I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 541 See you soon!

In 2003, Qianzhou Langma Information Company launched an instant messaging software called UC. At its peak, the number of registered users reached 80 million, and the maximum number of people online at the same time was as high as 300,000...

In 2005, Microsoft launched a mobile phone called MSN into China without any publicity. It was just translated into Chinese and easily captured 10.87% of the market share. Among the approximately 20 million business people at that time, there were 10.75 million MSN users. Accounting for 53%, which is more than [Tengji]’s 9.5 million people...

In 2006, China Mobile also launched a mobile app called Fetion. At its peak, the number of Fetion users exceeded 500 million, with 90 million active users...

The ten years from the turn of the millennium to 2011.

China's social world is turbulent.

The current generation of overlord Q Dog has never lacked challengers.

Some of them are fierce and rely on the official, some occupy a large amount of traffic in the brand of the times, once suppressing the Q dog to the second position, and some hold Wang Zha as soon as they come up, bombing all the way...


Until 2011.

The only one who is still active in the arena is [Fetion].

But even though it is still alive, after Qgou launched the mobile phone Qgou, it gradually came to an end in the arena, and its decline was determined.

Q dog......

In the eyes of countless entrepreneurs and capital, it is an insurmountable mountain!

Some people are afraid, looking at the corpses lying at their feet, they are terrified, and they no longer dare to waste time and effort to challenge, for fear that they will become a historical trace of the next era.

However, there are also people waiting...

Countless capital and entrepreneurs are very smart.

They understand that the Q-dog era relies on the trend of the previous era. When the trend is occupied, no matter how hard people put in their efforts, at most there will be a gap.

But the gap will soon be filled, making it more difficult for future generations to attack...

Q Dog can rely on its huge user habits and tolerance to improve itself in battle after battle, but you can't make a mistake once. If you make a mistake, you will be eliminated. Moreover, you have to be newer and more ruthless than him. …

But the problem is!

Q Dog has a huge "reference team".


How to win?

In fact, many years ago...

Lei Lei from [Taomi Technology] was keenly aware of this.

This made him feel desperate for a time...

It was as if a haze shrouded the sky above his head, suffocating and breathless, but he was also extremely unwilling to do so.

In 2011, Q Dog once again ushered in its new challenger [WeChat]!

Lei Lei, who originally wanted to lie dormant and wait for the next opportunity, could no longer hold back his eagerness to challenge...


Take action!

May 2nd.

After talking on the phone with the three major operators, and finally throwing money and profits, Lei Lei immediately ran to the company and said this to his colleagues in the project team sincerely after finalizing the contract phone plan.

"Our [Taomi mobile phone] has [Mi Chat] pre-installed in advance, but [WeChat] must be blocked... As for [WeChat], we do not recommend it, but we are not opposed to it. Let it be at the forefront and help us attract firepower. We Keep growing!”


This is an extremely long but cruel social battle.

How many talented and powerful people were suppressed by Q Gou?

How many times have the proud men turned into traces of history?

Looking ahead, Liu Changyu saw corpses lying in front of him...

Liu Changyu didn't know whether his [WeChat] would be the next corpse. He only knew that every minute and every second he had now was extremely limited, and he had to be ahead of [Tengji Technology].

May 3rd.

Liu Changyu knocked on Zhang Sheng's office.

His expression was grim.

"Mr. Zhang, I have made three detailed plans. The first plan is for business people. We use the system and alliance established before by [NC Entertainment], whether it is [Hongwei Battery Car] or [Jitu Video] ] and other affiliated employees and artists, all of them are asked to register [WeChat], and daily communication is carried out on [WeChat]. At the same time, we have launched a project for old people to bring in new people. As long as a user registers for WeChat, we will follow the instructions. Organize your projects and carry out a series of activities. For example, when buying a battery car, ask users to add the store owner on WeChat. All after-sales issues for battery cars will be completed on WeChat... We can make something similar to a [WeChat Service Account]... For customers, this is a platform for free consultation, and for shop owners, it is a convenient maintenance center..."

"Second, it is aimed at young users. I have talked with our top game anchors at [Jitu Video]. We hope that they will use [WeChat] as a communication software during live broadcasts..."

“At the same time, [Temple Run]’s downloads have exceeded 130 million so far, and this data is still increasing day by day. If all users of [Temple Run] are diverted to the WeChat platform If so, then... this will be a terrifying statistic, and we will be able to dominate in a short period of time..."

