuring the safety of entering Rocinha for filming. Every time they arrive at a site, they will immediately promote local products to the crew. Then I will personally take you towards the slums that extend in all directions. When you are tired, because of your personal safety, you must eat, drink and have sex at the place designated by them...

Then, after this experience, you will always find that you have a full pocket when you go in. After shooting the material, you come out and find that you have nothing left except the material.

Starting in late April!

Leo John found that the number of tourists from China began to increase one after another.

At the entrance of the viewing hall that was once used for the premiere of the [Southern California International Film Awards], tourists would gather around, constantly asking when "Seven Days to Die" would be released...

"Seven Days to Die" was just received by Rocinha yesterday. Because of the very pleasant cooperation with the [Southern California International Film Awards], the other party directly authorized it to Leo John for free, and the box office contract was signed directly 55 split agreement.

When Leo John got "7 Days to Die", he didn't care much about it. He doesn't watch movies at all on weekdays, and he doesn't think how much money movies can make.

He just felt that the boss behind the [Southern California International Film Awards] was quite good at being a good person.

Before the movie was released, many people were sent to help them repair the cinema for free...

Well, some open-air cinemas have been transformed into indoor cinemas decorated in a Brazilian style. The wooden chairs have been replaced with soft cushions, and even the big screens have been replaced.

Walking into these cinemas, it seems like there is a little bit of fun!

In addition, they also built many screening rooms in nearby abandoned houses. After building the screening rooms, they walked directly to the door and took the contract to directly transfer nearly 40% of the cinema's shares to Leo John's. When Leo John saw the contract, his eyes narrowed with a smile, even in disbelief.

When other people came to Rociniya to seek cooperation with him, most of them promised him how to create tax revenue...

These Chinese people are so good!

He directly divided nearly half of his property to him!

As for him, Leo John, he didn't have to do anything, he didn't even need to arrange the staff, he just waited to collect the money according to the contract.

This Chinese...

I really want to see him and have a good kiss!

Why is this such a good person?

In addition, these people also replaced the stage and equipment of the [Southern California International Film Awards] with new ones and expanded it again.

And it was stated in detail in the contract that except for the organizer's movie screenings or some overseas activities, Leo John had the absolute right to use the entire stage as long as it was not illegal!

This is not in a sense...

As if the entire stage was given to him?

"How can a movie have such a huge impact?"

"There is news from China that when the staff watched this movie in France, someone was scared to death..."

"Being scared to death after watching a movie? Is it true?"

"This is what the news in China says, and those friends from China also say this..."


April 23rd.

At the gate of Rociniya slum, more and more Chinese tourists are coming.

They looked at the brand-new movie theater and the poster for the upcoming premiere of "Seven Days to Die" outside, feeling a little scared but also looking forward to it.

There is only one piece of white clothing on the poster.

Snow-white, stained with mud, but without any traces of blood...

But the surroundings are endless and depressing black bottoms. Against the backdrop of the black bottom, that piece of clothing seems like a headless darkness...

At a glance, it has a permeating smell!

Pre-sale tickets will be released on the morning of April 23rd...

It's not expensive, about two dollars a piece...

Paper advance tickets officially went on sale at seven o'clock in the morning, and by eight o'clock, they were all sold out!

Leo John led a group of people to inspect the grand scene near the cinema, as well as some reporters carrying cameras.

When I first saw this scene, I was a little confused.

This group of people went to Brazil just to watch a horror movie called "7 Days to Die."

Is this a brain problem?

But when a group of people under his command told Leo John about the "sensation" caused by "Seven Days to Kill" in China, he suddenly became confused!

a movie……

Can it actually scare people to death?

How can it be?

The psychological endurance of these people is really too bad, right?

This fake news…

Leo John shook his head in disbelief.

Then, he looked at the Huaxia News that his men had brought over and saw the so-called "Weibo"...

Watching and watching...

He suddenly became interested in "Seven Days to Die"!

