I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 514 So what about strangulation?

April 8th.

[Mitu Game] Zhao Feiyang is going crazy with anxiety!

[Temple Run] S1, the global finals will be held on April 15th.

As the person in charge of this event, Zhao Feiyang found that not only the download volume of [Temple Run] was cut off, but even the various publicity channels for [Temple Run] S1 Global Finals, no matter how much hype, no matter how Spending money can’t create popularity...

In about 7 days, the competition is about to begin!


Except for Tieba, the influence and discussion of other mainstream portals are getting lower and lower.

He found Zhang Xing on [Weibo]...

"Although I am the founder of [Weibo], in fact, I was eliminated in 2010 and now I have no say at all..."

"I'm also looking for Mr. Zhang..."

"Where is Mr. Zhang at this critical moment?"

Zhang Xing, who had been working hard in March and received investment from [Tengji Technology], was in a high-spirited state. When April came, he looked at [IPO China] with a cold gaze and issued a statement.

[Currently, apps such as [Temple Escape], [Group Buying], and [Honeycomb Free] are suspected of having major security risks such as user data leakage, and are temporarily removed from the shelves...]

When he saw this statement, he was stunned!

What major safety hazards are there?

What is the situation, in China, we block our own software?

Zhang Xing immediately ran to [IPO Huaxia], but the other party did not see him...

After this statement from [IPO China], numerous Chinese brands [Taomi], [VIK], [Zhongsheng] and other mobile phones also issued statements at the same time to boycott [Temple Run], [Group Buying], [Hive] Jisong] and other APPs.

Zhang Xing was very keenly aware that this was a capital stranglehold against Zhang Sheng, and it was going on crazily!

Mobile phones are the source of all APP software.

Zhang Xing naturally cannot sit still and wait for death...

Relying on his previous entrepreneurial connections, he began to travel around, visiting brands such as [Taomi], [VIK], and [Zhongsheng], and chatted with them about his [group buying]...

This time...

He did meet the person in charge of the other party, but the person in charge of the other party told him in a subtle way that all this was beyond their control.

If you want to survive this strangulation of capital, you must issue a "letter of investment"...

As for how to establish this "certificate of surrender", they also gave Zhang Xing very clear instructions.

That is……

Leave Zhang Sheng!

Zhang Xing did not respond to these people's words, nor did he leave Zhang Sheng.

He clearly understands that at this juncture, if he leaves Zhang Sheng, he will have no place to stand in the future when Zhang Sheng recovers!


I do not know how it is!

From the beginning of April to April 8, he went to [NC Entertainment] countless times, but no matter how many times, he never saw Zhang Sheng.

Not only had I never met Zhang Sheng, but when I asked Shen Xiaoxi, the person in charge of [NC Entertainment], Shen Xiaoxi had a sad look on her face.

"I don't know where Mr. Zhang has gone. I just know that Mr. Zhang seems to be in retreat!"

"Fuck! Why shut up at the critical moment? This will cause chaos in the world!"


April 9th.

[Weibo], [Qdog News], [Soudu News Hot Search]...

At almost the same time, major portal websites were reporting various news about Zhang Sheng’s software allegedly leaking user privacy...

In addition, some users even reported that after placing an order on the platform [Honeycomb Jishou], you would inexplicably receive various scam calls and real estate agency calls from overseas. At its peak, there were actually calls a day. One hundred phone calls made users collapse!

Starting from April 10th, some users in some local channels have been complaining that after their children played "Temple Run", they began to be harassed by various phone calls, and even the money they had saved in mobile banking was lost inexplicably. And flew away...

Overnight, all kinds of messy bad news were flying all over the sky.

Li Bin from [Qiangsheng Online Mall] also came in a hurry.

[Qiangsheng Online Mall]'s performance and traffic dropped sharply in April, especially the daily active volume, which dropped from a peak of 1.5 million to more than 700,000...

This is the most serious traffic loss he has encountered since he took over [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

When Li Bin came to [NC Entertainment], he saw that [NC Entertainment] was full of people, including Zhou Wen from [Jitu Live], Zhao Feiyang from [Mitu Game], Zhang Xing from [Group Buying], Li Yanhong and Xu Guangbiao from [Jimi Takeaway] and [Honeycomb Takeaway]...

"Damn it, the people behind the scenes must be those sons of bitches from [Tengji Technology]. It's only been 8 days. Damn it. Only 8 days have passed. The downloads of the half-dead [National Parkour] have exceeded 50 million." , are on par with us. Look, at this time [National Parkour], new users download and get free fashions and character activities! Isn’t this taking advantage of the situation? Mr. Zhang, didn’t you say that we and [Tengji Technology] Have you reached a strategic cooperation relationship? Why would the other party stab you in the back?" Zhao Feiyang stared at Zhang Xing and almost cursed.

Zhang Xing's face was gloomy, but he didn't respond from beginning to end. After seeing Li Bin coming, Zhang Xing walked to Li Bin.

"Mr. Li, do you have any news about Mr. Zhang?"

"No...I'm also here to see Mr. Zhang..."


A flurry of voices surrounded the entire hall.

The managers under Zhang Sheng's group all had a somewhat gloomy look in their eyes without exception.

This group of people waited from the morning of April 10th to the afternoon...

In the evening, they finally saw the energetic Zhang Sheng at the door, and they all immediately gathered around him.

