I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 523 Industrial Chain

After 2008…

Financial crises, large and small, followed one after another.

Against the general background, global economic growth is gradually slowing down.

In the past three years, the world has been responding to the international financial crisis and promoting world economic recovery.

From 2008 to 2010, the most uncertain and chaotic period of the financial crisis, the international financial market, led by the West, always had a favorable attitude towards China.

During that time, cooperation between China and the West became closer and closer. Whether it was finance, entertainment, society, environment, tourism and other channels, the two sides were as friendly as if they had spent a honeymoon.

However, starting from the beginning of 2011...

All the good things seemed to have collapsed overnight.

Perhaps it is that the financial crisis has been temporarily overcome and China no longer needs to be stabilized, or that China's rise in the past three years has exceeded many people's expectations, making them feel vaguely uneasy deep in their hearts, or that many people Realizing that China is no longer under control...

The West began to look at China with a harsh eye...

As a result, negative public opinions about China have repeatedly appeared in international forums. Following the collapse theory, threat theory and responsibility theory, the Western media even regarded China's passive counterattack to protect national sovereignty as an offensive behavior by China that it no longer kept a low profile and was modest. On the international stage, we have been repeatedly criticized and attacked by public opinion.

From the tacit cooperation after the outbreak of the financial crisis to the gradual deterioration of China-US relations, in less than three years, many people realized that this was a "containment".



The bright sunshine shone on Xu Linlin's face.

She looked at the [Bosch Battery Production Base] in the distance, feeling a sense of responsibility in her heart for no apparent reason.

In the current extremely complex international atmosphere, the pressure on their Ministry of Commerce is even greater than during the financial crisis.

She and many economic experts speculated on China's future situation and even its relationship with the United States...

However, every speculation is not very optimistic.

As China gradually rises, it is bound to form a unique pole in the international market in the future. After the honeymoon period, "containment" from all aspects of the West will not only be based on public opinion, but will most likely be based on media public opinion. supplemented by origin and ideology, thus penetrating into all aspects and eventually forming an all-round confrontation...

On the one hand, the leaders are working hard to maintain the current situation and prevent the economic situation in all aspects from deteriorating. On the other hand, they are paying more and more attention to the proposition of "economic partners".

Brazil is a friendly country to China. The two sides have been cooperating over the years. In May this year, the leaders even invited Brazilian leaders to participate in a new round of BRICS meeting...

Xu Linlin felt an unusual smell in the upcoming meeting.

She is keenly aware that the cooperation between China and Brazil will become even closer in the future and will thus be upgraded to a "strategic level".

“Last year in 2010, we [Bosch Group] officially reached a friendly cooperation agreement with our friends in Brazil, thus the [Bosch Battery Production Base] was born..."

"[Bosch Battery Production Base] is a new energy group enterprise integrating production, research and development, upgrading, assembly and sales..."

“In the past six months, we have created a sales record of about US$100 million globally, helped a thousand Rocinha friends solve their employment problems, and even expanded our business based on Rocinha’s surrounding areas. Expand and bring brand new energy battery vehicles equipped with [Bosch batteries] to thousands of households..."

After walking into the clean and tidy door, Xu Linlin and others put on shoe covers and masks...

Zhang Sheng led them into the workshop of [Bosch Battery].

No exaggeration, no deliberate exaggeration...

This time it is rare to use simple words to introduce the data of [Bosch Battery].

Xu Linlin silently looked at the workers from Brazil in the workshop...

Through the viewing glass, they saw that everyone was doing their own processes seriously. At the door of each process, there was a process sign, which described in detail the name of their process, what needed to be done, and Things to note, at the same time, next to the process card, there is also a production plan and goals...

Leo John followed Zhang Sheng.

Although I have come to this workshop many times, I even come here every day when I have nothing to do.


No matter how many times, Leo John would feel an unprecedented sense of excitement deep in his heart, especially after seeing the expressions of all the Chinese leaders, the excitement was particularly strong.

Regardless of the individual factories, the current production and sales volume are not large, but each factory is the lifeblood of Leo John, and is even the "demonstration seed" for the future development of Rociniya in line with [international standards].

Therefore, Leo John deliberately invited some of the most well-known management talents in the world to make the system of each workshop based on the most accurate specifications and systems in the world. Even if they make less money, they must make this "industrial "District" looked extremely professional, which made people feel good...

