I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 625 Lao Ma falls into deep thought

September 24th.

Ningqian County [Chaoyang Community].

The event has reached its third day.

In the open space outside [Chaoyang Community], a new [Apple Phone] mobile booth was added.

In order to cooperate with this activity of bringing home appliances to the countryside, Ma Hongbo, the vice president of [Apple Technology], specially customized an 899 smartphone called [Sunset Red].

This mobile phone is an upgraded version of the senior phone. It has the advantages of a senior phone: one-click unlocking, super loud volume, super long standby, flashlight, etc. It has all...

It also has advantages that older phones on the market don’t have, such as one-touch [WeChat] calls, one-touch voice, a large touch screen, and dual-purpose keyboard keys.

Specializing in the low-end market!

The cost of [Sunset Red] is actually about 700 yuan. If you sell a mobile phone directly from the manufacturer, you can earn at most 199 yuan. Add in the store expenses and operating costs. In fact, you won't make much money at all.

However, [Sunset Red] cannot be tolerated and integrated into a large system. In the entire system, everyone is rushing and serving. As for making money...

As long as you don’t lose money, you are making money!

"Two days..."

“[Chaoyang Community] sold twelve [Xingyang] refrigerators!”

"[Chaoyang Community] has 300 households, and [WeChat] payment has covered 178 households, and the entire household..."

"[Chaoyang Community], [Sunset Red] senior phone, sold 30 units..."

"[Xingyang Small Home Appliances], [Jiakang TV], [Zhisong Air Conditioner], [Hongwei Battery Car] sold an average of more than 20 units, with subsequent pre-orders for 10 units..."

"[Shenchuan Computer] has sold 10 units of its new desktop computer..."



In a hotel not far away.

In Zhang Sheng's team, a short-haired girl named Lin Jiajia was sitting in the supervisor's position, listening carefully to a group of people below who were reporting on their work.

Lin Jiajia graduated in 2010 and joined [Shengteng Technology] through school recruitment, majoring in hotel management. At first, she worked as a customer service customer at [Qiangsheng Online Mall]. Later, she achieved outstanding performance and was discovered by Li Bin. This year she was transferred to the grassroots level and was responsible for Host and manage the [Home Appliances to the Countryside] activities in grassroots areas.

[Chaoyang Community] is a pilot project in Ningqian County.

Obviously, the results of this [pilot] were very good. After reading the data, Lin Jiajia briefly explained the arrangements for tomorrow, then immediately took out the phone and reported the work to Li Bin.

"Mr. Li, the [Chaoyang Community] pilot was a great success. I suggest that the scope of this [Home Appliances to the Rural Areas] be expanded a little further, to the [May 1st Square] in Ningqian County..."

[Wuyi Square] is the busiest square in the county town of [Ningqian County]. It is located in the central area, has a large flow of people, and at the same time has a wide influence.

"We can invite Teacher Ah K to come over and help out. We will sing two more songs and make the event bigger, starting from the county seat and spreading to surrounding villages..."

"We have also arranged for graduates from [Ningqian County Vocational and Technical College] to go to the countryside, starting from the streets and radiating to various villages... to popularize online shopping and expand business..."

"Before the National Day on October 1, we will take over the entire [Ningqian County]!"




"Zhang Sheng passed the [vocational education] adult section, the great success of the Yanjing pilot and the support of the state. Now he has taken his system and expanded outward with [Ningqian County Vocational and Technical College] as the center. Moreover, this expansion has taken on an irrepressible barbaric state..."

“When [Qiangsheng Online Mall] was founded, there was an encouragement policy. They encouraged a series of social groups such as farmers and unemployed young people in second- and third-tier cities, remote towns and villages to engage in secondary entrepreneurship and part-time assignments..."

"The [Home Appliances to the Rural Areas] move is really cruel. We start directly from the source and use the cheapest way to join forces with [Shenchuan Computer]. While helping with sales, we also organize [Ningqian County Vocational and Technical College] That group of college students, um, especially the group of computer graduates, they accompanied them to install the system and guide people in second- and third-tier cities and rural areas to open [Qiangsheng Online Mall] online stores..."

"Zhang Sheng even brought a group of veterans from [Qiangsheng Online Mall] there. He took those veterans to provide specialized project guidance and develop characteristic industries..."

"What's even more exaggerated is that because the [Honeycomb Delivery] system is well established, some short-distance online shopping delivery has been completely handed over to the group of takeaway riders. The takeaway riders cooperate with the [Jingsheng] Logistics A group of people, in just a few days, has initially established the entire [Ningqian County] logistics system..."


"Because this time the influence is so popular that even the country has come to support it, [Ningxian Qian Local TV Station], [Western Sichuan TV Station], [Nankang TV Station] and a series of other local stations are broadcasting news about Zhang every day. This grand occasion of going to the countryside has invisibly increased the influence of this event!"

"And Zhang Sheng's payment system has been rolled out in just a few days, and the cooperation with [Hua Xia Bank] has become closer..."

"Our [Zhilibao], although it has not been removed from the shelves now, has been hidden in the second payment menu by Zhang Sheng, which is really heartbreaking!"



