I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 559 Study Zhang Sheng!

The original Didi Taxi was established in 2012.

After going through a series of cruel and crazy business wars, he finally had the last laugh.


Before Didi Taxi, there were already many taxi-hailing apps in China.

In the original world, 2010 was a historical node where the Internet exploded.

There are countless taxi-hailing apps established in 2010.

For example, China’s originator of online ride-hailing [Yidao], such as the old and American Uber, and the British Hailo...

And this world...

Uber in the United States has just been established, and it has not yet taken the world by storm, nor has it entered China yet.

There is also an originator of online ride-hailing, but its name is not [Yidao], but [Shunfeng Didi]. Its radiation range is probably in Hangzhou, Shanghai, and Yangcheng, which is relatively wide...

However, its software function is relatively simple, and its users are not many. It is a simple functional taxi-hailing software, with about 1 million users nationwide...

Except for [Shunfeng Drip], there are about a hundred dripping tools across the country. However, they are basically small software developed internally by car rental companies, and they are basically only available in urban areas. Their influence is really limited...


June 6th.

[Tengji Technology].

It was getting dark.

Street lights lit up below [Tengji Building].

After Zheng Huateng had dinner, he returned to the office.

The data of [WeChat] is very good. With more than 20 million users and nearly 4 million daily users, [WeChat] has won the first battle in this social war.

"The other party has already paid the 50 million liquidated damages into our account. We win!"

Turning on his phone, Zheng Huateng heard the person in charge of the finance department tell him the news using [WeChat] voice.

Zheng Huateng nodded, but his eyes never showed the joy after victory. Instead, he looked out the window silently and fell into deep thought.

A businessman's sensitive intuition told him that Zhang Sheng seemed to have lost this time, but he had gained a wave of fans from passers-by, and he seemed to be walking step by step into the path set by the other party for him.

First battle!

[WeChat] seems to have failed.

But [WeChat] always has the power to fight. Zhang Sheng has the 1.5 billion yuan in hand, and he will make big moves sooner or later.

You said that Zheng Huateng is afraid of Zhang Sheng. This is impossible. Nowadays, [Tengji Technology] is all over the world. Compared to Zheng Huateng, Zhang Sheng is just an insignificant challenger and can crush him to death at any time.

However, fighting a lion against a rabbit requires full strength, and Zheng Huateng will not underestimate Zhang Sheng, who has thrown the market into chaos.

There was a knock on the door in the office.


Zhang Xiaoqiang walked in.

"Mr. Zheng, I have a new idea about [WeChat], and I would like to report my idea to you..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang was exhausted from being tortured by Zhang Sheng some time ago, but victory is a good medicine. After [WeChat] completely defeated [WeChat] with overwhelming resources, Zhang Xiaoqiang began to feel high-spirited.

"you say……"

"We have officially reached an agreement with [Samsung S5940]. Unless users actively search for and install it, [Samsung S5940], no, it should be said that in the next smart phone field, they will hide all [WeChat] downloads, and we [ Wechat], occupies the first place in the downloaded APP... In addition to [Samsung S5940], we have also reached preliminary cooperation on new phones from LG, Nokia, [Sony] and other brands that will be launched next..." Zhang Xiaoqiang said With an excited voice, he reported the results of this period to Zheng Huateng.

Jumping ahead may give you a certain advantage, but those who are unsteady on their feet will never be able to run far.

Everyone is grabbing the first boat ticket in the Internet era!


Those who can really win the ticket will always be the leading companies that control the top resources.

"Yes." Zheng Huateng nodded, still looking calm: "Continue..."

"My plan for [WeChat] is three steps. The first step is to lay the market and make [WeChat] a social software for everyone in the mobile Internet era. I will set this time to March next year. By the end of the month, [WeChat] users will exceed 100 million..."

“In the second step, we will use [WeChat] as the center to expand the loading of new APPs. [WeChat] can be our [Tengji Technology] latest payment tool, and [Jiahu Technology]’s [Payment] At the same time, it can host multiple application software APPs. It can be a tool for online shopping, a tool for playing some mini games, and a tool for ordering takeaway food..."

"The third step is that when this series of functions matures, [WeChat] will become a carrier..."


Zhang Xiaoqiang kept on outlining his blueprint for the future of [WeChat], becoming more and more excited as he talked.

Zheng Huateng nodded while deep in thought.

Somehow, Ma Yunhua came to mind again.

[WeChat] is actually the payment software tool of [Tengji Technology]. In the payment war, sooner or later, he will fight with Ma Yunhua.

When the time comes, there will be a fierce battle.

Then, Zhang Sheng came to mind again, and a feeling of great longing but regret came to my mind.

