I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 368 The beginning of crazy group buying!

July 21st.


Zhang Mengjie received a call from her mother again.

She felt like her head was buzzing.

Her mother told her that the [Pineapple Smartphone] she bought for 300 yuan has arrived.

It is exactly the same as the 699 mobile phone in TV shopping.

Then, my mother seemed to be immersed in it, and asked Zhang Mengjie to send a link again. This time, she wanted to buy a piece of clothing.

Aunt Wang next door bought a piece of clothing for one yuan online. It arrived just now, and the style of the dress is very beautiful...

Zhang Mengjie suddenly felt that the world was quite crazy...

Is there really such a thing as spending a dollar to buy clothes?

She opened the [Qiangsheng Online Mall] on her computer.

Yesterday, [Qiangsheng Online Mall] only had about a dozen group-buying products, most of which were decoration equipment. Today, the group-buying products have expanded to 25.

There are also more varieties, including not only clothes and hats, but also instant noodles, snacks and the like...

One of the stores called [Little Squirrel Snack Shop] has nearly 20 reviews, many of which are saying that one yuan is used to buy a box of exquisite candies, and five yuan is used to buy a box of instant noodles...

When Zhang Mengjie saw this scene, she gradually became suspicious from disbelief at the beginning.

The dormitory door opened.

The roommate came in wearing cloth shoes and a hat.

After taking it apart, Zhang Mengjie was stunned when she saw the brand new shoes and hat.

"You got all these for one dollar?"

"The shoes cost me one yuan, but the hat cost me ten yuan. The coupon was gone, and there weren't many people joining the group, so it wasn't much cheaper, but... it was cheaper than the market price!"

"What about the courier fee? Is there no charge for the courier fee?"

"Didn't you know that the express delivery fee is free for the first three days in the mall?"


"Hurry up and see what you need. [Qiangsheng Online Mall] seems to have opened a new store. See what you need..."


When the roommate put on new shoes and hat and took a look in the mirror, he showed a satisfied expression on his face.

Zhang Mengjie clicked on her Q dog group.

My mother asked me to send a link again...

However, when he first clicked on the Q Dog Group, he found that the Q Dog Group was exploding!

There were actually 99 messages this morning!

Among the 99 messages, they were all discussed around [Qiangsheng Online Mall]...

[Yesterday, I bought a mobile phone for one yuan, can you believe it? The mobile phone model cost more than a dollar, but I still got it! 】

[[Qiangsheng Online Mall] Are you really crazy? My next door neighbor also spent a dollar and bought a pot...]

[Brothers, I have seen a new trend, that is, opening a store. These things like buying mobile phones for one yuan are all paid by Zhang Sheng! After merchants settle in, there will be additional discounts! However, it seems that the preferential subsidies for merchants to enter [Qiangsheng Online Mall] have to be queued up! 】

[I sell fruits in my hometown. I just got the subsidy review form from [Qiangsheng Online Mall]. I am uploading pictures now. When the time comes, everyone comes and buys more. Our fruits are really cheap! 】


Zhang Mengjie looked at the almost crazy discussions in the Q dog group, and then from time to time someone would send out a link asking you to click on it to help get coupons...


When she saw Zhang Mengjie online, she received nearly 20 private messages.

"Hello, click on the link for me, I need to get a coupon!"

"Hello, I want to get a red envelope with a full discount. I will give you a hundred yuan and you can place an order for me. You don't have to pay back the one hundred yuan and the purchased items will be given to you. How about that?"

"Hello, are you in Shanghai? Can you help me go to that store to take a photo, punch a card and send it to me? Please, I want to get a coupon..."


Zhang Mengjie saw comments one after another.


It feels like these people are so crazy.


Zhang Mengjie returned to her dormitory again. When she was browsing the news, she found that her Weibo account was flooded with all kinds of [Group Buying] news!

[Shocked, [Qiangsheng Online Mall] buys clothes for one dollar! One dollar buys a hat, or even one dollar buys a mobile phone! 】

[Shocking, tens of billions of subsidies, more than just talk! Zhang Sheng is really subsidizing him! 】

[[Qiangsheng Online Mall] The number of views exceeded 100,000 that day! The number of registered members exceeded 30,000, the number of views exceeded 200,000 the next day, and the number of registered members exceeded 60,000! 】

【Group buy! Group buying, group buying! Up to one dollar! QGouqun, Tieba, and Weibo are all going crazy! 】


at first!

is a link.

No one cared, only a few people clicked in to watch the excitement.

But then...

There are more and more links, and more and more people are trying it.

These attempts made doubtful netizens click in.

As a result, there are more and more group-building links!


When the news about [buying a mobile phone for one dollar] became a hot search topic!

The entire Chinese Internet seemed to have gone crazy, everyone was hyping up this news.

