I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 491 The suspicious apple!

The first day of the Chinese New Year.

Be beaming.

American IPO companies have fallen into unprecedented gloom.

Whether it's the technology department, public relations department, or patent department...

The moment everyone walked into the company, they felt a sense of suffocation, especially the heads of each department, who were all disgraced.

Billy, the person in charge of [IPO China], walked into the IPO company with [Apple 4S] with his head lowered and a sullen face without saying a word.

The atmosphere in the company was extremely depressing, especially when he stepped onto the elevator and looked down...

Below, police cars were parked.

I don't know if it was because of the wind blowing outside the window, or because he was about to face Joss, but Billy always felt that he was about to go to the gallows and accept the most cruel trial in the world.


He was a little confused from beginning to end.

Last November!

iPhone 4 sold an astonishing 24 million units worldwide, of which 9 million units were sold in China.

Last year, this data was refreshed to global sales of 29.8 million units, and sales in China exceeded 10 million units.

An almost landmark figure, a perfect sales answer, he should be the major contributor.

But Billy did not receive any reward. Instead, he was held accountable every day by the person in charge of the head office on the pretext of "not maintaining the Chinese market well."

A chilling feeling came over my heart.

However, what's more is a feeling of powerlessness.

In fact, he has tried his best to maintain the Chinese market.

He works overtime until late at night every day, faces various data every day, follows the team to think of various plans, and deals with various things every day...

He hadn't even had a full night's sleep in half a year.

However, there are endless Chinese copycat machines, dense copycat channels and the terrifying market in Huaqiangbei, as well as the loopholes that Chinese users are constantly exploiting [replacing and repairing]...

All of this made him physically and mentally exhausted, and he once suspected that he would die suddenly if he continued to deal with it!

The sun is very warm.

The elevator stopped on the 12th floor of the IPO company.

He looked around and saw everyone standing at the door tremblingly, and the FBI was taking everyone out for questioning.

Unprecedentedly strict, even the eighteen generations of ancestors of these staff members must be investigated...

Billy didn't see Joss as usual.

After the FBI saw him, they ran over immediately and took him to the small room of the IPO company.

Starting from the [Apple 4S] he brought over, to everything he carried with him, even his hair was checked thoroughly.

After checking and confirming that he came in without cameras or any monitoring equipment, the FBI began a new round of rigorous questioning on him...

It’s not so much a cross-examination as an [interrogation]…

In one question after another, he explained a series of work he had done in China since 2010. At the same time, he also stated that although he had been exposed to China's copycat phones, it was impossible to transfer the IPO company's The secret was leaked, and he didn’t even know what the iPhone 5 series looked like.

Except for a very few people in the company, no one else has the chance to know such a secret, including him...

About four hours later.

Billy walked out of the [Interrogation Room] with dull eyes and a suspicious feeling in his heart, as if everyone was being plotted against!

He saw the tall secretary Weiss.

"Thanks for your hard work."

"He is very irritable. When you see him later, try to be more careful..."

"If he smashes something, you should try to avoid it. I have already found medical staff and will be guarding the door of the office..."


Weiss, who was wearing wire glasses, had complicated eyes. When she saw Billy walking in, she couldn't help but whisper a few reminders, and then knocked on the office door.

Billy took a deep breath, took the [Apple 4S], and silently walked into Joes' office.

When he saw the messy office, he was shocked.


Joss stayed up all night and his eyes were bloodshot.

At this moment, he was coughing non-stop, and his heaving chest and disheveled hair showed that he was quite angry at this moment!

iPhone4 is the most proud work of his life. He defines iPhone4 as a new era of technology, revolution, and even a new communication art.

In fact...

Whether it is the astonishing global sales or word-of-mouth, it has been proven without exception that he was right when he developed the iPhone 4!


China's copycat phones were like a thorn that had pierced deep into his heart since last year, making him grit his teeth and helpless.

The exact same appearance design and shoddy internal parts have flowed into the Chinese market as fakes. Piracy, copycats, and various comments that affect the iPhone4 brand effect can be seen everywhere...

end of last year!

Jos already suspected that there was a spy in his IPO company.