This was probably Ma Yunhua's most irritable month.

Ni Yongjun hurried over again.

During this period, he paid attention to Zhang Sheng every day, and the news he brought every day was a series of bad news.

After Ma Yunhua waved her hand and asked Ni Yongjun to go back to the office first, he sat on the chair and felt a dull feeling invading his body.

Zhang Sheng's system is all based on industry, and it is truly a perfect combination of online and offline. Moreover, the group of people under Zhang Sheng have extremely clear ideas and are so diligent that they are a bit crazy.

Several management personnel almost only sleep three or four hours a day. As soon as they open their eyes, they rush to the battlefield like wolf cubs, as if they have inexhaustible energy in their whole body and mind.

Such diligent efforts, coupled with the second and third tier cities, are themselves points ignored by capital and big brands, and it is easy for the other party to gain momentum!

Once the opponent gains momentum and connects the nodes between counties and cities, then there will definitely be a force that cannot be underestimated!

Ma Yunhua opened Zhang Sheng's information.

Then, he saw Zhang Sheng's salary system.

He saw that Zhang Sheng, in addition to maintaining the most basic operating costs of the entire system, all the profits made during this period, and even the profit sharing made by each brand, were all distributed to the people below.

He doesn’t make any money, and moreover, he still gives some money!

In Zhang Sheng's industries, he is the only one with the real say. His every word can control all trends in every system industry.

Moreover, if an order is issued on the same day, it can be fully executed the next day!

He can give up all the profits without saying a word and pave the way for the market...

The brands he cooperates with are all using cost prices to make this cake together!

However, Ma Yunhua and even [Tengji Technology] cannot do this!

Large companies have the monopoly position of large companies, but at the same time, the larger the company, the slower it moves, and the slower it becomes, the less able it is to move forward.

This is a common problem among big companies, and at the same time, you can’t blame them!

There are several big capitals behind them. When there is a project, they will often hold a shareholder meeting and hand over the results to the capital. The capital will hold a series of meetings and then consider whether to invest money and whether to implement it...

Everything during this period takes time!

It could take three days at the fastest!

And three days!

In three days, the gang of wolves under Zhang Sheng’s banner had completely destroyed the propaganda system of a county town!


Or don't follow?


Copying Zhang Sheng’s [Home Appliances to the Rural Areas] operation, he began to use his strong influence and strength to sink into second- and third-tier cities to snipe Zhang Sheng.

In fact, [Taozhu.com] also did poverty alleviation work in rural areas for a period of time, but after doing it for a period of time, the profit growth was limited, and it continued to invest money, which made shareholders extremely unfavorable to this project.

Of course, this can snipe Zhang Sheng in the short term, which means that he has to spend energy and invest here. Moreover, Zhang Sheng currently has preliminary hematopoietic function, which is bound to be a long-term battle for second- and third-tier cities. For shareholders, , may object.

At this moment, [Hongmei] and [Suzhou], the two major electrical appliance companies, have already pointed their swords at the big cities. On the one hand, they are conquering the city, and on the other hand, they are ambitious. They must devote their energy to it. The two sides are fighting. This wave will consume them. It's not a small department.

If you don't follow, you will see Zhang Sheng grow stronger and become a serious problem in the end!

After Ma Yunhua thought for a long time, a murderous look finally appeared in his eyes!


"Fight both sides!"

"Zhang Sheng is doing activities over there, and I'll follow him over there!"

"When necessary, I can cooperate with [Hangmei] and [Suzhou] to defeat Zhang Sheng!"


When the decision was made, Ma Yunhua immediately held a shareholders' conference.

But at the shareholders' meeting, countless shareholders were resolutely denying Lao Ma's resolution!

Everyone thought Lao Ma was crazy!

They threatened that their opponents in the future will definitely be [Hangmei] and [Suzhou]. Now Zhang Sheng is weaker than Ru Ru. After defeating [Hangmei] and [Suzhou], it is still too late to take out his hand and beat Zhang Sheng!

And even if you are driving away wolves and devouring tigers, you don’t need to cooperate with two tigers, but with wolves!

Ma Yunhua heard the shareholders denying it one by one, and even thought that they had all received money from Zhang Sheng!

Ma Yunhua was extremely angry and determined to kill Zhang Sheng!

Although the shareholders had no choice, their faces were ugly.

When the meeting ended, Zhang Li, the vice president of [Taozhu.com] stood up suddenly.

After thinking deeply, she suddenly came up with a plan.

"Start a price war on electrical appliances!"

“The Double 11 event has been moved to October 1st!”

"Our swords are pointing at [Air America] and [Suzhou]... to drive down the other party's price to the lowest! Kill them offline directly!"

"As for Zhang Sheng, we will force Zhang Sheng into our price war and kill Zhang Sheng's cooperative brands and [Qiangsheng Online Mall] from the root!"

"As for the activities, I have almost talked with some electrical appliance manufacturers. We will provide subsidies!"

"We are also going to do poverty alleviation work! I have made a detailed project report, Mr. Ma, I will give it to you right away!"


After hearing Zhang Li's firm voice, Ma Yunhua was silent for a moment and finally nodded.

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