I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 318 God-Slaying March! (Third update!)

"Damn it, isn't the Apple 4 American? I always feel like this is a scam!"

"Yes, can Apple 4's branch factory provide small factories like ours?"

"But you're not here?"

"I just came over to watch the fun..."

"But the person who asked us out is Zhang Sheng, didn't you know?"

"Who is Zhang Sheng?"

"You tiger, do you still remember the news some time ago? Zhang Sheng is in a lawsuit with Apple 4, saying that Apple 4 infringes Zhang Sheng's appearance patent..."

"Ah? Is this the case?"

"Of course! Also, go to Internet cafes more often. Zhang Sheng's experience of starting from scratch is regarded by many young people as an entrepreneurial bible!"

"Holy shit, is it true?"


In the conference room.

A dozen bosses sat on chairs and whispered to each other.

Several bosses who realized what they would encounter today remained silent and just stared at the door at the door of the conference room.

They received a call from Xu Bowen.

When they received Xu Bowen's call, they thought it was nonsense at first. Isn't it nonsense to put the Apple 4 production plant here?

However, when Xu Bowen came to chat with them one by one, they realized that there was a road paved with gold in front of them, waiting for them to walk.

six thirty!

The door opened.

Zhang Sheng wore casual clothes and walked step by step into the hotel's conference room.

When he saw that there were only a dozen bosses, Zhang Sheng was actually a little disappointed deep in his heart.

There are still too few people!

"Isn't Teacher Tang here yet?"

"Not here yet, on the way. Do you want to wait for Teacher Tang?"

"No, let's have a meeting here first! Time waits for no one."


After Zhang Sheng and Xu Bowen had a brief conversation, they came to the main seat.

"boss Zhang!"

"boss Zhang!"

"boss Zhang……"

Zhang Sheng saw the dozen or so bosses standing up.

Zhang Sheng waved his hands at them.

When everyone sat down one by one, Zhang Sheng took a deep breath.


"I don't know if you have heard of my story some time ago. Before I start talking about our cooperation, let me introduce myself first..."

"My name is Zhang Sheng, and I am the boss of [NC Entertainment], [Bosch Battery], [NC Decoration] and other companies... Of course, I am also an appearance designer. Last year, I designed the appearance of a mobile phone. And applied for a design patent... However, I never imagined that my design patent would be infringed by an American IPO company! Their current iPhone 4 uses my patent!"

"I speak from my heart, I am very angry, I want them to stop infringement, but the IPO company is one of the top technology companies in the world after all, and I, six months ago, was an ordinary person with a debt of more than 2 million, in a few years I just paid off my debt a few months ago... Even though I’m being reasonable, I still can’t beat them!”

"Of course, China is my territory after all. I applied for a design patent in my territory. No matter how ruthless the American IPO company is, they cannot legally deprive me of my design patent!"

"But Apple 4 dares to be sold publicly, which makes me very angry!"

"I saw Weibo, Qgou, offline mobile phone stores, online shopping malls...the popularity of Apple 4 is almost overwhelming!"

"I can allow them to use my patent to sell money, but I don't allow them to use my patent to make money from my compatriots on our territory. Moreover, the starting price is more than 4,000 yuan! That's a lot! Gui, are you going to treat my compatriots like fools?"


On the podium.

Zhang Sheng was like an angry young man who started "brainwashing" without saying a word.

The boss below could hear his blood boiling inexplicably.

Some bosses were so angry that they wanted to slam the table on the spot!

"However, my power alone is too limited, so I thought that instead of guarding my patent and wasting it in vain, I might as well learn from Android and fully disclose the patent!"


"As long as the boss is willing to cooperate with me, I promise that I will disclose my appearance patent for free!"

"Not only will I disclose my appearance patents for free, but in the future, as long as you are willing to cooperate with other appearance patents owned by my company, I will make them available to you free of charge!"

"I don't want to fight for anything else!"

"I just want to have a breath!"

Zhang Sheng's voice became louder and louder on the stage.

Impassioned and full of power!

The bosses below were very excited when they heard this, especially Liu Bangshun, the boss of [Huaqiang Technology], clenched his fists and was speechless.

He assembles copycat mobile phones!

Imitate various copycat phones!

When the Apple 4 breaking video came out, he actually had some evil thoughts.

He wants to take advantage of the popularity of Apple 4 and make a lot of money!

However, after seeing the news about the lawsuit between Zhang Sheng and Apple 4, he thought about slightly changing the appearance of Apple 4 to avoid infringement!


Today, when Zhang Sheng suddenly announced this news in the conference room, his eyes widened instantly!

If you cooperate with Zhang Sheng, you can completely use the appearance of Apple 4, and you don’t have to worry about any infringement at all, and you can even mass-produce it in the future!