Therefore, the appearance, project establishment, configuration, and even configuration of the iPhone 5, which is about to be released, are all kept extremely confidential.

During the R\u0026D and design period, each research institute and designer are not allowed to go abroad, use mobile phones, and are not even allowed to contact family members. Each technical staff is handled separately, and each other does not know what the other is doing, except for the core tasks. Except for a few people, the rest were arranged in another research room...

In order to keep it secret, he spent a huge amount of money. He even felt that it was the same as having landed on the moon and researched the atomic bomb!


A gust of wind from China blew into his ears.

He saw the configuration preview of the Chinese copycat phone [Apple 4S].

Except for some parts brands, the rest of the configuration is exactly the same as the [iPhone 4S], but it is equipped with the competitor's Android system.

He saw the appearance...


He felt like he was going crazy!

The door opened.

He saw Billy walking in with [Apple 4S].

When he saw Billy, the person in charge of China, a surge of anger burned in his chest. Looking at this tall young man, he always felt that this young man was the culprit.

But he still held back the emotions deep inside.

"Mr. Joes, this is China's [Apple 4S]..."

He saw a beautifully decorated box. Except for the logo and other things, the box was exactly the same as the iPhone 4.

He opened the box and saw the brand new [Apple 4S].

The moment he picked up the phone, his hand trembled slightly. The touch and texture were just like the iPhone 5 they are preparing to release next year...

Except for some differences in weight...

He tore open the thin outer packaging and saw that the Apple 5 uses a special-shaped glass design, which feels natural and comfortable in the hand. After opening the phone, he found that the Apple 5 has a 4-inch Retina screen with a higher resolution. The quality is clearer and has a wider viewing angle...


He heard a familiar startup music.

And then……

[We don’t produce mobile phones, we only work as a porter of technology. China Apple is far ahead! 】

Jos saw the phone case.

Since the advent of the iPhone 4, mobile phone cases and films in the Chinese market have suddenly become popular. Joes sneered at this, thinking that these people were barbarians.

He uses the best technology to give users the ultra-thin experience, but these country bumpkins put their phones in a thick phone case, which is a waste.


At this moment, he had no intention of laughing at those country bumpkins from China. Instead, he was staring at the slogan!

Afraid that Joes wouldn't understand it, there was an English translation below the Chinese slogan.

As he watched it over and over again, a fire rose up from deep in his heart again, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

Then, he felt his heart beating faster and faster, and even felt like it was tearing. He desperately covered his heart, but he still couldn't resist the pain.

In fact...

In the past few years, his health has begun to decline, especially problems with his heart and pancreas.

After completing the genetic test, his personal doctor told him to have a good rest, not to work too hard, not to get angry casually, and to be calm and quiet.


How could he bear it at this moment?

Technology porter?

What's the meaning?

What does it mean?

This Chinese company, an ugly, despicable company like a reptile, is openly declaring war on itself, claiming that it plagiarized or stole!


"Mr. Joes..."

Billy looked at Joss, whose face was red but covering his heart. His face turned pale with fright, and he hurriedly called the doctor.

But Joss shook his head, and after a long pause, he finally recovered.

After a few minutes, Joss took a deep breath.

"Billy, can I trust you?"

"Mr. Joss..." Billy's lips trembled slightly. He had never seen Joss show such an expression before.

He wanted to say something more, but Joss waved his hand, gesturing for him to take the phone and leave.

Billy lowered his head, quickly sorted out his cell phone, then lowered his head and left the office.

The office fell silent again.

Joss suddenly became suspicious...

He thought about it over and over again, but never figured out what the problem was. At one point, he even felt that he was living under the shadow of some kind of foresight.

After adjusting my mood...

He took another deep breath.


He called the IPO company's marketing department.

He plans to launch iPhone 4S ahead of schedule!

At the same time, the iPhone 5 project was completely abandoned and the appearance patent for the 6 series was restarted...

After doing all this, he called his old friend McCann Kusho who started the IPO company together.

"I don't know who is the spy in the company. I even wonder if I was talking in my sleep and then revealed all the parameters..."

That night, they talked about a lot of things.

We talked about entrepreneurship, the future, and the next series of arrangements.

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