November in China.

Autumn has arrived and everything is dying.

But November in Brazil is spring.

Countless Chinese media gathered at the gate of the [Southern California International Film Awards].

After watching the teams enter the screening hall one after another, there were waves of uproar...

[Zhang Sheng: Congratulations to Christopher Norey, director of the film "Dreamland", and congratulations to McCaskey, director of "Avatar" for being nominated for our [Southern California International Film Awards]! 】

[The production teams of Hollywood blockbusters such as "Dreamland", "Man of Steel" and "Avatar" announced their participation in the [Southern California International Film Awards]].


[Our "Prisoners" has invited the production teams of the three Hollywood blockbusters "Dreamland", "Superman: Man of Steel" and "Avatar"! We are committed to creating a movie about human nature in the true sense! 】

[In the second half of this year, the movie "Prisoners" co-produced by Huamei will be officially completed. Director Bi and I will use the ultimate visual experience to create a positive story of struggle on the edge of life and death for global audiences, promote life, and blossom both culture and style! 】


Zhang Sheng's sincere, confident, and slightly passionate voice still seemed to be echoing in everyone's ears.

last month.

Almost half of the Chinese film industry was shocked by Zhang Sheng's words.

In 2010, in this era where Hollywood movies are supreme, words such as "epic blockbuster", "international director" and "gorgeous co-production" are synonymous with superiority!

It is unimaginable that what Zhang Sheng said in the video had such a shocking impact on the hearts of these media people!

Ke Zhanyi only remembered that when he saw a series of news, his whole head was buzzing.

It’s been almost a week, but I still haven’t reacted to the shock in my heart!

He once questioned that Zhang Sheng wanted to use this series of gimmicks to bring a huge wave of traffic to the entire [Southern California International Film Awards]!


Zhang Sheng's various experiences have slightly weakened his sense of doubt...

I even had the frightening thought that maybe Zhang Sheng had really brought a world-famous director like McCaskey to the Southern California International Film Awards.

It is precisely because of this idea that he will try his best to contact Zhang Sheng, hoping to make his "Afterlife" also become a big hit!

In fact...

Zhang Sheng’s wave of shocking publicity indeed has amazing traffic!

At least……

The moment Zhang Sheng announced the start of the [Southern California International Film Awards]...

Countless media from China flocked to Brazil, and countless filmmakers and film critics crowded into Rocinha with excitement and almost crazy emotions.



"Holy shit! I was cheated!"

"What's "Dreamland", what's "Avatar", damn it, isn't this cheating on feelings? Damn it!"

"Strictly speaking, this is not a lie. Although international directors like McCaskey did not come, the teams of "Dreamland" and "Avatar" did come..."

"Come on, isn't this just a sidekick? Let Zhang Sheng speak out! You can't be a human being, at least you can't be so shameless, right?"



Ke Zhanyi looked at the media and felt their excitement...

At this moment, he suddenly started to worry about Zhang Sheng!

When the lie is exposed, then...

How will it end with the backlash caused by the crazy hype and the scolding of filmmakers who felt they were deceived?


"Mr. Zhang, what should we do? Everyone knows that I recruited a bunch of fringe Hollywood figures to film "Prisoners". I am now being scolded bloody in China... How will we end it?"

Bi Feiyu was smoking a cigarette while watching the news in China.

When the truth about the so-called "Hua Mei Co-production" was revealed to China by some media people, some filmmakers in the Chinese film circle were scolding him and Zhang Sheng.

He began to feel anxious.

It's as if he suddenly fell from the spotlight of [international director] to the altar. Although not everyone will shout about it, it is still a lingering stain in life.

"The screening of "Prisoners" is still in three hours. I expect it will be very lively."

Zhang Sheng sat in the office by the window, looking at the media and filmmakers below.

His expression was as calm as ever.


Why should it end?

Zhang Sheng never thought about how it would end, nor how it would end.

"Mr. Zhang, I know, but..." Bi Feiyu showed a bitter smile after hearing that Zhang Sheng's words did not convey what he meant.

this era……

The real traffic era has not yet arrived.

Although he has not experienced various baptisms in the traffic era, Bi Feiyu still has a sense of awe for the word "word of mouth" deep in his heart.

"Are you confident in the movie?"


"Then you don't have to worry about all the doubts..." Zhang Sheng took a sip of coffee, feeling the rich aroma of the coffee, and then looked at the countless figures below: "Director Bi, do you see these people below? These people, they come from afar, seem to be filled with the anger and excitement of being deceived. Although they are also scolding our hype, in fact, they wish that this kind of popularity lasts longer so that they can earn enough topic points. and attention…”

"Then should I..." After hearing Zhang Sheng's words, Bi Feiyu was briefly stunned for a moment, and then became slightly enlightened.

