I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 575 Why not eat minced meat

This is a huge conference room.

There were many [entrepreneurs] in suits and ties sitting in the conference room.

There is [Sanyang Heavy Industry Group] Liang Wenqiu who ranked first on the China Forbes wealth list in 2010 with a net worth of 39.4 billion.

There is Zhang Yuanqiao, the electrical appliance tycoon of [Suzhou Electrical Appliances] who ranked second on the 2010 China Fortune List with a net worth of 39 billion.

In 2010, the founder of [Biweili Automobile], Jin Fusheng, ranked fourth on the China Fortune List with a net worth of 28.9 billion...

There is also Liu Jiahui, the influential figure in Yanjing and the capital overlord [Lianzhong Computer] who did not enter the 2010 China Fortune List...

Of course, Lin Guodong from [Yaohua Technology] was also invited, but Lin Guodong did not come.

Everyone here is a big shot in China's [industrial technology circle]. It is no exaggeration to say that when they stamp their feet, the entire circle will be shaken.

The person in charge of this forum, Zhou Guoan, the director of the Ministry of Commerce, with an easy-going smile on his face, shook hands with everyone one by one, and asked Xu Linlin to arrange for everyone to be seated and pour tea.

Zhang Sheng sat in the last seat of the forum and looked at everyone calmly. As a budding entrepreneur, as a 23-year-old young man, he really looked out of place in front of these middle-aged people in their forties and fifties. Somewhat out of place.

In a sense, with Zhang Sheng's current net worth and the size of his company, he is at best a small fanatic. He is not qualified to walk into such an occasion, sit on a chair, and hold a speech.

But, he is sitting here.

Entrepreneurs who entered the venue one after another were a little surprised when they saw Zhang Sheng, but the next moment, everyone was smiling. Although they did not take the initiative to say hello, they nodded slightly.

Almost everyone's face has enthusiasm and kindness, as warm as the warm sun in winter, making people feel extra comfortable.

Zhang Sheng responded to the gazes of these entrepreneurs one by one. He always maintained a humble expression on his face, like a fledgling child.

Of course, in the atmosphere where entrepreneurs greeted each other and shook hands before taking their seats, Zhang Sheng was missing.

Liu Jiahui of [Lianzhong Computer] seems to be particularly popular. Many slightly younger entrepreneurs shout "Teacher Liu" and "Teacher Liu" one after another...

Its status can be seen in every detail...

More than ten minutes later.

Lights illuminate the entire conference room.

Zhou Guoan personally presided over the meeting. After a series of lengthy and official words, Zhou Guoan walked off the stage and handed the stage to all the entrepreneurs present.

[CCTV] reporters and photographers immediately adjusted their cameras and turned their attention to Liang Wenzhu of [Sanyang Heavy Industry Group]...


Original world.

[WeChat] has been online for 443 days and has officially exceeded 100 million users.

Two years after its launch, [WeChat] has officially exceeded 300 million users!

Compared with Internet products in the PC era, this growth rate is simply terrifying.

this world……

The growth rate of [WeChat] is even more astonishing. In just one month, it attracted nearly 50 million registered users from Qgou through various activities...

It’s simply magical!

But, among the 50 million users, how many active users are there?

How much of the data is forcibly produced for performance and publicity?

"Live streaming is also an outlet..."

[Tengji Technology] In the office.

Zheng Huateng silently watched the official live broadcast on the [CCTV] website.

He looked down and saw countless comments, and he sighed subconsciously. Although his voice was calm, deep down in his heart, there was already a strong sense of crisis.

He clicked on [Jitu Video] and saw the nearly one million daily visits of [Jitu Video] and the different channels in [Jitu Video]. When he saw the registration link, Zheng Huateng couldn't help but The resident frowned.

When registering [Jitu Video], there is a [WeChat] user account login page, which looks particularly eye-catching.

He opened [Honeycomb Jisong] and [Qiangsheng Online Mall] again, and he also saw the [WeChat] registration page...

Zhang Sheng uses [WeChat] as a diversion channel and has completely connected his Internet industries.

What makes Zheng Huateng even more frightened is that Ma Yunhua's [Zhilibao] has officially become the only payment window for these industries today...

Zhang Sheng and Ma Yunhua have completely joined forces to promote Ma Yunhua's [Zhilibao]!

When this idea appeared in Zheng Huateng's mind, Zheng Huateng felt a headache.

Invisibly, Zheng Huateng felt a torrent rushing towards the market. At this moment, there was not much time left for him.

And under his banner...

There are not many cards at the moment.

However, in addition to QGou chat and [Tengji Games] and other self-owned software.

