I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 365 You can’t give it!

A simple room of about one hundred square meters was filled with computers.

No one would have thought...

[Shengteng Network Technology], which will dominate China in the future, is currently living in such a small place.

"Brothers, in the next month, or in one year, we will be in a stage of entrepreneurship that brings both pain and joy..."

"Brothers, [Xiao Zhong Beverage] provided us with nearly ten boxes of Red Bull for free, and [Yehu Outdoor] provided us with thirty folding beds!"

“[Hongxiang Catering] and [Pang Xiaoan Restaurant] will deliver meals to us every day!”

"If you can't do it to death, do it to death!"

"come on!"

Boxes of Red Bull were placed in the corner of the office of [Shengteng Network Technology].

Young people were sitting in front of each computer.

These young people are constantly typing codes and customizing the store and website construction of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] for each merchant.

Xu Guangbiao drank a bottle of Red Bull.

When he saw the dark night outside the house, he did not feel tired. Instead, there was an excitement in his body that was lingering crazily!

a year ago!

He is an ordinary graduate of Yanshihua University.

He knows nothing except doing some networking and typing some simple codes.

By chance, he was recruited by the student union president Chen Mengting to build the website of the "School Beauty Contest" for 100 yuan a day.

At that time, he was very pure. It was hard to find a job anyway, so he might as well make a living at Yanshihua. 100 yuan a day was not much, but it was better than nothing.

He and his companions completed the website construction of the [School Beauty Contest] and successfully improved the online voting system, background data and page link system of the [Yanshihua First School Beauty Contest]...


He discovered that the [School Beauty Contest] was just the beginning!

After the [School Beauty Contest], the amazing influence of the Internet allowed many merchants to make money, and they accumulated the first batch of cooperative merchants.

Then they began to make official websites for these merchants and participate in maintenance...

[Shengteng Network Technology] was officially established from that time!

At first, the website they made was very simple, with simple content and all kinds of bugs everywhere. Later, they made more websites, there were more and more people in the team, and the merchants had more and more requirements. In order not to be eliminated, Gradually, he felt that he could make a living from this, so Xu Guangbiao had to passively start to learn deeper areas, studying while working...

In the past year...

[Shengteng Network Technology] has helped thirty merchants build websites, maintain websites, and tried to help them build some of the most basic online shopping systems!

Because of their good reputation and timely maintenance, they made a lot of money!

During the Chinese New Year this year, almost every one of them returned to their hometown with hundreds of thousands in their pockets. They were so prosperous that they looked like nouveau riche.

But no one would have thought...

This is far from their upper limit!

The business they were involved in was not only the brand online operation of some websites, they gradually upgraded to video websites like [Jitu], and today, they have begun to target large online shopping websites like [Taozhu.com] !

Three o'clock in the morning.

The sound of typing on the keyboard still echoed throughout the room.

Xu Guangbiao checked everyone's work progress one by one, and then he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that about ten merchants had officially settled in [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

After resting briefly on the recliner, he stood up from the recliner, took a sip of Red Bull, and continued to work.


Four o'clock in the morning.

Li Dongqiang did not close his eyes.

He still kept his eyes open, and while following the technical department of [Shengteng Network Technology] to negotiate some bug issues in the trial operation of the store, he taught the merchant how to control the loading of goods.

[Qiangsheng Online Mall]'s website is not very technical...

[Qiangsheng Online Mall] The official opening time for customers to access the system will be around 10 o'clock today.

ten o'clock.

Today, ten merchants must officially open stores for online shopping orders.

In fact, there is not much traffic flowing into the server now, but the website has been paralyzed, restarted, paralyzed, and restarted almost since three o'clock!

During every test, the number of bugs was so outrageous that Li Dongqiang and the merchants were so busy that they called [Shengteng Network Technology] to turn off their mobile phones.

"how's it going?"

"It's ready for preliminary operations..."

"Okay! Let's try it!"

The first batch of brand owners crowded in Li Dongqiang's office.

Everyone was staring closely at their products on the [Qiangsheng Online Mall] page on the screen.

The first batch of brand owners.

Most of them are based on brands such as [Qi's Home], [Xiaoliang Lamps], [Elegance Shampoo], [Yongtong Wire], [Oshen Trolley Box] and other brands.

There are ten brands in total, and these ten are Zhang Sheng’s core cooperative brands.

They all made money with Zhang Sheng. Under a virtuous cycle, they have full confidence in the entire [Qiangsheng Online Mall] project.

In order to support Zhang Sheng's [Qiangsheng Online Mall], they basically launched the mall at a price lower than the market price, which has a price advantage. Then after Zhang Sheng's activities are formulated, they will lower the price again. , sold at a range close to cost price...

"Mr. Qi, Mr. Li, Mr. Zhang... Actually, you can come back after ten o'clock. We will not allow the influx of customers at all now. We will not divert customers until after ten o'clock..."

Li Dongqiang looked at these bosses, whose expressions were very excited, as if they had entered a new field.

After they finished the meeting and signed the contract, they all ran towards him and stared at the mall interface with him like fools.

This stare!

I just stared at it all night.

"It's okay! Let's wait. I also want to see when our mall will be released..." Qi Haifeng shook his head and stared at the screen from beginning to end.

In fact, they [Qi's Home Furnishings] have also been on [Taozhu.com], but [Taozhu.com] has too many products and the competition is crowded, so they can't sell many at all.

But Zhang Sheng’s [Qiangsheng Online Mall] is not different!

This is a brand new track, and he and Zhang Sheng are collaborators, roommates, mentors and apprentices...

