I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 555 He needs money!

In 2008, the financial crisis plunged the world into an unprecedented economic quagmire.

That year, countless entrepreneurs looked at various news on Wall Street, witnessed history, and at the same time were extremely pessimistic about the future.

2008 was probably the year with the fewest entrepreneurs and the lowest capital in these years...

In 2009, the haze of the financial crisis still exists, but the general trend is initially determined.

The capital that has been dormant for a year is beginning to get ready to move, and they are setting their sights on China, a country less affected by the financial crisis.

From food to machinery, from medicine to computers...

Almost every day, capital enters the market, looking for opportunities in the new era in investment games, and dreaming of becoming the pig of the new era.

Thus, the [Thousand Regiment War] that could be recorded in history began.

In April 2011, after more than half a year of fighting, the time-consuming and labor-intensive [Thousand Regiments War] came to an end in front of countless eyes...

Some people regret it, some people lament it, and some people find it magical.

However, a name named "Zhang Sheng" became famous in the Chinese entrepreneurial circle with the "Thousand Regiments War".

And the story about Zhang Sheng...

On the Internet, among countless words of praise, it is almost regarded as a "myth".


May 23rd.

Meng Shurong stood at the door of [NC Entertainment], looking at the long queues in the distance.

His eyes were a little complicated, and after hesitating for a moment, he finally walked in.

In the past year or so, [Oubang Integrated Ceiling] has gradually grown from a small shop that no one cares about to become the No. 1 exporter in China's [Integrated Ceiling] industry.

In 2010, the total sales volume of integrated ceilings in the country was about 5 billion, and his "Obon Integrated Ceiling" sold nearly 500 million units, which was something that was unimaginable in the past.

In the past 2010, Meng Shurong kept traveling around China and overseas. He answered endless calls almost every day, even during the Chinese New Year, when he was in a foreign country.

On New Year's Eve...

Meng Shurong drank some wine and called Zhang Sheng, wanting to talk to Zhang Sheng about various things that happened during the year.

But Zhang Sheng seemed to be very busy. After answering the phone, the conversation was over before we even had a few words.

He is very busy, but Zhang Sheng is even busier...

As each other's careers were getting better and better, in more than a year, he could really talk to Zhang Sheng only a handful of times, and there were even fewer times to meet and drink tea and chat together.

Until May this year.

After [Obon Integrated Ceiling] had almost stabilized the domestic and foreign markets, Meng Shurong became a little idle and paid attention to the developments on the Internet.

But I didn’t expect that the Internet was full of news about Zhang Sheng’s affair with [Tengji Technology].

"Mr. Meng!"

"Hello, Mr. Shen, is Mr. Zhang here?"

"Mr. Zhang is not here..."

"Oh, Mr. Shen, are there any projects that I can invest in?"

"Mr. Meng, do you also want to invest?"


"Well, it seems that there is no project that you can invest in right now. Your [Obon Integrated Ceiling] itself is our brother brand..."


[NC Entertainment] It was more lively than Meng Shurong imagined.

The hall was crowded with countless people.

Relying on his identity, Meng Shurong quickly met Shen Xiaoxi, who was sweating profusely from work. After a brief chat, Meng Shurong realized that Zhang Sheng did not need his help.

Through the window of his office, Meng Shurong looked outside. Countless entrepreneurs and investors were squeezing in like their heads were broken.

"Although Mr. Zhang and [Tengji Technology] have just joined giants like [Tengji Technology],...Mr. Meng, your successful experience is more exciting than any advertisement. Your [Obon Integrated Ceiling] sales are getting more and more exciting." Well, the more successful they are, the more confident those entrepreneurs will have in Mr. Zhang... After all, everyone aspires to be like you, starting from a small shop on a street, and gradually turning over millions, tens of millions, and more. Billion... going abroad..."

Shen Xiaoxi looked at Meng Shurong with a smile.

Meng Shurong nodded, and then looked at the entrepreneurs thoughtfully.

Invisibly, a word popped into his mind.

That word is "brand"!


"He has been building his own brand from the beginning..."

"Whether it's year-end bonuses, whether it's his entrepreneurial experience, whether it's the merchants who work with him..."

"He has always shaped the word "success" vividly!"

"In the past two years, Zhang Sheng's personal brand value has been very successful..."

"This is like a golden sign that exempts everyone from inspection, constantly reminding everyone that as long as you follow him, you can succeed..."

"Even we can't help but fall into the halo of Zhang Sheng's "brand"..."

"Instead of saying that he is harvesting a sum of money, it is better to say that he is dividing the cake..."

"And those small-capital entrepreneurs who want to take the cake are going crazy, scrambling to squeeze in..."

"I estimate that he can raise at least more than one billion yuan this time..."


The full name of [Hongsen Capital] is [Hongsen Investment Co., Ltd.].

May 23rd.

Pang Lei was sitting in the office of [Hongsen Capital], with his head lowered, looking at Zhang Sheng's recent schedule.

