I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 570 It’s my turn to play my cards!

It turns out that when the world talks about mini-cars for a long time, countless people will think of those "Old Man Le" that shuttles through the streets and alleys.

Although they bring easy, convenient and affordable travel to countless people...

However, most of the exterior design, safety, and comfort are in the state of an extremely cheap, low-key, and elderly car.


[Wuling Hongguang MINI] was born, instantly breaking the market’s perception of [Laotou Le].

And this world.

[Laotou Le] is in the primary state of barbaric growth.

[Yuaneng], [Green Horse], and [New Era], these Japanese car brands that dominate the battery car market, officially launched their [Laotoule] battery car in April this year.

Sales once led the craze of "four-wheeled battery vehicles", giving brands such as "Yuan Neng", "Green Horse", and "New Era" once again the illusion of successful transformation on a new track...

Early June this year.

Japanese brands [Yuanneng], [Green Horse], and [New Era] released their sales data for the first half of the year.

From April to June.

The three brands sold nearly 30,000 units of [Laotou Le]!

For a new product, the astonishing sales figure of 30,000 units in two months is considered a great victory in the first battle, and it is far ahead!

Under the huge sales data, the heads of the three brands stood on the stage of the celebration banquet, proudly announced the journey for the second half of the year, and chatted about the "future" with lofty ideals...

They even have their own new product booth in the [Fourth World Environmental Protection Conference Exhibition Area], ambitiously preparing to wait for the arrival of the [new energy era], and then take a bite of the dividends of the era!


[Hongwei Electric Vehicle] was born at this moment!


not far away……

Che Zhenglong, the person in charge of the [Yuanneng Exhibition Area], had his eyes fixed on the [Hongwei Exhibition Area] not far away from beginning to end.

His face looks ugly...

a few days ago.

The heroic words and ambitions that once stood on the stage of the celebration banquet have completely disappeared at this moment.

A feeling of frustration, anger, and powerlessness came to my mind.

He took another look at the new models of [Old Music] in his exhibition area, feeling increasingly uncomfortable.

End of 2010.

After they [Yuan Neng] saw Zhang Sheng transporting a large sum of bonuses on a [four-wheeled vehicle] at the annual meeting, he realized that the era of [Old Man Music] was coming.

That is a huge business opportunity, and it is also a new growth point for the battery vehicle industry!

In fact, several brands including [Yuanneng], [Green Horse], and [New Era] almost unanimously set their sights on the market of [Laotou Le].

Research and development is easy, just borrow Zhang Sheng’s appearance!

The market proved that their judgment was right. As soon as their [Laotou Le] was put into the market, priced at around 20,000 yuan, it was indeed very popular!


Chen Zhenglong also laughed at the [Hongwei] battery car gang.

They obviously took out the items so early, but they were not put on the market. Instead, there was no further news. After investigation, it was found that they were in the process of approving various procedures...

In commercial war, the competition is time, and the competition is speed. If necessary, you can go astray...

Moreover, the [Laotou Le] market itself is a new product between battery vehicles and cars. The new product itself has no positioning, and the relevant departments will not do much to deal with it for a while!

You still insist on approving this and that. Isn’t this stupid?


The moment the curtain of the [Hongwei MINI] opened in the [Hongwei Exhibition Area], there was a "buzz" in his head and he stiffened.

He realized it!

Something might be going on!

"You guys wait here, I'll go over and take a look!"

When Che Zhenglong saw more and more people surrounding the [Hongwei Exhibition Area] and countless harsh sounds that made his eardrums tremble, he finally gritted his teeth and walked away.

Che Zhenglong squeezed his way through the crowd, and amid a burst of curses, he squeezed his way into the crowd by virtue of his status as an [exhibition area staff member].

Under the spotlight.

Screams echoed in the [Hongwei MINI] booth area.

In the crowd, girls covered their mouths and stared excitedly at the exquisite [four-wheel electric vehicle] under the spotlight.

It's small, it's MINI, but it's different from any other [Laotou Le] on the market.

The streamlined and exquisite fashionable appearance design, coupled with the sky blue spray paint color, creates a unique and "cute" look.

Che Zhenglong's eyes widened!

Open the car door...

He saw the interior through the lens.

Zhang Sheng had a smile on his face and didn't say too much. Instead, he looked at everyone silently.

The interior of the popular [Laotou Le] is so rough and cheap to the core that the only thing left is the iron chairs welded into the car body.

However, the interior of [Hongwei MINI] is designed with the theme of pleasing the heart. The design style is soft, considerate, sweet and beautiful. Under the spotlight, it not only has the kind of warmth that hits young girls, but also has a bit of literary freshness. It's unique!

The eye-catching sight makes people unable to help but feel excited...

Che Zhenglong's face gradually turned pale, and his brain was frighteningly empty. For a moment, it felt as if it had exploded.



"Don't get too excited yet!"

In the crowd, Zhang Sheng saw the excited expressions of countless people, then calmly waved his hands, pushed up his glasses, and his expression gradually became extra serious!

