I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 471 Before the War (Part 2)

"Mr. Zhang, just now, [Hongtian Capital] withdrew the third round of investment from our [Group Buying]..."


"Mr. Zhang, it's not good. [Group buying] capital is withdrawing one after another. We can no longer raise new capital. Someone is already breaking the news on Weibo that we are in a financial hole..."


"Mr. Zhang, please come to the company quickly. The company is in panic right now. Dozens of advertisers want us to settle all advertising fees before tomorrow! Our capital chain is broken and we cannot fill the advertising fee hole..."


"Mr. Zhang, reporters are here!"

Come out from [NC Entertainment].

Zhang Xing received a call from his assistant Liu Mei.

On the phone, assistant Liu Mei panicked and began to report all kinds of bad situations to him.

Zhang Xing's face changed drastically...

He never dreamed that capital's response would be so quick. In just one hour, it would instantly stab [Group Buying] in the throat, causing [Group Buying] to explode.

He hurriedly logged on to Weibo.

The news that [[Group buying] capital chain is broken] has become a hot search topic.

He took out his cell phone and called the Weibo staff, asking them to find a way to suppress the news.


There was absolutely no reaction from the staff.

In fact, Zhang Xing has withdrawn from the management of Weibo for more than a year. Although he is still the honorary CEO of Weibo at this moment, in fact, the entire operation of Weibo, including the team, including the data department, is owned by someone else. , he only has the right to share Weibo’s year-end profits.

"Hold on, I will put another amount of money into [Group Buying]..."


Behind the driver's seat.

Zhang Sheng watched Zhang Xing keep making phone calls, looking in a hurry.

There was no expression on Zhang Sheng's face, but he looked out the car window.

Outside the car window, the lights are bright and the cars are passing by, like rays of light, shining on this steel-lined jungle city.

Under the high-rise buildings, individual figures appear extremely small, like ants crawling slowly, and no one cares about them.

The car kept moving forward.

Along the way, Zhang Xing kept answering the phone and making various decisions.

After about an hour or so, the call was finally completed.

Zhang Xing slumped on the chair as if he had drained the last strength from his body. Although there was heavy snow outside the window, Zhang Xing was sweating profusely.

The pressure of capital is terrifying!

Squeezing him to death was as easy as squeezing an ant to death.

The [Group Buying] system is too simple. Although the traffic is crazy, there is no profit model at all. After the capital chain is cut off, you can only be nailed to a pillar and beaten, without any ability to fight back!

At this moment, he once again took out his remaining 300 million yuan and invested in the whirlpool of "group buying" again, temporarily stabilizing the situation.


I’m afraid these 300 million won’t last long!

Groupon on the other side of the ocean is about to go public. Countless capital is eyeing the listing of Groupon, the originator of group buying, and capital is ready to move. It plans to completely end this Chinese group buying war that lasted for more than half a year and burned nearly 10 billion during Groupon's listing. , taking advantage of the popularity of Groupon’s listing, it completely dominated the entire Chinese group buying market.

Everyone can foresee how crazy the entire group buying market will be in the next few months.


I don’t know how long it’s been open.

Zhang Xing's eyes were uncertain, flashing with hesitation, regret, unwillingness, and even a bit of regret.

But in the end, this look turned into determination!

He didn't want to see the tragedy of Weibo happen again. If he worked with capital, he would eventually be swallowed up by capital. It would be better to fight directly. If he won, he would have fought a turnaround.


Oh shit!

He didn't dare think about the outcome if he lost!

At about nine o'clock in the evening, the car stopped at a place that shocked Zhang Xing.

Zhang Xing looked up.

He saw [Starlight Future].

In the snowy sky, the car door was opened by a staff member of [Starlight Future]. Then, a middle-aged woman looked at him in shock.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes looked at Zhang Sheng who was walking down the back row.

"boss Zhang……"

"Sister Katsunan, long time no see!"

"Long time no see, please come this way, Mr. Dong is already waiting for you..."


Zhang Xing looked at this middle-aged woman.

That was Xu Shengnan. Two years ago, Xu Shengnan was a talent scout for [Starlight Future]. Two years later, she seemed to be specifically responsible for [Starlight Future]’s artist training and business cooperation.

Zhang Xing followed Zhang Sheng and walked into the gate of [Starlight Future].


long long ago.

When Zhang Sheng's [NC Studio] broke away from [Starlight Future], everyone had an illusion.

That is the conflict between the [NC Entertainment] system and [Starlight Future].

Later, [Southern California International Film Awards] or all projects under [NC Entertainment] had [Shengshi Entertainment] participating, but there was never a shadow of [Starlight Future].

The two sides even fought one after another on many public occasions.

For example, when "My Sassy Girl Sadako" was released, it happened to be the release of the movie "The Frozen Gate" under [Starlight Mirai]. It directly smashed "The Frozen Gate" and caused a wave of controversy on Weibo. There was a shouting match, and the actors from both sides were at loggerheads and throwing black water at each other...