He stared at the photo of Zhang Sheng in the computer, wearing glasses and looking polite.

At one point I felt a little bit hurt.

He couldn't figure it out. He and Zhang Sheng worked well together, how could this guy suddenly defect to Ma Yunhua and do something [WeChat]...

"What is Zhang Sheng doing..."

"Zhang Sheng?"

"Yes! I asked you to pay attention to Zhang Sheng's movements today, have you paid attention?"


Zhang Xiaoqiang's excited expression froze slightly, and he felt a little depressed for no reason.

He led [WeChat] to conquer the city. He claimed to be the hero and the right-hand man of [Tengji Technology] in the future social field, but Mr. Zheng always kept his eyes on Zhang Sheng...

When talking about Zhang Sheng, Zhang Xiaoqiang could even hear some appreciation in Zheng Huateng's voice!

This made him inevitably feel uncomfortable.

But this discomfort was not shown. Instead, the assistant took Zhang Sheng's recent itinerary and handed it to Zheng Huateng's eyes.

"Zhang Sheng acquired a map company?"

Zheng Huateng frowned deeply.

"Yes, he spent 1.5 billion on the acquisition, but according to the inside information I got, in fact, in the first round of acquisition, he only spent 300 million to buy about 30% of the shares of [Zhongde Map]..."

"What is he going to do by investing in the map industry at this juncture?" Zheng Huateng took a deep breath.

His eyes were fixed on the words [Zhongde Map].

“He owns Honeycomb Jisong, and he plans to put [Honghejishui] on the map, making [Honghejishu] more competitive in the food delivery industry...” Zhang Xiaoqiang replied.

"No! It's definitely not that simple! In fact, [Soudu Map] is completely free. If he just wants to upgrade [Honeycomb Ultimate], he can just use [Soudu Map]..."

"Li Hong from [Soudu] has also invested in the food delivery industry. Zhang Sheng has now declared war on us. The war in the food delivery industry is not very fierce at the moment, but everyone in this group is staring at Zhang Sheng... He is afraid of being stuck by Li Hong Neck!" Zhang Xiaoqiang added: "Free is the most expensive thing!"

Zheng Huateng nodded after listening.

But his brows never loosened.

"Mr. Zhang!"


"I hope to see more detailed information from Zhang Sheng. The more detailed the better. I always feel that he is planning something..."


Zhang Xiaoqiang wanted to tell Zheng Huateng that this was unfounded worry. One Zhang won and one of his subordinates was defeated. There was nothing to take seriously. However, after seeing Zheng Huateng's serious expression, he swallowed all his words.


He left the office story.

After Zhang Xiaoqiang left the office, Zheng Huateng stared at Zhang Sheng's information, as if he wanted to catch Zhang Sheng out.


Zhang Sheng became a shareholder in [Zhongde Map].

If this news were placed a year ago...

No one took it seriously.

However, in June 2011, many capitals in China paid attention to it.

"From live streaming to social networking, from takeout to group buying..."

"Facts have proved that Zhang Sheng has never been a reckless man."

"We have reason to believe that he is planning again..."

"Map navigation is a very useless software. It is a must-have for some large companies. However, it is not a profitable project, let alone a hot topic. It is a thankless software..."

"However, he spent a lot of money to acquire it. Is it really just to prevent being stuck by [Soudu Map] in the future?"


"Perhaps, the map is part of Zhang Shengxin's industrial map, and this part is very likely to be moving around the future trends..."


In the early morning of June 7th.

[Hongtian Capital] Li Zongyao and a group of his analysts are having a meeting.

In the PPT in the conference room...

There is an extremely detailed document on Zhang Sheng. The document includes photos of Zhang Sheng walking into Zhongde Map, as well as Zhang Sheng shaking hands with Chen Shoumin, the founder of Zhongde Map, when they walked out.

The analyst team and Li Zongyao analyzed Zhang Sheng's every move these days.

The more I analyze it, the more I feel that Zhang Sheng's recent behavior is a bit abnormal.

I even feel that Zhang Sheng’s big fanfare of asking [WeChat] to have sex with [WeChat] is just a cover!

His core...

It's another outlet!

However, they studied it all night, but still couldn't figure out the reason...

Until the early hours of the morning.

One of the analysts from abroad came over in a hurry with a piece of information!

"Mr. Li... I found some information. I wonder if this will be useful to you!"

"What's wrong?"

“Zhang Sheng’s new [Hongwei Battery Car] will be on sale soon!”

"What car?"

"The production authorization for new energy four-wheel electric vehicles was just issued in May this year, and the license plate authorization was also issued..."

Li Zongyao was stunned for a moment, and then he took a piece of information. After reading the car models on the information, he was stunned for a moment, and then his face became serious.

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