I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 511 Li Dongqiang wants to come back

March 25th.

In March, the spring scenery is bright and everything revives.

[Tengji Technology] Zheng Huateng was sitting on the sofa in the villa, basking in the sun. He looked at the green lawn in the yard, but his words and deeds with Zhang Sheng came to mind.

From being a Q dog in 1999 to now, Zheng Huateng has gone through ups and downs, big and small, and has seen the ups and downs of countless entrepreneurial talents. Every time, he looked down from a high place.

But like Zhang Sheng, Zheng Huateng instinctively felt a "sense of uncontrollability" that he had never encountered before.

The warm sunshine shone on Zheng Huateng's face. Zheng Huateng took a sip of coffee. The bitter taste made his head clearer. Then, he took out a stack of Zhang Sheng's information on the edge of the balcony, looked at it carefully, and then , the more he looked, the more he frowned.

From mobile phones to [Honeycomb Ji Delivery], from offline takeout to online [Qiangsheng Online Mall]...

The important position in the industrial chain has been completely occupied by Zhang Sheng without even realizing it.

A breeze blew, and Zheng Huateng finally put down the materials.

"He is not someone who lives under others and is willing to be a pawn!"

"We must cooperate, but we must not put everything on him..."

"We must speed up the research and development of WeChat to avoid long nights and dreams. We must get ahead of Ma Yunhua. At the same time, the layout of food delivery cannot rely solely on [Group Buying] and [Ximi Food Delivery]..."


Just as Zheng Huateng was deep in thought, his phone rang.

He saw the owner of the mobile phone number.

It’s Li Hong from [Soudu].

After seeing Li Hong, he hesitated for a moment and then answered the phone.

"Are you there?"

"Are you talking nonsense? The ghost answered your call?"

"Let's talk?"

"What to talk about?"

"I brought the CEOs of two food delivery brands, [Harvest Group Buying] and [Any Door], and [Hungry Takeout], to talk to you about cooperation..."

"Didn't you [Soudu]'s [Hanshou.com] flirt with Ma Yunhua?"

"Eggs cannot be put in the same basket..."

When he heard Li Hong's words, Zheng Huateng narrowed his eyes: "I'm in the villa."

"Then shall we come?"



Many years ago.

Countless "bloggers" and netizens will focus on introducing this [Thousand Regiments War] when writing about Internet history.

It started in 2010 and ended in March 2011. It lasted for nearly a year. Close to 6,000 shopping websites were fighting, desperate, and even unscrupulous on the [group buying] track!

This year is the year when consumers have the most delusion about God. At the same time, this year is also the beginning of the Internet's "money-burning war"...

March 26th.

Zhang Xing doesn’t know how future generations will evaluate this Internet war.

All he knew was that as soon as he opened his eyes, he would hear the news of the bankruptcy of countless group buying websites.

He also knew that when he walked into the [Group Buying] company, he saw countless arrogant and domineering CEOs of the [Group Buying Website] who once held banknotes. At this moment, they were looking at him pitifully and calling him "Mr. Zhang" one by one. The non-stop scrambling and praying to the point of almost kneeling made Zhang Xing feel extremely complicated for a time.

His face was calm.

Walking into the vibrant [Group Buying], at this moment, it feels like you have entered your own kingdom.

"Yesterday, two hundred group buying websites went bankrupt! Currently, there are only more than 2,000 brands active in the [group buying] market. In the past half month, nearly half of them have died!"

"Since Zhang Sheng suddenly announced that he would invest one billion into the food delivery market again, those group buying brands that were on the verge of bankruptcy or that could no longer survive have gone crazy and tried their best to squeeze in towards us..."

“Yesterday, there were 300 brands in [Honeycomb Jisong], and 150 brands in our [Group Buying]...”

"[Qianniao Gou] is currently coming in force, but he is one step behind and hastily responded to the challenge. The traffic is always one step behind us. Currently, he only has 100 merchants..."

“I have received news that several brands such as [Fengsheng Group Buying], [Any Door], and [Hungry Takeout] are currently trying to merge with each other. However, due to the complicated capital components of these brands, the speed of their merger is destined not to be that fast. , the fastest, we have to wait until the beginning of next month... I haven’t heard any news from them yet..."


Zhang Xing listened to the secretary's words silently, nodded expressionlessly, and after a moment, asked calmly: "Where are we in the market now?"

“When it comes to the takeout market, the current market share [Honeycomb Jishu] occupies the first place with a market share of 30%. After the merger, [Qianniao Gou] ranks second and currently accounts for 20% of the market share. , our [Group Buying] has just started to work hard, and the current market share is about 9%, but it will soon catch up with the share of websites such as [Harvest Group Buying] and [Fengyu Mall]... However, if we look at the comprehensive combined market, [ Qianniaogou] has joined [Lianshou.com], a group buying winner, and is currently ranked first, and [Honeycomb Ultimate] is currently ranked second..."

"Oh, you go down first!"


He sat on a chair in the office, overlooking the crowd of people below.

At this moment, he didn't feel as humble as when he was helping Zhang Sheng and Ma Yunhua row. Instead, he felt like a trader sitting on a high place, overlooking all living things.

The secretary left.

The office was a little empty.

The calm Zhang Xing's hands trembled slightly and he took out his mobile phone. Deep in his heart, he seemed to have countless things to say...

