I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 655 He is going to the News Network again

Chapter 655 He is going to the News Network again*

The third [Southern California International Film Awards] ceremony will officially start at 4 o'clock in the afternoon on November 7.

A hundred-meter-long red carpet was spread on the ground.

Amid countless cheers and cheers, stars walked onto the red carpet one by one, competing for their beauty.


Li Qingming did not step onto the red carpet at all.

There was no place for him on the red carpet, not even at the Southern California International Film Awards.

Amidst the screams and cheers all over the sky...

Li Qingming couldn't hear anything.

At this moment, he felt that his ears were ringing with tinnitus.

Dressed well in a suit, he looked blankly at the phone in his hand.

The call was from Zhou Songtao from the [Ministry of Culture].

"Chairman Li, please don't participate in this [Southern California International Film Awards]..."

Zhou Songtao, who called him, had only one sentence.

However, before Li Qingming could figure out what was going on, the other party died again.

Didn't you agree to communicate with Zhang Sheng?

What now? You suddenly changed your mind?

He called Zhou Songtao desperately, but no one from Zhou Songtao answered the phone.

He thought for a moment and called the leader again.

The leader with whom I was once very enthusiastic seemed particularly cold at this moment.

"You should rest for a while first."

"What do you mean by taking a break?"


The other party didn't respond and just hung up the phone.

At this moment, he instantly felt a sense of panic, surging from all directions.

He shivered, and then, looking at the sunset in the distance, he began to feel a little at a loss.

He didn't know what was going on.

He looked at the long red carpet of the [Southern California International Film Awards]. More and more audiences and crews were walking past the red carpet. Then, he saw a family. Media, among them, one media is CCTV News...


Brazil November 7, 17:00.

November 8, 3 a.m. China time.

The weather is getting cold.

But several leaders were sitting in the conference room, watching silently as the [Southern California International Film Awards] ceremony was about to begin.

"For a long time in the past, the global discourse power was controlled by Europe and the United States..."

"Whether it is finance, war, media, information, culture..."

"Globalization is a good thing, but we must be wary of penetration in all aspects. Some things should be raised to a strategic level..."



If Li Qingming were here, when he saw the leader speaking, he would probably be so scared that his knees would weaken.

When the tall and lanky leader finished saying this, he looked at the pile of information in his hand.

This information is all information about films participating in the [Southern California International Film Awards] this year.

Although movies are a form of entertainment, for the [Chinese Propaganda Department], they are something that requires caution and caution.

This is a window after all.

Countless people overseas can see all aspects of China through this window.

In the past ten years, he has actually been paying attention to Chinese movies...

[Chinese Film Protection Month] was what he nodded in agreement to protect Chinese local films. He also hopes that more excellent works will emerge from Chinese local films.

From 2004 to the present, [Chinese Film Protection Month] has indeed protected some films, but there has not been the explosion of excellent works as imagined. Even if there are, there are very few, and excellent works like [Xiang Chu] are even rarer. And few...

He also pays attention to every film award in the international field.

Since "Xiang Chu", the awards won by Chinese films overseas have become more and more meaningful.

Internally, a lot of Chinese film content has gradually begun to contain some obscure [advocating foreign ideas], while externally, Western countries and other countries, through the form of film festivals, have turned that window into what they want people to see. , the truly excellent, or the most authentic things are instead buried in the wind and sand.

Some movies with main theme can only be screened domestically and not exported overseas...

Not to mention the box office, just the publicity channels are something that is not available.

A few days ago!

He accidentally saw news about the movie "Birds" on the Internet.

He personally went to the cinema and watched a performance of "Birds". After watching it, you said it was like waking up from a dream. This is a bit exaggerated, but to truly think about the current situation in China, it is terrifying to think about it carefully.

Time passed little by little.

The opening ceremony of the [Southern California International Film Awards] has finally begun!

He looked at the screen.


Eyes light up!


last year!

[Southern California International Film Awards] The scene and stage are mainly exotic.

The sexy and hot hula dance expresses the passion of Brazilian girls in the center of the stage...

As soon as you step into this place, you can feel the charm of a girl from a foreign land.

But this year’s [Southern California International Film Awards] design is starting to look different.

On the high platform in the distance, the flames were still burning slowly, and they were getting stronger and stronger.

Below the flames are reflected the pavilions and pavilions, as well as the gurgling water. The guests are sitting on the newly designed bamboo chairs, listening to the quiet singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers.

