I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 446 Chinese movies that invaded South Korea (2)

The original world.

If you want to choose a love movie with the greatest influence in Asia since the 21st century, it must be "My Sassy Girl".

This movie combines the freshness and delicacy of Japanese idol dramas, the romantic feelings of European literary films, and the nonsensical comedy of Hong Kong movies. It was once popular throughout Asia and set off an unprecedented barbaric storm. Until many years later, when it comes to Asian love movies, " "My Sassy Girl" is still a topic that cannot be avoided.


this world.

There has never been a film as bold as "My Sassy Girl" in the true sense.


South Korea Samsung.

2010 was the craziest year for Samsung smartphones in South Korea.

Annual sales of Samsung's Galaxy S exceeded 10 million, creating a new peak for Samsung Electronics in the field of smartphones.

The amazing sales made the leaders of Samsung's mobile phone department smile with joy. At the commendation meeting, they very excitedly praised the marketing department and technical department, and formulated a more ambitious sales plan for the next 2011...

Li Yingji, wearing thick glasses, listened to his leader chattering about next year's goals.

He has no interest in getting chicken blood.

My thoughts have long been focused on this year’s year-end bonus and my girlfriend’s gentle and sweet smile.

After get off work, Li Yingji ran out of the company excitedly and went to the restaurant he had agreed with his girlfriend.

He has made a strategy. Today, he will first have a candlelight dinner. After the candlelight dinner, he will go to the Ferris wheel to sit on the Ferris wheel, then watch a movie, and then return to the rental house together, and then...

My girlfriend, who has always been punctual, was actually late.

After waiting for about ten minutes, my girlfriend arrived at her seat in a hurry. When she saw Li Yingji, her girlfriend looked at it carefully for some reason.

Li Ying basically felt that his girlfriend's eyes were strange.


I can’t say what’s strange about it.

During the meal, everything with his girlfriend was quite normal. She was still so gentle and sweet, which made Li Yingji have even sweeter thoughts about the night ahead.


When watching the movie according to the procedure, Li Yingji felt that the atmosphere in the cinema was strange, and his girlfriend was also a bit strange.

Romance movies are not what Lee Young-ki likes, so he felt drowsy throughout the whole movie.

Wait until the second half of the movie...

He suddenly felt a pain in his waist.

He woke up instantly, only to see his girlfriend, who was always gentle and sweet, actually pinching the soft flesh around his waist until it hurt.

"Oppa! If you don't watch the movie, you don't love me!"

After hearing his girlfriend's unusual voice, Lee Young-ki was stunned!

He hurriedly explained in a low voice that he was actually watching the movie seriously.

In the past, when my girlfriend had a bad temper, I would explain it patiently and coax her a little, and it would be over.

But this time...

But his girlfriend forced him to talk about the content of the movie!

He hasn't seen it at all...

What nonsense did he talk about?


His girlfriend pinched him hard!

He gritted his teeth in pain and was about to say something when he suddenly heard a quarrel behind him.

He turned his head subconsciously...

But I saw a girl who didn't know whether she was excited or for some reason, slapped her male partner hard.

The male companion was stunned by the slap, and then he looked at the female companion as if he had seen a ghost, and then they started to quarrel.

The security personnel quickly took the two people out of the cinema...

The whole cinema became quiet.

Lee Young-ki and his girlfriend finished watching "My Sassy Girl Sadako" in a weird atmosphere.

During this period, my girlfriend watched with rapt attention and burst into tears at the end...

After the movie ended, couples walked out of the screening room.

Then, among couples, there were gradually more and more scenes of girlfriends making moves on their boyfriends. It seemed that they started to take action at the slightest displeasure.

"Let's go make a Ferris wheel!"

“I want to watch My Sassy Girl Sadako again!”

"Ah, I can't buy tickets anymore!"

"I don't care, Oppa, let's go see another show..."



Five hours ago.

Lee Young-ki never dreamed that he would actually use his privileged status as a staff member of "Samsung Company" to queue up to buy tickets for a Chinese movie!

What is even more unexpected is...

Even though he was a privileged person, he still had to queue up. In the end, the theater ran out of tickets and had to stand in the aisle to watch the movie.


He felt like his girlfriend was possessed.

Starting from 5:30 in the afternoon, I watched "My Sassy Girl Sadako" all day long. After watching the last scene, Lee Young-ki discovered that his usually gentle and virtuous girlfriend actually let him squat on the ground as a bench. , let her sit on his shoulder and watch.

Li Yingji was shocked. It was the first time he felt that his girlfriend was so strange and then so domineering!

After watching the last movie, Lee Young-ki saw his girlfriend leaving the cinema and even began to imitate the lines of "My Sassy Girl Sadako".

"First, don't try to make her gentle..."

"Second, don't let her drink more than three glasses of wine, otherwise she will hit anyone she meets..."


Then, take him to drink.

On weekdays, the cinema tavern is empty, but now, the tavern is crowded with girls, and these girls are particularly bold and unrestrained, drinking more than one bottle at a time...


