I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 531 The dream is hot!

From the millennium to 2011…

From being denounced by countless people, to withstanding the pressure, and finally standing on the international stage, from a simple dark room, basement, to a highly anticipated venue...

China eSports has gone through a full 11 years.

[Temple Run] S1 Global Finals is still going on.

The knockout round has ended, and players from Japan, Denmark, Brazil and other players have sadly withdrawn.

Zheng Chonghuan, who had lost in the first round of the knockout round and burst into tears, finally made it out of the loser group with unwillingness and reached the top eight!

China’s second-seeded player Deng Xiaoqi is still overcoming obstacles in the winner’s bracket and has become the most talked about dark horse in this competition...

And South Korean player Lee Sang-sung...

He is still the favorite to win the championship. With his superb skills, he has eliminated challengers one after another, always standing on the top of the undefeated mountain, overlooking all living beings...

There are only three countries on the stage of the quarter-finals.

China, South Korea, the United States...


Ah Rong was sitting in the VIP seat, listening to waves of excited noises and even more enthusiastic screams!

He was in a trance...

He never dreamed that one day he would be treated as a guest and invited to such a grand and wonderful venue.

Unexpectedly, one day, [e-sports] will become a real event...

The friend next to him, Qi Qiang, the sponsor of the first [World War II Pioneers], had tears in his eyes.

At the end of 2010...

These young people received a call from [NC Entertainment].

Zhang Sheng made the call to them personally.

Their first feeling when they received the call was that they thought it was a liar. How could someone like Zhang Sheng call "marginal" people like them?


They still tried to come to [NC Entertainment], and then, as if in a dream, they walked into [NC Entertainment], walked into the office, and then saw Zhang Sheng making tea.

Zhang Sheng didn't have any airs, and sincerely invited them to join [NC Entertainment], and planned to make a documentary about the game...

Ah Rong was in disbelief at first. The pie in the sky did not surprise him, but made him suspicious.

After all, they had nothing, why would Zhang Sheng be so enthusiastic?

The feeling of suspicion gradually turned into a feeling of heat.

They started talking about games, and then gradually started talking about dreams.

"I used to be exactly like you..."

"In 2009, I had no ID card, no money, and no hope. I stayed in an Internet cafe and lived in confusion..."

"One night, I thought, if one day, I am no longer embarrassed, and even have some spare money, can I make something...


"I got away with it."

"Some things may not have so many causes and effects. For example, Mr. Qi Qiang, at that time, your monthly salary was only 1,000 yuan. How did you have the courage to spend a month's salary to hold the fleeting "World War II Pioneer" For competition?”


Zhang Sheng's language art is always so sharp, so sharp that it can penetrate the weakest part of people's hearts.

The dream is covered with a coat. Although it does not become more gorgeous, it becomes extremely simple, just like a belief.

Ah Rong and his friends joined [NC Entertainment]...

"The game begins!"

The crazy sounds in the venue interrupted Ah Rong's thoughts.

Ah Rong saw on the stage in the distance, Zheng Chonghuan was sitting on a chair with his mobile phone, facing off against Korean player Lee Jun-ki under the spotlight!

China-Korea competition!

The flames of war are burning again!


pride and Prejudice.

has always been a word surrounding the game.

China Sports Bureau.

Inspector Xu Chenlong has returned to the Sports Bureau.

When he returned to the Sports Bureau, he immediately found the leader and held a meeting.

He objectively told all the leaders in the meeting room what he saw and heard in Brazil.

At the same time, he turned on his computer and played the documentary "From Poison to Glory" on the projector...

[Maybe, that’s a game]

[Perhaps, that is a very humble dream]

[Perhaps, there is always discrimination and incomprehension]

[However, a small group of people are eager for a stage to prove themselves]

The conference room was quiet.

The leaders looked at the picture on the projector.

They had always been aloof, and for the first time they truly faced the word "e-sports".

In the video, young people represented by Ah Rong, wearing simple clothes and bringing their own instant noodles, boarded a plane with the equally young "funder" sponsor.

For the first time, they set foot on the soil of South Korea, the host country of the first [e-sports] in the international sense.

The road to an overseas expedition seemed both exciting and difficult, but the packets of instant noodles made all the Chinese young people present cheer for joy...

One leader saw this scene, especially when he saw the young people carrying backpacks with youthful and hesitant faces, his expression was slightly moved.