He asked the cinema to copy a USB flash drive, took it to his bedroom, plugged it into his computer, and planned to watch "Seven Days to Die" in advance to see if this movie was as mysterious as it was said to be...



In the lounge of Seru Cinema.

Zhang Sheng sat leisurely on the sofa, drinking coffee, bathing in the warm afternoon sunshine, and watching the news from China.

The first round of premieres of "S.W.A.T." seems to be over, but the reviews from fans online are not too good.

More than half of the movie fans feel that they have been cheated...

They were attracted by the "gimmick" of [Chinese science fiction films].

They thought that even if "Future Police" was not as colorful as "Avatar" and created a visually stunning alien world, at least the special effects would not be too bad.


They walked into the movie theater and saw embarrassing special effects!

They tolerated the poor special effects. After all, China's film industry technology has never been on the same level as Hollywood's film industry technology, and they could understand it.

So, they patiently watched the plot of "Future SWAT".

"Future Police" is a science fiction film that plays with timelines. Many foreign science fiction films that play with timelines have mediocre special effects, but the story is stunning.

Then, the plot disappoints them.

The protagonist played by Xie Tianwang travels from the future to the present to protect the world's "core energy" so that it does not fall into the hands of criminals and lead to tragedy.

There seems to be no problem with the overall context of the story. If the film is really centered around the plot, there is actually a lot of content that can be filmed.

But during the filming of the movie, Ke Zhanyi seemed to be infected with youth-themed problems, or in other words, seemed to want to make a different "love science fiction film"?


There are very few thrilling scenes, but more of the hero played by Xie Tianwang falling in love with the heroine.

When they were fighting the bad guys, they were in love. When the protagonist's teammates died, they were in love. When it ended, they were still in love...

Then, movie fans felt their heads hurt watching it!

Zhang Sheng roughly knew the plot of "Future SWAT" through one comment after another.

After reading it, he sighed slightly, feeling a little pity, and then put down the notebook.

Just at this time……

There was a knock at the door of the office.

"Come in."

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, aren't we premiering yet?"

"It's not the time yet..."

"But now many movie fans from China have gathered around the entrance of our cinema. I receive hundreds of various calls every day. They seem to be going crazy waiting!"

"It's not yet time. By the way, Miss Elaine, will this year's [Cannes International Film Festival] start in June?"

"Yes, it used to be May, but this year it's a little later..."

"Oh...are registrations still going on now?"

“Registration should have closed, but this year’s nominations have not been announced yet.”


Elaine looked at Zhang Sheng with her big beautiful eyes.

She was very confused and didn't know why Zhang Sheng suddenly asked about [Cannes].

Ever since a few days ago, Zhang Sheng invited a group of "actors" to pretend to be reporters and gathered around Sailu Cinema to cover the shocking news about "Seven Days to Kill". Sailu Cinema has been surrounded by countless movie fans from all over China every day. them.

They excitedly asked when "Seven Days to Die" would premiere and when movie tickets would be sold.


But Zhang Sheng kept dragging...

She learned that not only did Zhang Sheng delay the premiere in France, but he also seemed to delay the premiere in Brazil for several days.

"Dong dong dong!"

At this moment, the knock on the door rang again.

The door opened.

Bi Feiyu walked in dusty, with an excited expression on his face: "Mr. Zhang, we finally contacted Mr. Avery Tashi. However, he only promised to give us ten minutes. He has been reviewing films recently. He's busy, let alone recommending "Seven Days to Die" for us, even if we ask him to take an hour to watch a movie, he doesn't have time..."

"Ten minutes is enough."

"Mr. Zhang, you won't really let our "Seven Days to Die" participate in Cannes, will you? Mr. Zhang, to be honest, so far, no horror film has been shortlisted for the three major European film festivals..."

"There is no road in this world, but when there are more people walking, it becomes a road." Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses, with an intriguing smile on his face: "Let's go! Let's see if we can make a big deal... "

(I'm sorry, I'm really out of shape today. I only have 4,000 words. Please allow me to take a little leave...)

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