The birth of a social software and gradually occupying the mainstream of the market...

It is inevitable to get involved with "making friends".

And why “make friends”?

It's very simple, either lonely, lonely, or empty. In short, humans are social animals.

In the increasingly prosperous metropolis, people are as breathless as the walking dead, and people are like machines, mentally exhausted...

When emotions reach a critical point, they often need to be vented!

When I was bored, I clicked on the software, searched for nearby people, and saw what they were doing. Then, I left the barriers of the real world, chatted about things I dared not talk about on the Internet, and became my true self...

Perhaps, this is the meaning of the existence of social software.


Yanjing is a steel jungle that is both prosperous, depressing, and rushed.

A social software called [WeChat] is gradually becoming popular among young people...

No one knew that this trend would become so popular...

There are rumors...

At first, it was in a bar. A working girl from a remote countryside was holding an [Apple 4S] mobile phone loaded with [WeChat].

Inadvertently, I clicked on [WeChat], and then, on [WeChat], I found a close friend and chatted about the romance in the big city.

As they chatted, the two lonely and lonely hearts gradually came together. In just one hour, the two developed into a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend.

The two parties met, had supper, and soon started chatting about the bride price from boyfriend and girlfriend...

After all, the woman was a simple woman and the bride price was not expensive, only two hundred yuan. The two parties reached an agreement immediately. After the agreement was completed, they naturally had an exchange of personalities and got to know each other in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. As a result, it was found that the personalities of the two parties were not suitable, and finally, in the morning, the two parties parted ways...

The man was also generous and didn’t need the money as a bride price. The woman seemed to be heartbroken by the man’s cold-bloodedness. She could only continue to run to the bar and continue to hold [WeChat] next to [people nearby], looking for Intimate people continue to talk about the next love, waiting lonely to meet the ideal man, and then promote a marriage...

I don’t know who the bastard is who spread the word about this love story, let alone whether this love story is true or not.


It seems to be less and less important.

The important thing is that more versions of similar love stories are constantly circulating...

Moreover, it became more and more exaggerated, and even by mid-May, this love story gradually became extremely poignant and exaggerated.

There are the stories of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, the story of Dayu controlling floods and not entering his house three times, and the mythical story of Jingwei reclaiming the sea and remaining faithful until death...

Version after version of the story gradually became popular among young men and women, and also made countless ignorant young people feel a sense of longing in their hearts. Slowly, many people began to yearn for the short and poignant scenes. Love, and I hope that I can become one of the protagonists in this kind of love...


[WeChat] It’s in these stories.

The number of downloads gradually increased from one million to two million.

After breaking two million, it did not stop, but grew wildly and wildly!


"People around here, is research and development so difficult?"

"Tell me, is it so difficult!"

"It's almost ten days!"

"In ten days, haven't you made a version that can surpass Zhang Sheng?"

"is it hard!"

"Multi-person session?"

"Not enough, not enough at all. You have to come up with new ideas. Did you see how Zhang Sheng played? Ah, did you guys see it?"

"Niang Xipi, this guy specializes in the lower three lanes!"


Mid May.

An unprecedented sense of anger and humiliation emerged in Zhang Xiaoqiang's heart.

At the R\u0026D conference of [Tengji Technology] and [WeChat] departments, he outputted to his colleagues in the R\u0026D department.

Colleagues in the R\u0026D department had pale faces. For a moment, you looked at me and I looked at you, but no one dared to stand up and talk back to Zhang Xiaoqiang, let alone say anything.

After Zhang Xiaoqiang got tired of scolding, he sat on the chair and held his breath in his chest. He waited for an unknown amount of time, but he still couldn't relieve himself.

On the big screen in the conference room.

The download volume of [WeChat] is getting more and more amazing.

At the beginning of May, the number of downloads increased by tens of thousands a day, but by May 10th, the number of people added started to increase to hundreds of thousands. Even on May 15th, the number of downloads in one day was The number surged by 200,000, and the number of [WeChat] downloads nationwide was close to 2 million.

[WeChat] Started slow!

Moreover, after Zhang Sheng's dog-fighting press conference, [WeChat] almost became a joke. Netizens were laughing at how [WeChat] would copy [WeChat], and some were even betting on when [WeChat] would be Execute the [Nearby People] function...

I originally thought that my [WeChat] could directly occupy the top position in the social software download list without using the traffic of Qgou. However, what is very embarrassing is that without the traffic of Qgou, [WeChat] ended up with only 100,000 downloads nationwide. one million!

