“We are servers!”

"I can make no money from this game, but I must serve the player base well!"

"You must not be arrogant!"

"As service providers, Mr. Zhao and Mr. Jiang, I have no other requirements for you. I only hope that you can do your best to treat every player sincerely..."

"We started slowly, and we are inherently inferior to [Tengji Technology] in terms of traffic advantage. Therefore, we can only proceed steadily, step by step, and unite the group step by step!"


The initial modeling of [Temple Run] was extremely rough.

Before this game was born, although it was 3D and had an unparalleled visual experience, the picture quality was very blurry. As long as it was projected onto a slightly larger screen, the picture quality would be dilapidated and devoid of beauty.

It is a mobile game after all.

However, Zhao Feiyang, the main creative team of "Temple Run", has not given up maintaining and updating the mobile game "Temple Run".

Zhao Feiyang even stayed in the [Temple Escape] post bar and player group together with the designer, constantly listening to the various suggestions summarized by the players on [Temple Escape].

So, in the past four months, [Temple Escape] has been updated nearly 15 times, large and small...

Starting from the initial rough 3D quality, it was gradually refined and adjusted, and then connected to a relatively smooth network to update the rankings in real time, switch to the map, and update the new competitive mode...

Almost all the money earned from [Temple Run] is returned to this small mobile game...

By the time of [Temple Run] S1, before the global finals, the picture quality and content of [Temple Run] were not only not inferior to the [National Parkour] produced by [Tengji Technology], but even in all aspects of details In terms of gameplay and gameplay, it is already better than [National Parkour]!

Zhao Feiyang was sitting in the organizer's control room, watching the map "The Great Wall" switch out...

He was nervous at first. One hand was almost holding the handle of the control room chair, and his palms were sweaty.

But then, when he saw a stronger burst of surprise and screams erupting from the scene, his uneasy mood became slightly better!


These thirty maps cost them nearly 10 million yuan!

The average price per ticket is 300,000!

Each map has been carefully designed, repeatedly carved and compared. In order to incorporate a sense of visual art, they spent a lot of money and invited teachers from well-known domestic art academies to come over to supervise and design.

[Great Wall] This map cost them a lot of energy and time. Within a few months, everyone almost gave up on the development of new games and devoted themselves to the design of these maps!

He wants to surprise the audience with a brand new map!

When the waves of cheers rang out, he knew that they should have succeeded!


Relevant departments for games.

Attitudes are always complicated.

On the one hand, it comes from the large number of users of games in China. These users indirectly drive some peripheral industries and can generate huge economic comprehensive benefits. At the same time, games are also one of the unavoidable links in the development of science and technology. Many leaders have tried to suppress it, but suppression did not make the market sluggish. Instead, it flourished and became even an important part of the future technology industry chain...

But on the other hand, the existence of games is accompanied by negative news. Parents are always on the opposite side of games. In the past 2010, relevant departments in China have received tens of thousands of complaints and reports about various games. At one time, It has become a "key target" for supervision by relevant departments...

This complex social status quo gave the superiors a headache.

"Wow, Deng Xiaoqi from China took the lead in passing through [Shanhaiguan]. Shanhaiguan is the choke point between North China and Northeast China. It is known as "the key point between the two capitals and the first pass of the Great Wall"..."

"The Japanese player Koizumi Yoshimi from behind was not to be outdone and followed closely. Beautifully, he made a beautiful sliding shovel and bypassed the shortcut... With a slight advantage, he surpassed again. Deng Xiaoqi's player and Japanese player Koizumi Yoshimi took the lead in rushing towards Juyongguan Juyongguan. It is an important pass of the famous Badaling Great Wall. It is located in the CP District of Yanjing City. It was formerly known as Jundu Pass and was an important barrier in the northwest of ancient China..."


VIP room.

The leaders who came to inspect sat on chairs and looked at the "Great Wall" map track in "Temple Run".

They saw tall, solid and continuous long walls, standing in the east, where the sun rises...

The picture is still displayed in 3D mode, and is even as delicate as moss and cracks. You can really concentrate on watching the game and even feel like you are in it.

The two virtual characters shuttled between the majestic mountains, crossed a roadblock, and came to each pass. The first visual distance part...

They saw the Great Wall like a powerful dragon, crossing mountains, passing cliffs, and crossing grasslands!

Vaguely, it seems like I have returned to the long river of history and feel the passage of time!