The table is a square table, on which are placed unique osmanthus cakes, lotus cakes, mung bean cakes from China...

There are also dishes on display, including shredded chicken, white fungus, sweet-scented osmanthus fish sticks, diced eight-treasure rabbit and other delicacies typical of the Manchu-Han banquet.

The filmmakers who had just walked in were all shocked, especially those from overseas. Where had they seen such a table?

The curtain slowly opened, and amid bursts of smoke, performances came on stage one after another.

Performance is no longer Western piano and violin...


The soft and melodious sound of the erhu, accompanied by the sound of the guzheng, makes you feel as if you are in an ancient fairy mirror, making you feel as if you are in a fairyland.

Elaine from France, Selou Cinema, was a little shocked.

She never imagined that some musical instruments from China could produce such a beautiful sound.

The performance still goes on...

The screen behind him emitted rays of light.

In the light, there are endless changes, including the Great Wall of China, the mountains and rivers of Guilin, the strange dangers of Huashan Mountain, and the tenderness of the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River...

Splendid mountains and rivers, some majestic, some magnificent, some exciting...

"It's not surprising that a friend comes from afar..."

After the performance...

The lights on the stage were dim, but after a period of vicissitudes and joyful voices, a young man slowly walked to the scene.

When the young man walked to the center of the stage, almost all the audience members who picked up their chopsticks subconsciously looked towards the stage.

Wearing a crane cloak, he arrived slowly, with a smile on his face, but as gentle as jade. Under the light, Zhang Sheng held a folding fan in his hand, like a handsome young man, and entered slowly.

Elaine below was shocked!

Until now, she has known Zhang Sheng, but she has never seen Zhang Sheng wearing such clothes...

Xin Xiaoqi was also stunned!

My boss usually wears ordinary clothes, even slovenly at times. When he is most serious, he wears a suit at most, but at this moment...

Her eyes widened for a moment...

Looking at the noble-looking Zhang Sheng, she no longer knew how to describe the amazing feeling deep inside her heart.

turn out to be……

Mr. Zhang is so good-looking!

on the stage……

Zhang Sheng gave a simple salute to everyone.

Then stood up.

This time, he did not show off his language talent, let alone speak English, French, Korean, Japanese...

Instead, he used a sentence in Chinese to briefly introduce it.

Some foreign friends nearby looked at each other in confusion. They didn't know what Zhang Sheng meant. Only after someone else translated it did everyone understand, and then they were in awe.


"Is this Zhang Sheng? Oh my god, who said Zhang Sheng looks ordinary? When dressed like this, it's just..."

"Wow, is Zhang Sheng so good-looking? This temperament, my God, he has the temperament of an ancient scholar!"


"What kind of suit is this?"

"This is Hanfu!"

"Of course I know this is Hanfu. Which type of Hanfu is it? Can [Taozhu.com] sell it?"

"This is a cloak, a category of traditional Chinese clothing. Since the beginning of written records in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, it has appeared in literary records with extremely high frequency... [Taozhu.com] There are, but [Qiangsheng.com] [Mall] There are more categories, they seem to be on the shelves today..."


“I’m going to place an order and buy one now!”

[Jitu Video].

Early morning.

It was originally a very deserted time period.

But a large number of people flooded into the live broadcast room of the [Southern California International Film Awards].

Zhang Sheng, who opened the third [Southern California International Film Awards] in Hanfu, looked so stunning!

Some netizens who study ancient times recorded Zhang Sheng's opening video. When he observed it carefully, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "His gestures are very standard. Every step he takes seems to have been deliberately practiced... …”

[Jitu Video] has been flooded with comments.

And in a Hanfu clothing store in [Qiangsheng Online Mall], a large number of customers rushed in instantly.

The shop owner was shocked.

When the shop owner turned on the Internet, he realized something!

"Oh my god, Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang helped me bring the goods!"


"Oh my God, a windfall from heaven, oh my god, I'm going to get rich!"



In the conference room.

Several leaders watched this scene.

After a short period of calm.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

A leader nodded and couldn't help but admire.

"Tell my colleagues at Radio and Television that this scene should be shot... Tonight's [News Broadcast], please give us a little more time. If you have time, you can interview Zhang Sheng. If you don't have time, forget it..."


The tall and lanky leader was watching the Southern California International Film Awards taking place slowly.

He suddenly said something meaningful to the young man next to him.

The young man's spirit was shaken!

He nodded quickly.

(The third update has arrived! Although it’s a little late, I do what I said!)

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