Bobby, the financial analyst next to him, was seriously analyzing a series of projects launched by Zhang Sheng Company.

From [Game Club] project to [Advertising Project], from [Live Broadcast Project] to [New Industry Cooperation Project]...

Bobby analyzed every project extremely thoroughly.

After Pang Lei heard this, he pushed up his glasses and continued to stare at Zhang Sheng's schedule.


Their [Hongsen Capital] main projects have become two pieces.

One is analysis of future investment projects, which remains the same as before.

And the other piece is Zhang Sheng...

Zhang Sheng is so evil!

From the group buying industry to the food delivery industry, from the live streaming industry to the gaming industry...

He stepped on almost all the trends. When they [Hongsen Capital] were wondering whether this project would be a trend in the future, Zhang Sheng had already taken the lead in entering the field. Not only did he set the rules, but he was also the first to reap the dividends of the times!

Everything is so magical, so magical that even they [Hongsen Capital] have to regard Zhang Sheng’s itinerary as one of the future investment trends...

Just when Pang Lei was seriously thinking about the next road and how to go, Bobby's cell phone rang, and he went to the side to answer the call.

About ten minutes later.

Bobby came back with a slightly complicated expression.

"Zhang Sheng's [e-sports club] quotas have all been sold out. The ten e-sports club quotas have been sold for a total of 300 million yuan!"


"In just one day, Zhang Sheng sold nearly 50 advertising spaces, ranging from shampoo to clothing brands, from stereos to washing machines... a total revenue of 500 million!"


After Bobby finished speaking, the entire office fell silent.

Pang Lei lit a cigarette, and while smoking, he looked at the lawsuit between Zhang Sheng and [Tengji Technology] on the computer...

Watching and watching...

Inevitably, he felt a little fragmented in his mind.

On the one hand, Zhang Sheng's momentum on the Internet seems to prove that he is going to fight to the death with [Tengji Technology]. This time, it seems that he is launching a big war of attrition!

This sudden harvest of the market seems to be accumulating more capital to fight a protracted war with [Tengji Technology], and is ready to make a desperate move!

On the other hand, he seems to feel that Zhang Sheng is not the kind of person who is not afraid of tigers when he is just a newborn. This time, he is too irrational to insist on social software with [Tengji Technology]. Could it be that there is some deeper meaning?

"It is really irrational to insist on social software with [Tengji Technology], but what if we win? If he wins, he will be the next [Tengji Technology]..."

"In front of huge interests, there will never be a shortage of gamblers. Zhang Sheng is very smart, but he is still very young..."

"Youth is capital and fearlessness!"

"He's short of money!"

“To fight with a big brand like [Tengji Technology], one or two hundred million is totally not enough…”


Bobby seemed to see Pang Lei's deep thoughts, and then a smile appeared on his face.

as if……

Just to verify what Bobby said.

Pang Lei's cell phone rang.

When Pang Lei looked at the caller ID, his eyes instantly became serious.


He answered the phone.

"Mr. Pang..."

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, why are you calling me when you have time?"

"have time?"

"I'm free. I'm available anytime. Mr. Zhang. Could it be that the sun is rising in the west today? Haha..."

"Mr. Pang, don't laugh at me... I called you today to talk about your mobile phone..."

"Talk on mobile phone, what mobile phone?"

"I want to sell part of the shares in the mobile phone. You invested 10% of the shares in [Blueberry] mobile phone. I hold 15% on hand. I want to sell 15%!"

On the other end of the phone.

Zhang Sheng was silent for a moment and said this in a very serious tone.

"Now [Blueberry] mobile phones are operating in good condition, and the brand value has just increased. If you sell it now... you can't sell it for much, at most 150 million... Do you still lack this 150 million?"

When Pang Lei heard this sentence, he was stunned for a moment, and then felt incredible.

Is Zhang Sheng really crazy?

"Mr. Pang, you know, I want to do [Tengji], and I need money..."

"Mr. Zhang...Mr. Zhang, you have to calm down. You don't have to fight a war of attrition with [Tengji Technology] Hard Steel..."

"Mr. Pang, do you want it? If you want it, I will talk to you about the equity transfer. If you don't want it, I will talk to other capitals about the equity transfer..."

"Brother Zhang, don't be impulsive. In this way, I will be in the company, and I will leave all my time tonight to you... Let's have a good talk about cooperation."

"Okay, I'll be downstairs..."

"I'll come down to pick you up..."


Pang Lei walked downstairs.


Zhang Sheng, who looked haggard and seemed to be holding on to his energy, was stunned for a moment.

What happened to Zhang Sheng?

Have you been forced to this point by [Tengji Technology]?

(Pulmonary edema, alveolar rupture and a series of other problems...it's not cancer, thank God...)

(I was hospitalized for nearly 6 days, had a lung infection, and was on diaphragm injection for 6 days...)

(I'm alive……)

(Normal updates will resume tomorrow...)

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