I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 642 I want to have the right to speak!

In the early days of online shopping transactions, merchants and users faced a very serious problem when trading.

This issue is called trust.

The merchant is afraid that the user will not pay after buying it, and the user is afraid that after paying, the merchant will not deliver the goods or commit fraud...

This trust issue in online transactions was also a problem faced by [Taozhu.com] in its early days. If this problem is not solved, [Taozhu.com] will not be able to expand its customer base...

In the early days, [Taozhu.com] also thought about using virtual currency for payment. Virtual currency can be converted into RMB, and RMB can be converted into virtual currency. However, this business was urgently stopped as soon as it was launched.

There are "legal" issues involved in converting virtual currency and RMB into each other...

This method didn't work for the team, so they thought hard for a long time. Finally, in 2007, [Zhilibao] came into being as a third-party guarantee unit.

Consumers need to pay after placing an order, and the payment amount will be transferred to [Zhilibao]'s public account. After the payment transaction is completed, [Taozhu.com] will notify the seller to ship the goods.

After both parties confirm that everything is correct, [Taozhu.com] will transfer the money to the seller...

Later, [Taozhu.com] became more and more developed. Due to the time difference, the amount of money stored in [Zhilibao] increased and increased...

Ma Yunhua gradually realized that this was a considerable fortune.

At the same time, he realized that he could use this small lever to move the big lever...

Then, completely liquidate the amount!


October 18th.

The Double 10 war has come to an end.

Ma Yunhua, who was stabbed severely by Zhang Sheng, did not remain angry for long before she devoted herself to the next step.

The ups and downs on the Internet are just the cornerstone for further progress in the future, and they are just a bargaining chip for listing in the United States.

Even going public in the United States and becoming [the world's largest online retail and wholesale platform] is just his first step forward...


In Ma Yunhua's small courtyard, there was a burst of drama.

Famous actors from the capital sang "Meeting an Old Friend in a Foreign Land" and "When Named on the Gold List" on the stage. The sound of the opera was melodious and touched people's hearts.

Above the stage, the seats were full of distinguished guests, and bursts of cheers erupted from time to time.

Basically all the members of Ma Yunhua [Jiang Yue Club] came.

In addition, there are also Chinese agents Guo Jiasheng of Japan’s [Silver Red Capital], [Lianzhong Computer]’s new brand [Tuxing Kuadi] represented by Liu Jiahui’s daughter Liu Hong, as well as [Sun Hung Fund], [Daewoo Fund], [Business Management] The heads of the Rubik's Cube Fund and other units are also sitting behind the flag. It can be said that they are strong and strong, so happy.

While Ma Yunhua was immersed in the melodious sound of the opera, she looked at the groups of people nearby, with a smile on her face.

10 o'clock in the evening.

The opera sound stopped.

The famous actor bowed and bowed, and gradually left the stage amidst thunderous applause.

The smile on Ma Yunhua's face did not fade, and then she enthusiastically led a group of people into the side of the large conference room in the side room.

When they walked to the door of the large conference room, everyone's mobile phones were placed on the big box next to them. After a special instrument was used to detect the absence of monitoring equipment and other things, Ma Yunhua took everyone one by one. Take your seat.

The conference room lights come on.

Ma Yunhua's smile suddenly turned serious.

"In February next year, [Taozhu.com] will be listed in the United States..."

"This is the first step for [Taozhu.com], but at the same time, it is also the first step for all of us to move forward..."

"After taking this step, we [Taozhu.com] will receive even larger capital, laying the foundation for the next building, and getting more overseas help!"

"Human nature is greedy. The basic Chinese people are both poor and greedy. Of course, they also like to dream of getting rich overnight..."

"This is the weakness of human nature!"

“One of our [Zhilibao] products, [Yulibao], is also based on the weaknesses of human nature. It aims to attract more users and use users’ money to leverage a larger market, thereby controlling the foundation of the future building better. To be strong..."

"Once again, I would like to thank [Sun Hung Fund], [Daewoo Fund], [Business Cube Fund] and other brothers for joining the association. You will be the main force and vanguard in the future..."

"[Taozhu.com] has initially taken control of the Chinese e-commerce purchasing system, but it is far from enough. We must truly achieve the basic necessities of life..."

"For clothing, [Taozhu.com] has firmly controlled food. For the next takeout business, we have joined forces with [Liu Family], [Yinhong Capital], and [Hongtian Capital] to attack Zhang Sheng's [Honeycomb Jishu], Regardless of the cost, we will fight as long as we need. As for success, our [Tuxing Kuaiidi] is already on the road, backed by countless capital. We [Jiangyuehui] have a group of loyal brothers in the real estate industry... "

"In the future, when food, clothing, housing and transportation are completely connected, we will form a complete network. In five years, ten years, twenty years, or even a hundred years, we can follow this network and gradually control the real right to speak. At that time, when external capital comes in, we will establish a common [trust], and by then, we will have dedicated and professional fund managers..."

"A century-old family, a thousand-year family in China in the future..."


"Of course, this step of [Zhilibao] is extremely important. We have been preparing for this step for a long time..."

