I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 380 The modern version of buying horse bones for thousands of dollars!

Andrew was only 25 years old when he founded [Groupon], a group buying website.

25 years old.

It happens to be the age when many people have just graduated from college.

His major is not software development, but music. Well, it is not related to the field at all compared to the later [Groupon].

The founding of [Groupon] was also very accidental...

I just wanted to sell the apples downstairs of the university cheaper, and then I fooled around and created a group buying website.

Then, group buying websites became popular...

This is the entrepreneurial story written by the American [Pennsylvania Economic Daily] for Andrew in March this year.


This year.

Andrew, 27, has never been so angry.

After he answered the phone call from that shameless Chinese man, he cursed loudly.

All kinds of despicable, shameless, curses such as going to hell and death were uttered.

The secretary stared at the tall young man silently and said nothing.

After the young man became angry, he gradually became rational, and then the computer began to play soothing pop music.

Music can calm people down and make them peaceful.

When he really calmed down, he asked his secretary to come in with several analysts wearing glasses.

The success of his business was accidental, just like the story written for him by the Pennsylvania Economic Journal.

But one cannot rely on chance all his life...

Therefore, after making his first pot of gold, he began to look for well-known market analysts everywhere and invited them to join the [Groupon] team to help analyze future prospects.

He understands that he has an irritable physique, and sometimes he can be like a dynamite barrel, igniting at a moment's notice.

After all, when people are angry, they often do irrational things. Because of this, he needs a group of rational people to tell him what to do next.

"China's market is a crazy market, but at the same time, it is a market full of hope!"

"Our [Groupon] listing in the first half of next year will require the accumulation of capital from all parties..."

"This matter is not necessarily a bad thing. Fifteen million US dollars is not a very expensive expenditure for us. At the same time, it can also be a publicity for us to enter China..."

"In this world, there has never been a case of buying a domain name for 15 million, and there has never been such an event in the history of the Internet. Because it is special, this is an opportunity, and we can definitely take advantage of it. This opportunity tells the people of China that we have unparalleled funds and don’t have to worry about our discounts..."

"We are backed by China's [Tengji Technology]. [Tengji Technology] originated from a social software called Qgou. That software currently has more than 100 million users online at the same time! As long as Qgou can be used well, then, We will have an unparalleled and amazing traffic market!”




In the office.

The gentle music was still playing, and Andrew followed the team to discuss until the early morning.

The analysis team left one by one. Andrew still had a thorn in his heart at this moment, but he felt that what the analysis team said made sense.

He picked up the phone again and made a call to that despicable man in China.

In this phone call, he didn't have the arrogance and other emotions he had during the first call. He was more like a qualified businessman, talking to the other party about "domain name transactions" seriously.

This phone negotiation was very successful, and a preliminary direction for cooperation was drawn up...

In fact, the other party also has a certain business foundation in China. For example, in the area of ​​[Regional Delivery], the other party promises that in the next half month, they will deliver free of charge for any regional orders in [Groupon]. At the same time, the other party He said that he has a film award in Brazil called the [Southern California International Film Awards], which can also make [Groupon] one of the main brands in the film festival...

The sincerity of the other party made Andrew change his despicable image for a time. In the later stage of the conversation, he even felt a sense of indescribable pleasure.

【Southern California International Film Awards】......

Andrew frowned.

He discovered that he had never heard of this Academy Award...

However, after seeing the judges and film lineup of the previous Southern California International Film Awards, Andrew felt familiar.

He knew Avery Tashi, who seemed to have an unusually respected status in the international film circle.

Then, while flipping through the movies, he discovered that he had actually watched the Chinese movie "The Dog Over the Mountain".


September 20th.

A surprising piece of news spread from the other side of the ocean to China.

The entire Chinese group buying market is shocked as if it is facing a formidable enemy!

At first, a small group of capital got the news...


The world's originator of group buying websites, [Groupon] has reached a localization strategic cooperation with China's Internet giant [Tengji] and will officially enter China on October 1st.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

The news about [Groupon] has caused the capital to feel unprecedented pressure.

Zhang Xing, the boss of [Groupon], which once dominated group buying online, did not think [Groupon] could succeed in localizing it in China, but he still held an emergency meeting immediately.

at the meeting.

The shareholders of [Group Buying] looked solemn.

In the past month, the capital behind them has invested nearly 600 million yuan.

After 600 million, they have initially become the leader in this capital war, but no one will take it lightly...

The [Minuo.com] below them is chasing after them...

