I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 644 Our Film Festival

The weather is getting cooler in late October.

The dead leaves are withering, and everything is in a state of silence.

The popularity of the [Southern California International Film Awards] has not subsided, but has become even more popular.

Starting from October 17th to November 8th.

For air tickets to Brazil, it is difficult to book air tickets in advance unless you go through special channels.

The third [Southern California International Film Awards] finally announced the film nominees.

The movies are still mainly Chinese movies. Among the 23 movies, there are 15 Chinese movies.

Secondly, 3 Hollywood movies, 3 French movies, 1 Russian movie, 1 Little Days...

The leaders of the relevant departments of the Chinese Film Festival attach great importance to this film festival. They arrived in Brazil in advance on October 25th, had cordial talks, took photos with the director of Brazil, Leo John, and visited the film festival. Brazilian cooperative industrial park.


October 24th.

Xin Xiaoqi was sitting in the room window of the St. Peter Hotel, the largest hotel on Rocinha Beach, looking quietly at the beach in the distance.

The phone rang in my ears.

After the call was connected, the voice of Dong Chao, the director of "Red Corn" sounded faintly.

"'Red Corn' was not shortlisted?"

After the phone rang for a long time, Xin Xiaoqi answered the phone.

The other party did not greet him, but suddenly had a questioning tone.

"Director Dong, how about you change it a little more and edit it...I'll help you get it one last time..." Xin Xiaoqi was silent for a long time, and finally whispered.

"Change? Don't change a word, don't cut a word, a little less, a little more, all will affect its classic content. "Red Corn" is definitely the best art classic in China, and even in the world..."

"..." The other party was a little excited, as if his work had been questioned like never before, and he roared angrily on the phone.

Xin Xiaoqi opened her mouth, but after a long time, she didn't know how to respond to the other party.

"Director Xin, you know! Film is an art, and art must have its uniqueness and conflict, and it must also have an emotional sublimation and break away from the shackles of the world..."

Dong Chao on the other end of the phone didn't realize anything was wrong at all. His roaring voice was slightly softer, but he chattered a lot more about "Red Corn".

Xin Xiaoqi remained silent.

Dong Chao, born in 1977, is already 34 years old.

About ten years ago, when Xin Xiaoqi was a 13-year-old girl, she accidentally watched "Father" directed by Dong Chao.

From that moment on, she was deeply impressed by the "charm" of the movie, and she developed a deep desire from the bottom of her heart, and then she had the dream of becoming a director.


"My Sassy Girl Sadako" is a hit.

Then, at a party, Xin Xiaoqi met Dong Chao, who was down and out but unwilling to go around trying to attract investment for his new movie.

Maybe it’s the vague sense of admiration in childhood, or the profound appreciation of film art, and the endless light in Dong Chao’s eyes when he talks about movies...

Xin Xiaoqi invested almost all the money she earned from "My Sassy Girl Sadako" on "Red Corn". She herself served as a producer and established a company called "Lemon Films" to produce it.

Her original intention was to use the [Southern California International Film Awards] to let more Chinese filmmakers and international film critics recognize Dong Chao's talent!

And, like Bi Feiyu, he gradually stood on the international stage and became the leader among the six generations of directors.

For this reason, she even approached Zhang Sheng personally.


She never expected that Zhang Sheng would reject her without mercy.

The sun shines through the clouds and mist on the beach and onto the modern buildings in the distance.

Rocinha in the distance, once known as the largest slum in the world, has gradually become prosperous at this moment, and even gradually has the feeling of some big cities in China.

When tourists come here, they always see only the bustling scene and the bustling traffic.

The streets are full of rumors about Rociniya's transformation from poverty and backwardness to prosperity in the past three years. Everyone is smiling and happy...

She once thought that this group of people, along with Leo John, had almost transformed the entire Rocinha...

However, it was not until these days, after she took long detours and avoided security personnel one after another, that she saw denser poverty-stricken areas.

She learned again...

Behind the prosperity here, the real people in power are actually Brazilian capitals, or those on the fringes of capital.

People at the bottom still live at the bottom.

They seem to have changed a lot of things and allowed many people to have food, but they also seem to have invisibly widened the gap between the rich and the poor...

What you can see is what everyone wants you to see...

This sentence gradually became more profound at this moment.

"Director Xin, if we work together, we will definitely leave a strong mark in the history of world cinema. Do you understand?"

"When we write the history of Chinese film in the future, we will definitely not be able to avoid it..."

"We are always short of an opportunity, no, it's me, always short of an opportunity... As long as there is a chance, people all over the world will see my talent!"


In his ears, Dong Chao was still chattering.

Xin Xiaoqi seemed to have grown up overnight. The art that once impressed her, made her empathize, and made her identify seemed worthless at this moment.


After a while, she finally spoke quietly.

"You are not even willing to beg Zhang Sheng again for our movie? As long as you are willing, I believe that Zhang Sheng will definitely consider the weight of you. Your movie is a movie that is popular all over Asia. How big is this? IP!"


