I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 637 Zhang Sheng is getting into trouble again!

At three o'clock in the morning on October 11th.

Zhou Haopeng stayed in the temporary office of [Suzhou Tesco].

I feel very tired, as if there is a hazy mist in the back of my mind, lingering all over my body.

But Zhou Haopeng never dared to sleep.

On the ground, there were cans after cans of refreshing drinks.

As soon as he closed his eyes, he could see countless orders coming from all directions, and every order was a loss of blood.

He kept staring at [Hangmei Mall] and [Taozhu.com]. The haze of e-commerce price wars still filled the sky.

He saw that the sales of [Hangmei Mall] reached an astonishing 3 billion!

Immediately afterwards, Chairman Huang Guangrong sent a congratulatory message, and then unilaterally announced that the price war had been won!

He also saw that [Taozhu.com] announced the first Double 10 event, with sales exceeding 4 billion, a great success, surpassing the historical record of Chinese e-commerce!

When he clicked on [Taozhu.com], he found that the prices on [Taozhu.com] had returned to normal prices. At the same time, [Hangmei Electrical Appliances] next door had also adjusted back its post-war price...

Vaguely, there was a feeling that everyone had tacitly agreed to withdraw their troops and settle the matter hastily.

The flames of war gradually extinguished!

This is the end?

Is it over?

Zhou Haopeng's eyes were red and he stared at [Suzhou Tesco] with complicated eyes and unwillingness in his heart!

In this battle, [Suzhou Tesco] received nearly 10 million traffic and word-of-mouth, which was twice as much as [Hangmei Mall].

At this moment, Zhou Haopeng's phone rang.

The call was from the boss Zhang Yuanqiao.

“How much do we sell?”

"1.5 billion!"

"It was written as 3.1 billion, I had someone place the order, and then I posted on Weibo to announce that we had won this battle!"

"do not fight?"

"It's almost time to give it up. I've talked with Mr. Huang from [Hangmei Electric Appliances]. If the fight continues, our offline stores will only die... In this battle, except for [Taozhu.com] and [Qiangsheng Online Mall] 】, there is no winner, we can’t fight again..."

"The money we lost..."

"Now I don't lose much, but I also gain traffic, word-of-mouth, and brand awareness. It's just an advertisement... I've already asked people to increase the price of [Suzhou.com]!"

"[Hangmei Mall] has a sales volume of 3 billion, how much water is mixed with it?"

"It doesn't matter how much, in short, we have 3.1 billion! We won one head..."

"Why? I'm not willing to end like this!"

"I'm not willing to give in, but..."

"but what?"

"There's a call from above."


On the other end of the phone, Zhang Yuanqiao suddenly said these words.

Zhou Haopeng's red eyes suddenly became stunned, and then he sat down on the chair, his eyes gradually becoming absent-minded.

Four o'clock in the morning.

The night is lonely.

A gust of wind blew, and a few leaves fell under the street lamp.

After the golden autumn, everything dies.

Zhou Haopeng regained some energy and called Zhang Sheng.

The call was put through.

Zhang Sheng has only one word.


Zhou Haopeng logged into [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

He quickly opened the [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

He found that the price of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] has never been adjusted back, it is still the post-holiday price!

Even [Qiangsheng Online Mall] has not announced the sales volume of the Double 10 event from beginning to end!



5 o'clock.

Dawn breaks slightly.

The cheers and noise of [Taozhu.com] gradually turned into calm.

Ma Yunhua had never been so exhausted, as if she had fought a battle, fighting with all her heart on the battlefield, and finally fell into an endless quagmire.

Tired, but unable to sleep no matter what, he paced back and forth in the office, his eyes flashing with irritation from time to time.

In the office, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Ma Yunhua watched Zhang Li walk in, but hesitated to speak.


Zhang Li sat down and looked out the window, feeling a little absent-minded.

"Mr. Ma, did we win?"

"With sales of 4 billion a day, doesn't it count as a win? If this doesn't count as a win, I don't know what counts as a win!" Ma Yunhua suddenly became excited.

Zhang Li remained silent. After watching Ma Yunhua's excitement gradually recover, she spoke: "Mr. Ma, brothers have been working very hard recently..."

"Didn't I already give you a holiday?" Ma Yunhua stared at Zhang Li.

"Mr. Ma, I have started a business with you since 2004. For 7 years, I have been working hard to maintain [Taozhu.com]... I feel that although everything is not perfect yet, I am dedicated to everything. With this At the same time, I regard [Taozhu.com] as my other home, and I am not married yet..." Zhang Li sighed quietly.

Ma Yunhua's eyes were uncertain. After a long time, she finally said calmly: "You have also made money. You bought a car and a house. You have gained wealth that many people will never have in their lifetimes..."