Others, such as [Hungry Bar Takeout] and [Shunfeng Didi] which is about to be acquired, etc., are all newly supported industries...

Although these industries are growing rapidly, their foundations are relatively weak...

As for...

[Tengji Technology]'s allies...

Figures appeared in his mind.

For a moment, he suddenly felt a little lonely.

In the darkness, there seemed to be countless bloodthirsty eyes staring at him.

Once [Tengji Technology] and [Jiahu Technology] fall behind in competition, those beasts in the darkness will swarm up and devour themselves.

In the past ten years or so, [Tengji Technology] has controlled the dominance of the social world. Although it has defeated one competitor after another, it has also established a dense group of enemies.

Everyone wants to become the next social overlord after [Tengji Technology] collapses...


They can't win!

Zheng Huateng quickly recovered from his brief thoughts and immediately switched to [CCTV.com].

[The Fourth World Environmental Protection Conference Qingdao Forum] officially started, and entrepreneurs appeared one after another...


"China has a large population and few resources. To ensure reasonable consumption of real estate, taxation is a means. Many young people have suggested that we should suppress housing prices, but have you ever thought about how young people will struggle if housing prices are low? motivation?"

"House prices in big cities should be high and you can go to other cities to buy... The construction industry is a closed loop of China's economy. We should macroscopically understand the contribution of our industry from another angle!"


"We, the people, have the responsibility to rise for China, but most young people should have more responsibility..."


[The Fourth World Environmental Protection Conference Qingdao Forum] has officially begun.

At first, some entrepreneurs spoke around environmental protection and the economy.

However, it wasn’t until Duan Hongxing of [Hongxing Real Estate Group] stood up and delivered a speech titled [Responsibility and Society] for nearly ten minutes...

The smell of the entire scene began to gradually change.

[Sanyang Heavy Industry Group] Liang Wenqu, [Suzhou Electrical Appliances] electrical appliance tycoon Zhang Yuanqiao, [Biweili Automobile] founder Jin Fusheng and others subconsciously glanced at [Hongxing Real Estate Group] Duan Hongxing.

Duan Hongxing from [Hongxing Real Estate Group] spoke a little sharply. After speaking, he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with what he said and just sat back on his chair.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Jiahui from [Lianzhong Computer] stood up.

The theme of his speech is still "Responsibility", and the perspective of his speech is also based on society and the dedication of "Lianzhong Computer". The core content is indeed normal.

But then, when we talk about the real purpose of [Responsibility].

"We keep our posts and contribute to the rise of China. We should lead by example and use our own dedication to infect young people, so that more young people can devote themselves to dedication, and let this economic market contribute more. This is the leading responsibility of us entrepreneurs..."


After Liu Jiahui from [Lianzhong Computer] finished speaking generously, there was a burst of warm applause.

Several entrepreneurs sitting in the back clapped excitedly and nodded excitedly.


A few more entrepreneurs stood up.

Their themes are [Environmental Protection], [Responsibility], and [Declaration].

“In the economic environment, we [Xinhai Technology] promise to create tens of billions of revenue in 2011. We stand together with the country and use our strength to maintain [environmental protection] and [economy] at a balance point. We The [Wolf Policy] will be implemented to motivate every employee..."


"We should call on the young people in society to complain less and be more hardworking..."


"Many young people have hands and feet, but they are unwilling to work in the factory. They would even rather deliver food than work in the factory. I think this is not advisable! In the new year, we [Deno The Group] will lead by example and allow young people to invest in economic recovery and take-off..."


"Recently, I have heard that many young people complain about being tired at work, working overtime, working hard, and having low wages. But what is the reason for low wages? Is it because they clock out every day and refuse to work overtime? Create greater value for yourself?”


"A sense of crisis. We must always have a sense of crisis. We must not let a comfortable life corrode our fighting heart!"

Entrepreneurs gave speeches one by one.

in the corner.

Zhang Sheng listened silently.

When he heard the last part, his face turned slightly cold.

Immediately afterwards, he took out his speech, tore it into pieces in front of everyone, and then threw it into the trash can nearby.


When the camera was on Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng stood up without any speech.

His face was as sinking as water.

That's the first thing you say.

"I once heard a saying, that saying is called, why not eat minced meat..."

"Many years ago, when I saw this allusion, I was shocked and even found it incredible. I thought about it for several days and couldn't figure out why a person would say such things..."

"In those days, I couldn't sleep at all. I read through many ancient and modern allusions. Finally, I found two words between the lines of benevolence, justice and morality..."

"Those two words are called cannibalism..."


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