I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 631 [Dungeon] New Skin Released

The eve of National Day.

Countless media and news are reporting on National Day.

I can’t see the chaos in the entertainment industry, I can’t see the overt and covert struggles of capital...

The internet is awash with things that are thriving.

However, Zhang Li from [Taozhu.com] was trying her best to suppress her emotions at this moment.

She personally went out and called one after another big-name merchants on [Taozhu.com], and promised them personally on the phone that for the future Double 10 Festival, a series of subsidies would be provided and the merchants would not be allowed to give any money. She even Traffic began to be allowed.

"As long as you sign this agreement, I will not only give you subsidies, but also traffic support!"

"It's definitely not verbal. What can Zhang Sheng promise you? Has Zhang Sheng given you money? Have you confirmed it? Has Zhang Sheng confirmed that he can give you money?"

"Are we [Taozhu.com]'s 400 million registered users still inferior to Zhang Sheng's [Qiangsheng Online Mall]'s less than 10 million registered users? We are all adults, don't be too naive, we [ Taozhu.com] We have a lot of money, tens of billions, and we can all take it. Zhang Sheng is worth more than a billion. Moreover, is he really willing to give you these billions? Even if he gives it to you guys, he has us. Is there a lot of traffic?”

"Are you kidding..."

"You are just his tools. The long and steady flow of water is the kingly way!"


She painstakingly analyzed the reality with the merchants.

She repeatedly reminded these merchants to recognize the reality and who is the e-commerce overlord, and not to make mistakes!


The merchants who once looked down upon [Taozhu.com] and dared not take a breath are now very hard-core and have begun to revolt collectively!

Often when Zhang Li offers a price, the other party will offer a higher price, saying that the price is given by Zhang Sheng. If you don’t give this price, it will be difficult for us to do things. We also want to support [Taozhu.com] and [Taozhu.com] 】This is our home...

But, we also need to eat!

After listening to this, Zhang Li felt a surge of anger!

These big-name merchants only have substantial interests in their eyes!

At this moment!

The price has already been raised!

She gritted her teeth. In order to ensure the normal operation of the Double 10 Shopping Festival, she could only retreat and make concessions!


However, after stabilizing those big-name merchants, second- and third-tier small merchants also began to revolt collectively, complaining one after another, and hoping for subsidies!

At the same time, Zhang Li also saw that some merchants actually secretly went to [Qiangsheng Online Mall] to open stores...

Early morning on October 1st.

There is peace on the Internet, and the country is peaceful and the people are safe.

Ma Yunhua's face was gloomy!

He repeatedly stared at [Tengji Technology] and Zhang Sheng, as well as [Hangmei] and [Suzhou] who vowed to push him back into the corner in the field of home appliances!


Zhang Sheng, a bitch like this, repeatedly made sneak attacks and deceived people's hearts. Before the war started, the army's morale was distracted...

[Tengji Technology] is watching eagerly, waiting for the opportunity, planning to give myself a hard blow!

In reality, [Hangmei] and [Suzhou] are constantly lowering their prices, and this price war has become increasingly chaotic...


"Fight them!"


It's 2 o'clock in the morning.

[Jiahu Technology] The lights are bright.

The veterans and shareholders of [Jiahu Technology] were all sitting in the conference room.

Ma Yunhua slammed the table and spat out these words!


October 1st.

National Day.

The weather suddenly became hot.

Fatty Wang was sitting on the steps of Yubo Internet Cafe, smoking quietly.

At this moment, the streets are full of lights and colorful decorations, which is very lively.

Fatty Wang had no time to take care of these things, but looked back on his current situation in the past half month!

It has been a month and a half since I quit my job as a network administrator at an Internet cafe and joined the local promotion force in [Dungeon].

In one and a half months, he left Yanjing with the team, ran through Hangzhou, ran through Yangcheng, was chased by urban management, and encountered local fights...

There were also dozens of people sitting on chairs, listening to the group leader waving his fists, waving flags and shouting!

[Sleep on the floor today, be the boss tomorrow! 】

[To succeed, first go crazy and rush forward regardless of everything! 】

[Sleep, what kind of sleep do you have? At this age, can you sleep? Can you sleep? 】

[We have nothing. Now we have nothing but success! 】


When Fatty Wang first joined this team, he was a little frightened!

The whole team seemed to be seriously ill, as if they were a group of lunatics.

Dozens of people gathered in a small office, shouting slogans over and over again excitedly, for fear that if the slogans were shouted lightly, they would not make money!

Having mistakenly entered such an unfamiliar area, Fatty Wang's hair stood on end instantly. Two words appeared in his mind uncontrollably: "Pass. Cut"!

Feeling uneasy, he shrank into a corner, preparing to leave this place while these people went crazy.


He's being held hostage!

