I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 536 Zhang Sheng who sows dissension

The morning sun shone on Zhang Sheng's face.

Liu Changyu sat across from him obediently and took a sip of Dahongpao.

The overflowing fragrance lingered in his throat, and the sweet and gentle feeling made him want to say "good!"

But he didn't understand tea, and his literary literacy was limited, so he couldn't come up with too many flowery words, so he imitated Zhang Sheng, drinking and tasting it, pretending that he understood it.

"Mr. Liu, most people can't drink this kind of tea..."

When pouring the second cup, Zhang Sheng looked at Liu Changyu with a smile.

Liu Changyu was stunned at first, as if he didn't understand the meaning of Zhang Sheng's words for a while, but then he quickly took the cup of tea again excitedly and took a sip gently.

With this sip, the tea aroma became stronger.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but after drinking this cup of tea, my tired soul seems to have received some kind of nourishment, and my whole body is filled with high morale.

Excited emotions burst through the body for a moment!

He felt that the trend of the times was rolling towards him, and he seemed to be standing at a certain node in the historical trend.

In the office.

Zhang Sheng still made and drank tea peacefully.

He didn’t ask about [WeChat] at all, and he had no intention of watching Liu Changyu demonstrate [WeChat].

When the pot of tea was almost finished, he slowly said, "Do you have any ideas?"

"We now have a mobile phone industry chain, and we can build [WeChat] directly into mobile phones..."

"Built-in is one thing. Users can choose Q Dog. Why would they choose WeChat?"

"Qgou is currently very bloated. Users need a more concise chat system..."

"Q Dog can also be made more concise. How do you make [WeChat] have an advantage over Q Dog?" Zhang Sheng looked at Liu Changyu.

"Users need freshness. Even if [Tengji Technology] transplants Q Dog to WeChat in a simple way, users will not have too many surprises..."

"If Qgou wants to make a software similar to ours, how can we survive in this game?" Zhang Sheng continued to stare at Liu Changyu.

Liu Changyu was silent for a moment.

Then he looked at Zhang Sheng: "[Tengji Technology] will give up Q Dog and make another chat software?"

"They will not give up Q Dog, but in the era of smartphones, they will develop a chat software..."

After Liu Changyu finished listening, he was silent for a moment.

Zhang Sheng continued to stare at Liu Changyu: "This war is an all-round and long war. It is different from any previous war. We have the upper hand. This is our advantage. We have mobile phone channels. , this is another advantage for us, but obviously, just having the advantage of taking advantage of opportunities and mobile phones is not enough for us..."

"Yes..." Liu Changyu nodded, his face becoming more and more solemn. When he deduced the next war, he felt both excited and uneasy.

"Mr. Liu!"


"My expectation for you has never been to be a worker. I hope that you are an assistant to me and a business partner..." After Zhang Sheng drank the last cup of tea, he stood up slowly, He patted Liu Changyu on the shoulder.

"Mr. Zhang..." Liu Changyu was shocked.

"I will call the heads of all the industries under [NC Entertainment], and I will ask them to fully cooperate with you in all your work!"


"The next stage will be left to you!"


"I hope this time, I can be a bystander!"

Zhang Sheng's earnest voice shocked Liu Changyu again, and then he became so excited that his eyes became a little bloodshot.


"Mr. Zhang, don't you want to watch the demonstration?"

"I said, the next stage will be handed over to you. I am only responsible for preparing the year-end bonus for you..."

Liu Changyu took a deep breath.

An indescribable emotion once again rose from the depths of his heart.

He nodded vigorously.


When he said this, he turned and left the office.

After Liu Changyu left, Zhang Sheng sat in the office for a while, looking out the window.

Just at this time……

Zhang Sheng's cell phone rang.

The phone call was from Zheng Huateng.

"Mr. Zhang, are you free?"

"Mr. Zheng, you are free. What's wrong?"

"Come and have tea..."

"What tea?"

"Dahongpao, I just got some from Wuyi Mountain."



April 30th.

In the past half month, Zheng Huateng has been paying attention to things in the gaming and mobile phone circles.

When the proposal for [E-Sports] to be listed as [Official Sports Competition No. 99] was being finalized, Zheng Huateng realized that a new era had arrived.

[Temple Run] has exceeded 100 million downloads and has reached 110 million.

[National Parkour] has also caught on to the popularity of [e-sports], with downloads in China exceeding 70 million.

This is an astonishing statistic, but he knows very well that this statistic will never be the end.

And Zhang Sheng...

It is a point that cannot be avoided!

In the future, Zhang Sheng will be a serious problem sooner or later.

However, whether it is his [WeChat] or the mobile game industry, you have to consider following Zhang Sheng.

[Temple Escape] made Zhang Sheng's mobile phone industry flourish, and a bigger cake was placed in front of countless people.

He was coveting, but at the same time, he also understood that Ma Yunhua was coveting too.

8 o'clock in the morning.

"Mr. Zhang is here."

"Invite him in!"

[Tengji Technology] There was a knock on the door in the reception room, and the assistant poked his head out.

Zheng Huateng stood up immediately.

After a while, the door opened again...

The assistant came in with Zhang Sheng.

After Zheng Huateng saw Zhang Sheng, his face was full of smiles: "Haha, Mr. Zhang, sit down..."