He has the microphone!


"Listen clearly!"

"Now, when you place an order for our [Hongwei MINI], we will not only give you three free cleanings, but also give you a 2-year battery replacement and a 5-year warranty!"

"Don't ask me why I'm so confident. Yes, the battery is made by my family!"

“I believe everyone who knows me knows that our [Hongwei MINI] uses [Bosch batteries] produced and developed by ourselves. Over the past year or so, our [Bosch batteries] have been in safety issues. , not inferior to any domestic or even overseas brand..."

“At the end of 2010, at our [NC Entertainment] annual meeting, I believe everyone knew that, in fact, our [Hongwei] first-generation simple [four-wheel battery car] has been successfully developed. In fact, our [Hongwei] Wei MINI] has also been successfully developed, why haven’t we launched it yet?”

"In half a year, we have never been in a hurry to go public, and we have also given up a large part of the market. I believe many people know that the market is at least 30,000 vehicles! 30,000 vehicles, what is the concept?"

"Why has to be this way?"

"Because of safety!"

"We [Hongwei MINI] spent half a year communicating with the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Commerce, China Safety and other relevant departments. We obtained approval certificates from almost all safety departments, as many as 99!"

"We start from appearance design, from interior design, from product field, to battery!"

"We have always adhered to one purpose, that is, we will never release immature products!"

"We will never involve or produce products without supervision!"


Zhang Sheng’s confident and sonorous voice excited countless people.

When Zhang Sheng took out a stack of audit certificates, countless viewers were in disbelief!

Immediately afterwards, the thunderous applause lasted for a long time, and more and more audiences, capital, and even brands crowded into the booth!

Countless pairs of eyes were eager to try it, and many people shouted excitedly to order one!


But they saw Zhang Sheng still waving his hands!

"Don't be busy yet!"

"I haven't finished the introduction yet!"

"As long as you order our free model and Yuexiang model, you only need to pay an installation fee of 200 yuan, and I will directly give you a [Zhongde Navigation] worth 1,500 yuan!"

"Why do I have the confidence to give it away?"

"It's easy!"

"I'm not short of money! Some time ago, I acquired [Zhongde Navigation]. Now, [Zhongde Navigation] is my own property. I will give it away without saying a word!"


Zhang Sheng's voice became more and more excited.

He took out the latest [Zhongde Navigation] directly from the exhibition area and placed it under the camera in front of everyone.

The scene was in an uproar!

Countless users looked straight at it!

The heads of brands [Yuanneng], [Green Horse], and [New Era] came over one after another in a panic.

When they saw Zhang Sheng take out the [Zhongde Navigation] and thought of Zhang Sheng's recent series of actions, their eyes were filled with horror!

[Yuanneng]'s Che Zhenglong could no longer stand. He took out his mobile phone tremblingly and wanted to report the situation at the scene to [Yuanneng]'s head office, but he pressed the button for a long time without pressing the button!

Oh shit!

This bitch is so cruel!


It’s so cruel!

His heart was trembling as he estimated the cost of these cars in his mind...

There is still a last trace of fantasy in my heart.

Zhang Sheng’s investment in this car should be quite high, at least RMB 50,000 per unit in order to make money. Otherwise, the navigation, design, time and labor costs, and even the production line he invested in the factory... …

All must be posted!

"Okay! Give away chargers and stuff, and give the master a little bit of installation effort. I don't want to say more. This is a routine operation!"


“Friends in the front row, don’t order a car yet!”

“Friends of [Hongwei], please don’t take orders yet!”

"Friends, I didn't tell you the price. Don't rush to order a car. What if the price is too expensive?"

"Look at the exquisite design of our [Hongwei MINI], look at the services we provide, and look at our materials and safety..."

"As we all know, batteries are expensive. One battery accounts for about 40% of the price of our entire vehicle design..."

"As we all know, after the financial crisis in 2008, the prices of iron, plastic, plastic and other materials have increased, and labor costs have become even more expensive. For example, a project that could be completed for 100 yuan in the past now costs 300 yuan. !”


“The price of our [Hongwei MINI] is not too cheap!”

Zhang Sheng coughed slightly and his expression became more serious.

A few users in the front row who were extremely excited and were about to book a car were momentarily stunned and looked at Zhang Sheng subconsciously.

Oh my god!

Zhang Sheng will not adjust this car in the direction of 80,000 yuan, right?

“I hope everyone is mentally prepared for the price!”

"We are not cheap!"

“We have launched three versions: Easy, Comfortable and Enjoyable. The official guide prices are 28,800 yuan, 32,800 yuan and 38,800 yuan respectively!”


Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses again and quoted a price seriously!

The whole audience was shocked!

Immediately afterwards...

Everyone was going crazy with excitement!


At this time, Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses again.

"We know that our prices are not cheap, but because we have a good reputation and are one of the representative models of China New Energy..."

"In addition, we have obtained all safety certificates, qualification certificates, and official licensing certificates from relevant departments..."


"Minimum 20,000 yuan!"

"To make friends!"

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