For example, someone photographed Xu Shengnan with a little bastard under his hand spraying Zhang Sheng. Spurring Zhang Sheng is an opportunistic idiot who doesn’t understand the overall situation, and that little bastard is still the boss of [Starlight Future] at this moment, 2011 During the Spring Festival of last year, a comedy movie "How are you two" with an investment of 50 million was released, with Xiao Xianrou taking the lead alone...

Similar revelations have been happening since 2010, when Zhang Sheng rose to prominence.

There are even rumors on social media...

It was said that [Starlight Future] originally wanted to swallow [NC Entertainment], but Zhang Sheng always disagreed and accused [Starlight Future] of having too much appetite, while [Starlight Future] said that Zhang Sheng was too ungrateful to burn bridges, and the two sides completely fell out. Become a mortal enemy.


No one would have thought...

Not only did the two parties not completely fall out, but they still maintained close contact!

Zhang Xing suddenly thought of something!

That was when Zhang Sheng completely fell out with [Shengshi Entertainment] and reported [Shengshi Entertainment] for its commercial monopoly. [Starlight Future] once added insult to injury and once forced [Shengshi Entertainment] into a corner.

On the surface...

Maybe [Starlight Future] took advantage of his illness to kill him, but a deeper analysis...

Who knows if Zhang Sheng reached a special agreement with [Starlight Future] before doing anything?


Everything is smoke and mirrors!


Every step is calculated!

Xu Shengnan led the two of them into the lobby of [Starlight Future].

After getting on the elevator, Zhang Xing watched the sightseeing elevator gradually rise, and finally reached the tenth floor.

He was constantly thinking about the future in his mind, and also thinking about what Zhang Sheng's purpose was for bringing him here.

Xu Shengnan walked to the door of [General Manager's Office] and knocked on the door.

The door opened.

The two walked in.

When he walked into the office and saw someone, Zhang Xing felt cold all over his body. For a moment, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

He saw Xu Shangzhou, the head of the marketing department, who resigned from [Group Buying] in January, and he also saw Ma Boming from the technology department.

He always remembered that in the early morning of January 1, he received a call from Xu Shangzhou. On the phone, Xu Shangzhou told him that he wanted to take a day off.

On the morning of January 1st, neither Xu Shangzhou nor Ma Boming came to the meeting!

The next day, he received two resignation applications.

Although the company stipulates that a company stabilizer with a one-month resignation application period can only leave after one month, but when a person's heart has left, who can stay?

"boss Zhang!"

"boss Zhang!"

Xu Shangzhou and Ma Boming glanced at Zhang Xing, then lowered their heads.

Mr. Zhang was called twice, but he didn’t know who he was calling.

Zhang Xing reluctantly showed a smile, and then looked at another person. He saw Xu Tianshun, the former backbone of [Minuo Group Buying], and now the big boss of [Fengyu Mall]...

In the spacious office, Zhang Xing felt for the first time that everything was too small.

He looked at Dong Xiaojing who was sitting in the main seat.

The daughter of Dong Zhongjun, the boss of [Starlight Future], is currently the actual helmsman of [Starlight Future]...

This is a girl of about twenty-five years old. She is very beautiful. Especially when she stands up, her tall and graceful figure is particularly eye-catching.

Her skin is very white...

When shaking hands with Zhang Sheng, she had curiosity and expectation on her face.

"Mr. Zhang, I finally see you in person!"

"Mr. Dong, I have also seen you in person..."

Her voice is typical of a Jiangnan woman's gentleness and gracefulness. Every word seems to be moistened with water, a little glutinous and soft, and then slowly and gently floats away.

Zhang Xing felt extremely comfortable for a time, as if he was sitting on a cloud.

When Dong Xiaojing looked at Zhang Xing, she was obviously a little distracted. She didn't seem to understand what Zhang Sheng had brought here. Then she still showed a sweet smile: "Mr. Zhang, I'm so kind... I have long admired your name!"

"Hello, Mr. Dong, I have long admired your name..."

Zhang Xing stretched out his hand.

But the other party didn't mean to reach out and just nodded to him.

He instinctively replaced the movement of reaching out with the movement of adjusting his cuffs to avoid this embarrassing feeling.

Of course, Zhang Xing was not angry about this.

The capital behind [Starlight Future] is [Eps Capital], which is about the same size as [Hongsen Capital] and is one of the earliest capitals in the country.

Dong Xiaojing’s father, Dong Zhongjun, is one of the rotating chairs of Epps Capital and occupies half of Epps Capital.

The two sides sat facing each other.

Zhang Xing glanced at Zhang Sheng and Xu Tianshun.

turn out to be……

The collapse of [Minuo Group Buying] was never an accident.

And [Minuo Group Buying] was swallowed up by [Honeycomb Extreme Delivery]. It turned out that it was all an arranged game.

Everyone, including Zhang Xing, is in the game, but the one who really controls the game...

Is it Zhang Sheng and [Eps Capital]?


Is it a tacit understanding between the two parties?

"Mr. Zhang, what surprise do you bring me this time?"

"I'm going to give you an advertising space..."

"Oh? What advertising space?"

"An advertising space that attracts global attention..."

"[Southern California International Film Awards]? Sorry, this is not attractive to us. You also know that [Fengyu Mall] already has it..."

"No, it's another one..."


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