"Mr. Zheng..."

"Don't say anything. Today, let's drink tea first. This Dahongpao is hard-earned... I have never invited anyone to drink such a tribute..."

"Haha, Mr. Zheng, that's my honor!"

"Haha, sit down, you're welcome, treat it as your own home!"


Zhang Sheng met Zheng Huateng several times.

When he first met Zheng Huateng, he was probably aloof. He always remembered that Zheng Huateng seemed approachable, but in fact he was overlooking him from a high place.

When he met Zheng Huateng this time, he was very enthusiastic and had a bright smile on his face, like a warm sun, making people feel extremely comfortable.

Zhang Sheng sat down and looked at Zheng Huateng's poor tea-making skills.

In the eyes of a true tea-making connoisseur, Zheng Huateng's amateur tea-making is tantamount to a waste of natural resources...

But Zhang Sheng always sat like a junior, occasionally showing a slightly unfamiliar look, watching Zheng Huateng's performance.

After Zheng Huateng finished making tea...

He talked endlessly about how hard it was to get this Dahongpao and how precious it was.

Zhang Sheng was instantly flattered and so excited that he couldn't help himself...

But I felt extremely embarrassed in my heart.

Oh shit!

From the smell, one could tell that the wave of Dahongpao in Zheng Huateng's hands was inferior, not even as good as the broken tea he brewed for Liu Changyu.

Looking at Mr. Zheng's ignorant appearance, who has never seen the world but introduced it seriously, there is a high probability that he was deceived by his relatives and friends.

"Come, drink tea, drink tea."


"How about it? I heard that you are quite knowledgeable about tea. Can you help me taste it?"


"Then drink more."

"Drink less, it's too precious."

"It's okay, it's okay. I just invite you to have tea and talk about Taoism today. I'll take care of the good tea here..."

"Okay, okay."

Zhang Sheng took a small sip, and after chatting with Zheng Huateng for a few words, it was obvious that Zheng Huateng was enjoying it.

Then he also praised Zhang Sheng with some nonsense words, such as congratulations to Mr. Zhang on his triumphant return.

The two sides chatted some more, and after being hypocritical for a long time, Zheng Huateng looked at Zhang Sheng seriously.

"Mr. Zhang, I have an idea..."

"Mr. Zheng, you said..."

“Recently I heard that you are starting an [e-sports] club again, and my [National Parkour] is also willing to join your [e-sports] project. At the same time, my [Tengji Video], which has just been launched, is also willing to join your [e-sports] project. We can open a game channel, and relying on our Qgou’s strong traffic window, we can make this cake bigger together... What do you think?"

"Haha, with your support, Mr. Zheng, our [e-sports] cake will definitely get bigger and bigger. It's okay. In fact, I have always wanted to have in-depth cooperation with you..." Zhang Sheng looked excited, haha laughing out loud.

"[Honeycomb Extreme Gift] is not optimistic recently, right?" After seeing Zhang Sheng's excited smile, Zheng Huateng nodded with a smile, and then brought up another topic.

"Yes, it is indeed not optimistic." When he heard this sentence, Zhang Sheng nodded, his expression seemed to be deep in thought.

Early April.

Established domestic mobile phones, iPhone 4S, Samsung, Sony and other mobile phones are overwhelmingly strangling APPs such as [Honeycomb Jisong] in all directions!

Although Zhang Sheng made a very beautiful turnaround!

But after all, the afterglow of the strangulation period still lingers. During the period of the ban, food delivery apps such as [Qianniaogou] and [Fenggoujie] have risen strongly. For a time, the traffic of [Honeycomb Jishu] was pushed to the third position. Later, it encountered censorship. Although it blocked an influx of traffic and caused [Qianniao Gou] to split again into independent systems [Lianshou.com] and [Lainiao Takeaway], the overall traffic still outnumbered [Honeycomb Jishu]...

Everyone is actively preparing for a new round of takeout war that is about to begin!

No one knows when this food delivery war will start, but Zhang Sheng knows very well that those sitting at the poker table are veteran capital led by Li Zongyao and Pang Lei, as well as [Tengji Technology], [Taozhu] Internet giants headed by [.com] and [Soudu.com]...

Except for Zhang Sheng, they are actually the winners of the "Thousand Regiments War" in the true sense!

"Our Q Dog can also be used as a traffic window to add another wave of traffic to [Honeycomb Extreme Gift], so that you can continue to fight with them. If necessary, we can support your funds..." Zheng Huateng was very satisfied with Zhang Sheng's silent words. expression.

"Mr. Zheng, then..." When Zhang Sheng heard this, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Zheng Huateng, his expression becoming more serious: "What do you want?"

"Mr. Zhang, I'm going to launch [WeChat]!"

"I knew it a long time ago. Mr. Ma told me..."

"..." Zhang Sheng's inadvertent words made Zheng Huateng feel a thorn in his heart. The expression on his face became slightly stiff, and then returned to normal: "I hope Wechat can communicate with your industries..."

"Mr. Zheng... I know you want to do WeChat, but I don't know what WeChat is like... Mr. Zheng, can I have a look?" Zhang Sheng seemed to be persuaded, but he was a little confused. Then looked at Zheng Huateng.

Zheng Huateng was silent at first.

Then he narrowed his eyes and stared at Zhang Sheng.

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