I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 525 He, the igniter!

"This time, there are a total of thirty cooperations..."

"Among them, there are five new energy projects, seven battery and lithium battery cooperation projects, and 18 Brazilian specialty projects..."


The sun sets.

The afterglow of sunset enveloped the entire sky.

When the earth gradually fell into darkness, the signing ceremony in the hall had come to an end.

Xu Linlin took the phone and reported the situation to China's Ministry of Commerce.

On the other side, Xu Chenlong, the inspection leader of the China Sports Bureau, and Wang Bingrong, the APP specialist of the [Network and Information Relevant Department] who specializes in new business formats, and others walked out of the door together.

When walking out the door...

They heard a deafening cheer.

The stage lights not far away lit up, and the passionate light reflected the crowded square outside the venue. Along with the exotic Brazilian customs, the atmosphere of the [Temple Run] S1 Global Finals was instantly filled.

Xu Chenlong looked at the bright lights in the distance.

His eyes were a little lost.

For a moment, he seemed to have returned to his youth and the 1994 Football World Cup.

Stadiums filled with cheers, games full of excitement and desire, fans with extreme expectations, even hysterics.

Will [esports] really become a sporting event?

He suddenly asked himself.


He didn't get an answer.

He could only report everything he saw and heard to the leaders of the General Administration of Sports...

"The game starts in one hour... Teacher Xu, Brother Wang, let's go first."


Xu Chenlong nodded.


[Temple Run] The venue of the S1 Global Finals is not that big.

It is similar to the stage of the [Southern California International Film Awards], with a total capacity of about 2,000 people.

However, from VIP seats to ordinary seats, everyone was full.

It’s unbelievable that so many spectators came to this mobile game competition.

It's like a feast for young people...

"This is a culture war!"

When Wang Bingrong heard this sentence for the first time, he thought Zhang Sheng was joking.

He actually made a connection between gaming and the culture war.


Zhang Sheng's remarks are sometimes deviant, but sometimes, if you think about it carefully, there is a certain truth.

"South Korea uses games to export its own ideology. For example, the popular [Korean Dance Company] game on the market is extremely popular among young people..."

"They use cool keyboard movements, beautiful dances, passionate music, and unique gameplay to attract batches of Chinese young people. In addition to making money, they also bring a Korean wave, In the form of games, it was introduced to young people..."

"For example, the fashions used by game characters, and the ubiquitous Korean cultural brainwashing in the game... Inadvertently, many young people have a yearning for South Korea..."

"There are many 3A games and puzzle games from Europe and the United States... When you actually play and immerse yourself in them, you will unconsciously be attracted by the Western culture and the European culture of horseback riding... There are more than just Their history and culture include architectural culture, aesthetic culture..."

"They occupy more than just our market. In addition to the market, they also want to penetrate their ideology..."


When Zhang Sheng said these words, Wang Bingrong's eyes gradually became serious. Especially when Zhang Sheng described a future, Wang Bingrong's heart suddenly became heavy.

Culture war!

The seemingly light word sounds like a gimmick.

However, if you really carefully observe the Chinese Internet in recent years, you can easily find that in fact, from movies, TV series, comics...

The works being conveyed through every channel are all a subtle intrusion, and this intrusion is often carried out unconsciously.

He thought about the Korean culture that was becoming more and more girly, and also thought about the budding "little fresh meat" in the entertainment industry...

It’s getting more and more scary to think about it!

As a member of the [Internet and Information Related Department], Wang Bingrong is not doing simple tasks such as scanning online pornography, scanning APPP, and restricting games for minors as everyone imagined.

Strictly speaking, they are part of the cultural guidance effort.

"Brother Wang, I know that if I say some words, you may think that I am trying to show my face, or even think that I am bragging, but there are some things that I have to say..."

"The reason why I am so obsessed with domestic mobile phones such as [Apple 4S] and [Pineapple] is that I don't just want to make money. In fact, there are countless ways for me to make money..."

"I just hope that we in China have a domestically produced mobile phone that we can use!"

"This [Temple Run] global finals is only part of promoting our game. More importantly, I hope that more Chinese compatriots can take advantage of the popularity of the game to popularize our own mobile phones..."

"iPhone4S is so popular and unstoppable now, but, Brother Wang, Apple uses the IOS system. I have always maintained a certain attitude towards the IOS system, and even the Android system we are using now..."

"I can't imagine how much of the content of these systems that will be popularized in thousands of households in the future will be transmitted to the United States through mobile phone messages..."

"Then, all of us will live under surveillance and surveillance..."