In just two days, Zhang Mengjie discovered that the [group buying links] around her were like viruses, wreaking havoc among countless personal Q dog groups.

Clicking on QGou, what she saw every day were either links to group purchases or links to tasks. After seeing too many of them, Zhang Mengjie began to feel a little annoyed for no reason.


Annoyance returns to annoyance!

As if there was an inexplicable force controlling it, she entered by accident.

Then, she saw a newly opened cosmetics store in [Qiang Sheng Online Mall], and then she discovered that not all [Qiang Sheng Online Mall] was full of low-end products.

At least she saw one that she had long wanted, but it was expensive.

However, this lipstick is also making a splash.

Price 399!

It seems to be about the same as the market price?

After seeing this data, she tried to click in...

Because she had a new registration yesterday, she had a coupon but it was useless, so she used a 20 yuan coupon and reached 379!


She started following everyone and clicking on the links, doing various coupon tasks...


The number of registered members of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] has officially increased from 60,000 to 150,000!

Zhang Sheng is indeed throwing money away.


The money spent was not much.

In three days, about one million was probably spent.

Can you buy a mobile phone for one dollar?

Yes, I have!

And it’s a real case. As long as you are the first to join a group and get twenty mobile phone links, you will get a dollar directly!


But there are not many users who buy mobile phones for one dollar, only about 300 in total.

Of the one million yuan, the bulk of the money is subsidized mobile phones.

Of course, for other things, Zhang Sheng doesn’t need subsidies at all.

In fact, the so-called group fight is a numbers game with very simple capital.

When twenty people join a group, it seems that everyone gets a good deal, but in fact, except for a small number of goods, the quantity and cost of most goods in a group can just reach a perfect balance point.

No loss, no profit...

Zhang Sheng did not play the game of raising prices or lowering prices.

There is a big dragon like [Taozhu.com] in this world, and netizens are not fools. As long as you dare to play this trick, your so-called "tens of billions of support" routine will be exposed in minutes.

Zhang Sheng doesn’t need to play this!

The goods they got from [Qiangsheng Online Mall] were originally at cost price, and the new price was the market price of [Taozhu.com].

In essence, it is just a small profit but quick turnover routine.

The core is that businesses need to be willing to give up profits and cooperate to build this plate.

Therefore, each of the first batch of merchants to settle in [Qiangsheng Online Mall] has been repeatedly screened by Zhang Sheng...

Either they are all former cooperative companies, and each other is more and more recognized for this business model, or the quality is pretty good but there is no sales, or there is a large amount of inventory...

Zhang Sheng, on the other hand, appeared at this time and brought them another channel!

strictly speaking……

[Qiangsheng Online Mall] is more like a middleman who doesn’t make money.

It helps customers find ways to bargain and get real discounts!

It allows merchants to increase their quantity and sell all their inventory...

Of course, in addition to mobile phones, the other part of the subsidy is to subsidize express delivery for merchants...

After all, the mall has been open for three days!

Express delivery is free!

This is normal.

After the three days are over and another batch of new merchants are attracted to settle in, and everything begins to go on track, the entire plate will be officially stabilized.

"Mr. Zhang, there are all businesses that cooperate with us. Are we sure we need such strict review?"


"However, some users have reported that our [Qiangsheng Online Mall] does not have many available products..."

July 22nd.

The outside of the [Bird's Nest] office building was crowded with various merchants who brought products to cooperate with [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

Zhang Sheng looked at the densely packed merchants of various brands below...

He was not in a hurry, but browsed the hot searches on Weibo and some small online shopping websites in China.

Three days...

It was as if he lit the fuse.

Many websites began to imitate his business model.

About ten minutes later...

Zhang Sheng looked at Li Dongqiang who was standing next to him.

"Mr. Li..."


"You start a poll on the Internet!"

"What vote?"

"You open a new page in our [Qiang Sheng Online Mall], put the brands of these users on the page, and then let the netizens vote on their own. We will provide subsidies for the top 20 brands that vote every day. Let users decide what stores we will open in the future!”


"By the way, in order to avoid someone cheating on their tickets, we price each ticket at one dollar...and this dollar can only be achieved by completing a task. The first 100 people get the tickets every day and vote for the right brand to open the store tomorrow. For users, we will give you a half-price subsidy!”


Zhang Sheng was browsing some shopping websites while staring closely at Zhang Xing’s [Tuantuan.com] and [Taozhu.com] behind Weibo...

Before these two big guys come to an end...

First, he spread the traffic fiercely and had a good time!

After these two big guys enter the market and start making real money, he will probably have to clamp his tail, stabilize his basic base, and wait for the opportunity.


One month later!

His mobile APP should also be out!

When he thought of this, he squinted his eyes!

When competing with capital, the only way to gain profit is to always be one step ahead of them!

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