Four o'clock in the morning.

It was a completely silent night.

The snow is melting.

[Mitu Economic Development Zone], the howling cold wind was blowing across the land, with a biting chill that made people couldn't help but wrap up their clothes.

In such weather, you should stay in bed and enjoy the remaining warmth in the bed.

However, the door of [NC Entertainment] is crowded with various brands.

Everyone was smoking and cursing in groups while waiting for [NC Entertainment] to open.


"Damn it, comrades, I've found out! The 300 million yuan from [Fengyu Mall] is just a gimmick. Zhang Sheng likes to do this kind of gimmick very much, and then increases his own advertising value... Anyone with a brain will Everyone knows that Zhang Sheng’s [Honeycomb Jishu] is engaged in takeout and group buying, so how could it possibly give resources to a competitor like [Fengyu Mall]?”

"Everyone, please don't be fooled. Although we hope that Zhang Sheng will use this gimmick to increase the so-called brand effect through advertising, we must stick to the bottom line. Remember!"

"There are thirty advertising spaces, and the maximum advertising space cannot exceed ten million. If you still increase the price after ten million, don't blame me for being rude. This will ruin everyone's jobs, you know?"

"Furthermore, people like Zhang Sheng are very good at hunger marketing. What is hunger marketing? It is to create the illusion that there is too much food for everyone, and then let people grab it, and unknowingly drive up the price. This is the lowest behavior in business operations, and everyone must You have to be smart..."

"Also, in fact, Zhang Sheng's advertising space has been somewhat deified. In fact, it is really not that powerful..."

"Also, everyone who knows Zhang Sheng knows that Zhang Sheng likes to ask for help when doing things. I don't want to say anything else. If anyone dares to increase the price randomly again, we will treat it as a helper!"

"Let me say one more thing, don't be fooled by thirsty marketing and lose your mind, you know!"

"Me? I used to get up early all the time. I had nothing to do and came here to take a look. Seriously, do I want this advertisement..."


Among the noisy advertisers.

There were waves of curses.

Among them, a fat middle-aged man in a suit was very active in the crowd.

He even held a loudspeaker and shouted all kinds of "revealing the truth" at the entrance of [NC Entertainment]. He was also very capable of inciting, and once made the brand owners present filled with indignation.

That’s Cai Yong, the head of the commercial department of [Jianli Bicycle]!

At this moment, in order to make his words and deeds more authentic, Cai Yong even took out a piece of data that he didn't know where he got.

This data shows that in fact, Zhang Sheng’s advertisements are not that awesome, and there are still some brands that regret after accepting the advertisements!

"Advertising bidding? Haha, I still have to say one thing, this bullshit advertising bidding, Zhang Sheng, really thinks his advertising is made of gold? What a joke!"

"[Temple Run] S1 Global Finals?"

"What a joke!"

"An ordinary mobile phone game has been decorated with flowers. Isn't this just using the game to harvest leeks? Who is so stupid as to be a leek?"



Cai Yong here is constantly exposing the truth, and all he needs to do is accuse Zhang Sheng of his leek behavior. On the other side, Liu Hongxiang, the boss of [Hongxiang Home Appliances], personally came on stage to cooperate.

The two people's voices were loud, and the crowd suddenly became excited!

"Let's go, we don't want it anymore! The minimum is 3 million per advertising space! Damn it, why doesn't he grab it? I'm just developing a mobile game like [Temple Run], how much does it cost?"

"What are you crazy about? Do you think we are fools? With three million, I can be on TV commercials!"

"Yeah, forget it, let's go, no one is here to guard us, I don't think Zhang Sheng is going to raise the advertising price!"


The emotions of the masses are easily incited.

Not long after, a group of indignant brand owners felt that they were stupid for going to [NC Entertainment] to grab Zhang Sheng's advertisement in the cold weather.

Many people left on the spot...

At five o'clock in the morning, there were fewer and fewer advertisers at the entrance of [NC Entertainment].

The remaining advertisers are still cursing, and they are getting more and more fierce. Looking at this attitude, they want to throw their shit at the gate of [NC Entertainment].

"Leek", "idiot", "cerebral palsy", "mentally retarded"...

Such swear words kept coming one after another, almost scolding the entire [NC Entertainment] into a bloody mess.

Half past five!

As a 535 BMW parked on the roadside, the curses suddenly disappeared.

The originally excited brand owners all looked towards the door in unison, their flushed cheeks seemed to change instantly, turning into smiles, and they gathered around in unison.

"Mr. Zhang, is it so early?"

"boss Zhang……"

"boss Zhang……"

"boss Zhang……"

Zhang Sheng was stunned when he saw a group of advertisers, and then he had a warm smile on his face.

"Eh? Are you Mr. Cai from [Jianli Bicycle]?"

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, do you remember me?"

"Remember to remember!"