"Perhaps I am overthinking it, but my brother Wang, my mobile phones, like all my previous software, can be fully supplied to our relevant departments for supervision, iPhone 4S, and the future 5S, 6S, and even 12S. Are they okay?"



The lights on the stage are brilliant.

There was a roar, one wave of heat rising above the other.

In the VIP box, Zhang Sheng took a deep breath and looked at Wang Bingrong.

There was a sudden silence in the VIP box.

Xu Linlin, who was sending a message on her mobile phone, was slightly stunned, then looked up at Zhang Sheng, as if she had never thought that Zhang Sheng would suddenly extend this sentence from a game.

Wang Bingrong looked shocked. After a long time, he lit a cigarette and fell into deep thought like never before.

What Zhang Sheng said...

It may seem overly exaggerated, but when they really fall into deep thought, they can't help but think about it with horror, and even get chills down their spines.

"The bathroom over here..."

"Brother Wang, don't worry, everything here is not monitored. We [NC Decoration] are responsible for building the rooms in this venue..."

After a long time, Wang Bingrong silently took out his mobile phone, and then walked towards the bathroom.

About ten minutes later, he came over from outside.

Although his face was calm, his eyes became more solemn.

Xu Linlin looked at Zhang Sheng.

Looking at this young man who has been calling his master mother from the beginning to now.

at this moment……

She suddenly realized that there seemed to be something huge hidden in this young man's heart.

After the young man said a series of things that were extremely scary and terrifying to think about, he pushed up his glasses and looked very calm.

Zhang Sheng looked at the time.


"I'm going to light a fire!"

After he said this, he turned around and left the VIP box.

The other people in the box looked towards the stage in the distance.


On the brilliant stage.

The loud and piercing cheers constantly hit everyone's eardrums.

Then as if for an instant, the lights in the entire venue suddenly went out!

Night falls...

The distant sky is filled with bursts of starlight!

on the stage……

Scattered lights gradually brightened.

That's a torch.

A torch lights up a face.

A young man in Tang suit walked from the edge of the stage to the center of the stage, and then, step by step, walked towards the high platform at the top of the stage.

Every step you take...

A light will light up on the steps beneath his feet.

Every lamp has a different color...

When he got to the middle position.

The street lamp next to the stairs also turned on, and names were written on the street lamp.

The names are in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and English...

Everybody look at those names!

Behind these names, there is a series of data...

Zhou Zhenglong: 21.2 million!

Deng Xiaoqi: 21.3 million!

Li Zongmao: 2308……

Zheng Chonghuan: 3120.

Lee Sang-cheng 5820 points

This data is each player’s [Temple Run] participation data and global ranking!

Especially when South Korean player Lee Sang-sung topped the list with 5820 points, the whole audience was almost in an uproar!

A sense of glory lingers in the hearts of every contestant below!

Zhang Sheng, on the other hand, had reached the highest point and slowly raised the torch above his head.

He stood on a high platform, looking down.

Take a deep breath.

"[Temple Run] S1 Global Finals!"

"I declare!"

"Officially begin!"

After saying this, he placed the torch on the high platform next to him.


A fire was lit!

The weak but not dim flame instantly burned after touching the high platform, and soon turned into a raging fire.

The flames illuminated Zhang Sheng's calm face, and his eyes looked at all the audience, and finally, back at the center of the stage.

Just at this moment...

As the flames burned, a passionate music sounded.

Ah K took the guitar and walked from the darkness to the center of the stage. Then, all the lights that had been extinguished around him were lit up one by one, making the entire venue as bright as day.

It's a song.

Ah K gradually walked into the background.

The atmosphere was once again ignited to the extreme!

Lights flashed rapidly in the audience, illuminating faces that were either waving, cheering, or screaming with excitement!

Eventually, Teru returned to center stage.

Converged into a point.

And Zhang Sheng appeared in the center of the stage at some unknown time.

Countless people looked at him.

He is the igniter!

He is also the opening host!

"One day the roc rises with the wind and soars ninety thousand miles away!"

"I don't know how far you have traveled..."

"I don't know how many ups and downs you have gone through, how much stumbling, how much incomprehension and discrimination you have suffered..."

"I don't know how much you have paid for your dreams, how many days and nights you have waited and expected..."

"But, I just know!"

"Tonight, you are the protagonists on this stage!"


Zhang Sheng was on the stage and waved his hand slightly.


The lights in the distance suddenly brightened again!

On the other side of the stage, young people with immature faces were wearing their respective team uniforms, holding mobile phones, standing excitedly in front of the camera...

(Sorry for the late update, but three chapters have been updated...)

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