I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 334 Pride and Prejudice

June 1st.

Children's Day.

The Hollywood science fiction masterpiece "Avatar" that has ravaged the world finally closed with an astonishing box office of 2.6 billion US dollars.

The total box office of this movie in China has exceeded 1.7 billion yuan, with a Douban score of 8.8. It is the first movie in the Chinese mainland market to have a box office of more than 1 billion yuan, the first movie to have a box office of more than 100 million US dollars, and the first movie in Chinese history to have a box office of 12 consecutive years. The movie that topped the box office every week...

Its next painting once again ushered in a sensation in the Chinese film industry!

Countless science fiction fans in China feel that while enjoying it, they also feel a little regretful.

It’s a pity that I don’t know when China will be able to make such a movie!


June is good news for Chinese filmmakers!

After "Avatar" ended, a lot of movie viewing seats were vacant, and June just happened to usher in the [Domestic Film Protection Month].

From the perspective of supporting domestic films, the National Film Administration issued a verbal notice in 2004 that it hoped that theaters across the country would support domestic films. From June 10 to July 10 (or July to August) every year, the introduction of domestic films was not encouraged. Overseas account blockbusters...

Commonly known as [Domestic Film Protection Month].

Domestic Film Protection Month.

It is not a substantive rule, but rather an unspoken rule.

Of course, the birth of [Domestic Film Protection Month] has indeed protected the rights and interests of Chinese film practitioners in a sense, so that they will not be beaten to pieces by the powerful Hollywood during the summer season.

Among them, there have also been many good films that have gained both word-of-mouth and box office success, such as "The Great Sage", such as "Anti-Drug", such as "Undercover"...


Since 2007, the [Domestic Film Protection Month] with frequent masterpieces has gradually become a competition for capital.

The weight of word-of-mouth and box office began to favor the box office!

The first few years were pretty good. Although the quality of the movies was average, the plots were probably watchable. But the next two years...

All kinds of monsters and monsters appeared!

June 1st.

China premiered two films.

They are "Happy Events at Home 2010", a collaboration between Starlight Future and Hong Kong Filmmakers, and "Those Flowers", a youth-themed film of the same name adapted by writer Yu Yuehe.


With its strong cast, "Family Happiness 2010" received a gratifying box office of 26 million yuan at the box office.

"Those Flowers" just broke 15 million!

But on the Internet, word-of-mouth reviews of these two movies are extremely polarized!

"Those Flowers" has a Douban score of 8.5.

"Happy Events at Home 2010" Douban score is only 4.6 points!

"Vulgar", "jokes are embarrassing to death", "a bad movie", "the most embarrassing movie in Zhang Tianwang's career", "Ke Zhanyi surrendered and bowed to capital"...

Countless labels have been attached to the movie "Happy Events at Home 2010"...

But it's amazing!

Even though it is criticized as a shitty movie on the Internet, there are still countless fans in the market who buy it. Countless fans claim that no matter how bad the filming is, they will go to the cinema to watch it again.

The pre-sale tickets for the second day were still around 20 million.

Traffic era, fan era...

It seems that in 2010, capital has slowly figured it out!


Ko spread his wings and boarded a plane to France.

Before getting on the plane, he had been watching various news about "Avatar" and the reputation of his "Happy Events in the Family 2010".

It was a feeling of unspeakable frustration.

He really made money.


He seemed to be standing halfway up the mountain, and it was difficult to climb up.

After arriving in Cannes, France, he received an email from China.

The boss of [Starlight Future] was very satisfied with the box office performance of his "Family Happiness 2010" and gave him the next "little fresh love" movie called "Bronze Age".

He took a brief look at this movie and thought, well, all the leading actors are the little flowers and fresh meat that [Starlight Future] highly praises.

The investment is scary...

But the plot is also horribly bad.

Well, there is almost no plot, all the dialogues are either quarrels, or on the way to quarrels, and then inexplicably reconcile, inexplicably sad, and then inexplicably quarrels and quarrels...

Three women in one drama, these bosses have figured it out!


The pay is also exorbitantly high.

After this movie is finished, if the box office gets the corresponding data, it will be divided into 10 million yuan, which is a sure thing.


Ke Zhanyi stayed in the hotel and thought about "The Bronze Age" over and over again.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that this is a bad movie. The more I think about it, the more I feel that I shouldn’t take this movie...

After making this movie, the label "bad movie director" will probably stick to him, and he may never get a good movie again in his life.

He wanted to stand up.

So, he picked up his cell phone, connected to overseas communications and made a call to the senior management of [Starlight Future].

Before making the call, he was thinking of all kinds of words with smugness, but after hearing the voice on the phone, those strong and smug words disappeared in an instant.

Over the phone...

He didn't know why, but a flattering smile appeared on his face.

What was originally a firm refusal finally turned into: "Actually, this movie is quite good, I like the plot, and it's quite interesting..."

