I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 543 Zhang Sheng’s statement!


There is never any shortage of fighting.

Of course, there is no shortage of fools who risk everything and are ready to take a big shot.

May 4th.


"He is more ruthless than I thought!"

[Taomi Technology] The conference room was full of people.

Basically, management from department managers to above are in the conference room.

This is the morning meeting of [Taomi Technology].

Since the establishment of [Taomi Technology], it has maintained the habit of holding morning meetings.

Basically, half-an-hour discussions were conducted around [Work Report], [Ecological Chain], [Technology Development], [Industry Trends] and other directions.

But starting from March 2011...

The morning meeting of [Taomi Technology] basically started with the topic of [Zhang Sheng], then discussed areas such as [Takeaway], [Game], [Live Broadcast], and finally ended with [Zhang Sheng].

Starting in May…

The beginning is still [Zhang Sheng], the middle is also [Zhang Sheng], the ending is [what Zhang Sheng will do next], [what can they get from what Zhang Sheng does]...

[Taomi Technology] Zhang Yang, the head of the market information department, is currently displaying everything Zhang Sheng has done in the past four days, accurate to every hour, on the projector.

Lei Lei looked at every message from Zhang Sheng carefully.

His face was serious.

According to the latest news he got, [Tengji Technology]'s [WeChat] was officially successfully developed yesterday. Today, Zhang Xiaoqiang, the head of the technology department, will officially release [WeChat].

[WeChat] and [WeChat] are about to officially collide!

Although Lei Lei clearly understands that it is difficult for [WeChat] to win [WeChat]!

So far, the number of active accounts of Qgou instant messaging has reached 700 million, and the highest number of simultaneous online accounts has reached 140 million.

Such astonishing data, as long as the traffic is successfully diverted to [WeChat], other social software has no possibility of success at all!

If it were him...

He will choose to hibernate!

Lei Lei thought about it for a long time. From the [Thousand Regiments War] last year to the beginning of this year, he felt that Zhang Sheng was a very knowledgeable dormant strategist.

[Qiangsheng Online Mall], [Honeycomb Ultimate Free]...

While countless group buying websites are in full swing, Zhang Sheng's two companies have always kept a low profile and were even knocked out of the top five...

Because it is dormant, it doesn't make many enemies and develops in a low-key manner.

After the capital tide receded, all the once-popular group buying companies eventually disappeared in the darkness.

However, they relied on their unique hematopoietic function to sit on the card table.

This is a beautiful turnaround!


[[Mitu Game] official statement: Subsequent accounts will no longer support [Q Dog] registration and login...]

This piece of news that should have been ordinary made Lei Lei think deeply.


Tengji is headquartered in Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Yangcheng, and most lawsuits are handled by the Nanshan District Court of Shenzhen.

Tengji’s litigation team is recognized as a strong team in the Internet industry.

In the past 10 years, [Tengji Technology] has filed nearly 887 lawsuits in the [Nanshan People's Court], with a winning rate of nearly 100%, which is simply an undefeated legend in the industry.


It has the title of Nanshan Pizza Hut.

"Holy shit, what's going on? Mr. Zhang unilaterally breached the contract?"

"It seems like a breach of contract. I remember that in April this year, last month, Mr. Zhang signed a contract with [Tengji Technology], right?"

"It's only been one month since April, and it's just..."

"Breach of contract?"


May 4 at noon.

Countless Chinese netizens saw the official website of [Tengji Technology] announcing a commercial dispute with [MiTu Games]!

And, the contract and all litigation materials have been submitted to the Shenzhen Nanshan District People's Court for acceptance.

When I saw this message...

Netizens were stunned.

In the past April, [Mitu Games] signed a [Temple Escape] Q Dog Login Agreement with [Tengji Technology].

But on May 4th, which lasted less than a month, [MiTu Games] suddenly announced that [Temple Run] would no longer support [Q Dog] login, let alone Q Dog users. registered!

For a time, the industry was in turmoil.

Countless media such as [Jitu Video] and [Humi Live] swarmed towards [NC Entertainment] as soon as they got the news.

The entire [NC Entertainment] was surrounded.

Zhang Sheng did not seem to intentionally avoid this matter. Instead, he walked out of the [NC Entertainment] company and accepted interviews with every reporter generously.

While being interviewed...

Zhang Sheng was more serious than ever.

The reporters present had never seen Zhang Sheng so serious.

“I had a hard time making this decision!”

“I do have a hard time!”

"Mr. Zhao from [Mitu Games] told me that this was absolutely a devastating decision and advised me to calm down. I must calm down!"