But Zhang Sheng's expression was very calm from beginning to end, without the slightest hint of anxiety or anger when he was suppressed.

"Mr. Zhao and Mr. Jiang Qinjiang of [Mitu Games], come in with me first..."

"It's just a small matter, there's no need for you to make a fuss and mess up your position. Those who want to do big things need to be shaken by the collapse of the mountain without changing their appearance."

"We have worked together for such a long time. If you believe me, then everyone should eat and sleep, and there will be no problems..."

"Well, now that we are all here, I will explain the next work to you alone. Next, you will have a lot of work pressure, so please be prepared..."


Zhang Sheng's appearance was like a shot in the arm.

All the panic, nervousness, and anxiety seemed to be suppressed at this moment.

Everyone is still sitting in the hall, but there are no more anxious complaints. At this moment, everyone is staring in the direction of Zhang Sheng’s office, watching Zhang Sheng bring Zhao Feiyang and Jiang Qin from [Mi Rabbit Game] Walked into the office...

This chat didn't last long...

About half an hour later, they saw Zhao Feiyang and Jiang Qin walking out with solemn expressions...

Everyone gathered around, but the two people left [NC Entertainment] without saying a word.

"[Shengteng Technology] Mr. Xu, please come in..."

Then, Shen Xiaoxi walked over from inside and looked at Xu Guangbiao, who had black hair.

Xu Guangbiao stood up and walked towards the office...




The bosses of [NC Entertainment] dispersed one by one.

Zhang Sheng touched his head tiredly.

Just at this time……

There was a knock at the door.

"Zhang Sheng..."

"Lin Xia?"

Zhang Sheng was a little surprised when he saw Lin Xia.

If I remember correctly, this was the first time Lin Xia came to his office.

Zhang Sheng saw the thermos box in Lin Xia's hand.

"You haven't had dinner? I brought it to you..."

Lin Xia came to Zhang Sheng's side and lowered her head to take out the contents of the thermos box.

Zhang Sheng smelled the fragrance and was about to take the opportunity to touch Lin Xia's hand when he saw not only Lin Xia standing at the door, but also Lin Guodong with a complicated expression.

"Uncle Lin..."

"You guys chat, I have something else to do..."

Lin Xia blushed slightly, lowered her head and left the office as if running away.

After Lin Xia left, Zhang Sheng's face was a little stiff for a while, but he still ate the supper prepared by Lin Xia for himself.

"Do you know how I felt when I happened to see Lin Xia at the door of your company and saw her nervous and expectant look?" Lin Guodong sat down and looked at Zhang Sheng.

"..." Zhang Sheng was speechless.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this... The current situation is not good for you. Do you have any ideas?" Lin Guodong's expression was complicated at first, but then he regained his composure.

"All brands are boycotting us. I think this is not a bad thing, but a good thing..." Zhang Sheng did not have any solemn expression, but was very relaxed: "Uncle, I invite you to come here this time, I hope to get your help... "

"Do I have any other choice besides helping you?" Lin Guodong smiled: "I still have about 1 billion spare money on hand. If you want to use it, you can use it. Although I don't have a wide network of contacts, I have a lot of contacts. , [Zhongsheng], [Taomi], [VIK] and other mobile phones also have some friends. If I come forward to chat with them, I will still give them face. If it is about capital, I also have some say..."

There was a brief silence in the office.

Zhang Sheng shook his head: "Uncle, I don't need your money or your connections. I hope you can send someone to go to Brazil with me. The roads between Brazil and Mexico and the United States have been opened. I hope that new mobile phones from brands such as [Pineapple], [Nimei], and [Plough] will come out soon. Well, I have also designed some appearance images for these brands these days. Can you help me take a look at these mobile phones to achieve mass production? Transformation, is it possible or not..."

"Domestic manufacturing plants have opened up, so there's not much of a problem... Let me take a look at your appearance patent..."

Lin Guodong saw Zhang Sheng handed over a document, opened the document, and saw a design patent. Lin Guodong was stunned, and then his eyes were slightly complicated: "You designed these all by yourself?"

"Yes, what do you think?"

"The folding screen is too exaggerated and cannot be made, but the other... can be done... Wait, Zhang Sheng..."


"Are you sure you don't have any commercial espionage in brands like [Samsung], [IPO Company], and [LG]?"


At this moment, Zhang Sheng's cell phone rang.

Lin Guodong carefully installed the design plan.


"Ah, is it Section Chief Wang?"

"Hello, Section Chief Wang, hello!"

"Um, has the [Software APP] I submitted around January been approved?"

"That's great! Thank you, Section Chief Wang, this is a timely blessing!"

"Ah, are you planning to issue a [network censorship and security advisory] tomorrow?"

"Oh, oh, okay! Thanks!"


When Lin Guodong saw this scene, he was stunned. Before he could say anything, Zhang Sheng's phone rang again.


"Teacher Xu?"

"The results of the National Radio and Television Announcer and Host Qualification Examination are out? Did I pass Level 7?"

"Oh, okay! Teacher Xu, I invite you to be the host of our [Temple Escape] Global S1. What do you think..."

"Ah, that's great!"

"If my brothers and sisters are free, otherwise, I will take them to Brazil..."

"I'm not a human trafficker, cough, cough... I just invited them to commentate on the game... The host from abroad, Teacher Xu, can you help contact me and invite Fang to come..."


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