I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 611 Gold on the cake

Everything in the world is for profit.

The so-called [Club], perhaps in the eyes of players, is a place to shelter from wind and rain and realize their dreams.

They can train, rest, organize competitions between clubs, and immerse themselves in chasing their dreams in the club.

But in the eyes of capitalists, clubs are money-making tools that include "dreams" and "training", nothing more.

September 4th.


[PG Game Club] Wang Jiancong came to [Shengteng Technology].

The sun shone on the stone lion next to the entrance of [Shengteng Technology]. After Wang Jiancong paused for a while, he looked forward.

The business hall in front is now filled with a series of young people wearing suits, holding pens and papers, and standing ready.

not far away……

Various brands of cars were parked, countless people were blocked out, and the noise stung his ears.

The road to [Shengteng Technology] was too congested. Along the way, the crowds of people even made Wang Jiancong nervous.

If he hadn't been an internal partner and had an internal pass, I'm afraid he would have been blocked...

Who would have thought...

This group of people are all holding a lot of money, and they are so crowded that they come to give money. Are they afraid that if they are late, they will not even be qualified to give money?

This world can be so magical...

Wang Jiancong looked at it silently for a while, feeling filled with emotion.

Immediately afterwards...

He saw Zhang Sheng coming out.

The moment he saw Zhang Sheng, Wang Jiancong, the young master of Wangda Group, suddenly became inexplicably excited from his calm mood, and quickly walked over to say hello to Zhang Sheng.

But unexpectedly, a large wave of brand owners who were blocked from outside ran faster than him and squeezed in more crazily!


"Don't rush!"

"Don't crowd, thank you all for supporting me..."

"This time, the advertising space for the [Southern California International Film Awards] is temporarily gone."

"We can no longer open up redundant advertising spaces. As a service provider, we ensure that while we serve all brands well, we also ensure that every cooperative friend receives corresponding benefits..."

"The nearly fifteen advertising spaces of the [Southern California International Film Awards] are already saturated. If we open them up, the effect will only be compromised. I'm sorry..."

"However, after consultation with my colleagues and repeated confirmation by the analysis team, combined with the actual situation, I have opened up fourteen additional high-quality advertising spaces..."

"These fourteen high-quality advertising spaces come from the seven game clubs we cooperate with..."


The noisy voice fell silent the moment Zhang Sheng took the microphone and spoke.

But when Zhang Sheng spoke, those voices suddenly became noisy again.

Some people were talking, some raised their hands, some asked Zhang Sheng to announce the quota quickly...

The security personnel tried their best to stop the brand owners coming from the front.

Wang Jiancong looked at the crowds of people scrambling for the first place and wondered if it was an illusion. He felt that Zhang Sheng had already brainwashed these advertisers from then on.

Vaguely, as long as Zhang Sheng said a word, these people would rush forward without thinking!

When the traffic of [Jitu Video] completely surpassed [YK Live]...

When the [Jitu Video] game channel’s daily traffic exceeds one million...

The moment [e-sports] was listed as the 99th official sports competition in China...

Countless brands have suddenly realized that a brand new business format is impacting the capital circle, and behind this business format are countless young people sitting in front of computers or standing under the screen to watch games.

This is an unbelievably huge market. Countless analysts are repeatedly checking and deducing, and the final conclusion they come to is even crazier than investors thought!

This is another Internet gold mine. The advertising effect of this gold mine is extremely terrifying and penetrates people's hearts.

And this gold mine is not limited to China. In the future, when the entire industry becomes more mature, the brand effect of overseas audiences will also arise!

Brainless people...

Seeing that everyone who worked with Zhang Sheng was making money, they desperately gave their brains to Zhang Sheng and that was it!

People with brains, the more they analyze, the more they will realize that this may be the best opportunity to promote their brand, and they must seize it!

"Don't crowd, don't crowd!"

"In this way, everyone should line up first and come to register with us one after another. Tonight, we will register a hundred brands. We will try our best to give you a reply tomorrow..."

"Everyone, the more detailed information you bring, the faster we can respond!"

"Here, let me explain one thing first. In order to promote our respective brands more effectively, we will only choose one brand of the same product from different brands, and we will not consider other brands. No matter how much the bid is, we will not We will not consider launching two brands at the same time, well, at least, this time, we will not consider..."


The moment Zhang Sheng finished saying this, a louder noise suddenly broke out from the crowd, and then countless brands crowded together, vying to be the first to queue up!

The sound of shouting even stung the manager's eardrums.

At the same time, there was a group of security personnel at the entrance of [Shengteng Technology], and they began to organize these people to line up one by one...

Zhang Sheng, on the other hand, walked back into [Tengji Technology]...

After the security personnel confirmed, ten brand owners at a time walked into the business department of [Shengteng Technology]. The staff in suits and leather shoes consulted these brand owners seriously.

Wang Jiancong finally showed his pass in the crowded crowd and walked in...


On the afternoon of September 4th.

A list appeared in Zhang Sheng's hands.

Wang Jiancong looked at the list.

"Mr. Zhang, are your advertising space prices set too cheap?"

"Fourteen advertising spaces, 10 million each..."

"The total adds up to only 140 million..."

"As long as you are willing to nod, the outside world will spend tens of millions to buy an advertising space for you. They are all vying for the first place!"


