I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 568 Capital and capital!

"Das Kapital" once said: "If there is 10% profit, capital will be used everywhere; if there is 20% profit, capital will be active; if there is 50% profit, capital will take risks; for 100% If there is profit, capital will dare to trample all laws in the world; if there is more than 300% profit, capital will dare to commit any crime. 】


is crazy.

Large capital controls the bloody outlet, thinking about monopoly and plunder every day!

Small and medium-sized capital, on the other hand, thinks that one day, they can take advantage of the trend and become a group of people at the top of the pyramid, so that they can do something unscrupulously.

The former [Thousand Regiment War] is still full of corpses and rivers of blood.


The only lesson humans learn from history is that humans never learn.


Night falls.

[Secret Road] The west area of ​​the Economic Development Zone is full of cars at this moment.

Luxury cars parked on the roadside were blocked.

[Shengteng Technology] Outside, the lights are bright.

Countless people are looking up, staring at the third floor in the distance.

The reporters shuttled among the crowd, and under the camera, all the venture capitalists wearing suits and leather shoes, with faces that were either calm, excited, or impatient, did not leave.

In this world, there are always many things that go against common sense and are difficult to understand, but they happen to be real and close at hand.

for example……

The past [Thousand Regiment War].

Such madness and cruelty, but what most people end up with is a mess.

For example, the [Taxi War] is about to start now.

Invisibly, everyone knows that this will be a more cruel and fierce battle than the [Thousand Regiments War]...

However, they know better that this is an excellent historical outlet...

In the distant office.

Li Zongyao's face was distorted and he stared at Zhang Sheng.

He was sulking, unable to spit out anything, his face was gloomy and uncertain, and the atmosphere in the office was almost freezing.

He seemed to be able to see that there were many roads in front of him, but this road was full of roadblocks that had been set up. These roadblocks made you only go on one road that had been set up by others.

[In May this year, China officially released several car company brand qualification certificates]

[Hongwei battery car is included here, and [Hongwei electric car] is the only domestically produced [four-wheel electric car] in China that has truly obtained the license qualification so far in China]

[Other car companies will need a certain amount of time if they want to enter new energy four-wheel vehicles! 】

[Unless we give up this track, [Hongwei Electric Vehicle] is still our best choice! 】


Just now Kelly sent him a text message.

When he saw this text message, he immediately felt that the young man in front of him, who was looking at him impatiently, seemed to have unknowingly taken control of a lifeline.

"good very good!"

In the office, which had been depressed for a long time, Li Zongyao took a long breath, then sneered and walked out of the office.

When he walked out of the office, he saw Pang Lei from [Hongsen Capital] stand up and followed him into the office.

When he passed by him, Pang Lei stopped, and several foreigners behind him also stopped.

"Have you withdrawn your shares?" Pang Lei suddenly asked.

Li Zongyao also stopped and remained silent.

"We have been rivals over the years, but we have a community of interests. This time, we were deceived by Zhang Sheng, a little brat. We should reach an agreement in private to completely overturn this situation. I have already contacted [Soudu] and The domestic car [Xinya] and the Nissan [Dongfeng] car have been chatted, and the other party will follow soon... We can make another taxi-hailing software. I have also contacted [Tengji Technology]... If you are willing, we can To get more...[taxi-hailing APP], I always feel that this is not the time..."

Pang Lei had a cold expression and lowered his voice slightly.

After Li Zongyao listened, his expression softened slightly. After pondering for a moment, he looked at the capitals outside, and then nodded.

"Back off!"

After Pang Lei saw Li Zongyao's expression, he also nodded, and then walked into Zhang Sheng's office with a group of foreigners.

Li Zongyao walked out of [Shengteng Technology] and looked at the capitals guarding the door of [Shengteng Technology]. Li Zongyao's heart sank slightly.

He saw countless ambitions growing vigorously, and he also saw countless challengers baring their ferocious fangs, ready to pounce on him and bite him at any time.

When everyone feels that this is a trend, and everyone feels that whoever can occupy this trend can control the lifeline of the times, then...

People one after another are like moths to a flame, plunging into that area regardless of the consequences.

The security personnel protected Li Zongyao and walked for half an hour before squeezing through the crowd and getting in the car in a quieter corner.

Li Zongyao looked at the prosperity and grand occasion of Yanjing along the way, his eyes shining brightly.

He answered a phone call.

The call came from [Hongtian Capital] headquarters.

That was his Japanese mentor named Ichiro Koizumi. At the turn of the millennium, he returned to China with 30 million US dollars given by Ichiro Koizumi and founded [Hongtian Capital].