"However, this road is still very bumpy. I don't know when I will be noticed by the superiors. Everyone must be aware and restrain themselves. If you withdraw now, it is still too late..."


"Before I founded [Zhilibao] and [Yulibao], I was already prepared to go to jail!"


When Ma Yunhua said this.

Everyone was very excited, and then their eyes were filled with respect!

When they saw Ma Yunhua, everyone felt that he was a great man, a pioneer, and the founder of the capital empire.

Then, after the meeting discussed a series of future cooperation arrangements, another wave of excitement was given.

Immediately afterwards, everyone left one after another.

Ma Yunhua looked into the distance.

this moment……

He suddenly felt a little lonely and empty, and at the same time, there was an indescribable sense of trance.

A figure appeared in his mind.

That figure is Zhang Sheng!

Every industry under Zhang Sheng's banner is what he has dreamed of!

If Zhang Sheng is willing to cooperate, then...

It is definitely a powerful boost and can even save him from walking a long way and spending very little money.

But it's a pity...

"Then destroy it!"

Then, his expression suddenly became expressionless, and the last regret disappeared completely.


“If the bank doesn’t work hard, we will change the bank!”


"I have money alone, but it's useless for me to have money. I can't spend it all in my life. I hope that I can realize self-worth and recognition in society, and I am more willing to lead everyone to make money together..."


"With [Yu Li Bao], which we are about to launch, the interest can be seen every day, and it is higher than that of banks, making withdrawals more convenient. At the same time, it can realize various online payments..."


"What's more important is that we treat our customers as God. We don't have to look at anyone's face anymore. We can control our own funds and no one can take them away!"


Ma Yunhua's series of remarks instantly ignited a fire among netizens.

There are countless fans on the Internet, and soon all the negative impact of the Double Ten event was washed away!

In this world of 2011, Hua Xia Bank’s series of services have really disappointed users.

The bank's attitude towards depositors is almost like a nostril. When ordinary people go to the bank to handle business, they not only have to wait in long lines, but also have to accept the arrogant and disdainful service attitude of the bank staff...

At the same time, many local banks have seen a lot of nonsense. For example, when withdrawing money, they were told that they were not allowed to withdraw all the money due to safety concerns. For example, if an elder passed away and the younger generation withdraws money, a death certificate is required. This even happened. Like, you prove you are you kind of thing…

With so many negative operations, who can come up with something that can replace bank cards, and who can stand in the corner and speak for them...

Who is their dad.

After Zhang Sheng and Ma Yunhua made a series of remarks on the Internet, their faces looked very calm.

Throughout the ages, true careerists, even on the surface, have always stood on the side of justice and the people.

The old horse of the original world did fulfill his promise, and indeed changed the bank and even changed China's payment system...

Of course, it is indeed difficult to evaluate merits and demerits since ancient times. Some people say that his value in leading society and changing society is a great achievement, and it is also his era...

Some people also said that he walked a narrow road and ended up in the dust. It was not his era, but him in the era...

October 19.

"When he was in 2009, when the first batch of payment licenses came out, he was preparing these things..."

"At that time, the superiors felt that his idea was too crazy, and it felt like illegal fund-raising, and it was too big and might have a great impact on [society]."

"But in October this year, the higher-ups seemed to want to wait and see first. They were not encouraging, but they were not opposed to... any new things. They maintained a wait-and-see attitude. In some aspects, It is indeed beneficial to the country and the people..."


A ray of morning sunlight shines on the tea table.

Zhang Sheng sat in the office of [Shengteng Technology] and made a cup of tea for Xu Zhenghua of [Hua Xia Bank].

Xu Zhenghua took a sip of tea and looked at Zhang Sheng.

But Zhang Sheng just nodded and did not express any attitude.

Xu Zhenghua frowned slightly, then looked at Zhang Sheng: "Before, I thought we should wait and see first, but now, I have some other ideas..."

"What do you think?" Zhang Sheng looked at Xu Zhenghua.

"When he truly establishes the market, what our bank wants to do will be completely done by him..."

"Today, the average traffic of your [Qiangsheng Online Mall] has exceeded 7 million, and the registered users have exceeded 20 million, and the third-party account funds are also sufficient... We [Hua Xia Bank] are willing to guarantee it for you. We Let's build the system together and compete with the old horse for the market..."

"I'll think about it. I'm in the industry, and I'm still thinking about finance..." Zhang Sheng did not agree immediately, but fell into deep thought.

"Zhang Sheng, that's what the higher-ups also mean. Zhang Sheng, let me pick another one for you. Everyone knows about Lao Ma's capital on the surface, but some of the capital behind the scenes are still unclear to the higher-ups. If It is difficult to control a single company. Recently, not only us [Hua Xia Bank], but other banks will also contact you one after another to express goodwill to you. Your capital is very clean... We at Hua Xia need someone as clean as you. capital……"


After Zhang Sheng thought deeply for a moment, he looked at Xu Zhenghua: "I can cooperate with UnionPay, but..."

"But what?"

"I want to have a voice!"


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