Wang Jiancong looked at these advertising spaces carefully. After a long time, he felt a little confused.

Zhang Sheng had a smile on his face.

"I have said publicly that we are a service provider, and those who come to compete for us are all small and medium-sized brands, not leading companies. For them, 10 million is a big expense... ..." Zhang Sheng said with a smile.

Zhang Sheng has done a very detailed investigation of the brand owners who can line up constantly at the entrance of [Shengteng Technology] and constantly compete for an advertising space.

Although it is not too poor, it is not a first-line brand in the industry.

These people want success and it's clear that they need a chance!


"We have been selecting partners. A long time ago, I said that I am a platform person. [E-sports is listed as 99 sports] is a platform for [clubs], and [clubs] It is a platform for players to express themselves. Of course, this is also a platform for small and medium-sized brands to get closer to their brands... Brand effect is everywhere. When it is exposed more and accumulates deeply, These small and medium-sized brands will eventually become big brands one day, and then, these big brands will pay more money..." Zhang Sheng looked at Wang Jiancong.

After Wang Jiancong heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then fell into deep thought.

At this moment, there was a knock on the office door, and then the door opened.

Li Bin, Xu Guangbiao, Shen Xiaoxi and others walked in one after another.

"boss Zhang……"

"Among these 100 brands, I need to select 14 brands that are healthy, relatively well-funded, have good brand effects, have independence, or can synergize with our next industry, and have the potential for future development. A brand with great potential..." Zhang Sheng looked at Li Bin and others, and then distributed pieces of brand information to these people.

After the distribution was completed, Zhang Sheng calmed down again: "We are not only picking brands, but also solid allies in the future. Everyone, please be serious... By the way, don't ignore some food brands. If these brands pass If our publicity can significantly increase product sales in the short term, it would be even better..."

"Mr. Xu, after the decision is made, you will be responsible for signing the agreement with them. Regarding the agreement, I have talked with [Bird's Nest Law Firm], and I will leave this to you..."


Wang Jiancong watched all this blankly...

Then he was suddenly in awe of Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng, it seems, is not only making a fortune for himself, but also helping others to make a fortune as much as possible.

Moreover, with Zhang Sheng's business vision, it is definitely not difficult to identify fourteen brands with good development prospects among one hundred brands!

No wonder!

No wonder!

Wang Jiancong glanced outside the door subconsciously.

No wonder, the group of people outside were squeezing in like crazy.

"Mr. Wang!"

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, you said..."

Wang Jiancong was about five years older than Zhang Sheng, but when Zhang Sheng stood up, Wang Jiancong stood up subconsciously.

"Mr. Wang, after the brand is selected, how to allocate it to the other six clubs, or how to sign an agreement, I will leave this to you..."


"By the way, I don't earn a penny from the advertising fees of the fourteen brands. I have only one request. Whatever I do next, you all must follow me... I will let you make money. I will also take you into every outlet!”




Autumn arrives.

But the weather is still very hot.

Zheng Huateng looked at [WeChat] quietly.

The number of registered users of 12 million has exceeded 13 million.

Although the number of [WeChat] users is still increasing, it seems that the new version update has [WeChat] first, and the number of users has gradually slowed down.

Even if there are various ways to divert traffic, as well as built-in mobile phones such as [Samsung], [Nokia], and [iPhone], it will not help.

In June, [Tengji]’s internal data department was very optimistic that by September this year at the latest, [WeChat] would have over 100 million users.

It’s now September, and there are around 88 million registered users.

Not to mention breaking 100 million, even if it breaks 90 million, it will still take a certain amount of time.

One is thriving...

If one, the growth rate will gradually slow down...

The key is that whether it is Zhang Xiaoqiang or even Zheng Huateng, they have a pair of eyes staring at them. No matter what they do, the other party will be able to see in advance and then plan it first!

This taste is very unpleasant.

[Tengji Technology] He has never encountered it in so many years.

At the same time, a very sharp question suddenly emerged in Zheng Huateng's mind, forcing Zheng Huateng to face a problem.

That is, Zhang Sheng has already gained momentum!

He cannot be killed or suppressed, and even the opponent still has the energy to attack, and his moves are weird. Every move hits the source, making it difficult to guard against and extremely painful.

"Mr. Zheng, we received a call..."


"The clubs refused to choose between the "Dungeon" and "Gun Glory" games. Of course, they still announced that they would prefer "Gun Glory". Well, the premise is that they can attract about 20 million yuan. Brand order…”


[Tengji Technology] Historically, with its huge user base, it has forced its partners to choose one from the other many times.

For example, if you choose Qgou anti-virus software, you cannot choose other anti-virus software such as 369 and Antivirus. I also chose Qgou, and you cannot choose other social software and other operations. If the other party wants to sue, he backhands [Nanshan Pizza Hut] , the other party had no choice but to compromise, and in the end [Tengji] won the case.

However, the trick that was once invincible, the moment I met Zhang Sheng...

Zheng Huateng's face was as dark as water. He did not respond to Ye Kai's words, but closed his eyes silently.

"Mr. Zheng, since Zhang Sheng has made this move, should we..."

"Also help these [clubs] get brand sponsorships?"


Oh shit!

I make games!

I'll get you a fucking brand order!

Do you want me to give my life to you?

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