I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 305 Is it really an infringement, or is it?

Chapter 305 Is it really an infringement, or...

[Starlight Future].

Ke Zhanyi stood silently at the door of the president's office and waited quietly.

Zheng Chengwu and Xu Shengnan had disputes over incidents such as "Cannes" and "the copyright lawsuit with Zhang Sheng"!

What Zheng Chengwu meant was to have the company's legal department publicly send a lawyer's letter to Zhang Sheng's "7 Days to Die" crew, warning Zhang Sheng that the script of "7 Days to Die" infringed!

But Xu Shengnan felt that he shouldn't do this. After all, there was a strong affinity for the cooperation between the two parties, and the company itself gave up on "7 Days to Die". Now it is the most critical time for [Starlight Future] to build a person like Zhang Sheng. The opponent is really unwise!


They finally entered the president's office!

The evening breeze blew in through the window, blowing on Ke Zhanyi's cheeks.

He was pacing back and forth, his face becoming more and more complicated.

At this moment, his emotions were extremely complicated, and his mind was filled with the breaking news that "7 Days to Die" had just been nominated for the Cannes International Film Festival!

This news has been spread throughout the Chinese film industry. When countless filmmakers saw this news, they were so shocked that their jaws dropped!

The discussion about "Seven Days to Die" in the Weibo film circle has gone crazy!

After all, this is the first horror film to be shortlisted for competition in the history of Cannes. To describe it as unprecedented is an understatement!

After Ke Zhanyi confirmed the news, he felt in a daze.

To this day, he still feels that what he heard and saw is not true.

The Cannes International Film Festival is the market with the largest transaction volume in Europe, focusing on films that combine business and art...

Horror film.

This is a very embarrassing type.

You talk about art, and scare art can barely be considered art, but when you talk about business...

Horror films have always been famous for their niches since their birth. They certainly have commercial attributes, but how much commercial value can you have with niche themes?

It was shortlisted for Cannes!

The extreme sense of disobedience is simply shocking!

However, what Ke Zhanyi is thinking about now is not why "Seven Days to Die" was shortlisted for Cannes!


Can he officially enter the Cannes stage with the crew of "Seven Days to Die" and then be selected!

"Cannes! This is a good opportunity for you to become famous! The fifth generation of directors has gradually fallen behind, and the sixth generation of directors is emerging. Among the sixth generation of directors, Cui Hao, Ning Yongqiang... each of these directors is very strong, and they are all regarded as They are the most competitive among the six generations of directors, but you have to remember that they have never really been to a stage like Cannes!"

"You may only have one chance in this life! If you seize this opportunity, you can officially reach the top... After you reach the top, you will receive a lot of resources, and even there are hundreds of millions of movies in them !”

"Besides, we already have the right, so why should we give up these opportunities!"

"The screenwriter's signature should be yours, and the invitation to Cannes should be given to you as a matter of course!"

"This world is a world of the weak and the strong. There are some things you have to fight for. Only by fighting can you get what belongs to you!"


Zheng Chengwu's words constantly stimulated Ke Zhanyi's nerves.

Ke Zhanyi felt that he was standing at a node in life. At this node in life, he could move forward and retreat!

But the choice is always the most difficult thing.

He lowered his head and thought about his "Future SWAT", and that sad emotion filled his heart faintly!

The box office of "Future Police" today was even worse, only 9 million. However, the box office data just reached around 50 million, which means it has almost recovered its money.

However, the reputation I had accumulated on the Internet through "Youth in Time" and "That Summer" was completely consumed by this "Future SWAT".

Cannes International Film Festival!

Is that the dream of how many people in China?

Flowers, applause, much attention, heroes...

These things were once what Ke Zhanyi dreamed of. He longed for it. On the first day he entered the film industry, he longed to stand on the international stage and make countless people look up to him!

Walkway entrance.

He took out his cell phone and then silently looked at Zhang Sheng's number on the phone.

Then, without dialing back, he put the phone back again!

He once wanted to talk to Zhang Sheng, but at one point he felt that it was not easy for him to come forward in this matter, and he should let the company come forward...

He felt that no matter what he said to Zhang Sheng, it was wrong, and if the company came forward, even if it was a lawsuit with Zhang Sheng, it was the company's business!

He is just a small employee of the company. He has no choice but to follow the company's arrangements.


Why should I feel guilty? I'm just a little director who can't even control his own movies and doesn't have any say. What can I do?

Then, that trace of guilt gradually disappeared...

Waiting is the most frustrating thing.

About an hour later, the door to the president's office finally opened.

Xu Shengnan walked out of it.

"Director Ke, Mr. Zheng and I have very different opinions. Mr. Dong wants to ask your opinion!"

"Mine?" The calm mood suddenly suddenly suddenly broke out, and then Ke Zhanyi looked at Xu Shengnan.