If there are no accidents, these leaders will have a more thorough understanding of the situation in Rocinha after visiting their cooperative factories. Therefore, in the context of cooperation between China and Brazil, Leo John can also Taking the opportunity to show his face, he can even attract more capital and enterprises to settle in, forming a virtuous circle, generating more tax revenue and employment for the area he manages...


It's getting better and better.

But Leo John maintained a calm and enthusiastic smile from beginning to end. As a host, after taking these leaders to visit the battery industry in [Bosch Technology], he also visited another [lithium battery area].

After Xu Linlin visited [Bosch Technology], when she walked out, she was vaguely touched.

In the past year...

She has been paying attention to the cooperation between Rosiniya and Zhang Sheng.

However, after actually being in this factory area and seeing the orderly work and the workshop management system that does not belong to Japan or South Korea, the touching emotions from the bottom of my heart have become stronger.

They then walked into [Apple Technology].

This is a larger workshop than [Bosch Technology].

"[Apple 4S] is another project we have cooperated with our friends in Rocinha. In the past few months, [Apple 4S] has sold excellent data of millions of units around the world. Our overseas markets are also Actively expanding, from February to March this year, our [Apple 4S] was exported to Mexico, Laos, Brazil and other countries under the siege of [iPhone 4S], and has established its own sales channel network..."

"In 2011, we will invest another 500 million together with our friends from Rociniya to establish and improve the after-sales system of [Apple Technology] so that consumers around the world can enjoy better after-sales services..."

"Of course, next door is our [Pineapple Phone]. Following the export of Apple 4S mobile phones, our [Pineapple Phone] also accounts for a very important proportion of sales in the mobile phone export system. The channel network in all aspects is gradually increasing... "


Each property, under Xu Linlin's gaze, passed by like a horse.

The leaders of the expedition team inevitably showed some excitement on their faces.

In the context of "win-win cooperation between China and Pakistan", this inspection is of great significance. When the leaders of China and Pakistan talk about the "BRICS Conference" in the future, it will be new and very meaningful. success case.


It was held in a restaurant called "Fat Xiaoan Chinese Restaurant" next to the "Southern California Business Friendly Cooperation Zone".


November 15th.

"We bring Chinese delicacies to Brazilian friends to enjoy. Brazilian friends like our Chinese delicacies very much..."

"Of course, next, we hope to sign a bilateral trade activity with our friends in Brazil... Well, we will also invite the authentic Brazilian food to our China, so that our compatriots in China can also enjoy it. Authentic, authentic Brazilian food…”


Department of Commerce.

A unique meeting is taking place.

The meeting was personally chaired by Zhou Guoan, director of the Ministry of Commerce, and those sitting below were all important figures in the Chinese commerce department.

The atmosphere of the meeting was unprecedentedly serious.

As one of the leading units at the [BRICS Conference] next month, the Ministry of Commerce is facing tremendous pressure.

The discussion in the first half of the meeting was very intense, and they were all rehearsing various high-tech cooperation and theme plans in the [BRICS.Conference].

This [BRICS meeting] is particularly important. Although nothing was clearly stated above, everyone understands that in 2012, as the core observer country of BRICS members, Brazil is very likely to be admitted as a full member. , but before absorbing it, both parties need a series of complicated preparations...

This preparation includes the economic benefits generated by the cooperation between the two parties, the communication and collaboration between the business departments of both parties, and the collaboration from the superstructure to the lower buildings.

And this time Xu Linlin took her team to Brazil for an inspection...

Although it is unofficial, it does not represent the wishes of the Ministry of Commerce.

But in fact, the news coming over there is extremely important to both countries.

If the situation is good, it can even be used as a "case" to be included in the discussion in the following meeting...

Zhou Guoan nodded to the assistant next to him.

Immediately afterwards, the assistant turned on the computer and clicked on a "live video" transmitted from Brazil...

In the video.

As one of the companies that cooperated this time, Chen Geng, the owner of [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant], was wearing a suit and introduced the overseas development of [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant] in front of the video.

Looking at the various delicacies, everyone inevitably became hungry.

Just at this time……

"Director Zhou, I have a suggestion..."

"you say……"

"Our meeting will last all day. Today, we are not going to the cafeteria to eat. How about we order takeout?"


"Let's also experience the speed of takeout..."

I saw a young man next to me take out a mobile phone, open the [Lainiao Takeout] skillfully, and then, under everyone's eyes, ordered a takeout...

Zhou Guoan stared at the assistant next to him and frowned slightly, then regained his composure.


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