I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 627 The war breaks out! (Third update! Four thousand words!)

"October 10, 2004! We [Taozhu.com] were officially established!"

"In the past seven years, we have gone from zero foundation and zero users to now, with nearly 500 million users..."

"In the past seven years, we have been serving the public and are determined to provide the public with the most satisfactory, cheapest and most suitable products..."

“In the past seven years, we [Taozhu.com] have changed the lives of countless users in China. As long as we sit at home, move our fingers and touch the mouse, we can buy what we want to buy...

"There are videos, pictures, better customer service, and no reason to refund within seven days..."


"We have always been at the forefront of the times. We created this era, and we want to change the world!"

"But, I always feel that we can do better..."

"The logistics we cooperate with can be faster, our services can be better, and we can provide users with more cost-effective items!"

"After multiple feedbacks from users, repeated negotiations with the team, and communication in multiple fields..."

"We made a calm decision: start with the familiar field of major appliances..."

"From now on, we are recruiting [Meisu] price intelligence officers, 4 per store. Anyone who can go to [Hangmei] or [Suzhou] Electrical Appliances to purchase products, if the discount is less than 10%, we [Taozhu.com] will be on site immediately Price reduction…”


"Of course, this is just our appetizer. On October 10th, our [Taozhu.com] birthday, "Whether it's major appliances, small items, clothes, or electronic products..."

“Our [Taozhu.com] entire network will conduct an unprecedented price reduction!”

"Every year from now on, we will regard this day as the [Pearl Hunting Carnival]!"

"Now, please open our [Taozhu.com] and take a look at the prices!"


Many years ago, "fractional marketing" was already one of the best methods of capital.

For example: from early traditional festivals to foreign festivals such as Christmas and Valentine's Day, then from 520 to 214, to Singles' Day on November 11...

From homophonic memes to category festivals, everything you can think of or haven't thought of yet has been used in a series of plays!

With the gradual popularization of e-commerce platforms, creating festivals seems to have become a trend. [Festivals] and [Celebration Days] are gimmicks with hundreds of flowers blooming. While stimulating consumption and attracting consumers' attention to the brand, countless merchants have made a lot of money. The bowl is full.

On September 25, Ma Yunhua appeared in the public media. Under the excited eyes of countless people, she suddenly announced the [Pearl Tapping Carnival] on October 10!

When being interviewed by reporters, Ma Yunhua did not hide her ambitions at all: "Why should we start with electrical appliances first? Because their gross profit margin is as high as 25%. In other words, if you go to them and buy a 6,000 yuan refrigerator, They can earn you 1,500!”

Ma Yunhua's alien-like face wrinkled slightly: "Why big appliances? Because big appliances have high profits and are sincere! Other products? The profits are thin, how much sincerity can be seen? Ten yuan? How many yuan? How many cents? ? Are children playing in the mud? If we really want to reduce the price, just reduce it by hundreds or hundreds! Only in this way can we be sincere!"

"Last night, our shareholders and I stayed up all night and were in meetings. What did we talk about? We were talking about our original aspirations, our dreams, and the past. When the shareholders asked me what my attitude was, I said: I want to fight ! I asked the shareholders what their attitude was, and they unanimously agreed: Then we will fight. If we don’t make a dime, we will all fight. We have nothing but money!”


In front of the camera.

Ma Yunhua is murderous.

Li Bin was shocked when he saw this scene.

While he was doing some activities, he masturbated all night and came to [Shengteng Technology], and hurriedly knocked on Zhang Sheng's office.

"Teacher, something big happened!"


"Yes!" Li Bin sat down in front of Zhang Sheng and took a sip of water. His face couldn't hide the horror: "Ma Yunhua is doing what I want to do next year, and they are pointing their swords at the line! Moreover, they are all on the front line. Brand of major appliances!”

Li Bin took a deep breath: "On the way, I heard a news. Today [Taozhu.com] has announced the prices of TVs, refrigerators, washing machines and other major appliances. The prices of first-tier brands are all lower than The market price of home appliances of the same style and brand is nearly 5 points cheaper than [Hangmei Mall] and [Suzhou Yigou]! The prices of [Lianzhong Desktop] and [Lianzhong Notebook] are even close to [Shenchuan] The computer is broken!"

