I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 394 One step first!

"Why show off!"


"Can any of you tell me why? Why do you post this kind of thing on the Internet?"

"There is an old saying: You can make a fortune by keeping silent and don't reveal your wealth. Don't you know?"

"Damn it! When we first started, I told you that we should keep a low profile, we should accumulate food widely, build high walls, and slowly become the king..."

"Have you fucking forgotten all the nine-character mantra that Mr. Zhang told us?"

"Still showing off your ID card? Oh my god, do you want to be targeted by fraudsters? Don't you know how much impact your actions will have on our company?"

"You have disrupted our entire layout. Do you think it's good to show off your salary? Let me tell you, it's good!"

"Have you ever heard of the ancient practice of seeking wealth and killing people?"

"Damn it! You haven't listened to anything I've said to you in the past month!"


On the once familiar high platform.

Chen Geng cursed fiercely at a group of delivery riders!

His face was flushed and his chest was heaving. He had never been so angry in his life!

a month ago!

Mr. Zhang held a meeting with him, Xu Guangbiao and other shareholders of [Honeycomb Jisong]!

During the meeting, divide [Honeycomb Extreme Delivery] into three steps!

From September 2010 to early 2011...

This is the craziest stage of the capital group buying war. At this stage, their [Honeycomb Ultimate Gift] must be impressed and kept low-key...

In the crazy war of capital, survive in the cracks, absorb certain nutrients, and gradually occupy the market and strengthen yourself!

From 2011 to 2012, capital will inevitably realize that the food delivery market is a huge market, and capital will enter the market one after another. By then, [Honeycomb Extreme Delivery] will inevitably have a fierce battle with those capitals. If the first step can If it is implemented according to the ideal, then in the second step, [Honeycomb Jisong] has accumulated an initial capital, which can compete with the capital...

At this stage, as long as the capital is preserved, there is no problem at all if you don’t make money!

The second stage, as long as you can survive, then the third stage. The third stage is probably from 2013 to 2015. At this stage, the remaining food delivery industry should be reduced to only a few giant companies!

By the time……

[Bird's Nest Ecological Chain] has been initially completed, and the entire [Bird's Nest Ecological Chain] is fully capable of competing with other food delivery platforms. At this stage, every industry in their entire system has a certain scale. By then, You are not afraid to compete with any company, and you can even compete with big names like [Taozhu.com] for new tracks...

Three-step plan!

very perfect!

After hearing this, Chen Geng was filled with admiration and could even see the dazzling business empire in the future!


No one would have thought of it!

Everything was ruined when the first month's salary was paid!


“Earning over 10,000 yuan per month by delivering food” is already one of the top five most searched items in Chinese social news. Just yesterday, the number of searches for the word “takeout” reached 800,000. This morning, it was even more trending. Millions burst...

Such amazing popularity is phenomenal news in itself!

Chen Geng couldn't suppress him even if he tried to suppress him!

Capital will definitely pay attention to the "takeout" market. When capital notices this trend, they will rush in like crazy, just like the current "group buying"!

Group buy……

Mr. Zhang fired the first shot!


This shot turned into a wedding dress for capital!

Among the hot group buying websites, [Qiangsheng Online Mall] has been relegated to the second and third tier cities. At this moment, no one is discussing it!

And [Honeycomb Jisong] has just been open for a month, and although it is booming, it is now at a very weak stage. As soon as capital is exerted, [Honeycomb Jisong] will become torn apart in an instant, and will eventually compete with [Qiangsheng Online Mall] Similarly, being bombarded to second- and third-tier cities, in the end they can only survive...


[Honeycomb Extreme Delivery] being rushed to second and third tier cities is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that [Honeycomb Extreme Delivery] is very likely to impact the [Bird’s Nest Ecological Chain] planned by Mr. Zhang and collapse all future plans. , and even completely became a victim of this capital war!

After Chen Geng thought of one terrible consequence after another, he felt a tightness in his chest and was about to be out of breath for a while!

Half an hour later...

Chen Geng scolded until his throat became hoarse!

But after seeing these takeaway boys, Chen Geng fell into an even more difficult choice!

Among the first batch of two hundred takeaway boys, 90% participated in posting on the forum. The law does not hold everyone accountable, and it is impossible to fire everyone. This is tantamount to self-disruption and self-destruction of the Great Wall!

But if those who took the lead in speaking out are fired, then the overwhelming public opinion and turmoil will push [Honeycomb Extreme Delivery] into another wave of more complicated situations, and it may even collapse directly... …

He returned to the office, looking out the window at the countless job seekers and media, while smoking cigarettes one by one and thinking about countermeasures.

at last……

He is really out of ideas!

Finally took out his cell phone and called Zhang Sheng!

But unfortunately, Zhang Sheng’s phone number has never been in the service area. Even if I call Zhang Sheng’s personal number, it still says that it is not in the service area.

At this moment, he seemed to have lost his backbone and was terribly depressed...

He was featured on some news portals on the internet.

He saw a lot of news...