[Minuo.com] also has the crazy expansion of [Harvest Group Buying]. In addition, the newly-emerged [Zhongqun Dianping] also has a vague trend of latecomers catching up, and it is biting and taking advantage of this capital!

In this battlefield, everyone is furious and wants to take the opportunity to kill each other. No one will take a step back!

[Group Buying] Meeting here...

On the other side, [Minuo Group Buying] Li Yanhong was also in a meeting with others.

During this time...

They [Minuo Group Buying] have been burning money to grab traffic and resources.

But after the fever reached a certain level, she felt more and more that she was going in the wrong direction!

If they want to win, they not only need the capital behind them to support themselves, but also need to find new domestic capital in China.

For example [Tengji Technology]!

The group buying market is like a piece of cake. Anyone wants to come and take a bite. [Tengji Technology] is not immune to this, and Tengji is indeed a better platform!

They are backed by the amazing traffic of Qgou. As long as the conversion rate is cultivated well, then [Minuo Group Buying] has the possibility to defeat [Group Buying]!

In fact...

Some time ago!

She has already found [Tengji Technology] with 30% of her shares.

Negotiations have gone through three rounds.

But [Tengji Technology] has a huge appetite. They don’t have to give up the management rights for the time being, but they must have 51% of the actual controlling rights!

So far…

There are already two capitals behind [Minuo Group Buying], one is [Hongsen Capital] and the other is [Shengshi Entertainment]. If [Tengji] enters the game, there is no doubt that the two capitals will be diluted.

Neither family is willing...

But if they no longer introduce new partners, they will not be able to defeat Zhang Xing’s [group buying], and will eventually be forced to be the second in line.

After all, with the dawn of the Internet era, Weibo’s traffic has become increasingly astonishing.

No one can imagine...

At this juncture, a [Groupon] suddenly appeared, and it was a [Groupon] that reached a strategic agreement with [Tengji Technology]!

The emergence of [Groupon] has undoubtedly added great variables and uncertainty to the entire market. She is tired of dealing with it, but she has to deal with it!

She held a full night meeting with her team.

In the early morning, without taking any time to rest, I immediately walked towards [Hongsen Capital] Pang Lei's villa.

Pang Lei's villa has lights on.

When she walked in, she found that there was not only Pang Lei in the villa, but also a middle-aged man with a slicked back hair and a kind smile.

Her pupils shrank slightly!

That's Zheng Feng!

Zheng Feng, Zheng Huateng’s right-hand man behind Tengji!

Four o'clock in the morning.

Li Yanhong walked out of the villa.

There was relief on his face.

[Tengji] is actually divided into several investment departments.

Therefore, you will often find that in the same type of industry owned by [Tengji], two industries will fight each other, and in the end only one can survive.

With Pang Lei’s help, [Minuo Group Buying] and [Tengji] reached a new round of investment agreement.

But this agreement is like a military order.

It belongs to the same company as [Groupon], [Tengji], but it is full of competition.

Wait until morning...

When Li Yanhong went home and lay on the bed, ready to take a rest, she suddenly heard a piece of news!

[Groupon]’s Chinese domain name was actually registered first!

Then, Andrew, the boss behind [Groupon], actually spent US$15 million to purchase the [Groupon] domain name from a Chinese company!

And that Chinese company is called [NC Entertainment].

The boss behind the company is Zhang Sheng!

Li Yanhong once again pushed her exhausted body onto the computer and found that Weibo and major technology portals had exploded.

[Holy shit, I really don’t understand the world of rich people! 】

【what's the situation? Fifteen million dollars to buy a Chinese domain name? Grass! 】

[Oh my god, are all those people on the other side of the ocean stupid and rich? Why would you spend 15 million to buy a simple domain name? This world is so magical! 】

[[Groupon] What website is it? 】

[[Groupon] is the originator of group buying websites. The recently launched [Groupon] and [Minuo Group Buying] in China are both based on the overseas [Groupon], just like the original Sodu borrowed from Google! 】

【Holy shit! 】

[I seem to have discovered another way to make money! 】


Li Yanhong took a deep breath.

Keep an eye on the popularity and headlines of [Groupon]!

The heat has exploded.

Countless people feel that this wave of operations on the [Groupon] website is inexplicable, and they are all discussing what [Groupon] is...

In just over half an hour, [Groupon] has begun to appear on the problem list on China's largest browser, [Soudu Know].

Li Yanhong took a deep breath.

she knows……

What [Groupon] is doing is not magical, but very rational!

This is a modern version of buying horse bones for thousands of dollars!

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