"Yes, do you want to go to Cannes?" Xu Shengnan stared at Ke Zhanyi.

Ke Zhanyi suddenly found that he did not dare to look at Xu Shengnan. A feeling of guilt suddenly emerged in his heart, and he finally gritted his teeth: "I, I don't know..."

"Go in." Xu Shengnan probably understood after seeing his expression, but he didn't say anything and just made way.

Ke Zhanyi saw a very beautiful and tall woman with a very serious expression, so serious that it made people feel chilling.

"Director Ke, do you think we should fight?" The woman's voice was pleasant, but as it appeared on the surface, it was as cold as a knife, piercing into Ke Zhanyi's heart and preventing Ke Zhanyi from having any trouble. Dodge or hesitate.

"I don't know. I will do whatever the company arranges."

"Did you write the script?"

"If there are no accidents, I wrote it."

"Is the content of the movie the same as the script?"

"I haven't seen the movie, but there is a scene that is exactly the same as in the script..." Ke Zhanyi lowered his head.

"I received news that Zhang Sheng told you about that scene at home. Is it true or false?"

"..." Ke Zhanyi wanted to say it was true, but maybe because he was a little unwilling, or for other reasons, he finally chose to remain silent.

"Okay, I understand, Director Ke, you can go ahead and do your work first."

The cold, tall woman waited for Ke Zhanyi. After waiting for a long time without a response, she finally nodded.

Ke Zhanyi walked out of the office.

After leaving the office, he was not busy with any work, but took the car back to the rental house.

When he returned to the rental house, his girlfriend Jiang Xiaoyou took her mobile phone and cursed at him.

"When I asked you to choose "Seven Days to Kill", why didn't you choose "Future SWAT" instead?"


Jiang Xiaoyou's chirping voice made him feel more and more harsh, but in the end he still held his breath and said nothing. He just returned to the bedroom and lay down alone.

After a long time, he received a call from the company.

"No more suing?"

"It's okay. I have no complaints. I will follow the company's arrangements..."

After Ke Zhanyi received the call, his originally calm expression became a little startled. After hanging up the phone, he breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he didn't need to carry anything or fight...

But then, a trace of disappointment and unwillingness emerged in his heart.

This sentiment did not last long...

The bedroom door opened.

Jiang Xiaoyou hurriedly walked in.

"Mr. Zhang is going to sue Apple for infringement! What does this mean?"


"Look at the news. It's all breaking now. All the comments in Apple's promotional videos are Mr. Zhang's "rights protection" voice!"



May 2nd.

Zhang Sheng returned to China.

As soon as I returned home, a press conference was held!

[CCTV News], [Yanjing News], [Jincheng Satellite TV]’s flagship program [Xiao Li Comes to Help]...

All these famous media were invited by Zhang Sheng!

"I know my manpower is very small!"

"I also know that IPO companies are the top technology companies in the country. Compared with them, the difference between me and them is like an ant and an elephant!"

"Many people have advised me to forget about this matter and stop doing it. Let's just let it go and make peace with it!"

"But, I really can't swallow this breath!"

"Look, this is a promotional picture of Apple 4. Have you seen it? This is the new template for the [Huaxing] mobile phone that I registered with our China Copyright Department at the end of last year! Have you seen it? The new Apple 4, actually It’s exactly the same as the appearance patent of the [Huaxing] mobile phone I registered last year!”

"Except for the different LOGO, can you see any other differences?"

“They are all full touch screen HOME buttons, they are all buttons, even the speaker buttons are exactly the same!”

“According to the provisions of Article 59, Paragraph 2 of the Patent Law, the scope of protection shall be subject to the design patent product shown in pictures or photos!”

"If there is a slight difference, I won't say it. However, this is no longer similar or borrowed from. This is simply plagiarism. No, it cannot be said to be plagiarism, it is simply copying!"

"Just replace the Apple LOGO with it. Isn't this our [Huaxing] mobile phone?"

"I don't know when my design drawings were leaked, but I still have to say that this IPO company is really shameless in doing such a thing!"


[NC Company] entrance.

Zhang Sheng held a poster and faced countless reporters, looking full of indignation!

Countless lenses shine on Zhang Sheng’s face!

From the Yan Petrochemical Legal Department, Zhang Sheng’s legal mentor Chen Zhizhong was also standing in the crowd.

Even though he has been practicing law for so many years and has seen many shocking things, he is still confused at this moment!

He stared at the [Huaxing] appearance patent pictures displayed by Zhang Sheng and the appearance pictures in the Apple 4 promotional video...

Except for some differences in the LOGO, everything else is exactly the same!

What exactly is going on?

Is the iPhone 4 really infringing the copyright, or...

Chen Zhizhong himself was a little surprised!

"I still have evidence. The mobile phone in my movie "Seven Days to Die" is a model designed by me. If you don't believe it, you can go watch the movie!"

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