"You don't need to come forward. You only need to go to Screening Hall 1 to show your "Prisoners". I will help you with the following things..."


"Director Bi, sometimes being unknown is worse than being insulted, and being ignored is worse. Besides, we have never lied..." Zhang Sheng stood up, patted Bi Feiyu on the shoulder with a smile, and then walked out of the office.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

Bi Feiyu felt that the moment Zhang Sheng walked out of the office door, his eyes became extremely sincere and pious...

He followed out subconsciously.

outside the door.

The media are still surrounding the organizing committee of the [Southern California International Film Awards].

They were waiting for Zhang Sheng's explanation.


Another commotion broke out in the crowd!

They heard about the screening of Prisoners!

After hearing the news of the screening, countless seemingly angry media members all swarmed towards the screening hall of "Prisoners".


When they arrived at the screening room...

They found that they couldn't even get a standing ticket, and the "Prisoners" screening room was already overcrowded.


The movie "Prisoners" carries some of the negative emotions Bi Feiyu accumulated after "Seven Days to Kill".


There is also Bi Feiyu’s in-depth discussion of human nature.

In a sense, "Prisoners" is more important than the previous one, "7 Days to Die."

But the movie "Prisoners"...

Whether it’s the selection of staff or the formation of the crew.

In fact, the entire project was supported by Zhang Sheng.

And he...

Standing on the stage set up by Zhang Sheng, using a movie to express all his desires!


He saw prop master Scott...

Scott was a props intern on "Avatar" and a props master on "Prisoners."

After "Avatar" was released, Scott did not do anything because of this movie. Instead, he seemed like the dark side in the glory, always unknown and worthless.

He also saw Linda, the photography intern from "Dreamland"...

Thinking of the short period of filming "Prisoners", Bi Feiyu felt shocked deep in his heart until this moment.

I was shocked at how Zhang Sheng managed to pull together such a team and make it so easy to use and how they worked together so closely.

He emerges from his brief memories...

Before the movie started, he heard a wave of curses.

He clearly understood that some film critics came here specifically to "criticize" the movie.

Sitting in the back row of the exhibition hall, the thousand-square-meter exhibition hall was full of people. Although the exhaust system was brand new and fresh air was continuously supplied, it still gave people a feeling of suffocation.

Outside the house...

Countless spectators wanted to squeeze in, but the staff kept stopping...


Some film critics from China were very angry.

Angry that he had been deceived...

[Colorful Co-production] Ma Dan, how high-end you are...

but now……

It felt like eating shit that looked like a piece of cake...

Although it wasn't life-threatening, it was really disgusting.

But, now that you are here, you must at least watch "Prisoners" before leaving. Otherwise, wouldn't the round-trip air ticket be in vain?

Moreover, after all, Bi Feiyu has made movies like "Seven Days to Die" that can leave traces in the history of global horror movies...

Despite some stunts for publicity, the movie...

Maybe you can still watch it?

Even if I can't watch it, I can still scold him severely.

Zhou Long, like many film critics, has this idea!


When he walked into the screening room of "Prisoners", he couldn't squeeze into the screening room of "Prisoners" at all.

Even if he holds the professional certificate of [Chinese Film Critic], it is of no use to him...

The staff told him that the "Prisoners" screening room had reached its maximum capacity and no more people could be allowed in.

This feeling made him feel bad...

He finally walked out of the screening room of "Prisoners", and in the evening, he began to wander around other screening rooms out of boredom.


At the end, he saw the staff putting up a sign.

When he saw the sign, he thought he had seen it wrong. He stopped and then stared at the sign closely!

"My Sassy Girl Sadako"!

When he saw these words, he was stunned!

Horse egg!

Is this movie also a participating film at the [Southern California International Film Awards]?

What a joke!

Such wonderful bones...

Could it be that you are falling in love with a ghost?


No, this movie is not among the shortlisted films for the [Southern California International Film Awards]!

Just at this time……

This thought came to his mind, and although the words "big bad movie" had already flooded into his mind, he still subconsciously walked towards the screening room.

The movie "My Sassy Girl Sadako" is already showing.


He found the screening room empty...

Except for a few staff members, there was no one at all.


It seems that this movie is not being screened, but is being previewed?

Zhou Long was planning to leave...

However, when the picture appeared, Zhou Long stopped subconsciously.


This movie called "My Sassy Girl Sadako" seems interesting?

(Two updates guaranteed)

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