"Of course, Mr. Zhang, I hope to stop [Q Dog] user registration..."


[Qiangsheng Online Mall] That will be the case.

Liu Changyu knows very well that when a product comes out, if it wants to truly occupy a mainstream position in social circles, every detail is extremely important.

He had some doubts about Zhang Sheng before.

This doubt comes from confusion and speechlessness.

Mr. Zhang's company is involved in almost every industry, from the catering industry to the electronic technology industry.

But except for [Honeycomb Extreme Delivery], which is in a leading position in the industry, every other industry is in the middle and lower stages.

Can't die!

But powerful enemies surrounded him, and countless people stared at him eagerly.

If you don’t have your own representative product, or you don’t have a “head” product, it’s easy to give people the feeling of “learning everything” but not being proficient in everything.

If one of the industries makes a major mistake, then everything will collapse!

However, when he came into contact with the [WeChat] project in a real sense, he realized that everything was paving the way for [WeChat]!

From mobile phones to APPs, from [Temple Run] games to [e-sports]...

Every step he takes, he stands at the forefront of the times. When everyone is looking around at a loss about [the first ticket in the smartphone era], he has already bought every ticket!

The first person to catch a crab will take a huge risk to open up the market. No one knows whether the crabs can be eaten or whether they will be poisoned and die after eating them!

However, they were the first to taste the deliciousness of crabs!

The more Liu Changyu gets to know Zhang Sheng, the more incredible he feels. His understanding of the "smartphone era" is beyond countless people. He even seems to be a person from the future, who can accurately detect every time. The direction of the times.


There is also a doubt.

After reporting on the recent tasks, Liu Changyu finally asked a question that had been in his heart for a long time.

"Mr. Zhang, our original concept of [WeChat] has been very complete. In a real sense, the applicable version is also becoming perfect. Why is our [WeChat 1.0] always in a castrated version that can only use text, voice, and pictures? Doesn’t the improved version give us a more competitive advantage over [Tengji Technology]?”

"Yes, but [Tengji Technology]'s copy has more competitive advantages."

When Zhang Sheng said these words, Liu Changyu, who was originally puzzled, was instantly shaken, and then an indescribable emotion surged into his heart.

“I don’t know what [WeChat] is about to be released by [Tengji Technology]... It is true that we have trump cards, but we must not use them all at once. What we have to do is never to be one step ahead, but It’s about always being one step ahead… and one more thing…”

"A little something?"

"The era of smart phones has arrived, but most users are still in the initial stage. At this stage, polishing all the functions of [WeChat] at once will inevitably make [WeChat] too bloated. Since [WeChat] It’s so bloated, why don’t users use Q Dog?” Zhang Sheng looked at Liu Changyu.

Liu Changyu suddenly understood, then nodded: "Mr. Zhang, then I will go to work on the "ground push"..."

"Go! Wait..."

"Mr. Zhang, you said..."

"It's okay. You go ahead and make preparations. I'll tell you when I think of it."


After Liu Changyu left, Zhang Sheng stood up and came to the window.

When the window was opened, bursts of warm air blew onto Zhang Sheng's face.

After Zhang Sheng briefly enjoyed the comfortable wind, he sat back on the chair.

He stared closely at the [Tengji Technology] official website on the computer.

He went through deductions again and again in his mind, and even repeated it several times, putting himself into Zheng Huateng's body, deducing what he should do in the face of the challenger "Zhang Sheng".

In my mind...

Like two chess players!

Games are being played again and again.

However, it is a pity that the results of every deduction are quite disappointing.

If he is Zheng Huateng, then even if "Zhang Sheng" controls an industrial chain, the chance of a comeback is still extremely slim.

Even if "Zhang Sheng" tried his best, he still couldn't block "Zheng Huateng".

Even if all the chips are used up, there is only a chance of survival, but the market is still cruel...

Taking the lead only means that you are one step ahead, but in this world, there is always a saying that latecomers will prevail...

The repeated failed deductions in his mind made Zhang Sheng feel a sense of uneasiness for the first time since he came to this world.

But the ultimate feeling of uneasiness is not fear, nor is it powerlessness!

Seems to be exciting!

After a long time...

He came out of Zheng Huateng's deduction.


He called everyone from [Bird's Nest Law Firm]...

He is going to break the contract!

However, before breaking the contract, he must ensure that the amount of compensation he pays is within his control.

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