Starting from investing in the instant noodle industry, then to Qgou, and then to some Internet industries in China, every investment he made was made under the repeated analysis of Kelly and other analysis teams, and he was almost always unfavorable.

On the phone.

Ichiro Koizumi has always been paying attention to the situation in China.

He repeatedly emphasized that the taxi-hailing industry is the future trend. At the same time, they also want to enter the map industry, and hoped that Li Zongyao could give more detailed China travel information to Japan so that they can better analyze it. The situation here.

Li Zongyao nodded, and then chatted with Ichiro Koizumi about recent events in China.

After a brief silence on the other end of the phone, Li Zongyao was left to figure out how to act.

But there is only one requirement, and that is to control the China Taxi Hailing APP at all costs, whether it is acquisition or investment.

For this reason, Ichiro Koizumi even sponsored another billion yuan to Li Zongyao!

In addition to the hot topic of "taxi-hailing", Ichiro Koizumi also learned about Li Zongyao's investment in "Taomi Technology" and "Mi Chat", and seemed to be quite interested in social software.

After finishing the phone call with Ichiro Koizumi, Li Zongyao sat in the car and looked out the window.

After leaving [Mitu Industrial Park], the congestion on the entire road did not improve much.

The prosperous Yanjing City made Li Zongyao fall into intoxication for a time.

About an hour later, Che finally saw the Chinese headquarters of [Hongtian Capital].

He walked into the office.

After returning to the office, he took out his phone and immediately contacted other brand resources in China.

"I think the more this time comes, the more we need to calm down..."

"Taxi-hailing is a big market, but the rules are still in the hands of us."

"Zhang Sheng is just a self-righteous and insignificant person. He just wants to make some money from capital. Since he wants to make money, let him make money from other capitals..."


After a little contact with the spokesperson of China Capital, I got angry.

It was already four o'clock in the morning on June 18th.

Li Zongyao started to feel a little tired, but still kept his spirits up and walked towards the conference room.

At about 5 o'clock, capital representatives such as [Hongsen Capital], [China Investment], and [Puxin Investment] came to the conference room one after another.

these years……

Their capital has always been active in all walks of life in China, and they have always been opponents.

It’s rare to be like this, sitting in a conference room, chatting about [taxi-hailing APP], and formulating the next capital rules.

In the conference room.

These capitals scolded Zhang Sheng with righteous indignation. Many capitals said that they had withdrawn their shares and refunded their money from Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng wanted to create chaos and fish in troubled waters, so they didn't give Zhang Sheng a chance!

They also talked about some future situations, including the [map industry], new energy, and the food delivery industry...

8 o'clock.

Capitalists left the conference room of [Hongtian Capital] one after another.

Li Zongyao looked at the backs of these capitals. At this moment, Kelly came over and said to him coldly: "We have investigated. Although many capitals talked to Zhang Sheng yesterday, they all told us Same, I didn’t withdraw my shares, I completely fell into the trap of human nature weaved by Zhang Sheng!”

"Oh shit!"

Li Zongyao cursed.

Then, taking a deep breath, he suddenly realized that today's meeting was meaningless...

It is impossible for a real team to exist between capitals!

They all want the other person to die!

Countless people were thinking about the other party withdrawing from the game, and they were all scolding Zhang Sheng for his lack of martial ethics, but in fact, everyone was crowded in this track, playing tricks on each other, talking about withdrawing their shares, but in fact they were scolding and refusing to do so. After exiting, I don’t know how much evil is hidden behind it.

"Mr. Li, Zhang Sheng's shares cannot be withdrawn. This is an expedient measure. But on the other hand, we have to talk to [Soudu Map]. Of course, there is also [Tengji Technology]. We have to have a backup option!"


After the two briefly chatted about the future.

Kelly's phone vibrated, and then his pupils shrank slightly, and then he stared at Li Zongyao.

"Mr. Li, we may go to Qingdao."

"Going to Qingdao?"

"The [Fourth World Environmental Protection Conference] opens today. In the new energy exhibition, [Hongwei New Energy Electric Vehicle] models are among the exhibits at the exhibition. They seem to be put up temporarily. There has been no news before! At the same time, I received news that Zhang Sheng has received definite support from relevant units, and today, the pricing of several cars will be announced!"


After Li Zongyao heard the news, his pupils shrank slightly, and then he took the iPad handed over by Kelly.

He saw a few pictures from the [Fourth World Environmental Protection Conference] exhibition.

His brows furrowed even more deeply!

"Go to Qingdao now!"

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