I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 493 The final madness of group buying!

The Spring Festival of 2011.

The Spring Festival is probably the craziest time for group buying.

Starting from the Spring Festival Gala program, to various New Year's greeting videos and Internet headlines on the first day of the new year, from Shanghai, Yanjing, Hangzhou, Yangcheng, and then to the second and third tier cities in China...

You can see countless group buying advertisements at subway entrances, bus stations, and taxis on the streets in cities that you can name in China.

The three major brands [Hanshou.com], [Harvest Group Buying], and [Fengyu Mall] are almost crazy, ravaging the entire China.

A movie ticket costs one yuan, a family meal costs two yuan, a tourist attraction costs three yuan, or even a star-rated hotel costs thirty yuan...

Countless and dazzling discount group buying strategies have flooded into the eyes of consumers like a tide, leaving consumers overwhelmed and even giving them the illusion that they are God!

And everything...

It all stems from the origin of group buying website [Groupon], which will be listed on the NASDAQ in the United States in March this year!

More than a month before going on the market!

Whether it is Dong Zhongjun of [Eps Capital], Pang Lei of [Hongsen Capital], or Li Zongyao of [Hongtian Capital]...

Countless capitals are all focusing on the various news released by [Groupon] across the ocean.

They saw that Andrew, the head of [Groupon], announced that he had made all preparations before going public, and the listing valuation was about US$20 billion when being questioned by reporters!

They also saw that Andrew released a set of data. This set of data is that in 2009, [Groupon] only had 120 employees, and its business scope only covered 30 cities. At the end of 2010,

[Groupon] has more than 4,000 employees, its business has expanded to 565 cities, and its domestic business has generated nearly US$285 million in revenue and profit for the entire company...

They saw that the old American group buying website was going crazy with [Groupon], and they also started to go crazy. Countless capital was integrated into [Groupon], making the cake bigger and bigger. Everyone stared at it with excitement. [Groupon] will be launched in early March, and I am looking forward to what kind of craziness will happen after the launch...

Each astonishing data seems to illustrate one thing, that is, the group buying market seems to have great potential!

“We missed the Chinese version of Google, Sodu, and we also missed the Chinese version of Facebook and Weibo. Now, we can’t miss the Chinese version of [Groupon]!”

"From early February to March, this is the final battle!"

"To win this decisive battle, we have the final say in China's market!"


In the capital circle, I don’t know when this sentence started to circulate.

And this sentence not only stimulates more capital to enter the group buying track, but also stimulates many small capitals who want to leap over the dragon gate in this era to follow like crazy and play this card at all costs. Let’s play the cards of this [Group Buying War]!


February 10th.

The eighth day of the first lunar month!

[Tengji Technology].

Zheng Huateng stared at the [National Parkour] data.

Relying on the strong traffic of Qgou, the data of [National Parkour] is still increasing. Throughout the Spring Festival, Huaxia's registered users successfully exceeded 23 million.


The new version of the [Anti-Addiction System] gave Zheng Huateng a slight headache, and his payment rate plummeted.

Although [National Parkour] still faced criticism and released several New Year skins, the sales of the New Year skins were not bad. From February 2nd to the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, they earned nearly 10 million in sales. However, compared with expectations, the data is still not satisfactory...

Moreover, I don’t know if it’s because the Chinese New Year is about to end, or for some other reason, but the daily activity of their [National Parkour] is getting lower and lower!

There are 23 million registered users, but the daily active volume is only around 700,000!

You know, the peak value of this game once exceeded one million!

On the other hand, the competitor [Temple Run] has already exceeded one million daily active users and is steadily increasing. The number of downloads has exceeded 40 million. It is already a phenomenal mobile game!

The failure of [Mobile Game Strategy] made Zheng Huateng feel depressed.


At this moment, Zheng Huateng's eyes were not on [National Parkour], but on the increasingly crazier [Thousand Regiments Battle].

Turn on the screen, open various news, insert advertisements, and all you see are group buying websites of various brands...

It was so crazy that Zheng Huateng once felt that the entire Internet had been occupied by countless group buying websites. Even online shopping overlords like [Taozhu.com] had lost part of their traffic due to the impact of [group buying].

"As of today, there are nearly 5,000 large and small group buying websites in China in this track..."

"This track is very congested, and the major capitals are like bloodthirsty devils, crazily squeezing into this track..."

“The market value of our Chinese version [Groupon], that is, [Baotuan.com] has soared from 1 billion yuan when we first entered the mainland to nearly 7 billion...A lot of capital is optimistic about our [Baotuan.com]. If the overseas version If [Groupon] performs well after being listed on the market, our [Baotuan.com] market value will rise again!”

"The 700 million yuan we invested has now increased to 3 billion!"


In the office.

Zheng Huateng listened as his old friend Shen Zhiming, who had started a business together, walked into the office and reported a set of data to him.

When Shen Zhiming reported the data, he was excited.