The background music in the tavern was playing a song repeatedly.

The song is called "I Believe".

It is the theme song of "My Sassy Girl Sadako".

After listening to it a few times, Lee Young-ki could even hum along with the melody.

After drinking, he found that his girlfriend was more excited than ever before. After walking out of the pub, she, who was usually very gentle, seemed to be a different person at this moment.

This night...

Li Yingji felt that his girlfriend had been subverted. He scolded himself and passers-by without any scruples. Then, he was beaten inexplicably. He once suspected that his girlfriend was possessed by something.

This night...

For the first time, Li Yingji was pressed under the bed and slapped twice. Then when he was confused, the other party rushed towards him. Then, it was an extremely bloody battle...

This night...

Li Yingji didn't know how he got through it. He just felt that he had experienced a night that was not wonderful but not bad. He only felt pain in his waist and unbearable pain in the muscles all over his body...

Well, a certain part almost broke.

A few days after this night, the Chinese song "I Believe" quickly began to be played in the streets and alleys of South Korea.

The name of Chinese singer Ah K appeared in major sections of Korean music for the first time...

Li Yingji saw that his girlfriend was going to China like crazy to meet Ah K, Zhang Panpan, and the leading actor Li Yu...

It just so happened that Lee Young-ki had a mission to expand the market in China. The senior management of Samsung App Store [galaxy store] saw a mobile phone called [Temple Run] and prepared to send people there to discuss cooperation business...

The production company of "Temple Run" is [Shengteng Network Technology], and the production company of "My Sassy Girl Sadako" is [NC Entertainment]...

Whether it is [Shengteng Network Technology] or [NC Entertainment], there is a Chinese named Zhang Sheng behind it!


this world.

If you want face, then you are destined to fail.

[Tengji Technology] has a patchy track record of success. Apart from occupying the forefront of the times and creating the Q Dog Empire, it is completely shameless.

December 20th.

Amid a burst of uproar, ridicule and controversy.

[Tengji Technology] finally launched a horizontal-screen parkour game [National Parkour] that "borrowed" from [Temple Run].

On the day it was launched on December 20, [National Parkour] was almost ridiculed by the crowd. Everyone was laughing at Zheng Huateng, who was so shameless...

Some netizens even teased and predicted whether there would be another paid leek project in [National Parkour]. They even helped [Tengji Technology] in major forums to plan what to buy wings, what to buy characters with Q coins, and so on. The operation of buying a pet and then flying several kilometers directly...

Original world.

A similar company [Tencent Technology] does have a mobile game, and this game was once popular for an era.

Its name is [Tiantian Cool Running].

This game made [Tencent Technology]’s mobile game department make a lot of money, and it once became the leader in the mobile phone industry.

The charging and payment system inside is indeed as complicated as netizens said, trying every possible means to cut off players' leeks.

And in this world, [Parkour for All] is out!

Similar to [Tiantian Cool Running].

The game interface is much more refined than [Temple Run], most of the characters are Q version, and the graphics are quite colorful...


[Tengji] Officials seem to have been ridiculed by players, and they are starting to show some shame...

There are no messy charging items. In addition to monthly game memberships, all characters in the game can be obtained by earning gold coins...

It's just that the price is set quite high. You can't buy it without traveling for several months!


Do you want to buy it quickly?

There is a way!

[National Parkour] has its own dedicated recharge interface, 1Q coins and 200 gold coins...

It costs about 200 Q coins to buy a character with attributes, which is 200 yuan.

You still don't want to spend money?

It’s okay!

Connect your mobile phone to the Internet, come over and click on another interface to watch ads together!

Give 0.1Q coins for watching an advertisement once...

2000 ads for one character!

In the three days since [National Parkour] was launched, many players almost vomited after seeing the advertisements of [Dongqiang Mall]!


December 23rd.

Zhang Sheng saw the data of [National Cool Running] for three days after it was launched.

Online for three days...

Thanks to the number of users of [Tengji Technology], despite countless people criticizing it, [National Cool Run] still received an astonishing total download volume of 600,000.

Comparing [Temple Run] with 90,000 downloads in three days, there is a huge difference.

Zhang Sheng silently looked at the number of Chinese downloads of [Temple Run].

This game has been online for one month and eighteen days. Although the number of downloads is slightly lower than the number of downloads in the same period in the original world, it has also exceeded two million. It is not far from the "Fruit Ninja" in this world, which has close to ten million downloads. few……


Globally, [Fruit Ninja] has reached hundreds of millions, while [Temple Run] has not reached 10 million...

Just when Zhang Sheng was thinking about whether to continue his efforts, whether to complete the [Angry Birds] project, or whether to expand the market...

There was a knock at the door.

"Mr. Zhang, there are several groups of customers from South Korea who must meet you by name..."

"Oh, which clients?"

"Filmmaker Lee Zai-ki came to sign the cooperation agreement, as well as Samsung App Store and Korean Game SOA Company..."


When Zhang Sheng heard the names of these people, Zhang Sheng squinted his eyes.

he knows……

These people are here to give you money!

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