But I finally put the phone down again, and then, inexplicably, I felt an unprecedented sense of emptiness.

[Group Buying] Currently, he holds 35% of the shares, Zhang Sheng holds 20%, [Tengji Technology] holds 25%, and the other 2% Ten is that [Jimi Waimai] has exchanged shares, but the agreement signed by [Tengji Technology] and Zhang Sheng currently only has the right to make suggestions and the right to vote for major personnel changes, but the core management does not participate.

When I think of this...

His eyes were a little complicated.

Sometimes he felt that he was just being a dog and had no right to speak in front of Zhang Sheng, so he followed Zhang Sheng's established path completely.

He even had no choice but to follow Zhang Sheng and beg for mercy.

But sometimes I feel like a human being.

Even after dilution, he still has a certain say in [group buying]. It seems that as long as he firmly controls his equity and does not go off the rails in the future, he will be able to rest easy.

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door in the office.

Li Yanhong from [Jimi Takeout] pushed the door open...

Yes, the founder behind [Jimi Takeout] is Li Yanhong.

[Mi Nuo Group Purchase] was completely swallowed up by [Honeycomb Ji Gift] in February!

Zhang Sheng subsidized Li Yanhong with a settlement allowance of about 100 million, and Li Yanhong was not depressed after receiving the 100 million settlement allowance. While helping [Honeycomb Jishu] maintain the follow-up market, she also invested in a school called [Jimi Takeaway]. The food delivery platform, relying on the entrepreneurial experience of [Minuo Group Buying] and the familiarity of the brand, has nearly doubled the number of users of [Jimi Food Delivery] in just over a month...

After Li Yanhong walked in, she looked at Zhang Xing and chatted with Zhang Xing about the merger arrangements between the two companies.

The capital tide has receded!

But there are so many brands exposed on the shore, they must increase the speed of devouring them at this time, laying the foundation for the next few fierce battles!

Late March.

For the entire Internet in China, there is a wave of mergers and acquisitions.

From March 26th to March 31st.

All kinds of news are born every day.

[Qianshou.com], which once dominated the group buying market and became the final winner, officially joined forces with [Lainiao Takeout] to become [Qianniao Gou] with nearly 20 million online and offline users. [Qianniao Gou] officially Confirmed as a food delivery software under [Jiahu Technology], Shen Mingqiang of [Lian Shou.com] and Zheng Xudong, CEO of [Lainiao Food Delivery], were jointly appointed as CEO of [Signiao Gou]...

And received a round A investment of 300 million yuan.

[Harvest Group Purchase] officially acquired [Anymen] and [Hungry Takeaway], and named [Feng Harvest Purchase]. The original organizational system remains unchanged for the time being, and everyone performs their duties. The preliminary software merges with Hutong. The original [Harvest Group Purchase] Xu Kewei still serves as Joint CEO, and brought 500 million investment from two giants [Tengji Technology] and [Soudu.com]!

[Group buying] and [Jimi Waimai] formally reached a strategic agreement, and the software of both parties also reached interoperability, and received a round A investment of 200 million from [Tengji Technology]...

[Honeycomb Extreme Gift] The organizational system structure remains unchanged. The only news is that Zhang Shenghao invested one billion...

I thought that after this capital tide subsided...

The [capital winter] will make the entire market more bleak and even colder, discouraging countless entrepreneurs.

However, no one could have imagined that after the news that Zhang Shenghao spent one billion, the entire food delivery market went crazy again!

Shen Mingqiang and others, who had won the group buying war, had to devour other brands while carrying out internal rectification and finalizing plans, while at the same time engaging in a new round of "takeaway" subsidy war...


April 1st.

The new round of [Takeout War] has nothing to do with Li Dongqiang.

[Dongqiang Mall], which once made some achievements and reached a cooperation with [Tengji Technology], has finally retreated to the edge after experiencing a series of changes.

For Li Dongqiang, everything in the past few months has been like a dream.

In the dream, he was full of ambition and ambition, and fantasized about becoming one of those people at the card table.

But when he woke up from the dream, he seemed to have become the video store owner he once was. He was so confused that he looked at the market in front of him with people coming and going, not knowing how to move forward.


Worse than the video store days.

At this moment, he was penniless. Although he was not in debt, he was hopeless.

"Sorry...Mr. Zhang is currently busy..."

"Feel sorry……"

"Feel sorry……"


Starting in late March.

Li Dongqiang comes to [NC Entertainment] almost every day.

He hopes to see Zhang Sheng every day, but he has never seen him once. Instead, he received cold looks and ridicule from everyone at [NC Entertainment]...

However, face is completely unimportant to Li Dongqiang now.

He asked himself, apart from the people who had tried to poach Zhang Sheng, they were not mortal enemies of Zhang Sheng. In a sense, [Qiang Sheng Online Mall] currently had countless contributions.

Although there is always ridicule around him, he still comes to [NC Entertainment] and stands at the door every day...

These days, whenever he sees any work at [NC Entertainment], he will run and rush to do it...

As time passed, those cold eyes and mocking glances disappeared.

Instead, it became a feeling.

"If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place?"

"I want to meet Mr. Zhang..."

"Now, Mr. Zhang, it's really not just you who want to see you..."

"I can wait! I can wait as long as I want!"


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