Will your IPO company file a lawsuit with us?

Then let’s fight!

In our land, we have even registered a patent. It would be surprising if you could beat us!

Moreover, the more you fight this kind of wrangling lawsuit, the more publicity it will have, right?

"Mr. Zhang, let's do it now. Many production lines have to be replaced, and when it comes to batteries, our domestic batteries don't have that technology..." Liu Bangshun was excited, but then he realized a very real problem!

"No! You don't need to worry about the battery problem! I have already solved this problem!"

Just then, the door opened.

Liu Bangshun saw a middle-aged man wearing thick glasses walking in.

When he first walked in, he saw Zhang Sheng pulling this middle-aged man.

"This is Tang Wu, Teacher Tang. He is the founder of [Bosch Battery] and a pioneer in the domestic new energy field! Teacher Tang, have you brought the battery?"

"Brought it!"

"Okay, Teacher Tang, please show them how to use our mobile phone battery!"


Liu Bangshun looked at the stage.

The middle-aged man took the experiment box and stuffed the battery into it!

When he saw the temperature that the battery could withstand, he stood up from his chair in shock.

Then, the bosses in front couldn’t wait to surround him.

They saw the various performances of the battery, and then their eyes were opened!

After Tang Wu carefully tested all the battery performance, Zhang Sheng showed a smile on his face, and then waved his hand to signal the bosses to go back and sit down!

Liu Bangshun and others sat back on their chairs.

He felt his heart beating loudly and couldn't suppress it!

"We provide the technology for the battery!"

“Not only do we provide battery technical support, we also provide 200 million cash support!”

"What is the 200 million cash support?"

"I have 200 million yuan in stock on hand. "With 200 million yuan in stock, you don't need to resolder the circuit board, reprogram, or retest. We cover all of this! "

"You are only responsible for providing appearance production and assembly, and you are also responsible for finding channels!"

"I will share the money sold with you!"

"However, there is a premise. After we sign the agreement, you must follow my arrangements step by step. Otherwise, not only will I terminate the authorization midway, but I will also terminate the technical support for the battery!"

"One more request!"

"In ten days, as long as it is not illegal, I don't care what means you use, I want to see our brand new mobile phone enter the market!"


"These mobile phones are not copycat phones, but our legal and compliant domestic mobile phones! You are not a processing factory or a copycat factory. You and we are the China Mobile Phone Alliance!"

"In the alliance, we are united in facing the outside world!"


In the conference room.

Zhang Sheng's words continued to generate waves of echoes.

Liu Bangshun nodded sharply.

At this moment, he seemed to have turned into a puppet who could only nod.

His excitement continued to surge, and he felt more and more that he was embarking on the road of picking up money.

"Mr. Xu! The next thing will be left to you and the chairman of the board. If there are any problems with the agreement, do you know that you can report it to me in time? If the chairman of the board has any opinions, you should also report it in time!"

"Okay, Mr. Zhang!"

Xu Bowen could feel his hands trembling when he heard the contract.

He gritted his teeth and finally endured it a little.

After a long while, he cleared his throat: "Everyone, this is our cooperation agreement and the China Mobile Alliance agreement. If you are interested, you can take a look! By the way, there is a confidentiality clause in it. I hope everyone will take it seriously. Look, this is related to the future of our Chinese mobile phones, and more importantly, whether we can go global!"

After finishing speaking, he came down from the stage and distributed the agreement one by one!

Zhang Sheng, on the other hand, took Tang Wu out of the conference room.


[Yaohua] In the chairman's office.

Lin Guodong watched Zhang Sheng and Tang Wu come in.

Lin Guodong invited the two of them to sit down.

"Mr. Lin, have you resolved the TV commercial issue?"

"No! You haven't even finished your mobile phone yet, and now you're putting out a TV commercial?"

"Soldiers are very quick! I promised the bosses that within ten days, the first batch of [Huaxing] mobile phones must be modified..."

"If you go on like this, you're going to burn me hundreds of millions!" Lin Guodong smiled helplessly after looking at Zhang Sheng's expression.

He felt like he had boarded a pirate ship from unknown time.

"Mr. Lin... I have thought up the slogans for the TV commercials for you!"

"Advertising slogan?"

"Yes! Can you contact the TV station tonight? Ask them to come over now, and I will teach them how to advertise!"

"Are you too impatient?"

"The Apple 4 has been burned into our territory and has made you so miserable. Are you not going to fight back?"

"You are so ambitious, do you really want to kill the gods?"

"Mr. Lin, as long as you come to my territory, God will have to lie down and be fucked by two big dicks!"


(The third update is here! Sorry, it’s so late...)

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