[Many Hollywood films such as "Dreamland", "Superman", "Avatar", and "Nightbringer" have been shortlisted for the "Southern California International Film Awards" to pursue the highest award, the Academy Award! 】

[Congratulations to the famous Russian director Mikhalkov for being nominated for the second [Southern California International Film Awards] with "Purple Sun"! Previously, Mikhalkov was the winner of the Un Certain Regard Award at the [Cannes International Film Festival]! 】

[Famous British director Valerie gave her acceptance speech for the [Southern California International Film Awards]: This is really an exciting award. Just now, I was nervously waiting in front of the computer, waiting for the final review information. When I When it was confirmed that "The Bottom" was shortlisted, I couldn't believe my eyes, OH, mygod! Thank you [Southern California International Film Awards] for giving me such a precious opportunity! 】


October 19th.

Early morning.

News about the [Southern California International Film Awards] has impacted most of the Chinese film industry.

When Chinese filmmakers saw this scene, they were simply stunned!

Even the director of "Mountain City" Zheng Shaoshuai was confused!

He stared at the movies "Dreamland", "Superman", and "Avatar" that have made waves around the world...

These movies actually participated in Zhang Sheng’s Pheasant Award!

He was smoking and almost burned his hand with the cigarette butt.

He couldn't believe his eyes for a while and felt that this was false propaganda...


Such a high-profile promotion cannot be false propaganda!

He took a deep breath.

Put out the cigarette butt, and then open the official website of the [Southern California International Film Awards].

At this moment, the official website of the [Southern California International Film Awards] is full of movies...

Some of these movies, like "Avatar", have bombarded the world with word-of-mouth box office, and there are also some niche literary films whose names I have never heard of.

There are films that have participated in the [Cannes International Film Festival] and won awards, and there are also some films at the [Berlin International Film Festival]...

Like a revolving lantern, one by one swayed in front of his eyes.


Just wandering around like this all night!

When the sun came through the window and shone on his face early the next morning, for some reason, an awkward and contradictory emotion arose deep in his heart.

On the one hand, there is the desire for overseas awards.

So many overseas films have participated in this so-called [Southern California International Film Awards], and the jury lineup is also very strong. In a sense, this [Southern California International Film Awards] is a relatively speaking one. There are some international awards with a little bit of gold content.

On the other hand, he felt a bit repulsive.

This award was created by Zhang Sheng. He once bowed his head to Zhang Sheng and apologized, but the arrogance in his bones made him disdain him, and he couldn't even bring his own "Mountain City" with him. Sign up for the [Southern California International Film Awards]!

He spent the whole morning in such contradictory and complicated emotions, and smoked nearly a pack of Zhonghua.

It was not until 9:45 in the morning that he walked out of the room and left the compound in a gloomy mood.

When he came to [Shengshi Entertainment] as usual, he felt that the film department of [Shengshi Entertainment] was all busy.

"Master Zheng...good morning!"

"Director Cui, morning..."


He saw Cui Hao, the director of "Wing Chun", passing him a cigarette as usual, but he was absentmindedly chatting.

He was keenly aware that Cui Hao was hiding something from him.

However, Marshal Zheng did not go into details after all. Instead, after chatting for a few words, he walked back to his office.

The feeling of being in the office made him feel a little lonely.

Since that day, when Li Yanhong took the blame for him, the entire [Shengshi Entertainment] stock plummeted. Then, he found that many people gradually kept a certain distance from him.

He felt a little tight in his chest.

Just then, his phone rang.

He saw the phone number and subconsciously sat up straight.

The call was from Mr. Wu Guanli.

"Xiao Zheng..."

"Old Wu..."

"What do you think of the Southern California International Film Awards?"


After Shaoshuai Zheng heard this word, his heart suddenly suddenly felt inexplicably, and then he honestly expressed his opinion.

It used to be the Pheasant Award, but now it is not the Pheasant Award. It still has a little bit of gold content, but compared with the real international film awards, it is still far behind.

"This is an "international film award" created by us Chinese people..."

Marshal Zheng heard what Wu Guanli suddenly said.

When he heard such words, Marshal Zheng suddenly fell silent.

Some time ago, Wu Guanli accepted Bi Feiyu, a close disciple. The [Southern California International Film Awards] was an award created by Bi Feiyu and Zhang Sheng, so Mr. Wu was naturally interested in it.

"Sign up!"

Seeing Marshal Zheng's silence, Wu Guanli added this sentence on the other end of the phone.

"Mr. Wu, you are also one of the judges, right?"

Marshal Zheng was silent for a moment and finally asked.