Although this data is not bad, the daily activity of [WeChat] is completely different from [WeChat]!

The growth of a software must be inseparable from young people, and young people need new ideas. To put it bluntly, [WeChat] is the latest "appointment" software...

Zhang Sheng did a great job with this gimmick!


Specializing in Xia San Road!

On the big screen in the conference room.

After the data was crossed, it gradually turned into an unsightly website, such as the contemptible [Jing*.com], [], [Macau's first independent* website]...

There are actually many plots about [WeChat]...

The more Zhang Xiaoqiang thinks about it, the more he despises him, and the more he thinks about it, the more evil he becomes. Doesn’t Zhang Sheng flaunt his righteousness? Why are you still playing this kind of third-party plot?


Zhang Xiaoqiang took another deep breath.

He had to admit that sometimes the initial promotion of some [social software] required a little bit of strategy!


"Tomorrow morning, I have to see the optimized version of [WeChat]!"

"The optimized version is not only better at greeting people nearby, but I also hope to see a more direct way to make friends with strangers than people near Zhang Sheng!"

"Before 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, the optimized version of [WeChat] must be released in everyone's hands. This is not a joke, this is an order. If you can't do it, get out of here!"


Zhang Xiaoqiang stared at everyone.

The eyes of everyone below are getting more and more tired, and many people feel that if they continue to chat on [WeChat], their hair will be bald.

However, seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang's cold eyes, many people lowered their heads subconsciously.


It’s bound to be a sleepless night!


On the afternoon of May 15th.

[Internet and information related departments]

Wang Bingrong, the APP specialist of the new business format, naturally also noticed [WeChat].

When the number of downloads of [WeChat] exceeded two million, he realized that the birth of a mainstream social software was like a double-edged sword.

On the one hand, it can satisfy the social problems of many young people, and it is also a good work tool, but it is also very likely to become a breeding ground for criminals to do some messy things.


Many things are like games, you can't kill them all at once!

For example, [Q Dog], [Q Dog] was indeed worrying when it was first born, but with the development of time and the maturity of technology, now, which staff member does not have a [Q Dog Chat]?


Just when Wang Bingrong was planning to chat with Zhang Sheng about the future on [WeChat], he didn't expect that Zhang Sheng called him instead.

"Wang Ke..."

"Oh, Mr. Zhang, hello!"


"Conveniently, what can I do for you?"

"Oh, that's it. Didn't we get a [WeChat] recently? After we got a [WeChat], I personally feel that this software is like a double-edged sword..."

"Yes, I am also worried about this. Where are you now?"

"I'm downstairs in the department. Can I come up to talk to you?"



The office door opened quickly.

Zhang Sheng walked in naturally, with a smile on his face.

Wang Bingrong greeted Zhang Sheng to sit down.

He has always had a good impression of Zhang Sheng.

Sensible and obedient, unlike some big manufacturers who are unwilling to publish the data after struggling for a long time and are secretive...

The most important thing is that some leaders from the sports department to some leaders from the business department have a good impression of Zhang Sheng. Zhang Sheng was even praised in a group meeting.

Call this a typical example of "young entrepreneurs"!

"Brother Wang... It has been more than half a month since [WeChat] was released. In more than half a month, there have been nearly two million downloads nationwide. In the future, this number of downloads may be even more. On the one hand, I am [WeChat] I am proud of the birth of this social software. On the other hand, I am deeply uneasy, fearing that this software will cause trouble to you and your leaders and increase your workload..."

"Haha, this is our responsibility. Why add more work? Xiao Zhang, you are too polite..." Wang Bingrong narrowed his eyes with a smile, shook his head repeatedly, and made Zhang Sheng a cup of tea by the way.

"As a developer, the first thing I think about is whether the things I make are useful to society and whether they can bring convenience to the masses... But as a young man who has always been in the spotlight, I don't think I have anything , but every time I do something, there is a group of followers behind me, and this time [WeChat] I feel that there are not a few followers..." There was no smile on Zhang Sheng's face, but he became extremely serious.

Seeing Zhang Sheng's seriousness, Wang Bingrong's expression also became serious: "How do you think this matter should be handled?"

“I hope that we can issue a statement in advance that we will crack down on some borderline phenomena on [WeChat]... Our company will lead by example and set an example for those who come after us. At the same time, I also hope that relevant departments can cooperate. Submit a document..." Zhang Sheng said seriously.


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