In just a few months, relying on [Groupon]'s overseas market success stories, Huaxia's own [Baotuan.com] has soared in market value, and it once had the tendency to become the leader of Huaxia group buying websites.

"Should we continue to inject capital? We will completely suppress other group buying websites!"

Shen Zhiming pushed up his glasses and looked at Zheng Huateng.

Zheng Huateng had no words, but after a long time, he stared at Shen Zhiming: "Old Shen, where is Zhang Sheng? I want to know his movements..."

"Zhang Sheng?"


"Zhang Sheng has been in love recently, watching movies at the beginning of the year, visiting relatives and giving gifts at the end of the year... Before the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, the company had never been there. Its online shopping website, [Qiangsheng Online Mall], was in the Spring Festival this year. , the traffic still maintains the basic status, neither rising nor falling. After [Honeycomb Jisong] annexed [Minuo Group Buying], there were a lot more merchants, but this year’s Spring Festival group buying website was hit too hard, and Zhang Sheng was lost. We have visited many businesses, and I can only say that the overall situation is still stable, neither increasing nor decreasing, neither losing nor making profits..."

"He didn't enter the group buying finals?"

"His capital is limited. Even if he spends one billion yuan, he can't get on the poker table and fight this war of attrition... Whether it's [Harvest Group Buying] or [Fengyu Mall], they are all spending one billion yuan." The market has been hit by billions of dollars, so it would be great if Zhang Sheng can hold on..."


A year ago, even half a year ago.

It is impossible for Zheng Huateng to take Zhang Sheng seriously.

But now, Zheng Huateng will no longer underestimate Zhang Sheng, who has risen from the bottom step by step.

Zheng Huateng narrowed his eyes when he saw Zhang Sheng's recent movements.

After a long time, he stared at Shen Zhidong.

"Old Shen!"

"you say!"

"We will give up all our shares in [Baotuan.com]!"

"Ah? Give it up?"

"Yes! In the next half month, we will give up all 40% of our shares in [Baotuan.com]!"

"Ah, at this critical moment, even when we have the advantage, we withdraw?"

Shen Zhidong stared at Zheng Huateng in disbelief. After a moment, he frowned: "Are you optimistic about group buying?"

"I always have a hunch that the group buying war is so crazy now. It's like a big pit, and I have to retreat for a while!"

"However, [Groupon] is doing very well in the United States now. We are withdrawing all of them now. Aren't all our previous efforts in vain? Our group buying analysts are all very optimistic about this track!"


In the office.

Zheng Huateng squinted his eyes, and after a long time, he finally made such a decision.



Shen Zhiming was silent for a moment and finally nodded.

He took another look at Zheng Huateng, who was sitting in front of the computer, wearing glasses and looking elegant and easy-going.

[Tengji Technology] It has been more than ten years since its establishment!

The ups and downs in the past ten years have been enough to prove Zheng Huateng's vision!

If he says quit, then just make a fortune and leave!


The ninth day of the first lunar month.

The crazy group buying war during the Spring Festival made Li Yanhong realize the horror of capital!

She took some people from Minuo Group Buying and fought in the battlefield every day, thinking of various recruitment plans. However, under the heavy capital, they became more and more difficult.

Faced with a tidal wave of attacks from her opponents, she failed to attract more merchants and users for [Honeycomb Extreme Delivery]. Instead, her own resources were constantly being lost.

This is a desperate war!

When fighting against capital, you can only have the advantage with more capital and better strategies. Otherwise, you will only be slowly eaten away by the capital!

From the second day of the first lunar month to the ninth day of the first lunar month...

She goes to [NC Entertainment] almost every day, wanting to see Zhang Sheng.

For more than a week, the capital-supported software "Lainiao Takeaway" has been frantically conquering the city. Moreover, "Lainiao Takeout" has completely copied Zhang Sheng's "Honeycomb Extreme Delivery" model, using "Online Group Buying", The combination of [offline food delivery] is bombarding this market. Many small food delivery software either died suddenly on the spot or were acquired and merged...

Although the current [Honeycomb Extreme Gift] still has the advantage, the balance has begun to slowly tilt!

Especially during the Spring Festival!

[Honeycomb Extreme Delivery] is becoming more and more difficult on the road of merging and swallowing. Starting from the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, it has been unable to compete with [Lai Niao Delivery]!

In addition, [Fengshou Group Buying] and [Lingshou.com] have both established their own offline takeout companies. Instead of competing with [Lainiao Takeout] for territory, they have followed [Honeycomb Ji Delivery] in various offline competitions...

Li Yanhong vaguely felt that capital was encircling and suppressing Zhang Sheng, and this trend of encirclement and suppression was becoming more and more obvious!


[Honeycomb Extreme Delivery] When he was on the edge of the cliff and faced with waves of capital pressure, Zhang Sheng did not go to work.

Until the morning of the tenth day of the first lunar month...

The exhausted Li Yanhong finally met the energetic Zhang Sheng.

When she knocked on the door, she saw Zhang Sheng yawning, looking lazy and sleepy, with no sense of urgency that the war was about to begin.

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