"I originally planned to wait for half a year to wait for [Xingyang] Refrigerator and [Shenchuan Computer] to bring home appliances to the countryside to promote the brand. Then, in March next year, relying on the advantages of [Qiangsheng Online Mall], we will expand offline Electric appliances launched a price war, thus hitting the offline industries of [Hangmei Mall] and [Suzhou Tesco]. However, I never dreamed that [Taozhu.com] would actually play this card one step ahead, and, The other party didn’t give us any chance at all!”


In the office.

Li Bin's frightened voice sounded.

There are many battles in history!

The boss and the second child fight, and in the end, the boss consolidates his hegemony, the second child takes a step further, and the third child becomes a corpse!

[Qiangsheng Online Mall] is far different from [Taozhu.com] in terms of scale, number of users, and financial resources. However, compared with [Hangmei Mall], [Suzhou Yigou] and other transformations Although the established online electrical appliance merchants have online advantages, if they really start a price war with the two giants [Hangmei Electrical Appliances] and [Suzhou Electrical Appliances]...

There is no comparison at all!

If first-line brands such as [Jinhong Refrigerator], [Chuangdu TV], and [Songsen Air Conditioner] lower their prices to the bottom, then maybe [Shenchuan Computer], [Xingyang Refrigerator], [Jiakang TV], etc., which have just started to show some improvement, will The brand will be directly dragged into this price war, and then dragged to death and returned to its original shape!

The only advantage of second-tier brands is price!

When the price loses its advantage, what else is left?

After Zhang Sheng heard this, he looked out the window, and then said calmly: "Don't worry, they can't really lower the cost price!"

"What will happen if the cost price is really lowered?" Li Bin asked fiercely.

"Even if they hit the cost price, they won't last long!"

"What if it really continues? [Taozhu.com]'s current goal is not to make money, but to drag all challengers like us into price wars and drag them to death!"

"Offline physical electrical appliance stores will close down in large numbers. The first to bear the brunt are the nearly a thousand offline stores of [Hangmei Electric] and [Suzhou Electric]..."

"Then let's..."

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious at all. [Hangmei Electric] and [Suzhou Electric] will be more anxious than us..." Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses, with a smile on his lips: "[Taozhu.com] is very big. It's big, it's huge, it's destined to affect the whole body if you move it... You first go to [Taozhu.com] to find out the exact price reduction, and see whether it is a real price war or a smoke bomb, wait until During Double 10, we gave him a whole wave of big products and made him fall into an endless price war! We are small and suffer small losses... They are big and suffer big losses..."

After Li Bin heard what Zhang Sheng said, his anxiety finally eased a little, and he nodded.

"From now on, I have been paying attention to the prices of various commodities on [Taozhu.com]. When Double 10 comes, we will offer cheaper prices than him and eat up his traffic. Is this what you mean?"

"Yes! Recently, you go and have a chat with the partner merchants of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] first... In extreme cases, we will supplement their money!"

"Then, what if our current wave of traffic is too big and we can't hold on? That's a loss. The more we sell, the more we lose!"

"I have prepared 1 billion to fight them!"

"Have you finished the 1 billion fight?"


After Zhang Sheng heard this, he did not respond, but looked downstairs silently.

Downstairs, there are countless brands ready to cooperate.

His eyes suddenly became cold, and his whole body exuded murderous aura!

But after a while, he restrained his murderous intent, stood up and patted Li Bin on the shoulder with a smile.

"A long time ago, we opened up land after land..."

"We have a field full of leeks!"

"We took the sickle and cut wave after wave! After cutting this piece of land, the leeks from that piece of land grew again!"

"As long as I can hold the sickle, I can never finish cutting the leeks!"



Li Bin's spirit was shaken, and then he felt a little more confident in his heart.

Zhang Sheng did not finish his words, but continued: "Even if the leeks are gone, we still have our own hematopoietic function. If they rely on their huge capital to fight us, we will fight them!"

"Since I started my business, I have never taken out a loan from a bank, not even once! They can leverage capital, and so can we. And, if I want, I can leverage bigger than them!"


Li Bin suddenly took a deep breath.

The panic-stricken mood suddenly turned into excitement.

Suddenly looking back...

He suddenly realized that in the past three years, Mr. Zhang had no idea when he sat at the poker table, and he didn’t know when he became one of the players with more trump cards!

He nodded sharply!

Then he strode out of the office.