One of the news is that an expert named Zheng Yansong said in an interview: The future food delivery industry will be a brand new outlet, and China is extremely eager for this market!

When seeing this scene...

He was so angry that he wanted to slap the expert hard!

Oh shit!

These experts serve no purpose other than adding confusion.

Half an hour later...

The door opened.

Nie Xiaoping, the boss of [Hongwei Battery Car] and another part-time shareholder of [Honeycomb Jishu], hurried over.


At this moment, his face also looked anxious.

But after seeing Chen Geng, this kind of anxiety instantly turned into a flushed face, followed by anger!

As soon as he walked in, he scolded Chen Geng, scolding Chen Geng for not managing the team well and actually letting something like this happen to his team. He knew the seriousness of this matter better than anyone else!

"It's ruined, you know? You've completely ruined the ecological chain that Mr. Zhang set up! I'm just kidding you!"

"How can you deserve the trust given to you by Mr. Zhang? Mr. Zhang gave you a fortune, and this is how you fucking treated Mr. Zhang?"

"Fuck you!"


at first!

Chen Geng blushed and let Nie Xiaoping scold him.

But as Nie Xiaoping's scolding became more and more excessive, Chen Geng couldn't help but yelled: "Damn, did I think this? Is this what I fucking thought? You fucking..."

The more the two cursed, the more fierce they became!


The blood and energy surged, and the two of them actually started fighting!

Outside the window!

Countless job seekers surrounded Xu Guangbiao like crazy. Xu Guangbiao was sweating profusely and his throat started to sound hoarse.

inside the house.

Chen Geng and Nie Xiaoping had a fight!

The two smashed the desks, chairs, and even computers in the entire office to the ground. In the end, they acted like wild beasts and even used dirty tricks such as grabbing their hair and kicking their balls.

The whole office is a mess!

I don’t know how long it took to fight...

The two heard a knock on the door.


The two people with bruises and swollen faces saw Zhang Sheng standing at the door with a frown.

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang..."

Chen Geng, who originally wanted to punch Nie Xiaoping in the eye, subconsciously stopped his fist and looked at Zhang Sheng blankly.

"I'll fuck you to death, you fucking... Zhang, Mr. Zhang..."

Roaring like a wild beast, Nie Xiaoping bit Chen Geng's shoulder, trembling all over and looking at Zhang Sheng in shock.

Zhang Sheng frowned even deeper after seeing the entire office turned into a mess.

"Why are you taking action?"

He reluctantly found a chair to sit down and looked at the two people who were in embarrassment with bleeding noses. He didn't know what to say for a while.

The two finally staggered to their feet.


I told Zhang Sheng some of the public controversy caused by [Honeycomb Jisong] in the past two days.

Zhang Sheng was stunned for a moment, then took out his phone and looked at the news. Then, there was no violent storm as the two of them imagined.

Zhang Sheng put down his phone calmly.

"Three steps are dead, but people are alive. We can plan for the future, but there are always variables in the future..."

"Capital wars are inevitable. In fact, I find it incredible that the capital market can allow our [Honeycomb Jisong] to develop for a month..."

Zhang Sheng had a smile on his face and looked out the window.

When I came in just now...

He saw the grand scene outside.

After seeing the grand scene outside, he understood that [Honeycomb Extreme Delivery] was completely popular on the Internet.

When you are low-key...

There is low-key gameplay!

If it becomes popular, there are also ways to play it!

He can catch any huge amount of traffic as long as it hits him.

"Mr. Zhang, what should we do next? Just like [Qiangsheng Online Mall], before the capital has reacted, should we move our position first and stabilize the second and third tier cities first?"

Chen Geng looked gloomy, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and finally sat next to Zhang Sheng.

"[Honeycomb Jisong] cannot take the path of [Qiangsheng Online Mall]..." Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses, smiled and shook his head.

"Then let's take the path of capital? Introduce capital and cooperate with capital?" Chen Geng thought of the most impossible possibility, and then replied with a pale face.

After capital enters this track...

There are only three roads for you to follow!

One is to fight with capital and fight to the death, one is to join capital and become the spokesperson of capital, and the other is to retreat to second- and third-tier cities like [Qiangsheng Online Mall] and continue dormant development...

The first type is unrealistic. They have no backing and not so much capital to allow them to "burn".

The second is the path that many industries should take, but if Mr. Zhang had taken this path, [Qiangsheng Online Mall], as the first to try it, would have taken off long ago!

The third type is to give up the big city market and take the path of "strong victory over online shopping malls", and eventually become a bystander in this capital war, sadly waiting for the outcome of this war.

"No! Next, I want to participate in this takeout war!"


"Sometimes, retreat is a choice, but sometimes, advancement is also a choice... Capital will not enter the market this month, so they are two months behind us. In the next month, we will seize the market. The best time! One step first, every step first!"


At this moment, Zhang Sheng's cell phone rang.

Zhang Sheng picked up the phone!

I found that the phone call was from the Ministry of Commerce.

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