When [Qiangsheng Online Mall] can really gain a foothold in the online shopping circle, the profits it can make will definitely be astonishing!

In the future, this is very likely to be the foundation for them [Qi's Home Furnishing] to truly enter the front line of sales in the Chinese furniture industry!

"No, we'll wait!"

"Yeah, wait!"

"Has Mr. Zhang's policy not been released yet?"


"Isn't Mr. Zhang here yet?"


In the office.

It exudes excitement.

These merchants have cooperated with Zhang Sheng's companies many times, and each time they cooperated, they made a lot of money.

At this moment, everyone knows that they are on a brand new track, and this track is not crowded, and at worst they can make a lot of money!

They were talking and staring at the website closely.

Time passed little by little.

Soon it was around seven o'clock in the morning.

There was a knock on the door in the office.

Then, everyone subconsciously looked to the other side and saw Zhang Sheng walking in from the door with a stack of documents.

He greeted everyone one by one...

Then, looking at Li Dongqiang, he told Li Dongqiang everything about what he was going to do next.


It's seven o'clock in the morning.

Li Yanhong walked into [NC Entertainment] with a complicated expression.

Shen Xiaoxi and others greeted her, and she nodded one by one, but the expression on her face became more and more embarrassed.

She sat on a chair outside the office until about eight o'clock, then she waited until Zhang Sheng came in from outside.

She saw a group of technicians following Zhang Sheng.

"Sister Hong, you came so early?"

"Well...they are..."

"They are network maintenance technicians. I will customize a special website for [Minuo Group Purchase]..." Zhang Sheng looked at Li Yanhong with a smile. He originally planned to chat with Li Yanhong about the operation of [Minuo Website], but instead Seeing Li Yanhong shaking her head: "Mr. Zhang, can we talk alone?"


Zhang Sheng saw something was wrong in Li Yanhong's eyes. After a while, he said hello to the technician behind him and took Li Yanhong into the office.

The office door is closed.

Li Yanhong sat silently on a chair in the corner.

"Sister Hong, what's wrong? Do you have any difficulties, or do you have any ideas?"

"Mr. Zhang, have you ever heard of [Hongsen Capital]?"

"Well, I've heard of it, but I don't know much about it..." Zhang Sheng nodded, but then frowned.

"[Hongsen Capital] was established in Silicon Valley in the United States in 1970. It is an institutional investment company that has invested in Apple, Google, and Sohu... It has localized funds in China, and is behind many high-tech enterprises in China. Its shadow, behind [Shengshi Entertainment], is actually the shadow of Hongsen Capital..."

"so what?"

"Yesterday, Jin Shijie, the vice president of [Shengshi Entertainment], came to me and said that he helped me get help from Hongsen Capital. Mr. Zhang, are you sure our [Minuo Group Buying] does not require any financing?"

"Although it will go faster with capital, I don't have the habit of financing for the time being..." Zhang Sheng frowned.

"Mr. Zhang, then... I may have to let down your kindness again. With the guarantee of [Shengshi Entertainment], my [Minuo Group Purchase] can raise the first start-up capital of 700 million from Hongsen Basic." RMB..." Li Yanhong was silent for a while, then looked at Zhang Sheng.

"Oh...you don't have confidence in me?" Zhang Sheng frowned even deeper when he heard this.

"Mr. Zhang, let me tell you the truth, I have always had an illusion. If I cooperate with you, sooner or later my [Minuo Group Buying] will all be named Zhang... In the future, I will only be your entire business system. The smallest person in the world... In other words, a puppet to prop up the facade... This is based on the premise that you can succeed. If you can't succeed, then... everything is empty talk!" Li Yanhong thought about it After a long time, I finally spoke my mind.

"Sister Hong, I'm very happy that you can tell me the truth." Zhang Sheng's mood fluctuated briefly, and then he regained his composure and showed a smile: "Then what can Hongsen give you?"

"They can give me real money, not a tens of billions of gimmicks... They can give me anything you can give, and they can still give me whatever you can't give. With all due respect, if that's the case, why should I?" Cooperate with you?"

"..." After Zhang Sheng heard this, he looked into the distance silently.

He sighed slightly in his heart.

"Have you decided?"

"It's decided! Mr. Zhang, I will not touch anything in the confidentiality agreement. Of course, I will not cash out the traffic you brought me. I will wait for a month until the traffic is almost gone. When the time comes, I will enter the market with capital again..." Li Yanhong took a deep breath.

Zhang Sheng did not respond.

Instead, he showed a bit of disappointment. After a moment, he laughed: "Okay, Sister Hong, I'm curious, why would there be capital interested in you?"

"Mr. Zhang, your tens of billions of traffic made capital notice me, and then [Shengshi Entertainment] pushed me behind my back... Although they let me take the blame, they never owed me anything from beginning to end." Li Yanhong stared at Zhang Sheng said: "I believe that a lot of capital has been eyeing you, and you should have received a lot of investment calls. As long as you are willing to nod, maybe hundreds of millions, or even billions, can be raised by you..."

Zhang Sheng did not respond to Li Yanhong's words, but stared at Li Yanhong: "Sister Hong."

"You say……"

"Is it possible that I hope to cooperate with you just because I want to give you a hand, not because of how good your model is or how novel your plan is..."


"Is it possible that if your plan is really invested in capital, even if we provide you with financing, you won't be able to make any money?"

"I only believe in myself..." Li Yanhong was stunned.

Then he laughed.

Then, she lowered her head and left the office, closing the door.

After watching Li Yanhong leave, Zhang Sheng just smiled and shook his head.

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