"Mr. Ma, I'm not dissatisfied, I just hope to get closer!"

When Ma Yunhua heard this, he sat on the chair expressionlessly and did not respond to Zhang Li's words for a long time.

"Mr. Ma, I just want to know how much I am worth!" Zhang Li took a deep breath: "I feel that I am no worse than the so-called Li Bin under Zhang Sheng, in terms of academic qualifications, operations, and qualifications... …”

Ma Yunhua's muscles twitched slightly on her face.

During this time, the word "Zhang Sheng" has almost become a taboo for Ma Yunhua!

However, Ma Yunhua did not get angry or irritated, but finally said: "I will always remember your contribution, but now is not the time..."

"Then when is the time?"

"Zhang Li, you should be very clear about our [Taozhu.com] concepts and ideas when we were founded. We want to change the world together. However, before changing the world, we must always remain calm and not be disturbed by the outside world, such as mountain climbing. , the flowers and plants along the way, if you rest or even stop for these, you are destined to not be able to reach the top before others..."

"Mr. Ma, I am no longer at the age where I talk about dreams. Whether you say I am short-sighted or you say I am shallow... I just want an affirmation for my hard work and dedication in the past seven years..."

"For seven years, I have always seen it, and I can understand your thoughts. However, I still say that now is not the time, but don't worry, just like when I recruited you to join [Taozhu] As I promised you, as long as you follow me towards the same goal, I will never miss you."

After listening to this, Zhang Li suddenly laughed: "Mr. Ma, I finally understand. It turns out that I have been a migrant worker from beginning to end..."

"We are not beating workers. We have always been partners, now and in the future..."

"Ha..." Zhang Li suddenly sneered, and then shook her head.

Immediately afterwards, she stopped communicating with Ma Yunhua and just turned around and left the office.

Ma Yunhua looked at Zhang Li's back as she left. His face suddenly turned ugly, and then he took a deep breath.

He stood up, walked to the window, and silently looked at the dawn of dawn on the horizon.

He saw a glimmer of light.

You do not understand!

What a great thing we are doing!

How can we achieve big things if we are only greedy for the small profits in front of us and this is the only structure we have?

It's okay to go back and calm down.


Ma Yunhua then made a call to the human resources department, and immediately asked the human resources department to make some "nip in the bud" preparations.

"Mr. Ma..."

"you say……"

"Brothers are working hard, Mr. Ma, should we... Zhang Sheng's side is quite funny. Many people are talking about it. When I saw Zhang Li and Mr. Zhang going out just now, it was obvious that he was carrying A wave of emotion…”

When he heard this sentence, Ma Yunhua's face suddenly turned ferocious.

After a long time: "Everyone will be given 300,000 yuan. Go to the Finance Department to get it!"

These words were almost squeezed out from between his teeth!


After hanging up the phone, Ma Yunhua slammed the phone on the ground.

outside the window.

The sky is getting brighter.

Ma Yunhua finally sat back on the chair again. Not long after, he closed his eyes.

When he woke up again, it was already noon.

I was awakened by a knock on the door.

The knock on the door came from Zhang Li.


He saw a letter of resignation.

"Are you sure you want to leave?"

"I will stay at [Taozhu.com] until the end of this year. I will wait until you find a new management team and then leave..."


After seeing the resignation letter, Ma Yunhua looked at it for a moment, but her face was unusually calm.

"Okay, you don't have to wait for anyone to come over. You can leave anytime you want!"

He nodded, but didn't do much to persuade him.

Even though Zhang Li's departure will have a certain impact on [Taozhu.com].


There are so many talents in this world, and there is no shortage of Zhang Li, and there is no shortage of Zhang Li!

He once compromised in the early days of starting a business. Later, when [Taozhu.com] became a success, he never compromised on anything again, let alone bowed his head!

Zhang Li felt her heart twitching suddenly...

I felt cold all over my body, but I still stopped.

"Mr. Ma, Zhang Sheng is firing on the Internet again. If I leave at this time, it will have a bad impact on [Taozhu.com]... I will stay here for three months, and I will leave after people's hearts are stabilized! "


Just when the office fell into deathly silence.

[Taozhu.com] From the door of the building, there were waves of loudspeakers shouting.

Ma Yunhua suddenly looked out the window.

But see...

Advertising trucks were covered with advertisements for [Qiangsheng Online Mall], and then they circled around the [Jiahu Technology] building.

"Good news, good news!"

"[Qiangsheng Online Mall] first anniversary!"

"The price reduction will continue for one more day, and one more day!"

“Cheaper than [Taozhu.com]!”

"Better quality than [Taozhu.com]..."

"Good news, good news! Good news!"


Ma Yunhua's expression suddenly changed!

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