"Today, [Temple Run] has nearly 140 million registered users, and active users have reached 50 million, of which 20 million are from Qgou users..."

“We have nearly 40 million registered users at [Honeycomb Jisong] and [Qiangsheng Online Mall], among which Qgou users also account for the majority…”

"If we lose the registration of Qgou users, our users will lose China's largest and most active data diversion port..."

"This behavior is crazy, and everyone thinks this behavior is extremely irrational!"

"But, I still did it!"

"Because, a few days ago, I was also using Q Dog. While using Q Dog, I discovered one thing, that is..."

"Qdog login always has security risks and data loss..."

"In fact, this problem existed a long time ago, so I have always wanted to make another relatively simple chat tool called [WeChat]..."

"Of course, I always have a conservative attitude towards the [WeChat] chat tool and have no intention of promoting [WeChat]. I only regard it as a working tool for our cooperative enterprises under [NC Entertainment]. It can be very good." Effectively solve a series of problems such as data loss..."

"I dare to state with my usual integrity that I have never had any ambition..."

"But, last month, I discovered that my QGou account had been stolen!"

"As we all know, my QGou account contains a series of business secrets, many of which are about our business secrets..."


"In fact, the Qgou account was stolen, not just last month!"

"Just last year, my Q dog was stolen many times!"

"It even reminded me of something terrible!"

"That is, last year, I applied for a patent for the appearance of my mobile phone, but not long after that, the United States got my iPhone 4 patent..."

"As everyone knows, last year, I fought a lawsuit with the [IPO] company!"

"Obviously, our [Apple 4] appearance patent comes first, and their iPhone 4's appearance patent comes later. Let alone borrowing from it, or plagiarizing it, I think it's reasonable. How can there be so many coincidences in this world? Everyone , you think so?"

"We are clearly on the right side of this lawsuit, but we still haven't received an apology from the [IPO] company, or even a penny in compensation!"

"I tolerate this. After all, I am a small business. After all, I have no power. After all, I am just a 23-year-old guy who has just started his own business..."

"However, I am a person who has a long memory after suffering a loss!"

"Everyone knows that this year, I deliberately transferred the appearance patent of our [Apple 4S] no longer through QGou, but asked the most trusted people to run it for me offline. All cooperation will be conducted offline. With…”

“I use the word [IPO] company, impossible to copy, to describe it. I don’t know if it is appropriate... But I believe you have also seen this year’s iPhone 4S!”

"The appearance has not been upgraded at all. Apart from slightly improving the problem of poor signal and making the configuration a bit higher, there are no changes at all!"

"As for us [Apple 4S], benevolent people have different opinions, and wise people have different opinions. It is no exaggeration to say that our artistic sense and feel are better than iPhone 4S!"



[Tengji Technology].

Zhang Xiaoqiang stared at Zhang Sheng's live broadcast!

An indescribable feeling of anger surged into my heart, and I even trembled with anger.

He clenched his fists tightly and his eyes were red!

Especially after Zhang Sheng showed off a series of stolen QGou account records, he wanted to rush up and stab Zhang Sheng to death with a knife!

Zhang Sheng, this guy, is just throwing dirty water!

A discerning person can tell at a glance that Zhang Sheng's account was stolen, just like an ordinary theft!


Zhang Sheng's mouth is so disgusting!

Obviously all experts know that Zhang Sheng is a hypocritical, despicable, and even despicable parasite, but...

You can't find any substantive evidence to refute it!

He even judges you from the highest point of morality in a righteous manner!

Oh shit!

last year……

Zhang Sheng did have a lawsuit with [IPO] because of the appearance patent. Zhang Sheng's [Bird's Nest Law Firm] would even go to Yanjing People's Court to file a lawsuit every other month...

However, this kind of cross-border lawsuit, and both parties have their own registration evidence, is extremely involved, and the final outcome can only be this deadlock.

After watching it for a long time...

Zhang Xiaoqiang finally suppressed his anger.

In half an hour, he will host the official launch conference of the [WeChat] APP!

"I admit!"

"This time, I breached the contract, and it was a unilateral breach of contract!"

"I am willing to bear all financial responsibilities after breach of contract!"

"I also understand that Q Dog is so big now that it is impossible to cover everything..."


"I have always been suspicious. Q Dog has been stealing our company's secrets!"

"They may release a social chat APP similar to our [WeChat] today..."

“I have reason to believe that they are learning from our [WeChat] again!”


"I'm waiting for this press conference!"

"I will also pay attention to this press conference with netizens across the country and my legal team [Bird's Nest Law Firm]!"


When Zhang Xiaoqiang was about to turn off the live broadcast!

He suddenly heard this!

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