"Brother, if you want to leave, leave later!"


"Wait until you receive the late-night snack red envelope before leaving. The red envelope is huge!"


Fatty Wang struggled for a long time, and finally he was stopped by the words "The red envelope is huge".

Fatty Wang saw [Performance] personnel come on stage one after another, constantly sharing their experience in local promotion, and then set his next few goals!

He listened passively...

Even Fatty Wang, as a newcomer, was pulled onto the stage to say a few words.

After Fatty Wang said a few random sentences, he received a burst of fierce applause, and then...

Fatty Wang had a pair of chopsticks in his hand!

Fatty Wang saw the most shocking scene in his life!

He saw the manager, holding wads of banknotes!

There are ten dollars, there are fifty dollars, there are one hundred dollars!

"Today's midnight snack red envelopes, everyone can grab as many as they can!"

"The ground is full of banknotes. As long as we are willing to bend down, we can eat well and drink spicy food!"

The leader of the group waved his chopsticks!

Fatty Wang saw countless bills flying in the air!

Fatty Wang's eyes widened. Before he could react, countless people rushed over with chopsticks like wild beasts.

Some people got ten yuan, some got twenty yuan, some got fifty yuan, one hundred yuan...

Fatty Wang realized later that he joined the battle uncontrollably, and finally got 260 yuan!

After the red envelope for [Supper] was over, the blood in Fatty Wang's whole body was burning!

"Mr. Zhang once said that if you don't even bend down to pick up money, then you are destined to not make money!"


“We have proven with our actions that not only can we pick up money, but we can pick up a lot of it!”

"We are the lowest team in Mr. Zhang's system, but at the same time, we are also the most indispensable root in Mr. Zhang's system!"

"We work hard and we are tired, but we earn as much as anyone else!"


Fatty Wang walked out of the conference room.

The whole person is full of enthusiasm.

In fact, for the past month and a half, Fatty Wang was given chicken blood injections every day, and ran to the market every day. He lost a lot of weight uncontrollably, and for a time he felt that he no longer looked like himself.


This month and a half!

He actually made nearly 20,000 yuan!

Although he didn't save much...

"At the beginning, I was just as confused as you. I thought these people were like crazy people..."

"But, actually, Zhang is always a good leader!"

"He leads us to make money, leads each of us to make money!"

"Network administrator, this job has no future, just follow me!"

"I am now the team leader, and my team still lacks one spot!"


[Yubo Internet Cafe].

After Fatty Wang put out his cigarette butt, he looked at the network administrator who hurried out.

He looked at the network administrator for a moment, and then his expression became serious.

The network administrator looked at Fatty Wang dressed up and wearing a watch worth 10,000 yuan, and he immediately swallowed his saliva!

Then, there was a moment of hesitation in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Fatty Wang took out a new notebook without saying a word, and then played him the case of countless people rising up under the [NC Entertainment] system...

Just as Fatty Wang was getting ready, his cell phone rang with a message!

He took the phone and stood up suddenly!

"What! [Dungeon] has exceeded one million users?"

"There are only about 800,000 registered users between us and [Gun Battle Glory] now?"




Zheng Huateng came to Yanjing and watched a solemn flag-raising ceremony.

Listening to the national anthem, my heart surges unconsciously.

He was ready to go, waiting for Zhang Sheng and Lao Ma to fight and reach a deadlock. Then, they [Tengji Technology] took action again!

Seeing Zhang Sheng shamelessly running to [Taozhu.com] to confuse the morale of the army, the corners of Zheng Huateng's mouth curled up for a while...


This arc eventually became stiff!

In the afternoon, Zheng Huateng hurried back to [Tengji Technology].

In the evening, after sitting on the chair, Zheng Huateng felt something stuffy in his chest, making him breathless.

When he saw Ye Kai walking over with an ugly expression, he hesitated to speak, but in the end, he handed the data to him...

He sees the data!

His brows were furrowed, and then a sense of panic gradually came over him!

No one could have imagined that in just one and a half months, [Dungeon] has registered over one million users!

Daily active users are close to 300,000, an astonishing ratio that makes Zheng Huateng unbelievable, but he has to believe it!

And their [Gunfight Glory] is worth 1.8 million at this moment. It looks fierce, but the daily active users are almost 500,000!

300,000 vs. 500,000!

[Dungeon] is fully capable of fighting!

This is a phenomenal game!

"[Dungeon] net income in August was 7 million!"

"The net income in September is 12 million!"

"October 1st..."


Ye Kai hesitated for a moment!

Then he murmured to himself: "They have just released a National Day game set called [Feitian Zhuri Set], priced at 99 yuan, and Zhang Sheng named the set himself..."


Zheng Huateng was stunned.

Then, staring at [Feitian Zhusun Set]...

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