He himself didn't know why he said this, as if the person calling was not him.

He hung up the phone and looked at the phone blankly.

Maybe you want to earn that 10 million, maybe you want to get closer to the weight in [Starlight Future]?

Ke Zhanyi, who originally wanted to stand, knelt down again in an instant...

He hated himself so much!

He spent the whole night in random thoughts, and the next day, with tired eyes, he walked to the venue of the [Cannes International Film Festival].


Each of the three major film festivals in Europe has its own special features.

But the [Cannes International Film Festival] is definitely the film festival with the biggest reputation and the most film companies.

This year China has shortlisted three films.

Two main competition units.

One is "Seven Days to Kill" by Bi Feiyu, and the other is "Mountain City" by Zheng Shaoshuai, also a sixth-generation Chinese director.

One unit of attention.

The documentary film "The Legend of Ganhai" is produced by Xu Zhongke, also a sixth-generation Chinese director.

"They seem to look down on us..."

When Bi Feiyu entered the [Cannes International Film Festival], he was smug and eager to get more exposure and more respect.


After staying in Cannes for nearly half a month, Bi Feiyu felt an unprecedented sense of gap.

Even with the astonishing global box office of "Seven Days to Die" exceeding 35 million, Bi Feiyu still feels like a small director.

A few days ago, he visited Shaoshuai Zheng, who was ten years older than him even though he was also a sixth-generation director...

He is very enthusiastic.

Not only did I watch the movie "Mountain City" very seriously, but I also called on many Chinese compatriots who came from afar to watch it together and praised it as a wonderful movie.

But the other party's attitude towards him was very cold.

The two chatted for more than ten minutes, and then he filled Bi Feiyu's tea cup with tea. Then, Bi Feiyu walked out in despair.

Bi Feiyu visited Xu Zhongke again.

The other party's attitude is better, but when chatting, the topic of the other party is never about him, as if he is a dispensable passerby.

He walked out from Xu Zhongke's side again, with an unprecedented sense of loss on his face.

He thought he had won a small prize in Berlin, and even if his status could not be compared with them, he would at least be qualified to chat with them.


It turned out that he had always been a little-known and underestimated director in their eyes.

"Everyone is arrogant, especially those who have been successful. This arrogance will be integrated into their bones unconsciously..."

"Only by truly becoming their opponent and beating them once will you get the respect you deserve!"

"Before this, there is no need to do anything that is hot on the face but cold on the butt..."


Bustling outside the Cannes Film Festival.

Zhang Sheng saw a lot of coquettish Chinese actresses...

They dress very revealingly, they look very fashionable, they are also very charming, and they enjoy the feeling of being in the spotlight under the camera.

This is a vanity fair!

Zhang Sheng glanced at Bi Feiyu, who looked a little disappointed.

He patted Bi Feiyu on the shoulder and said these words with a smile.

After saying that...

He felt a gaze looking at him.

Then, he turned his head and saw Song Yufei, who was wearing a dress next to her, suppressing her blush.

"Mr. Zhang...I..."

"you say!"

"Can I hold your hand and walk down the red carpet?"

The evening breeze blows...

Song Yufei's face turned even redder.

When they finished saying this, they seemed to have gathered enough courage.

Zhang Sheng laughed: "Okay! However, there are all handsome men and beautiful women on the red carpet. Holding my hand may not necessarily give me much exposure..."

"It doesn't matter……"

Song Yufei quickly shook her head.

There was a sense of anticipation on her pretty face.

When she got off the car and arrived at the Cannes venue, she was so nervous that she couldn't breathe.

It was her first time to go abroad, and it was also her first time to encounter such a big movie event, where she was stared at by countless pairs of cameras...

She was at a loss and couldn't even imagine how she should walk on the red carpet.

Should you walk with your left foot or your right foot first? How fast should you walk? How should you pose when being photographed?

In fact...

Everyone on the "Seven Days to Die" crew is a grassroots group.

Although we rehearsed last night according to the previous [Cannes International Film Festival], the rehearsal effect was not ideal, and everyone always felt that there was something earthy.

But seeing Zhang Sheng, it was like seeing some kind of backbone.

Time passed little by little.

The brilliance of the setting sun gradually filled the land.

When it’s time to walk down the red carpet…

Song Yufei subconsciously looked for Zhang Sheng in the crowd.

But I saw Zhang Sheng standing on the other side, seemingly arranged by [Shengshi Entertainment] Li Yanhong to meet with Zheng Shaoshuai, the director of "Mountain City".

Song Yufei saw Zhang Sheng smiling and extending his hand.


Marshal Zheng just nodded lightly, but did not reach out.

Then, Zhang Sheng retracted his hand with still a smile, turned around and walked towards Song Yufei.

The face of Li Yanhong next to her was extremely ugly, and she seemed to be talking to Marshal Zheng in private...

But Marshal Zheng's expression is getting more and more ugly!

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