"Haha! That's great, everyone is waiting for you here. What projects do you have coming up next?"

"So many people..."

"Yeah, actually it's more common at four o'clock in the morning. Isn't it because some people can't stand the cold and run away..."

"Oh, actually it doesn't have to be so early..."

"Doesn't this show our sincerity? We [Jianli Bicycles] have been waiting since two o'clock this morning and were the first to come. You see, we are sincere and support your [Temple Escape] S1 Global Finals, support our Chinese games!"

"Yo, thank you so much!"


this world.

It's really disgusting sometimes.

When the brand owners saw that they were gathering people to make trouble one moment, they cursed at Zhang Sheng and drove away a group of people. When they saw Zhang Sheng the next second, they immediately changed their faces. Although it was not flattering, it was fat. His face was full of smiles, and he wanted to put his face on his butt, which completely refreshed his outlook on life.

The door of [NC Entertainment] will soon open...

Cai Yong from [Jianli Bicycle] immediately followed Zhang Sheng. Although he still kept a smile on his face, he was most likely sincerely chatting about various cooperation matters with [Temple Escape].


Before this guy came, he did an extremely detailed investigation on the game [Temple Run].

Everyone walked into [NC Entertainment] in a hurry and took the lead in sitting in the large conference room [NC Entertainment] specially prepared for these brand owners.

"Everyone, the bidding activity has not started yet, and our PPT has not been finished yet... Well, now that you are here, let's change the bidding advertisement from four o'clock in the afternoon to nine o'clock in the morning... Well, here, I’m very grateful for everyone’s support for our [MiTu Games], and even more so for your support of our Chinese local games!”

Zhang Sheng stood on the podium, looked at the advertisers below, and after saying these words seriously, turned and left the conference room.

After Zhang Sheng leaves...

Cai Yong of [Jianli Bicycle] was instantly surrounded by countless brand owners.

Everyone stared at him closely, and some even scolded him on the spot for being unreasonable.

What the hell...

It was obviously him who first incited everyone to boycott Zhang Sheng’s advertisement!

Damn it!

As soon as Zhang Sheng got out of the car, he licked faster than anyone else!

Amidst the bursts of scolding, Cai Yong sat with his face calm and his heart not beating, profoundly interpreting shamelessness to the extreme.

At half past six...

Yue Mo felt as if he had been tricked but came back to his senses.

The group of brand owners who had left came back in unison and sat in the conference room one after another. In the blink of an eye, the entire large conference room was filled.

After the seats are full...

A group of people still walked in, and the staff of [NC Entertainment] could only move the office chairs into the conference room.

In a blink of an eye...

The conference room became noisy again.

Not long after...

Another burst of curses sounded...

Someone even got into a fight on the spot because of the seat issue. The security personnel of [NC Entertainment] rushed over to break up the fight, but they couldn't stop it.


Cai Yong screamed in pain!

In the chaos, someone who didn't know who it was kicked him hard, making him gasp in cold sweat and gasp in pain.

The chaos lasted about ten minutes...

It finally calmed down, but the cursing and cursing didn't stop, and some people were making noises about their location.

Half past seven in the morning...

[NC Entertainment] A group of advertisers came to the door again.

The large conference room is already extremely crowded and can hardly be squeezed in anymore.

"Holy shit! Why is there someone from [Wanda Group]?"

"Fuck, isn't this Wang Jiancong, the young master of [Wanda Group]..."

"Are you kidding me? This guy also came here to grab advertising space?"

"How is it possible? [Wanda Group] is a big capital now. Why would it come here to grab advertising space? They don't need this..."

"That is……"

The noisy sound became quiet around eight o'clock.


Several people saw a Rolls-Royce Shadow parked at the entrance of [NC Entertainment]. Its high-profile appearance attracted a large group of reporters.

When Wang Jiancong, wearing a suit and leather tie, stepped out of the car, the entire conference room exploded.

But Cai Yong of [Jianli Bicycle] is keenly aware of one thing...

That is!

Capital has entered the scene!


【Wanda Group】

Similar to Wanda in the original world.

It is a comprehensive group involving film and television, cultural tourism, commercial centers, real estate, children and other industries.

[NC Entertainment] The staff never dreamed that Wang Jiancong, the young master of [Wanda Group] would come over...

Shen Xiaoxi had not even said hello to the company beforehand, and his arrival caught Shen Xiaoxi off guard!

"Hello, Mr. Shen, is Mr. Zhang here?"

"Mr. Zhang is here..."

"Is it convenient for Mr. Zhang? I want to talk about cooperation with Mr. Zhang..."

"Well, it's convenient now. Come with me..."


With a gentle smile on his face, Wang Jiancongmo, who had slicked-down bangs, followed Shen Xiaoxi, knocked on the door, and briefly announced...

The door opened.

Wang Jiancong walked into Zhang Sheng's office and closed the door.

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