"You must be so cold-blooded?"


On the other end of the phone, he suddenly became disappointed, and then sneered. Xin Xiaoqi seemed to have heard words such as "capital's lackey", "capital's lackey", "capital's puppet" and so on.


"You will regret it. You will regret it for what you have done!"


"This film festival is nothing! It's just a lascivious pheasant made by the Chinese people, but they all treat it as treasures... Haha, it's a free film, but it's not like a capitalist like Zhang Sheng, who covers the sky with one hand and can take part in whoever he wants. Who's going to get involved? This kind of shady story is really disgusting!"


"I originally thought that you were different from everyone else. I originally thought that you were like me and had extremely high aesthetic standards for film art. But I didn't expect that you turned out to be such a vulgar person... I'm so disappointed. Already..."


"Director Xin, I will repay you double the money you invested in this movie when I earn it in the future. I don't owe you your so-called kindness! I don't owe anyone! From now on, I have nothing to do with you!"

Xin Xiaoqi listened silently as the other party said a series of extreme words.

After listening, Xin Xiaoqi bit her lip and it started to bleed!

An uncomfortable feeling emerged in my heart, as if in an instant, the object of admiration in my girlhood, the guide of my dreams, and the guiding light were all shattered at this moment.

Then, she saw an ugly soul living in its own world, as paranoid as a ghost.


As the [Southern California International Film Awards] gets closer, there are more and more tourists in Rocinha.

October 25th.

Zhang Sheng also came to Brazil.

When he arrived in Brazil, he saw the pot-bellied Leojohn excitedly approaching him, and then hugged him tightly.

For more than 10 months, Leo John has almost slept on his money.

Every day when I wake up, I have huge sums of money in my account. I don’t know how many times better than the days when I was an underground overlord.

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, come and sit down. I'll introduce you to someone... His name is Bertolt Abel. When he heard that you were coming today, he has been waiting here since the morning..."


After welcoming Zhang Sheng into the office, Leo John made tea for Zhang Sheng and handed him a cigar with a smile. Before Zhang Sheng's buttocks got warm, there was another knock on the door in the office.

A tall black man ran over excitedly!

Speaking fluent Spanish, Zhang Sheng didn't know much about Spanish, but he could barely understand it.

After a brief exchange and speculation, Zhang Sheng learned that this black man’s name was Berto Abel, he was from Mexico, and he had been Leo John’s friend for many years…

When Bertolt Abel saw Zhang Sheng, he gave Zhang Sheng a hug and refused to let go for a long time.

He said a lot of praises and even called Zhang Sheng "brother".

Faced with the sudden enthusiasm, Zhang Sheng was very excited on the surface, but deep down, he was vaguely guessing about the true identity behind this man.

Berto Abel is vaguely a group of underground traders in Mexico. At first, he cooperated with Leo John to make money, but now, it seems that the scale is gradually getting bigger, and he wants to set up a specialized trading company...

Go the way of Leo John.

"Mr. Zhang Sheng!"


"Mr. Zhang Sheng, I am very lucky to have been able to cooperate with you for so long. Your Apple series of mobile phones have made us a lot of money..."


After a brief chat and enthusiasm, Leo John silently closed all the windows, leaving Zhang Sheng and Bertolt Abel in a relatively closed area.

Others might feel claustrophobic in such an enclosed and cramped area...

But for Zhang Sheng...

Somehow, the excitement that had not lingered in my heart for a long time started burning like a flame.

Vaguely, he seemed to smell the smell of blood from the past, and this smell made him even more excited.

Of course, he reminded himself that now he was standing under the sun, and he had to suppress the innate feeling in his heart.

"Mr. Zhang Sheng! I want to set up a company!"

"That's very good!"

"Mr. Leo John, I have always known that you want the core parts and chips of [iPhone 4S], right? I don't understand very well. They should be some imported components that you cannot produce domestically..."


"I will help you get it through some mysterious channels... After you assemble it in Brazil, I will help you sell it..."

"Mr. Bertolt Abel, I can't break the law..." Zhang Sheng frowned.

"Sir, you don't have to break the law, and I don't have to break the law. We are going through very formal channels!"

"How formal?"

"I invited several designers from the iPhone 4 series..."

"Did you really invite me, or..."

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, you can question me, but you can't question Mr. Leo John. Mr. Leo John is now an official figure in the Brazilian economy... These designers were initially suspected of leaking secrets, and then [ IPO】Company cold treatment..."

"What leak?"

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, have you forgotten? Your Apple 4, including your Apple 4S, [IPO] company has been investigating the source of leaks, and then, those designers were found... In short, it may be an internal fight within the [IPO] company , or for whatever reason, anyway, they were squeezed out of the core design field of iPhone5. These designers contacted me privately and secretly, and they asked me to open a company..."


When Zhang Sheng heard this, he was suddenly confused.

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