I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 646 You can either kneel down!

November is approaching.

The weather in China is getting colder and colder.

It was desolate and lonely.

Brazil is still very hot.

The screening has not yet started.

But a group of directors and producers from China had already brought their team to the screening area and put up posters in various advertising spaces.

Under the posters, the staff shouted hard, introduced their movies to everyone they met, and even took various measures to subsidize movie viewing activities.

[Southern California International Film Awards] has two screening areas.

One screening area is the [Competition Screening Area], and all the films shown are shortlisted films for the [Southern California International Film Awards].

This screening area is not big, with about five screens. Starting from eight o'clock in the morning, various participating films will be arranged in chronological order. The producers will show them completely free of charge.

The other screening area is the [Commercial Screening Area]. The commercial screening area is full of movies that have the dream of becoming a hit overnight and spent 10 million to buy a screening.

The movies in the [Commercial Screening Area] will also be reviewed and screened, but it is relatively loose. The [Commercial Screening Area] also has about five screens...

Of course, there is a fee for movie viewing in both the [Competition Screening Area] and the [Commercial Screening Area].

From movie viewing income, the Academy Awards and Brazil will take 30%, theaters will take 30%, producers will take 30%, and the final 10% will be used to operate the cost of each movie broadcast.

Compared with the last [Southern California International Film Awards], this one is even more lively.

However, Asian filmmakers still account for the majority. There are more European and American filmmakers than last year, but their proportion is still very small.


Three years.

Ke Zhanyi has transformed from a high-spirited director into a prosperous middle-aged man.

He has made youth masterpieces such as "That Summer", led a wave of youth film trends, and once became the box office leader among the six generations of directors.

He has also made films such as "Family Happiness 2010" and "Future Police" which were devoid of self-restraint and were criticized for being ridiculously embarrassing.

Last year, he was fed up with the pressure of capital and vowed not to make any more commercial films arranged by [Shengshi Entertainment].

So, I spent my own money to film a film called "Afterlife" to participate in the exhibition!

Eager to start proving yourself from here.

The result was a complete failure.

Fate seemed to step him into the abyss all of a sudden.

Then, he looked confusedly at the fading light in the distance, eventually disappearing into darkness.

Making a movie is the same as writing a novel. It's a process of digging in. You keep guarding what little you have, and it's all about love. Even though it's covered in a magical skin, the core is still pale and feeble. When you When your final advantage is completely wiped out but you still cannot withstand the progress of the times, you are a complete loser.

The bitter fruit of failure is naturally accompanied by ridicule and controversy.

Someone once told Ke Zhanyi face to face that without Zhang Sheng and the support and pursuit of capital, you will be useless.

Someone once told him harshly that all his successes came from accidents and that so-called talent was just a joke...

Abuse and ridicule are terrible, but what is more terrible than these is the depression and self-doubt that comes from deep inside.

For a while, it seemed that everything I did was wrong. Even when I watched a movie I had made, it looked like a piece of shit...

However, Ke Zhanyi did not last long in despair.

Before "That Summer", he had experienced failure and confusion for a long time.

The failure of "Afterlife" actually made him calm down again.

Calmly start thinking about your future.

In the first half of 2011, Ke Zhanyi no longer pursued commercial films, nor did he think about messy self-proofs, but began to re-examine and settle himself.

In May 2011, he returned to Taiwan and returned to his teacher's home.

This year, he came to the [Southern California International Film Awards] again.

However, what he brought was not his movie, but a movie called "Hundred Birds".

This movie was filmed in 2008.

However, due to the unpopular themes of some movies and the stubbornness of teacher You Tianming, no distribution company was willing to take it.

In the second half of 2011, teacher You Tianming, who was in declining health and was diagnosed with cancer, finally compromised and handed over the film's authorization to Ke Zhanyi to help run it.

The movie was released on October 14, 2011. After 7 days of release, the movie's box office was only 1.54 million. When the theaters and producers saw this data, they suddenly became numb.

Ke Zhanyi kept saying good things to various units, and then the movie continued to be played in the auditorium in the corner of the cinema. As a result, another five days passed, and the total box office was only 450,000...

Teacher You Tianming asks Ke Zhanyi every day about the box office and feedback of the movie.

When you see that the feedback is pretty good, You Tianming will be sincerely pleased.

However, after seeing the box office, You Tianming fell into silence for a long time.

Then, he sat alone in the corner and smoked cigarettes one by one.

October 29th.

"Please give this movie one last chance!"

"We are willing to pay for it to be released!"

"This movie is definitely not a bad movie. It is a good movie. It is not popular, but this movie is really meaningful!"


ask for help.

is the hardest thing.

In October, Ke Zhanyi felt that his knees could no longer bend.