Vaguely, I seem to be thinking of the scene when a Chinese man traveled overseas and participated in the Olympic Games a long time ago, during the war-torn times in China.

Many years have passed...

But history overlaps at this moment.

The documentary is still playing...

The Korean arena that year was still a bit crude, but game enthusiasts from all over the world packed the arena to the brim.

Countless cheers and cheers could be heard...

Arong was excited and excited when he stepped on the stage and sat on the chair. The newborn calf was never afraid even though he met thousands of people.

However, [e-sports] never depends on how many difficulties you have experienced. The road to realizing your dreams will always be cruel.

The documentary went from high-pitched to high-pitched to depressed again.

Busan that year...

Arong and his Chinese friends did not get any honors in the game [World War II Pioneers].

They unfortunately lost to Korean players in that competition...

Passed by with excitement, and then returned with regret with lowered head...

"There's definitely a sense of loss."

"After all, we can't beat those Korean guys in games..."

"But, we can definitely win it back."

"We have more than one billion people!"

"How can you keep losing?"

In the documentary.

Ah Rong took a deep breath, always with a smile on his face.

Using a montage editing technique, the documentary began to cut out lines...

In that line, there are overseas game news and screenshots of "events" from the China Forum.

Ah Rong has been competing all the time. He has never missed any large or small domestic game competitions, and he has also traveled across the ocean. As long as there are events organized, he and these young people are there.

However, the ending is failure again and again, regret again and again, and continue to regroup and continue fighting.

When the documentary reaches the middle and second half...

A leader only felt a little emotional. After a long time, he asked Xu Chenlong to pause the documentary.

"Have our Chinese players ever achieved good results in a real sense overseas?"

Seeing the leader's sudden question, Xu Chenlong was silent for a moment, and then an awkward smile appeared on his face: "The best result of "World War II Pioneer" is the top eight, and the best result of the arcade "Boxing Fighter" is third place... "

"Where's the champion?"

"So far, there has been no..."


In the conference room.

There was sudden silence.

The leader who asked the question obviously had something wrong with his expression, but he still didn't say anything. He just waved his hand to indicate that the documentary should continue to play.

Xu Chenlong nodded, and then continued to play the documentary "From Poison to Glory"...

The second half of the documentary...

The game changed from "WWII Vanguard" to "Temple Run".

The protagonist's perspective has also changed from Ah Rong's perspective to another young man named Zheng Chonghuan.

Many leaders know who Zheng Chonghuan is. A few months ago, the "Internet addicted boy" was used as a case on CCTV and was reviled by countless people.

In the documentary...

There are still dirty Internet cafes, and there is still overwhelming public opinion on the Internet...

When I watched it before, the leaders present looked at the group of Internet-addicted teenagers through tinted glasses.

But when I watched it this time...

The leaders fell into deeper thought.

Is everything really a problem with the game?



The leaders came out of the door.

When I am thinking about the feasibility of [Official Sports Competition No. 99].

They heard a message from as far away as Brazil.

Chinese players were once again eliminated by Korean players in the quarterfinals of [Temple Escape], and then burst into tears.

China only has the last two players left.

"Falled in the quarterfinals again?"

The leader just now had complicated eyes when he heard the news. After muttering to himself, he silently returned to the office.

The other leaders were silent, with even more complicated expressions on their faces.


Lost again?

Isn't [Temple Escape] a competition organized by Zhang Sheng? Why can't you beat the Koreans?

a few days ago.

A game, no matter what, they don't care too much.


After watching the movie "From Poison to Glory", everyone began to have a deeper understanding of [e-sports].

They can all feel the regret of winning or losing through the screen.

Scenes from the documentary emerged unconsciously in the minds of some leaders...

Especially when I heard that a Chinese player had lost again, the feeling of regret and disappointment that came from deep inside was particularly strong.

Times are progressing.

The game is also improving.


Can it be considered a sporting event?

Such an idea suddenly appeared deep in the hearts of the leaders.

“I will chat with colleagues from the Ministry of Commerce and the [Ministry of Cyberspace Affairs] in the evening...”

"It depends on the attitude of each unit, and we will decide whether to submit the proposal..."

Several leaders looked at each other.

Finally, a decision was made.


Meanwhile, on the other side, the Department of Commerce.

They were having a meeting to discuss an amazing industry chain behind the game...

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