After Li Bin walked out of the office, Zhang Sheng's eyes gradually calmed down.

He stared at [Hangmei Electric] and [Suzhou Electric].

He thought of the original world.

In the original world of 2012, [JD.com] launched an e-commerce price war against [Gome] and [Suning].

In that battle, the sky was dark and the earth was dark...

But after that battle, [JD.com]’s electrical appliance category has completely risen!

As for [Gome] and [Suning]...

[Gome] The boss was arrested and has since fallen into civil strife, unable to extricate itself, and has faded from the stage of history.

However, [Suning]’s online industry has improved somewhat, but its offline industry has suffered heavy losses.

In the first half of the year, 79 new chain stores were opened in the Mainland, 74 stores were replaced or closed, and 2 stores were replaced or closed in Hong Kong...

The reason why Zhang Sheng's memory remains fresh is that he also participated in this battle!

Moreover, through a series of means such as telemarketing, I made tens of millions, and then went overseas to use the capital to defraud capital, and to do something more exciting. Then, I accidentally joined an organization, and I felt as excited as heaven...

But, who would have thought that a few years later, hell, he would be betrayed by his leader without even leading his brothers to do anything big!

Zhang Sheng shook his head violently and came back from the memories.

He looked at [Hangmei Electric] and [Suzhou Electric] silently.

Then, a smile appeared.

The boss and the second child are fighting!

The third child suffered!

However, it is also possible that both the second child and the third child want to unseat the boss!


Not a bad thing!


[Suzhou Electrical Appliances].

Founder Zhang Yuanqiao’s eyes widened after seeing the news.

He was a little unbelievable!

He couldn't understand why [Taozhu.com] suddenly went crazy!

The previous cooperation with [Taozhu.com] has always been very tacit, and [Taozhu.com] even purchased some goods from [Suzhou Electric].

Of course, the so-called business war has no logic to follow, it is nothing more than profit!

Zhang Yuanqiao is very aware of the dominant position of himself and [Hangmei Electrical Appliances] in offline electrical appliances, and he also understands that [Taozhu.com] wants to strangle it in the cradle before its own [e-commerce industry] rises!

He also used this wave to promote his Double 10 celebration!

Moreover, this move is too cruel!

Impact offline stores with [e-commerce industry] online prices!

This is a war of unequal prices!

He made a phone call to Huang Guangrong from [Hangmei Electrical Appliances], but the other party remained silent and did not make any response.

When I was about to hang up the phone, the other party spat out a word.


Zhang Yuanqiao thinks so!

At this moment...

The other party has already launched a challenge.

If he refuses to fight, he will definitely make the price impact even more severe!

He immediately chose to join the battle and posted on [Weibo]: "From now until October 11, [Suzhou Electrical Appliance] stores nationwide will have zero gross profit, and physical stores nationwide will have major price cuts!"

After sending it out...

But he didn't feel excited when he faced the challenge. Instead, he became worried.

Online stores impact offline stores!

There is no need for rent, water and electricity, and even labor costs are kept to a minimum...

This is completely an unequal battle!

Moreover, [Suzhou Electrical Appliances] has just established [Suzhou E-commerce] and has not really established a foothold in the e-commerce industry. Such an impact...

The more Zhang Yuanqiao deduce, the darker his brows become!

And at this moment...

He got a call.

First I was surprised, and then I was happy!

"Zhang Sheng?"


Half an hour later.

Zhang Sheng led a group of second-tier electrical appliance brands into the headquarters of [Suzhou Electric Appliances].

Zhang Yuanqiao was waiting in the lobby in person. When he saw Zhang Sheng, he greeted him immediately.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Zhang Sheng pointed to the group of people behind him, and then his expression became serious.

"[Taozhu.com] is our common enemy!"

"If you don't mind, I will be responsible for beating them online, and you will be responsible for beating them offline!"

"I can share online resources with you to help you succeed in your transformation! And for the brothers behind me, I hope you can help take care of them!"


Very simple words.

But Zhang Yuanqiao's expression was extremely solemn.

Later, Zhang Sheng was invited into the office alone.

(Third update, 4,000 words! 10,000 words delivered today!)

(Brothers, you are so awesome, we are ranked 8th in the city and 39th in the overall list!)



(Can we go up and touch the anus of those big guys! Greedyly asking for monthly votes!)

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