"Haha, of course I'm not a judge. I'm too old to stay up late. It's just that this time the [Southern California International Film Awards] has opened up an "Asian Chinese Film Awards". I think these young people People have great ideas..."


More than ten minutes later.

Marshal Zheng finished the phone call with Wu Guanli.

Although Wu Guanli didn't mean anything else on the phone, between the lines, he revealed that he hoped he could take "Mountain City" to participate in the "Asian Film Awards" competition at the "Southern California International Film Awards"...

Marshal Zheng did not agree clearly, but he did not refuse either.

After making the call, he continued to smoke cigarettes.

He waited in the office until evening.

In the evening, he saw on Weibo that some young directors were posting invitations one after another!

Oh shit!

If you want me to participate in this movie, you guys have to show your sincerity!

At least let Zhang Sheng come over in person and send me an invitation letter, right?

If Zhang Sheng can't come over, Bi Feiyu will come over and show his sincerity, right?

Why should I sign up for your award and be your green leaf?

How shameless!

A person of my level still sticks to your cold butt with a warm face?

This anxious mood once made Marshal Zheng angry...

This mood lasted until evening.

Exhausted, he took a nap in the office, and this sleep actually made him dream.

He dreamed of bursts of applause and cheers, and the roar of mountains and tsunamis made him feel an unprecedented sense of excitement.

In a daze, he felt like he was standing on the stage, with countless cameras and lights, as well as foreign people of all colors and skins staring at him.

And under his feet, off the stage, are McCaskey, the director of "Avatar", and Christopher Norey, the director of "Dreamland"...

He saw world-famous directors applauding him.

He turned his head and saw on the big screen that his "Mountain City" defeated "Avatar" and "Dreamland". He saw that he was far ahead in the popularity vote...

He gradually became excited, clenched his fists, and said his acceptance speech...


wake up!

After waking up from the dream, he saw the familiar office, saw the night outside the window, and heard the busy sounds outside [Shengshi Entertainment]. The huge sense of gap was extremely difficult for him to accept!

Oh shit!

There is no way that Zhang Sheng could invite great directors like Christopher Noe and McCaskey!

It’s just a big gimmick!

But, just in case...


The time difference in Lao America is 12 hours behind that of China, and it is already the early morning of the next day in China.

Here in the United States, it's still just two o'clock in the afternoon...

October 19th.

"When can we have our own place here!"

Bi Feiyu looked at the bright lights of Hollywood.

And they were like ghosts, hanging out in front of the eight major Hollywood studios, like humble pimps, comparing the photos on the files. When they saw the real people, they immediately rushed over like a swarm and chatted around them. Author of [Southern California International Film Awards].

He saw Zhang Sheng's "pulling people" skills.

In just a few days...

In the Hollywood area, Zhang Sheng attracted nearly five blockbuster photographers, six stage managers, three makeup artists, two directors, and nearly twenty ordinary contracted actors...

Bi Feiyu heard the word "dream" and was defined by Zhang Sheng in various words. When he was a bystander for the first time, Bi Feiyu felt that his emotions were being manipulated to the point where he wanted to follow Zhang Sheng. Fuck a big one hard!

Moreover, the amazing thing is that even though he was following Zhang Sheng and was used to hearing "dream", the moment Zhang Sheng said "invite people", he immediately became excited again.

He once thought it was a very strange "magic".

Moreover, the more people gathered, the crazier the "magic" effect of Zhang Sheng's spells became. It made him forget who he was for a while, and even made him shed his blood without blinking an eye.



Some inexplicable ambitions grew in his heart!

Looking at the brightly lit Hollywood giants, he actually wanted to compete for the edge.

When he just finished sighing, he saw Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses and narrowed his eyes.

"Director Bi..."

"boss Zhang?"

"We already have a place in Hollywood now!"


"We now have photographers, actors, stage managers, screenwriters, and lighting engineers..." Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses and pulled out the list in his hand.

"so what?"

"Have you never thought that these people can help you complete the filming of "Prisoners"?"

"Eh? Aren't these your invitations to the [Southern California International Film Awards]..."

"My invitation is an invitation, but... it does not prevent them from joining our "Prisoners" crew!"


"The [Southern California International Film Awards] starts on November 11th, and it's only October 19th. You still have nearly 20 days to shoot "Prisoners"..."

"Ah! Mr. Zhang, how can I finish filming "Prisoners" in 20 days? I don't even have enough time to make props!"

"No, don't forget, we also have a prop master! Moreover, the prop master is also the prop master of the epic blockbuster "Avatar"!"


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