The background music is also very conscientious. In addition to the characters running and panting, there is also a melodious flute sound. As the two characters chase each other, they cross the desert, rise and fall on the top of the mountains, the other side of the Yellow River and the coast of the Bohai Sea. …

Along with the impassioned introduction of the explanation, they saw the Shanhaiguan Pass, the first pass of the Great Wall, the Juyong Pass with lush mountains and green waves, and the Zijin Pass, which is known as "one man can pass the pass, and ten thousand men cannot open it" …

Picture after picture, in everyone’s sight, they are constantly being pulled apart...

Under the afterglow of landing, the majestic momentum came down, with a sense of passion, lingering in everyone's hearts. They even felt that they were watching a parkour documentary rather than a game. !

[Internet and Information Related Departments] Wang Bingrong, the APP specialist who specializes in new business formats, has been staring at the screen since the game started. He was almost dumbfounded!

They never thought that Zhang Sheng could bring them such a big surprise!

During the registration of [Temple Run] and preparations for subsequent competitions, due to confidentiality, only those contestants and the organizer have experienced this 3D visual feast...

As for the audience and them, they had no idea about the surprise Zhang Sheng had brought to them!

"This Great Wall is well done!" Wang Bingrong couldn't help but admire!

In admiration...

Xu Chenlong, an inspector from the sports department, couldn't help but nod!

Although he has been to the Great Wall many times, under the feast of this game competition, he actually got up and went to the Great Wall again to imitate the feeling of running like these two game characters.

Especially when he saw the rhythm of the game getting faster and faster, and when he saw the characters running, sliding, jumping, super shortcuts and other dazzling movements, Xu Chenlong actually found that his hands were itchy, and he felt itchy without realizing it. It feels like holding this game and operating it!

About fifteen minutes later!

In the first game, in the end, the Chinese player, Deng Xiaoqi, took one step ahead of the Japanese player and ran to the finish line, completing the first round victory!

The moment the picture freezes...

Some leaders in the VIP room had different expressions.

Xu Linlin from the Ministry of Commerce looked at everything calmly, but there was recognition in her eyes...

Wang Bingrong, the APP specialist of [Internet and Information Relevant Department], could not hide his excitement. He thought of what Zhang Sheng had told him before [AAA games, puzzle games... When you really get into playing, when you are immersed in it, will you? The European culture that has consciously been slaughtered by Western culture and horseback riding... There is not only their history and culture, but also architectural culture and aesthetic culture...].

He realizes it!

If [Temple Run] can become popular all over the world, it will definitely be a kind of publicity for the great land of China!

As for Xu Chenlong from the sports department, he looked thoughtful, staring at the excited shouting after the victory and the bustling crowd at the scene, thinking about how to write the report, and even thinking about [Chapter No. 99 official sports competition] matter!

In the midst of all the emotions…

The second round of the game competition has officially begun...

This round of maps randomly cycled to Mount Tai, which is known as "the first of the five mountains" and "the first mountain in the world"!

The leaders present slowly opened the map while it was loading...

Look at the words "the first of the five mountains" and "the first mountain in the world"!

Immediately afterwards...

Like a magnificent picture scroll, standing on the land of Qilu, Mount Tai, which has endured thousands of years of wind and frost and has endured forever in the years, slowly appeared in everyone's field of vision in the form of a game map.

And at the foot of Mount Tai...

Two characters, ready to go!


The game itself!

An entertainment actually.

Entertainment for all.


When this entertainment gradually begins to take on some other meaning, then countless people can feel something different from this game!

【Zhongsheng Mobile】.

Ren Kai is paying attention to this game.

When the assistant, their new [Zhongsheng Mobile Phone] cannot run the new version of [Temple Run] because the configuration is too low, let alone the upcoming competition version of [Temple Run]...

Only then did he realize belatedly that along with this competition, a strangulation was going on against [Zhongsheng Mobile Phone], no, it should be other domestic old-brand mobile phones!

He deduced it over and over again...


All I got was bursts of cold sweat!

[Zhongsheng Mobile Phone] The work of reconfiguring and re-listing is actually already in progress!

However, if you do it now, it will most likely be too late!

"Mr. Ren, it's not good, it's not good!"

"Don't panic, tell me, what's wrong!"

"[Pineapple] mobile phone and [Nimei] mobile phone, just now, officially announced that they are preparing to release new phones! Moreover, they announced in an almost high-profile manner that their mobile phones can be equipped with all the maps of the [Temple Run] competition version , when the competition is over, the new phones they sell will be directly equipped with [Temple Run]!”


Ren Kai's expression changed!

He suddenly realized that Zhang Sheng's stranglehold on their old domestic mobile phones had come too fast!

It was like a knife piercing their chests!

And they...

I can barely react!

"Wait a minute, other brands of copycat mobile phones have also made announcements, and they are also going to release mobile phones!"


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