In order for this movie to be released, he begged [Shengshi Entertainment] to be the producer of the movie. At the same time, he personally went to major theaters to talk about movies and arrange movies...

I don’t know how much I drank, and I don’t know how many things I promised…

This finally allowed the movie to be released as scheduled, but after seeing the box office, everyone was numb!

The producer wants to give up this movie, and the theaters also want to give up this movie...

However, Ke Zhanyi never gave up on this movie.

He thought of the [Southern California International Film Awards].

In mid-October, he contacted Bi Feiyu.

But I was told that Bi Feiyu was filming a movie and might not even participate in this [Southern California International Film Awards].

He contacted Zhang Sheng, but Zhang Sheng's phone number could never be answered.

He contacted the judge Avery Tashi. Unfortunately, the other party told him that the review of this year's [Southern California International Film Awards] has been announced, and it is impossible to take this film to the exhibition again. This is the rule. .

He approached Shen Xiaoxi, but Shen Xiaoxi was also very confused. She said that all the quotas for this year's exhibition had been filled. She said that she wanted to include a movie before, and the other party offered 100 million, but she was still rejected by Mr. Zhang...

Ke Zhanyi also heard the story of director Xin Xiaoqi from Shen Xiaoxi. Director Xin Xiaoqi also wanted to recommend a director to enter the selection system of the [Southern California International Film Awards] and personally vouch for it. Moreover, the movie was invested by Xin Xiaoqi herself. …


Even Xin Xiaoqi was rejected without exception!

What about yourself?

Ke Zhanyi looked at the box office of "Hundred Birds" again!

It was released for nearly 12 days and the box office was around 2 million, which is really unconvincing.

It seems that everything has sentenced this "Hundred Birds" to death.

They have no relationship left to go.

The relationship between the teacher, You Tianming, was already fully used when it was released. For the theaters and the producers, they have already done their best to be able to release the film for such a long time.

What else can they do?

The sun is getting hotter.

Ke Zhanyi kept following the theaters and making phone calls to the producers. He had already said all kinds of good things, but all he got was sighs.

Teacher You Tianming looked at Ke Zhanyi's expression and then at the grand occasion of the Southern California International Film Awards.

"Otherwise, forget it. Some people spend 100 million and can't even buy a place. We..."

Finally, he looked back at Ke Zhanyi, who took out his mobile phone and called again and again.

He shook his head.

But Ke Zhanyi shook his head.

He is always unwilling to give in!

He dialed the familiar number over and over again. The number was always on call or busy...

You Tianming looked at his apprentice's unwillingness and couldn't bear it. He wanted to persuade him again, but...

"Teacher, you don't have to worry about it. As long as I can contact Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang is different from others. He must have a way. As long as I can contact him..."


Ke Zhanyi seemed to be in a daze and kept making phone calls.

He never thought that one day, it would be so difficult for him to see Zhang Sheng.

Wait until three o'clock in the afternoon.

as if……

Hard work pays off.

Ke Zhanyi finally got through to Zhang Sheng.

"Director Ke?"

After Ke Zhanyi answered the phone, Zhang Sheng called out his name before he could reply.

"Mr. Zhang, can I see you?"

"What's the matter?" Zhang Sheng's voice was very gentle. There was no emotion or anger, and he couldn't feel any alienation, as if he was the same as before.

"Mr. Zhang, I hope you can help me watch a movie..."

"what movie?"

"My teacher's movie, his name is "Hundred Birds"..."

"Director Ke, I'm very busy recently, and besides, I'm not a film reviewer..."

"Mr. Zhang, I can only ask you. We don't have much money, but we are willing to raise 10 million. This movie is different from any other... I dare to vouch for this movie with my personality. He will definitely It's a masterpiece..." Ke Zhanyi's voice suddenly sounded urgent, and he told a lot of information about the movie.

After he finished speaking, there was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time.

When Ke Zhanyi was in despair, the other end of the phone finally spoke.

"Well, I'm in the hotel now... bring the sample over here and I'll take a look first."


Ke Zhanyi nodded excitedly.


Three o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhang Sheng was sitting in the hotel drinking tea.

He heard a knock on the door.

After the door opens...

He saw Ke Zhanyi walking in with an old man.

Zhang Sheng also stood up, but had not yet spoken...

But he saw Ke Zhanyi kneeling on the ground with a pop.

"Mr. Zhang, I beg you to give "Hundred Birds" a chance!"

Zhang Sheng was stunned and quickly bent down to pull it, but then he stopped again.

His expression suddenly became very cold.

"Director Ke... you know, moral kidnapping is of no use to me. My time is limited. Either you stand up and show me your samples, or you keep kneeling and I'll ask the security guards to chase you away!"


(Normal updates will resume tomorrow.)

(It will continue to explode in two days!)

(New Year is so tiring!)

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